Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And a very happy little teapot indeed, dear LIN.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Some thunder, dark sky but very little rain. Not sure if I will be sitting for volleyball today or not. Rain is spotty so we will see. Still no word from Babe, I am trying really hard to let go but must admit it is hard.

    Lin, good message on your tea pot.

    Jackie, love your photo which is true.

    Anne, I hope your finger is better but let's hope it wasn't a black widow spider, aren't they poisonous?

    Patsy, yes, we are all cautious elders who have a long way to go. (I hope)

    Well I better take a shower in case I am sitting. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited September 2020
    Good afternoon. It is of course the 1st of the month and I have online banking transfers to process. And how exciting, I did get a little grocery order this morning. I did not order much, about half of the items I wanted. Most arrived. Wahoo! Will try another order later in the week.

    We did have rain here this morning. It didn’t last too long but it has been mostly overcast today. It hasn’t even reached 70 degrees F yet. It will warm up again later in the week.

    I have placed a number of orders today as items I use are on sale. I was so excited to see sprouting seed on sale—broccoli! Yes, yes, I ordered my winter supply.

    Also I was fortunate to exchange a couple of messages with my friend who had
    breast cancer surgery yesterday. She said little except she was doing pretty good—-due to the pain meds. I was just glad to see her tapping out a few words.

    Sandy, I hope all goes well as you sit with the kiddos. Sorry about Babe, but you know why he isn’t in touch.

    Patsy, we will all endure as best we can. And I too am thankful for a group of friends who are lovely and kind, things in short supply out there in the wild.

    Jackie, thanks for the lovely tree. ❤️

    Anne, ouch, sorry your finger is bothering you. When my finger was bothering me on a daily basis, I tried a bit of soaking in Epsom salts water and I thought it helped a little but the best seemed to be soaking a cotton ball in Hydrogen Peroxide and holding it on my finger for a little while twice a day. I hope your finger I s better today. And yes, garden gloves! I got a pair this spring and they are the best I have ever had. They stretch on for a nice tight fit. I can try to look up the brand if you’re interested.

    Good day Buzz, Bob, Barbie and all other Sneakers.

    Wishing everyone well.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited September 2020
    Thanks LIN, but I managed to find my gloves in the chaos of the garage. A very good fitting make from our favourite gardening place and Suspect I will be getting more from the family. The finger is no longer hurting, it's now a sausage, pink and itchy. Tea tree oil works really well. Went out to do more gardening but it's horrid out there. Only in the 70s but feeling in the 90s with the humidity. Slowly but surely the garden is getting to look less jungly.
    SANDY, I managed to press out "something" from the hole in my finger. Black Widows are venomous but provided one doesn't have allergies things become normal in a few days apparently. Or according to (our) Sandy who works for the surgeon and had a similar bite in the spring. She said press things out until it bleeds and I did.
    Hope I get some sleep tonight. Wide awake all last night!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasurable day for me with a long walk in sunshine first thing then tidying up as best I could amidst the current chaos. After lunch I drove to the allotment to meet up with my neighbours and get more weeding done and although I only planned to spend a couple of hours there, didn’t get away until 4 hours later. I don’t like to leave the dogs that long but in fact their long walk had tired them so I think they probably snoozed for the most part. Our red onions have been platted together and hung in my garage to dry out and for my evening meal I steamed more allotment runner beans.
    On the first of each month I speak to an old school friend and we catch up on each other’s news so tonight has been spent on the phone. It’s nice because we are complete opposites but get on so well and had a laugh about a note I typed and gave to my mother when we were about 15 that she had kept tucked away between pages of a book. Clearing a few inherited cookery books off the shelves recently I found the note looking frail and flimsy and was amused to read about how I was waiting in the form room for my friend Anne with an ‘e’ so we could walk home together. Also mentioned that I planned to move to America to live so I could vote for Bobby Kennedy to be President! Funny how she kept it!

    Time for bed. 😴
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Good Morning quickie. It's a bee sting. Painfully itchy and finger twice it's normal size and also throbbing. Can't bend it. It will pass. Off for a coffee and a hope it returns to normal, my precious middle finger, soon.
    Anne. ☹️🖐🐝
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Probably too late now Anne but you need to ensure the sting has been removed. If you can see it drag a finger nail across it and pull out sideways. A good way to ease the sting is to place a copper coin on it and keep pressed for a few minutes. Something in copper creates a reaction in the venom! Question is are Canadian coins similar to our pennies in content? I worked for a metal trading company in Toronto all those years ago and think they contain a mix!

