Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Monday! 😃 It was a bad day for weather last night. Tornado sirens went off so Ewok and I went to the basement. They didn't last long so we were fine and no damage. There were touchdowns in other suburbs and the damage was horrific. I think there were a couple of deaths as well. It has been a long time since we have had a tornado in this area, so pretty scary.
    I am donating blood this afternoon and will be relieved by Bryannà sometime later. She is cleaning my house today and has something else to do so it might be tonight before I go home. I think Ewok misses his family as all he is doing is sleeping. We do play when he is in the mood but really is such a good boy.

    Jackie, soon your house is your own, I am excited for you.

    Bob, glad you had a great father's day.

    Have a wonderful and safe day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2021
    I never met my maternal Gran either she died just after Moms birth. She was a bonnie woman on the only photo I've seen pictured on her wedding day. Grandad G died in his 60s and my wonderful dad was only 68.

    A very noisy night with loud claps of thunder. Jilly Bean is a very brave little dog. She cuddled up against me the great protector, and every time a rumble, rumbled by her ears pricked up. I wish I had ears that prick! Wouldn't that be neat! Sort of "really" when someone tells you something unbelievable or far fetched and up would go the ears. Maybe not though. very inconvenient if wearing a hat!

    I'm afraid I don't take much notice of others points of view unless they are people I know and trust and can discuss things openly one on one with. I have my own theories. There is so much verbal media garbage put out these days that I've become a veritable ostrich. Rarely read any or watch any of it. As the farmer said to his wife in Yorkshire 'theres nowt so queer as folk, there's only thee and me that's alright".

    Just a busy wash day today. So a busy day called for a lazy meal and I heated up an organic "Amys Thai Pad Thai". I love it but not enough in the packet which is good seeing I'm still trying to dislodge the stubborn 2 lbs.

    Alls quiet skywards right now and I hope you ae all enjoying the same,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good day. We had strong winds here yesterday, both late afternoon and evening. This morning, I cleaned up my deck plants. Broken leaves and stems. Then some critter repellent, blossom set and another type of essential oil spray to deter bugs that bore into the stems of some of the types of vegetables I am growing.

    I found out my high school class is having a gathering this week. An evening at a bar in the town where we graduated. Interesting but pass. I cannot remember when I last frequented a bar. After work most likely in the 1990’s. 🤣😂🤣

    Still coloring and I have not started addressing those 4th of July cards. That’s gotta happen soon.

    And it is time to gather up trash and crush boxes for tomorrow’s weekly pickup.

    Sandy, glad you didn’t have a storm in your area. I am also glad Ewok is calm. He could miss his people and be agitated and vocal. This seems better but he has a long wait for them to come back.

    Bob, lovely photo and I agree with Jackie, what handsome gentlemen. I am sorry he passed away before knowing the next generations. I am glad you had a wonderful Father’s Day. And I didn’t comment before on your continuing bargain hunting. Excellent.

    Jackie, yes, soon, your home back to yourself. Then just your sneaky neighbor to keep an eye on. And I have heard of quince but have never had anything made with the fruit. Jelly rather than jam right? My plants have gone wild on the deck. Probably three pots will have to be destroyed. I can barely walk out there and the plants have nowhere to go at this point. I cannot move the pots down to the ground as I have mowing service, weed spray and now wasp spray people out there. The deck is the only safe place. And the animals would just treat them as appetizers. 🤣😂🤣

    Anne, Canada Day is coming along soon. Will you have some sort of celebration with some of your family. And wow, really! Derek is walking his cat? Amazing! I hope you and Jilly are having a good day.

    Patsy, I hope you do have a celebration with your family later when your son will be available to visit once again.

    Barbie, Jeri, Diane, HELLO! Giving you a shout-out! Hope you are well.

    Mid-sixties right now with strong winds. What a change.

    Be safe.


    I believe this teapot is also a Spode. I like it!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. We have a very warm and humid day, actually it is to be a whole week of very unpleasant weather. The challenge is not to get cranky in the heat.

    We had such a sweet Father’s Day. John was dewy eyed at times. We had long fun phone visits with the kids, lots of laughs and memories. We had a good salmon dinner…iced citrus water helped cool us off. A sugar free dessert before bed with a glass of wine. Low key but fun.

