Happy birthday to me!
Today is my birthday. I will celebrate starting today through the entire weekend. I won't go completely crazy with food because it would just make me feel sick, but I will eat some sweets and probably a lot of bie. Then Monday I'll be back here.
Biggest Loser Debate
Found this interesting. Not sure if anyone read this on Calorie Count, but I thought I'd post it here for you all to read. I know that a few of you debate about TBL already: Below is the link if you want to visit the site yourself. TBL Debate Every Tuesday night 8 to 10 million Americans watch The Biggest Loser on NBC. The…
What is your favorite food EVER?
It doesn't matter - healthy or fattening - what is your favorite food ever? I have to say I have 2 - Dove milk chocolate truffle eggs (found predominantly at Easter time) and Laughing Cow french onion cheese wedges. Not together though!
Halloween - What are you going to be?
I am stuck. I was considering Amy Winehouse...but not sure if that is really relevant anymore... Any one have an idea for a relevant "funny" celebrity... What are you going to be?
Stairs vs. escalator?????
Check out this video! How fun would this be????:laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lXh2n0aPyw
Any fellow Hell's Kitchen fans around?
Although Gordon Ramsay has a lot of cons, he also has a lot of pros that make him fun to watch on tv. I'm hooked on Hell's Kitchen and watch it weekly every Tuesday night on Fox. Until I watched the show I had never heard of half of his dishes. Now I find myself googling the menus to local restaurants trying to find out…
Find your diet personality..
HI MFP.......you can go this website and take a quiz to know your diet personality So Sad:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I am a couch Potato Dieter.... Description: Couch Potato Dieters are those people who just canմ say no to high fat, high calorie snack foods. Coach Potato's don't just over-eat; they also eat the wrong…
What will you be for Halloween?!
As a Canadian living in Australia, I make it my mission every year to throw a big jack-o-lantern Halloween party to introduce my Aussie friends (who have never celebrated Halloween) to the fun that is to be had in costume! This means that every year I am expected to have a stellar costume.... I need ideas! What is everyone…
My survey...again! (college students)
Thanks to everyone that filled out my survey before!! To get my goal # of responses, I only need like 7 more people!! So, if you have a quick couple minutes, please consider filling out my survey to help me with a feature story article for school! :) thanks! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=QxUVhpl2ZP20Evo6cmcmRg_3d_3d
Canadians tired of the whole local tv debate?
Anyone else sick of the local tv issue? I hope the whole thing is settled in December, because I'm sick to death of the back and forth between the cable companies and local tv.
Survey--for college students!
Hey Guys! :) I am taking a feature writing class for school. I would like to ask any college student to take my brief (approx 5 min) survey regarding your communication with others. I am writing a story on the future and changes of communication. Your feedback would help me greatly!!:) Thanks!…
OT-volvo owners-need help
I'm looking into buying a '06 S60r. I'm wondering if anyone out here has one or another type of volvo sedan and whether they love it or hate it or have any comments that would be helpful. Thanks! :happy:
10 Things A Goblin Wants to Know About You
I made this quiz for Facebook friends. Just changed #4 to fit MFP (instead of the question that was promoting my book) Just for your entertainment and to pass the time! ************************* Goblins are generally not very talkative and would rather you leave them alone. However, give them a gallon of warm goat milk and…
Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday!
She's turning 9....going on fifteen....:laugh: and we're taking a road trip to see family that we haven't seen in a while.
What was your 'moment'?
Needing a little inspiration here and wondering what your 'moment' was... you know the moment where you decided that enough is enough and you needed to lose the pounds? For me, it was looking at pictures from a holiday with my husband. When they came back I realized that I did not want to be the person that I was looking…
What are you going to be....
for Halloween? I love Halloween, and I love dressing up. Since we finally have a house, so we're going to hand out candy in the early evening. I'm going to wear my kitty ears and collar to hand out candy so I don't scare the kids. Then we're going to dress up in our real costumes and go out to the bar. I'm going to be a…
Let's see if this works.
Any mothers can you help me?
Hi I thought i would post this question on this website 'cause everyone seems friendly and helpful. I have just started giving piano lessons, and i have a test pupil being my nephew who is fourteen. But this week I have taken on another child who is 7 and I have no idea what the mentality of a 7 year old is. So Mothers,…
teee heee
never mind, it didn't work well it was funny, trust me!!!
As seen on TV...I'm sucked in!
Came across this informercial and now I want one! I'm such an appliance *kitten*" so anything kitchen related I want. I thought this one would be good for last minute lunches and dinners. Especially cause I usually make something different for myself then for the kid and hubby. It seems like it's great for one person…
Treat yourself to Avon
Soooo..... I realized today how many people love Avon products. I brought it up at work and I had half of my co-workers telling me how much they love Avon but didn't know anyone who sold it. In case any one on here likes Avon but didn't know an Avon representative I wanted to give you this website.…
There's those stupid chattering mouths again! :angry: :huh:
OT-Light alarm clock
Has anyone ever used those alarm clocks that gradually lighten in the morning, it's supposed to simulate the sun rising so you can wake up more gradually. Waking up is so traumatic for me, I am looking for something that won't jolt me out of sleep and make me cranky. Currently I have a clock radio that goes off around…
Weight Loss Quotes!
Everyone has cute little signatures and I found these on a website and I thought people might like to try a few out... I hope everyone is doing great this week! Good Luck and stay strong! "The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later, you’re hungry again" - George Miller "You have to stay in shape.…
I was just wondering if anybody on here sells Avon? I was thinking about joining the "force" to earn some extra money. Can you tell me a little about getting started & any other aspects of it before I apply?? Thanks! :flowerforyou:
Avon Rep?
Hello, I was trying to sign up to sell Avon but when I go to the website and type in my info for someone to call me no one ever does. Is there an Avon rep out there that could sign me up under them? Much appreciated! Lindsay
So what is everyone planning on wearing for Halloween!?! I wanna wear something "sexy" since all the cool costumes seem to be in that category, but I don't know if I'll be comfortable wearing something like that. Halloweens my favorite holiday and we'll actually have a babysitter so I would really like to go out, guess I'd…
Website to see what you look like at lower weight
What is that website that people go to to get a cartoon-type picture of what your size is now and at goal weight?
laptop lunchbox
anyone have one for their kids? Do you like them ? Please tell me..
ANY Suggestions???
I just made a huge batch of salsa AND my hands are on fire from the hot peppers! Does anyone have a suggestion of what to do? I usually wear latex gloves when I've made it before but for some stupid reason I forgot and washing only makes it worse! I used 1/2 of what the recipe called for and I am glad cuz this batch I…