    Busy day for me again. We've walked so I'm now sipping a coffee before heading out for a couple of stores.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Oh my gosh Anne, misery. I have no advice to offer. Wish I had a sure cure.

    Jackie, hope you find everything you need on this shopping trip.

    Here is something different. A mega-teapot. The pot on the top is a normal sized teapot. 🤗


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks for the tip, but JACKIE do you know we no longer have pennies (1 cent)..? They disappeared a few years ago and our currency starts at 5 cents, I think I got everything out of the hole, but feel much better knowing what did it! The sting was very painful and I swept the critter off my finger and straight into the garden waste paper bag. I wasn't about to try and find it, but it was round, fuzzy and black. Not so exotic as a black widow spider. Lol. And thank the good Lord for that! Apparently most people get over bee bites in seven days, today's my third day.
    So, three weeks ago I had the molar out, two weeks ago Jilly had heat stroke and today I'm looking at an interesting throbbing thing masquerading as a finger!
    Did I tell you Mark passed his kidney stone in the middle of the night?
    All minor stuff, but annoying.
    Annie, feeling much better with knowledge! 😀🐶🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🌸
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh no Anne, that means my little collection from the 1970’s is worthless!! 😏

    That’s inflation for you!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Yesterday was a “fun” day. We went to the New York State Fairgrounds for Jean to make her American Red Cross blood donation. Jean LOVES the NYS Fair and her #1 eating treat is the fried dough at The Villa Pizze Fritte (they have had their booth for 60 years). Last year total Fair attendance was 1,329,275 – this year... it was Jean and me! So we entertained ourselves. Here is a link to a 1 min slide show. LOL.

    Jean is at her uncle’s house delivering some overflow tomatoes etc. She plans to call when leaving so I can meet her half-way for a walk. I did the gym this morning, but like the extra steps. Today is a mix of clouds/sun and high about 80. Yesterday, I had f/u blood work because of a few outlier results – will wait and see.

    Sandy – I hear you on the report and being “uncomfortable.” I think all of us over 65 yrs old with comorbidity factors need to make individual case-by-case decisions using common sense. If I was 20 or 30 something my assessment would be different. As for windows and fan – I love a nice breeze, but often have a fan going (my childhood a/c) I like a fan at night as “white noise” – Jean – not so much. LOL Sorry about all the Babe issues. I was once in a similar situation and that person simply wanted to avoid the stress of dealing with the family members… we visited “off the record” when it was “safe”. Sad in some ways.

    Anne – Ditto on laughing about the masks. Feel really bad for the kids missing so many events. Your right on the obesity / covid numbers – even the news can be slanted for sure.. the old “if it bleeds it reads” so they will say someone was 25 and died but leave out the part that the person was 100 lbs overweight etc. Obesity is one of the biggies based on data. While feeling sorry for kids, I also feel bad for “old folk” we only have so many years left and each month seems like time lost (in some ways). Then there are the people in nursing homes that is another level of suffering for the confined and family members.

    Your “photo of a young man playing his violin in the archway” with McDonalds sounds like it would have been a great pic for a story about changing times.

    Lin – Thanks on the apple photos. It has long been a family/friends annual tradition to enjoy the Beak and Skiff Apple Orchards Festival – they have been in business over 100 yrs and 5 generations. It is a huge event. This year there will be no rides to the orchards, masks required etc. I agree about Jean’s blood donations and wish I could do it too…

    Anne – you have a way of expressing things so easily with a poem. I must say those last 2 lines are powerful.
    Time to get ready so I can “boogie” when Jean calls.

    Have a great day and stay as healthy as possible. Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) The rain stopped yesterday so I did sit and they were able to play the last volleyball game of regular games. They will make a schedule for the playoffs and let me know the new schedule. It won't be a long playoff with such a small group. Friday Lisa has an outdoor shower to attend but she is kind of hoping for rain so she doesn't have to go. I am sitting if indeed she does go. Nothing exciting going on for the rest of the week.

    Bob, I too, sleep with a fan for white noise and to help with the street noise, even with the A/C running. Love your video, no problem with social distancing. lol You guys know how to have fun and still keep safe, I am jealous. lol

    Jackie, this is what I found on Google for the USA.
    Do they still make pennies in the US?
    The last mostly-copper cents (95% copper metal composition) were produced by the Denver Mint on October 22, 1982. The copper-plated zinc cent coins are still being produced today.
    I think they want to phase them out but for now they are still in circulation.