    This will be a week of mostly indoor activities. I certainly have enough stuff to keep me busy for the rest of my life. But we will always schedule a few fun adventures and let chores go. John always says, do we own our stuff or does our stuff own us? I say, who owns all this dirt and dust, cobwebs and dog hair? Dirty clothes and nasty dog snotty windows and along the walls in the hall? On and on and on….
    The debris in the dungeon is all mine!

    Lin: high reunions are so funny. In truth, I don’t remember much about that time. I am a,axed at the people who remember so much from that time in their life. So sorry about your garden. You have been so careful with your veggie garden and the weather has not cooperated at all. Wonderful new teapot photo.

    Sandy: we have lived in places that had frequent tornado warnings etc. and we had horses and cattle. I can tell you those were terrifying times. I hope you weather improves. Poor little Ewok. Storms and missing his family, thank goodness you are there to help him through it.

    Anne: you are lucky that little Jilly is brave and isn’t pacing and whining. Add drooling! That’s poor scared Katie. I have a thunder jacket and it sort of helps but not all the Time. My grandparents died early as well. Except my paternal grandmother. She lived until will into her nineties. Smoking ruined a lot of my families’s health. Horrible stuff tobacco!

    Jackie: you have been so patient and living in the middle of a construction zone takes true courage!
    Now it is coming to an end. What a process. You need to write a book with photos. It would be a book for those who are contemplating that kind of remodel effort.

    Bob: I learned in my psychology classes years ago that one can really never change another’s view. They must be ready for a change of opinion and the info needs to be delivered in a dynamic fashion. At least 50% of any amount of info is disregarded, the person or culture will be as important as the message. Remember that mantra from the 60s and 70s….the method or media is the message? So moving on…..glad you had a wonderful Father’s Day. Who would have guessed those lovely grown up human beings were once our babies?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning! A gorgeous day and we’re back from a walk on the moors so it’s now coffee time.
    My bedroom loo is plumbed in and working a treat so just the new electric hot water system to get wired up and a few last holes to be filled then my home is my own once more. My tetchy mood will hopefully disappear with the 2nd loaded skip and I’ll begin to relax. Lots of painting to be carried out but I’m waiting to ensure the plaster is completely dry.
    Dear George has been on edge throughout, then of course became a Himalayan warrior on guard after my neighbour’s temper tantrum so lots of barking at the slightest movement in that direction. Dave mentioned it was good that he protects me and he’s right so I don’t try too hard to stop him!

    Here is my quince climberjdekr7dll1a5.jpeg

    Jelly is best because the fruit is hard and needs a lot of cooking to get the flavour out. Well worth the trouble though, then I pour everything into a jelly bag to drip overnight.

    Oh goodness Lin, all your TLC for your veggie garden only to be taken over by it. It didn’t take long either did it but certainly nasty chemical sprays are the last thing you need to be consuming. The allotment I tend with Debs and Louise is about a mile away and although we are always grateful for some rain we know weeds will quickly overrun if we don’t rush down to the plot and weed, mostly on our knees! My greenhouse is my haven and better environment for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Not sure about the aubergine plants though that struggle with greenfly in the warm damp air. They get to go outside on sunny days and I’ve sprayed with a mild mix of washing up liquid and water as a kill or cure process… not sure which way that’s going at the moment!
    Although not on Facebook I’ve watched a couple of Max’s walks with his family in his stunning surroundings. I think I’m lucky to enjoy my moors but his are something else!

    John’s Father’s Day sounds perfect Patsy and now roll on your bbq next month!
    Every time I climb into my spare room to find an item that’s been stored since the building work began (always the furthest point from the door!), I tell myself I can live without most of it, just have to be mercenary when I begin to clear the room!
    I’ve taken the photos for a book, just not sure I want to relive the experience! 😳

    Thank goodness Ewok had you to keep him calm Sandy. How scary dealing with tornadoes on your own and thank goodness they missed you both. Do you walk Ewok to burn off some energy or would he more likely walk you? I think I know the answer! 😆

    A quieter day for you and Jilly Anne hopefully if storms have passed you by. What a brave little girl she is… well both of you actually!!

