Low BP

alexmose Posts: 792 Member
Is it dangerous? 92/61


  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
    My BP was often around that. It was only a problem for me when my blood glucose fell and I got light headed. Now I consume more salt and it's less of an issue and just slightly higher.
  • dmcnur
    dmcnur Posts: 157 Member
    Not dangerous, just on the low side. There are many factors that can cause your BP to be low. These include dehydration, your position when taken, medications, what you have been eating, accuracy of the machine or person taking it. If low have some fluid, make sure you are sitting up and re-check. Mine regularly is as low as 90/55. This is a known thing for me, especially when I have lost weight.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    If that's your norm, no. Mine is regularly that or lower. The great news is I can eat a crap ton of salt and not have to worry about it. I do frequently black out and get light headed for a few seconds when standing up, but as it's happened my whole life I usually just walk through it. Occasionally I'll have to stop and wait for it to pass.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    If its because of hypertensive meds.....have doctor adjust if need be.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Have you felt faint or dizzy? Passing out can be dangerous. Add more salt to your diet and get checked up. Take your time getting up from sitting or lying down.
  • K9RSQ4ME
    K9RSQ4ME Posts: 22 Member
    If that's your norm, no. Mine is regularly that or lower. The great news is I can eat a crap ton of salt and not have to worry about it. I do frequently black out and get light headed for a few seconds when standing up, but as it's happened my whole life I usually just walk through it. Occasionally I'll have to stop and wait for it to pass.

    Wow! I can’t believe I never considered this may be why I get light headed so easily. I have a low normal BP, even before I did all the cardio I do. I’ve always dealt with light headedness when standing, especially quickly, and have just learned to shake it off as it passes quickly. I notice especially when I am getting tired during a workout and my heart rate is pumped (think doing burpees), I sometimes have to switch off and do something else cause that weird feeling doesn’t pass as quickly.