    Anne, sounds like a nasty sting, I do hope you aren't allergic. I agree a bee sting is better than a black widow spider bite, neither would make me happy. Things happen in three's so hopefully your bad days are in the past.

    Lin, that is an interesting tea pot, hard to believe the little one on top is an average size. I hear Iowa is surging in cases, please stay safe.

    Have a good day, trying to decide if I am going to turn the A/C on, such a major decision. lol
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Great slideshow Bob. 👍🏻🙌🏻👍🏻
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello. Crazy teapot today. A Minton limited edition reproduction of a teapot produced in 1860. Reportedly one of the most popular novelty designs.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello Sneakers, before I go for my shower just want to say one last word on bee stings. I've had numerous wasp stings but nothing as bad as this bee sting. Spreading out my hand my middle finger is/was squashed between the fingers on either side it is/was so swollen. A little reduced in size today. Red, painful yet at the same time itchy, and constantly with me. I would rather have another molar out than this. So......PLEASE dear Sneakers keep well away from bees! No wonder JACKIE and all other bee keepers go around encased from head to toe!
    I read the worst place to get stung is on the nostril, shudder!
    Off for the shower then will take the Bean out keeping well away from flowers and especially sniffing them!
    Anne - having a little poor me time! 😳🐶..................🌸🌸🐝🌸🌳🌳

    Footnote: buzzy bee, buzzy bee, buzz all you like but don't sting ME.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Nice morning. It was 63 at 5am and headed for 83. Song I played on treadmill was - Papa was a Rolling Stone (Temptations) given the 1st line: “It was the third of September” :D

    For Throw-Back Thursday I found the photos below. 1) Prom pic and 2) My mom w/ Mike Douglas (singer, TV talk show host, and actor). It was my HS graduation day lunch at a local hotel. Mike Douglas was staying there. Mom was 57 and battling cancer for 3 yrs. She died less than 6o days later. Her wish had always been to “see Bobby graduate high school.” Mike Douglas couldn’t have been more gracious and suggested they an outdoor photo where the light was better. Awesome, generous guy!


    Sandy – Laughed about Lisa having a shower to attend but hoping for rain. I think we all have those moments. As for the fan…in our house growing up (7 kids) everyone had a fan in their room and I have never been without since. Yes – social distancing wasn’t a problem at the NYS Fair – no one was on the grounds except for the Red Cross bldg. It was fun & a little sad at the same time.

    Lin – your “crazy teapot” reminds me of the “flying monkees” in the Wizard of Oz.

    Anne – So sorry for the horrible reaction to the bee sting. I haven’t ever had a bad reaction, but Jean has had that “swollen” experience. Go ahead and have some “poor me” time – we all deserve it once in a while.

    Time to get cleaned up. Jean has to bring her 86 yr old friend to the doctors in a couple hours, so our joint walk won’t be until the afternoon. The week is flying by and I believe it will be a busy weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great “Friday Jr.” Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. A thick mist and low cloud was hanging over us first thing so I opted for a kitchen morning after a short walk with George and Betty. A fresh batch of George’s raw meals then I scrubbed some rather large beetroot from the allotment, wrapped them individually in foil so they’re now baking slowly in the oven. Next is courgette soup for the freezer and that recipe will be made up as I go along!
    Hopefully I’ll pull off the last sections of wallpaper after lunch then it’s a matter of waiting for the electrician to make contact.

    Anne, I’m sorry you are still suffering. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from beekeeping it’s to remove the sting as soon as possible and that means in seconds because that is what holds a tiny sack of incredibly painful venom that slowly releases. Too late now I know! 🥺

    Lin, yesterday’s teapot was amazing and had me wishing I had been around to visit those incredible exhibitions. The tens of thousands of visitors must have been in awe of the inventions and new designs back then. Today’s teapot is very cute 🐒

    Bob, your video is so entertaining I loved it but poor Jean didn’t get her dough treat!
    My photo of the lad in the archway is buried in the depths of my old desktop and although I can find it with a lot of searching, the MFP search box can’t come up with it!
    Certainly these past few months have flown for me but talk about busy doing nothing and I’m sure there are many of all ages now dealing with mental health issues after being shut away on their own with no chance of socialising. Hooray for the internet! Our NHS has come up with a plan to get as many diabetics as possible on to a diet that aids weight loss as that has been proven to reverse Type 2 for many. As we know, that’s not always easy!!