    This would have been a perfect laundry drying day with its slightly more than gentle breeze but I’m holding off until I’ve said goodbye to Dave and Joe who will no doubt continue to spread dust until my door shuts behind them!

    Lunchtime for me then some gentle moving of furniture because I would quite like to move my tv out of my bedroom to watch an England football match in comfort this evening.

    Take care everyone. We in Cornwall have a nasty COVID spike to deal with following the G7 meetings that invited the world’s media to our county. It was bound to follow wasn’t it!!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Tuesday!😃 Beautiful cool day here with temps in lower 70's. I am going home today but don't think I will be going to pool. I have been going since last Tuesday and need some home time. This Ipad adds extra letters to my words and drives me crazy. I also need to pay some bills on my computer. Going from hardly doing nothing to constantly busy is tiring, although I shouldn't complain.

    Jackie, I tried walking Ewok the first day and yes you are right, he tried walking me. I didn't bring gym shoes and had sandels on so we cancelled walk. He does zoomies in his yard so gets his exercise. Bryanna will probably take him to dog park and walk him, she is stronger than me.

    Sorry but this IPad is driving me crazy, will try to get back once I am home. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    How absolutely marvellous you will soon have your home to yourself and the pets Jackie, AND a loo almost finished and easy to stumble to in the wee small hours. Don't stop George barking. I don't stop the Bean. I feel she is great protection ever since she warned me of that gipsy type character who appeared at the back and who seemed to be casing the joint.

    Patsy, what a great saying from John. "Do we own our stuff or does our stuff own us." Something for me to remember and talking of stuff I've just been clearing out two chests of drawers and slinging out outdated or worn out stuff.

    We also had high winds Sandy and a tornado was reported north of us. Today is lovely and COOL! Do you think caring for the beautiful Ewok will get you yearning for a pup of your own? I can't imagine life without Jilly and she's been an absolute godsend during the pandemic. Just two weeks and I get my second shot. Things start opening here after Canada Day.

    Oh Lin. absolutely heartbreaking for you after caring so much for the plants. So sorry! Its a rotten year for veggie growing. and especially the field crops so far this year. I dread to think what veggies will cost after the heat and drought in California. Our season here is so short and shorter after the late start. I hope you don't give up next year!

    Nothing to report here, I think you can all guess what Harry is up to. Boy, me and Bean are really going to miss the lad. Maybe I'll start painting again when he's a memory.

    So must think lunch. I guess Bob was way back, so hi Bob.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh dear, I’ve come in from the garden to discover water creeping across the ceiling under the new loo floor! Luckily Dave showed me where to switch the water off should there be a problem and I’ve spread a couple of towels on the floor. Hopefully not a big job to repair. My tv is out of my bedroom and I’m feeling nearly normal with ladies tennis on in the background.

    My iPad does that sometimes Sandy; other times refuses to type selected letters so I become frustrated with it. Enjoy your day at home.

    Cold chicken salad tonight with a couple of boiled new potatoes.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We currently have a marine layer so things are cool. Thank goodness! These warm humid days suck all the energy right out if me. I just ground to a stand still. Unfortunately, after this burns off, the heat will return along with humidity.

    There must be some sort of plumbing virus Jackie…we also have a leak. John is contemplating replacing a faucet on one of our outdoor water supply pipes. I hope he concents to calling a plumber. I know in the past he would have jumped under the house and crawled along the dirt and mud to fix this. Not to undermine his abilities, but it would be really hard on him and if he were to get hurt, how could I get to him? As you can plainly see, I am a worry wart and especially about falling etc. hope your water issue is a simple fix, Jackie.

    Anne: soon the new neighbors will be arriving with their furniture and it will be fun see that. Now, will you bake a batch of cookies to welcome the new neighbors? I always used to do that but since John has banned sugar, baking has stopped! And we have not had any new neighbors in years.

    Sandy: good that you take a day to rest and unwind. I would be ready for the hospital if I even tried to do half of what you have been doing. But you must be tired. Take care of YOU!

