When do you shred ?

So at the moment I'm bulking I'm currently up to just over 13 stone.
And I've noticed a bit of a tummy coming my way.
I'm just wondering at what point are you supposed to shred.
Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    According to most things that I've seen, 15% is the ideal cutoff, with 17% being the max. However, the most common answer here is when you can no longer stand to look at yourself naked.
  • Eat_sleep_weights_repeat
    Well I'm not quite at that point. I definitely think I could still gain a few more pounds
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I started at 8% and currently at 12% I really wanted to go from 167 to 190 pounds no matter how long it took. Now currently at 183 I feel disgusted with myself at times.

    However on the other end of the spectrum the amount of strength that came with it feels freaking amazeballz. So what I did is I dropped back down to just allow for a tiny little surplus just to slow it down and see how my body reacts before I go maintenance followed by deficit. I make my changes in weekly increments. Currently in week 8 day 3.

    I must say I can be a little indecisive and at suddenly decide to climb back up on the surplus. Summer is around the corner now as well so that's another thing to consider.
  • Eat_sleep_weights_repeat
    I have a physical job and I didn't realise how many calories I was burning at work until I linked my Fitbit with this app.
    Now I'm aware of it I've been constantly consuming more carlories.
    And at last I'm starting to put on weight.
    I'm seeing a strength change in me and I've been told the heavier you are the more strength you
    will have.
    I just don't want the summer to be here and I'm too ashamed to whip my top off.