    Thanks for the information about one cent pieces Sandy. Our coins seem to change in size and shape regularly but I’m sure gone are the days of a solid silver sixpence or shilling. The company I worked for in Toronto sold raw metals for a mining company in Saskatchewan and even back then they were mixing them to make coins.
    I’m so sorry you aren’t hearing from Babe but he must be in a frame of mind to go with the easiest and least upsetting option. We all know talking with you should be his priority but sounds like constant brow beating had worn him down.

    My neighbour just dropped in some glass jars for the pickled beetroot and had a play with the dogs but I still have to make soup then attack a few walls!

    Take care out there everyone.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Well I’ve just caught up on all the posts. :) Anne I am sorry about your awful sting. Buzz glad to see posts from you too. Lin I enjoyed your teapots. Jackie I always enjoy your pictures. Nice to see Patsy and Jackie too. Barbie, I just bought a Ninja grill and I love it. Bob great to read your posts and see your pictures. Sandy your grands are really growing up. Always love reading and seeing pictures of your family.

    We are doing well. The grands are just starting school. We are going to step back a bit until we see how all that goes. I’ll post a picture later.

    I’m doing good. After a rough start to 2020 feeling the loss of my sister Val and then COVID I had put on some weight I had worked so hard to lose. But in April I gave my head a shake and made a new commitment. I’m at my goal weight again. Woo boo

    Well time to head out for my morning walk. I’m very faithful about getting in my exercise minutes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting this afternoon and then nothing. I didn't order groceries this week as I ordered them late last week. I should be good until next Wednesday. Feeling stressed with Babe and now my friends who are not understanding why I don't want to go to an outside restaurant to celebrate one of their birthday's that was last March. I tried explaining that our bubble is our bubble but they just don't want to understand. They say Lisa go to the store with a mask on and they play volleyball etc. I really don't think I should have to explain myself, they should just accept that I don't want to go. End of rant!!!!

    Good to hear from you Jeri and glad you are feeling better after a rough start to this year.

    I have to take my shower and get ready. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    First! Concern for our dear Anne...John is very allergic to bee stings and wasps. After a trip to the ER and several specialists, we now keep a package of the over-the-counter drug Benadryl. With that kind of reaction, it appears you are allergic as well. I only butt in because of our experience with John. It is not to be taken lightly. The mechanism of allergies is mysterious and scary. After an event, if you are allergic, the next event (sting) could be life threatening. You might go into anaphylactic shock. Look into it and you might check out Mayo Clinic web site. Just google bee stings....well enough of my crazy hysteria. Except to say, you mean a lot to us all. We want you well and up to you tricks and reciting poems to us on every subject.

    Very warm and uncomfortable today. I will be inside except to gather trash for pickup tomorrow morning. John had his new crown glued in yesterday. I know it is an old joke, but we really do know the reason they are called crowns. This tiny little bit of gold is amazingly costly. He is up to his old tricks now. He wants me to fix a chicken artichoke pizza. I use very little to almost no cheese. Very thing crust. The calorie count isn’t too bad but still requires monitoring.

    As I have mentioned before, I am putting together an art show with sound effects. I decided on using interesting noises instead of music. It is great fun to listen to the sounds and find some that sort of reflects the mood of the painting. I know it sounds maybe just plain strange but the experience is mesmerizing for me.

    Jackie: pickled beets are one of my favorites to serve beside a tossed salad. Home made pickled beets are a real treat.

    Jeri: so lovely to hear from you. I hope you will share some of your photography. Well done on achieving your goal weight. I am sorry for your loss. I do not have a sister and have always known how special that relationship would be.

    Lin: oh that is my kind of teapot. I think it might match Jackie’s dinning room chairs, if I remember right.

    Sandy: I admire your patience and reason. I would be contacting the elder abuse task force and other police to assist in gettin Babe in a better situation. Reason says my urge for immediate action would make things difficult. As for your friends, I suspect they just want and enjoy being with you. “ You Got to love that!”

    Bob: what a dressed up for the prom. Were you An American Bandstand kind of dancer? Oh I loved to “twist again, like we did last summer🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶.“ What a sweet photo of your mom, dolled up and looking sharp. Hat, stylish outfit, jewelry... precious memories.

    Washing my hands, taking care etc,