    Lin: still feeling so sorry about your deck garden. I hope you have figured out a solution. The interesting news here is that the camellia bush has recovered. We washed her beautiful face with a spray of very diluted dish detergent. The black disappeared and new beautiful leaves are everywhere.

    Take care my dear sneakers,

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Yesterday’s humid 90’s was today’s chilly 50’s morning. Blink was a surprise… employees are mask free and all treadmills re-opened (had been every other one). Heck – the NYS Fair is going to be no limit and they have some big event planned for the 4th of July. Also heard a rumor Elton might be coming to town – who knows.

    Jean decided to join the retiree’s for breakfast (they meet weekly but Jean only goes 1-2 times a month). I joined them briefly for a visit and met Jean at the mall for a walk.

    Then I was off to the Record Store to check out used vinyl and movies. For lunch, I cooked burgers on the grill – but it was too cold to eat outdoors. My daughter texted a pic from Father’s Day and here is a glimpse of the used dvd’s I picked up for about $2.50.


    Jackie – You tell me the fruit after the flower falls is delicious added to apple pie – but not to partake of such a decadent dessert. Oh the temptation! Congrats on protein bar over the Kit-Kat LOL. I must say I was back in top control yesterday and today avoiding all pitfalls. Like you, I better off substituting vs. trying to minimize portions.

    Again - ditto on the censorship issue. Gone are the days of checking 1-2 media sources and thinking you have a balanced picture.

    Yes – the grandfather I never met died young (vs. my mother’s dad that outlived 2 wives and all his kids and passed at 94). I do know several stories about him being a kind man etc., but from what I hear wedded-bliss wasn’t in abundance. LOL.

    Sandy – Sounds like your Monday weather was worse than ours. There were some warnings on bordering counties, but anything we got didn’t last long (except the heat and humidity). Hope your blood contribution went well. As previously mentioned Jean does it on a regular basis – she has several Red Cross t-shirts and I recall one time she received a windbreaker. My blood related issues prevent me from donating, but there was a time I did it often. I think it is a great gesture on your part.

    Anne – Your stories of Gran, Granddad G and your dad tells me we might have the same genes.
    With regards to claps of thunder etc. – Jean has difficulty with it. I on the other hand like a good storm (as long as I am inside) it actually puts me to sleep and I only sleep 4-5 hrs a night.

    You know I am going to steal - 'there’s nowt so queer as folk, there's only thee and me that's alright". I think the fact that there's nothing as strange as people is why some prefer pets.

    I haven’t had “Amy’s” in a long time but I do recall they made a nice lazy meal heated up.

    Lin – Looks like we have all been having weather issues. You sound like Jean…I can hear her at different times going in and out of the house and normally find her with plants cleaning up or applying deer and rabbit repellent.

    Ahh… high school reunions. My school was to have one this year but put rescheduled until 2022. I don’t plan to attend. I have a few people I have stayed in touch with, but for some reason I am not curious about people I haven’t seen in decades. I did attend another school (small Catholic) before the one having a reunion, but it is a parking lot for a hospital now. I wish there was a way for them to have an all class year reunion as I would attend. I loved that school and all my siblings (and my dad) went there.

    Yes, it sad G’pa died before meeting future generations. In that area, I always regret that my mom died at 57 and before I was married and had a daughter. My dad died before I met Jean. Such is the circle of life. Nice Spode teapot!

    Patsy – Spot on. There are some people that like a dialogue, but normally only want to hear what supports their biases. I’ll give a link or express an opinion to a family member or friend; but I never try to convince them of anything. People need to digest information and form their own opinion.

    As for growing up – all those old adages we heard in our youth only become amplified. I wish the clock would slow down, but that “ain’t gonna happen.” And here I am so much smarter than I was as a kid – LOL.

    I have to dash – Jean is getting her hair cut today and the young lady will be here in 30 minutes.

    Have a wonderful evening! Bob :)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good evening. Odd day here. It was a chilly start today and worked on addressing some 4th of July cards and I am getting close to finished with the addresses on envelopes. Need to finish notes in a few of the cards and then finding all the appropriate things to affix to the envelope, return address label, postage and some kind of seal on the flap to make sure it is fastened during its delivery trip.

    I switched over to online ordering and placed a grocery order and requested some library books.

    Orders started arriving in the afternoon, the checks I had ordered recently (UPS dumped the envelope on my deck and did not ring the doorbell or anything which bothered me a bit). An Amazon order arrived just as my grocery order got here. It was busy for a while as one of my grocery bags was missing. Much discussion with the driver and although she reported the exact code and bag number as missing, I had to report missing items and the stupid form said I had refused the items but they would not ask for them to be returned. Really, missing items do not need to be returned? Now I should receive a credit on my account in 5 days. Lovely. I will adjust the tip.

    Okay, so several long phone calls this afternoon. I think maybe 3 hours in total. A friend is having unknown medical issues and spent lots of time in the emergency room and then was admitted for tests. She was ultimately sent home with a couple off new prescriptions and an appointment to see her doctor tomorrow. She seems to be relieved to be home and thinks there is nothing wrong. But she did have heart problems some years ago (before I met her) and had heart surgery. Maybe quadruple bypass? Anyway, I am concerned for her.

    Next, we had storms roll in with wicked wind and hail. I just went out to look. Yep, more shredded leaves and other miscellaneous damage. We will see what happens next!

    Bob, lovely photo and wahoo, more bargains. Do you ever get any DVDs that skip or do not play all the way through? I purchased some at Half Price Books years ago that didn’t work too well. No worries now, I haven’t been shopping there for years. 😂 I need to schedule an appointment for a haircut but given I won’t have to wait a year, I guess I am not in a rush.

    Patsy, chilly here as well although I hear things will be hearing up again soon. Good news regarding your Camilla. Wahoo!! I rearranged several of the containers this morning and I think things can grow for a few more weeks before I have to make any life and death decisions and storms and other natural occurrences may make any decision unnecessary. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, oh no, leaking water? Argh. I hope you have someone who will address that quickly. I am glad George looks after you. Good boy. Different topic. Keswick is dedicating a statue to Max in Hope Park next week I believe. On one of the recent walks, we were shown through Hope Park. It is lovely. ❤️ Facebook comes in handy for a few things. Beautiful photos and videos from all over the planet are very entertaining. I love the photo of the quince and the beautiful sky! Should I hunt for a little container of quince jelly just to see what the flavor might be? I looked at a recipe for jelly and goodness, it seems the required amount of sugar is astronomical! Wow.

    Anne, and you have your protector as well in fierce Jilly. Well, the old neighbors will soon be gone but yes, you will get some glimpses of the new neighbors moving in so the excitement will not be finished. My veggies are not totally done for but they are having a difficult time with the up and down temperatures, wind, hail and of course, my poor planning. Oh well. I have enjoyed my little lettuce crop, the daily zucchini and there are a multitude of little green tomatoes hanging on out there.

    Sandy, back to your own digs again and too chilly to be outdoors right now. Enjoy being home.

    Well, I guess I should cleanup my dishes. I thought of making a cup of hot tea but we will see.

    Be safe everyone.


    A child’s tea set? Love the rabbits.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2021
    Just a quickie from me for now because I must go and shower and look presentable [for whom? ] lol!
    Wanted to reply to Bob before I forget. Bob if you are going to save that very old Yorkshire saying [farmer to his wife] maybe you should know the full quote! Omitted earlier. I wonder why!

    "Theres nowt so queer as folk. Theres only thee and me that's alright, and you're half daft!"

    See what I mean!

    Going back to grandads, grandad G was 64 when he died, but that didn't stop him having three wives. The second wife died when she fell off a ladder whilst painting the kitchen ceiling and she struck her head on the stone floor. The third wife survived Grandad just like Henry V111s last wife, but there the similarity ends thank goodness, lol.

    Back later if anything interesting happens, Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    When I was little we had Bunnykins pattern children’s ceramic cups and saucers etc. I think the company closed or it was bought out by Chinese manufacturers so not great quality but your set Lin is a Beatrice Potter Peter Rabbit design. Still going I assume! I must google the Bunnykins because in the back of my brain is a memory that it was designed by a nun!

    The leak was invisible by morning but Dave continues to check the system but when I went into my cottage from the garden an hour ago became aware of a puddle in the middle of the floor and wet streaks down the new plaster in an alcove. Dave was next door plastering a single wall for Debs and Louise so I waited for him to return before pointing out the new leak. It seems when he switched on the hot water system a connection of new pipe into old expanded so it’s switched off and new fittings will be brought tomorrow. Therefore NO!! Today is not freedom from builders day.
    Patsy please do insist John gets professional plumbing help rather than crawling under floor spaces!

    A beautiful day with lots of outdoor chores and battery about to die so back later.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've been clearing out all my old workday high heels. Three pairs are unworn and so pretty! Jilly kept a safe distance as I tottered around. Alas, I will never wear them again! Great Granny Flats for me is my future fate, although there is a pair of kitten heels! Maybe? Off to try them on! Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited June 2021
    Happy Wednesday! :) It felt great to sleep in my own bed. It is raining and a little chilly with the door open so I don't think it will be a pool day. I have my meeting tomorrow and my granddaughter from Minnesota is coming Friday with her boyfriend to spend the weekend with me. They have tickets to go to Great America on Saturday so I hope our weather clears up for them. I will either grocery shop today or after my meeting tomorrow although they want to take me out for dinner on Friday.
    Ewok got out on Bryanna yesterday, he will take any chance to run if left the opportunity and she said she was running through neighbors yards until finally a neighbor caught him. It has happened to me and to Rob and Lisa so I told her not to feel bad, at least he got some exercise. It is just scary because I worry about him darting out in front of a car. At least she will be more cautious now in opening and closing doors with him.
    I feel bad for him that he has to go in crate while she goes to school but my son says he loves his crate and not to worry, although that is not easy for me.

    Anne, I have some shoes with heels that I just can't manage to throw out. They aren't high but about 2 or 3 inches but a thicker heel so I tell myself if I ever wear a dress again they might come in handy. I think I am pipe dreaming.
    What are kitten heels? I only met one of my grandmothers, the rest all died before I was born. I was about 13 when my dad's mom dies but we weren't very close as she spoke Polish and I didn't see her much. I saw a picture of my mom's mother with my brother, she looked like a typical grandma with dress and apron. Never saw any pictures of my grandfathers.

    Jackie, how frustrating, you thought you were finally done and now leaks are appearing. I hope he will fix the plaster after all this waiting.

    Lin, your weather is like ours and although we need rain we don't need storms or rain everyday. I thought about ordering my groceries online today but I think I will just go to store to make sure they have what I need or at least I can find something else if necessary.

    Bob, great picture of you and Jean with the kids. More big finds you certainly know how to look for bargains. I heard bad weather is heading your way so be careful.

    Patsy, I agree and hope John hires someone to do the plumbing so he doesn't go under the house. We all want to do what we did when young but our bodies tell us different.

    I have to admit I am missing Ewok but I know Bryanna loves him as much as I do and will take good care of him
    Have a great day no matter what you are doing and enjoy life.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my gosh, Lin. I bought daughter Andrea that exact tea set when she was little. She would often eat from her little set. They were slightly larger than those very tiny sets we used for our dolly tea parties. I am sure she still has her set. She loved it. She took her large collection of dolls and toys with her when she graduated from college and rented her first house. The tea set was boxed up and was part of her beloved toy collection.

    Sandy: I wear kitten heels and was never able to manage those high stylish heels that look so great. My kitten heels have a very tiny heel that has a tapered shape but still very low in height. Easy to wear and can look dressy. Looks nice with dresses or pants or even my jeans with the embellishments. I have not worn the jeans or the kitten heels in two years.

    Anne: I know you looked wonderfully stylish in those heels. You with that great red hair and your beautiful long legs. Wow! You won’t admit it but I know you stole a few hearts. The photos recently show you have retained your beauty.

    Jackie: again I marvel at your patience. I would have difficulty keeping cool after all you have been through and now leaks and water damage to your new plaster. Believe me! your contractor would hear an awful screaming temper tantrum if that were me! I was able to convince John to call a plumber. It was an easy discussion. I know he dreaded the thought of scrambling around under the house. Let’s be honest…he is an old dude, still quite active and he likes to do things himself. Reason does come to the forefront upon occasion.

    Warm day here. I am off to Walmart. Not my fave activity. Will still keep wearing masks. The variants are showing up because of our tourists. And some of the crews from container ships are sick and showing up at our hospital. Will this ever go away?

    Trimmed Katie’s face and she cooperated. I think she wanted to have her eyesight without those locks of hair. And now exercise. Adding a couple of leg weights to help strengthen my legs and knees. These are the light sand bags that Velcro around the ankle. Only slightly over one pound but I feel it.
    I really hate exercise but love good rock and roll. James Brown “I feel good” a true classic.🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY, I walk around the house for half an hour before breakfast. I've done this every day since the last week of January, it's about 3000 steps and I can tell you this simple thing has strengthened my legs and knees no end.
    The high and the kitten heels are now in the garbage. My very favourite pair was the shocker. I bought them for my work retirement party 23 years ago. Gorgeous Italian real leather strappy shoes. Well I tried them on and thought "I do believe I can wear these" - until I took them off for closer examination. Unbelievable the heels started to crumble and dissolve in my hands! Not so the other shoes. Why?
    Our garbage men must be fed up. Every week something is put out, the worst being all the twigs and trunks from an overgrown garden I couldn't manage last year.
    It's horrible having to admit time is catching up with us and the trick I suppose is to embrace each progression of our lives in the best way we can and ENJOY! I'm so glad John "saw the light" as it were and didn't crawl under the house in the dark. I vaguely remember a chap doing just that in Florida and encountering a giant snake. Do you remember? The photo showed 8 men carrying it away!

    I did wonder about Ewok and exercise SANDY. He looks the sort of dog who needs long walks. Even little Jilly will walk for miles if allowed.
    Patsy has explained kitten heels exactly.

    Oh JACKIE, to quote us northerners "trouble at mill" yet again. It looks a simple fix, out with the old and in with the replacement new pipes, but what disappointment you must have felt. I am sending positive thoughts that soon all will be fixed and you can put your tootsies up in a beautiful like new old cottage. I'm sort of glad I don't own my old place because things are forever going wrong. It's only a few days ago my kitchen pipes caused the cupboard and floor flood. At the moment bathroom and kitchen fluorescent lights are dying and the stores still not open to replace. A few more days Mark says.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The leaks have been repaired, hot water back on and I’m assured the loo won’t cause another flood. As I thought this morning, tomorrow just a few small jobs to complete…. A little blob of cement here, a line of grout there and plastic beading on the outside of a window that was lowered an inch to facilitate a granite lintel. After everything that’s been thrown in my direction these past couple of months I’ve lost the ability to react to the disappointments in any way, just grit my teeth and hope soon!

    George and Betty are ready for bed and it’s my time too. It’s been a beautifully sunny day but I gather tomorrow will be cloudy and a lot cooler so my plan is to be up early to shop for a few fresh produce.

    It seems the New Covid variant is spreading rapidly amongst our younger generations but efforts are being made to vaccinate as many as will volunteer in order to slow down its progress. As Patsy comments, will it ever go away.

    A warm bed is calling me! 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hello friends. It is back to hot and windy today so I will be watering my containers this evening. We have chances of storms each day for the next few days. Back in the high 80’s F which would be sitting at the pool weather right Sandy?

    I went in person to a grocery store that usually carries the items that were not delivered to me yesterday. I purchased those and some of my favorite frozen vegetables. Then I stopped at the library and finally went inside to return books, checkout books on hold and to ask questions about making donations for their ongoing book sale. And yes, they are finally taking items to sell. Yes! I can pack up the books I have been holding for over a year.

    I called the pharmacy to see if they could get a prescription renewal for me. I am guessing no and expect to hear from my doctor’s office about what will be required.

    After lunch I drove to the post office and actually went inside to have some cards weighed and measured to see if additional postage would be required. It was very difficult for me as the wait for service was over 20 minutes. I just about bolted but made it through. Thank heavens.

    My final stop was at a convenience store for a free lottery ticket. Again, another fairly long wait. I am finally discovering that places are open but they don’t have many employees working. One window at the post office and one check out person at the convenience store. I guess the employee shortage must be true.

    Jackie, I probably would have blown my cork at the water stains and problems. You are much more calm than I could imagine. As far as tea sets, I did look and stores here are selling Bunnykins tea sets. I wondered if the photo I posted was Peter Rabbit but I couldn’t identify it from sets I looked at online. They are cute. I would use them!

    Sandy, oh yes, the joy of chasing down a run away Husky. They are wonderful runners that can go and go and go. I had to chase mine several times. A lawn company did not close the gate one time and when I got home there was no bill from the, and I didn’t drive by my gate. I let my dogs out and wooo, gone immediately. Another time my male dog figured out how to open the gate himself. I found a way to secure the gates after that. I am not certain you can own a Husky without at least one escape!

    Patsy, how amazing that you got that exact set for your daughter. I am sure she treasures them. So goodness, a trip to Walmart? To actually shop in the store or to pickup an order at the curb? One of these days I plan to shop in the store as there are several things that I would like to purchase that cannot be included for curbside delivery. I have no heels left in my shoe closet but I wasn’t much for wearing heels given my height. Flats are fine! 😄

    Anne, I had a pair of shoes with cork soles and as they aged, the cork started to break up. Just another indication that I keep things too long. Oh well, there are worse things I guess.

    Time to think about watering, doing dishes and getting the mail.

    Be safe everyone.


    I adore the intense blue of this teapot.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Thursday Morning Sneakers!

    Today should be even more beautiful with lots of sun and 83 degrees as a high. Yesterday was awesome. Jean loves working in the yard and I had no idea she’d be out early in the morning cutting tree branches etc. until she called my cell while I was at gym asking me to p/u lawn bags. Besides helping with a few high branches it was 80% Jean … many would consider it “work” but she loves it. (I snapped a quick pick of her from indoors). We had a nice cookout, took a ride and collected her reward from the Red Cross – a coupon for a free pint of ice cream.


    I wanted to go to Alexandria Bay or Skaneateles Lake for a today for a 1-3 hour boat ride, but not sure it will work out between times, distance etc and commitments for tomorrow. So it might me a day trip to Oswego on Lake Ontario and walk through Fort Ontario.

    Lin – The place I buy my used music/movies has been around since 1993. Solid reputation. They have a selection of used and new Vinyl, CDs, DVDs, LPs, video games and Blu-Rays with a stock over 100,000 new and used CDs and DVDs. They carry hot new releases, a variety of imports, obscure and rare titles, and releases from smaller independent great prices. Only had one dvd ever be bad and it was an easy return. A great place.

    Glad you liked the photo. I actually don’t post full family pics on my main social media for privacy reasons. I have never posted my weight loss comparison except on MFP.

    Hope your weather improves. The way you describe your 4th of July cards and other works it is clear you love and give great care to each project. We are very fortunate that things have really started to re-open around here and “almost” getting back to normal.

    Sorry about your friend with medical issues. The sister of Jean’s friend was diagnosed with cancer in April (age 60) and died yesterday. I didn’t know her, but sad nonetheless. Always a constant reminder of time.

    I watched Jeff Bridges movie “Against All Odds” yesterday and recalled his youth, older performance in “True Grit” and recent battle with cancer. Here is a clip of him performing in January of this year while going through chemo… what a wonderful attitude.

    Jeff Bridges - Same Boat

    Anne – Thanks for the full quote – it adds much to the meaning. As for the passing of your grandad at 64 and 3 wives – life experiences can be so interesting. One of my 4 sisters had 3 husbands – and they are all dead and died before age 65 (not all while married but strange at the same time).

    Sandy – Thanks for the photo compliment, as I mentioned to Lin – I don’t post those kind of pic’s on my general social media for privacy reasons. We are a small group here of decent / kind people, so why not? Fingers crossed on our weather – so far so good and today should be great. Hope all goes well with your granddaughter visit. There is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. As much as I love going places…Dorothy had it right…There’s no place like home.

    Oh my…been up since 4:30am and it’s 6am now and I must get to the gym. Wishing you all the best of days. Bob :)