Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning BOB. Ive already done my half hour walkabout and me and the Bean have had our brekkie. Love getting up early. The world is quiet and peaceful and I watch the dawn as I trot around the house.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good morning everyone. Shopping completed and pooches walked. It’s overcast and steamy, no other word for it. Halfway round our stroll I did imagine rain was about to fall but the darkest most threatening clouds moved on with barely a spot!
    Dave and Joe arrived while I was shopping and as ever sat in their van smoking until they noticed my car driving down the track… I’ve told them before they are like 2 naughty schoolboys caught smoking behind the bike shed!
    The neighbours’ patio is being constructed quietly by one young man and Betty has voiced her disapproval through the new gap in the hedge! I on the other hand am following my solicitor’s advice just observing and recording.

    Bob, the Jeff Bridges video brought a lump to my throat for him and the song’s sentiments. We certainly are all in it together! I do hope he comes through his chemo with great results.
    Your plans for the day sound wonderful and I felt a twinge of nostalgia for Lake Ontario!
    Like you I’m extremely wary about who gets to see photos. Already stories abound of adults being confronted with photos and comments made online when they were children. A cricketer playing for our national team was dropped recently when racist comments made when he was young and very stupid came to light. Our generation was taught that we are all responsible for our own actions and I think that needs to be passed on!
    I just realised you got in before me… you were up early!

    Lin, I couldn’t get too upset about the water leakages because I know how these 200 year old properties behave when modern fixtures are added. Violet has been very quiet throughout this upheaval so things could be worse!!
    It’s good to read you are feeling confident enough to visit a few places and I’m sure since you will be following all the hygiene advice, you’ll remain safe. I was planning to visit my friend in Gloucestershire in a few weeks for a Wimbledon ladies finals get together but since our restrictions have been extended don’t think I’ll risk it.

    Anne, not so long ago I stayed at a posh hotel with friends for a weekend break and took a pair of sandals that had sat at the back of my wardrobe for a while. At dinner I became aware one foot was uncomfortable and as we walked to the bar for an after dinner nightcap, began to limp. We sat talking and then became aware of pieces of black rubber appearing around us on the floor, just as a couple of staff members walked past with dustpans and brushes talking about the mess under a table and trail leading to the bar. You can imagine the hysterical laughter when I took the offending sandal off just as they got to our table and showed everyone the now missing perished rubber heel. I took off the other sandal and handed the pair over to be thrown away with the bits then spent the rest of the evening in stockinged feet!!

    George’s groomer is due to visit on Sunday Patsy and like Katie will be happy to be able to see without peering through his fur curtain. Without George and Betty I would struggle to exercise as much as I do on our walks although that’s reminded me to collect my exercise bike from Debs and Louise’s lockup that we thought would only sit there for a couple of weeks. Just as well I didn’t know then…! Yes Patsy, John is your old dude but like all of us, occasionally has to be reminded it’s ok to ask for help and pay someone who is working to pay bills!

    It’s gone very quiet in my cottage so perhaps my extended family had retired to the van for another ciggy!
    The sun is trying to burn through the clouds so I’ll open the door and a few vents in my greenhouse.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰

    This was our tiptoe through the buttercups an dandelions walk this morning!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    That's exactly what happened to my posh strappies JACKIE. You explained it so much better. By any chance did your sandals come from Italy?
    Buttercups and daisies the little children's dower,
    Far better than this gaudy melon flower.......IF I've quoted correctly!
    Anne, about to dig out the new vac, but would rather be with Betty, George, AND Jilly in that meadow.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) In person meeting today and of course the sun is out heating up the pool. I did my grocery shopping yesterday so I can come right home after my meeting but that will be too late for pool. I have so many plans for the next two months I am not sure how I am going to keep up with all of them. I will finally see my brother in July after not seeing him for over a year and a half. I have a few overnight trips to visit different people and of course I am going to Florida in July for a week. Busy summer but keeps me moving and grooving. lol

    Anne, good for you for your early morning walk each day, I did get back to my bike the last two days. It feels good to do some exercise and keep healthy.

    Jackie, just love your walking places and that the dogs can be off lease. I am afraid Ewok would take off running and I would never catch him. Bryanna did take him to the dog park yesterday with her friend so he was able to run and get some exercise.

    Bob, Jean is a hard worker even though it is her hobby. My family does post pictures on social media because we are all out of town and it is the only way to see how the kids are growing and what is happening in our lives. We all are very cautious and have our settings set for security. I for example only let friends see my posts, I do not have a public setting. I love seeing pictures of families especially those close to me, but I do understand why some people prefer not to share photos in this strange world. The video was very heartwarming thank you for sharing.

    It's time to eat and get ready so have a great day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    Sandy, sometimes on our morning walks I see a young man with his two rescued Huskies in that buttercup field. He has trained them to return to his call and it’s wonderful to see them bound about and run to greet us. They do catch the occasional rabbit but kill them instantly… natural instinct I suppose?

    Phew, Dave and Joe have finally finished and gone on to their next job. They’ve pottered about quietly today tidying and carrying out carpentry that boxes in pipes and I am delighted with everything. Just have to finally decide on a colour scheme for the snug; the dining room will definitely be yellow and red.
    I’m now going to pour myself a large glass of wine then cook a cod fish stir fry.


    PS My not so pleasant neighbours have altered the shape of their patio to avoid the risk of building on my property so I’m guessing their builder advised them they might be in legal trouble if they continued the original plan! Still too close for my liking but I’ll wait to see what height fence they erect. 😁
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie: congratulations my dear friend, at long last your home is yours again. I wish you many years of safe and pleasant hours in your cottage. The work and thoughtful planning brings that board and brick structure more than a building, it is a beloved home that you have restored and improved. Well done!

    Our day is to be hot or at least very warm. I wish I felt as comfortable as Bob in the heat. Neither John nor I are comfy in very warm temps. I get cranky and John gets…..well let’s all it cranky as well. He can get absolutely ugly when he gets too warm. As mentioned we are not desert flowers.

    Today is veggie sandwich day. Everything I can find in the fridge that I can put between two pieces of Dave’s organic whole wheat multigrain bread. Iced citrus water and fresh strawberries for dessert topped with Greek yoghurt. I will see how that is received at our dinner table. Maybe-maybe not.

    The variant news is upsetting. We had a huge increase in cases in the last two weeks. Personally. We are back to lockdown procedures. Aaaaaaaaargh! Masks, hand washing multi times each day, no extra trips out in community, order as much as possible.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good afternoon. We had a rain storm early this morning and then it kept getting warmer but there was little sunshine. Looks like we will have rain again soon. The weather forecast said to be weather aware in the late afternoon and again later in the evening. So why take a break? The forecast calls for significant rain chances each day for a week or so. I just need some breaks to keep cutting off damaged leaves and stems as the wind whips around with each rain storm.

    This is Thursday so I had my normal conversation with my Thursday friend. It seems to be a lot of stress for her to remember what day it is as she has called me several times with the greeting, I remembered it is Thursday. She told me today she rehearses each day and repeats the day of the week and how long it is to Thursday. Gosh, we could speak any day as far as I am concerned and I feel bad that she is stressing about this issue. Darn!

    Bob, my gosh, look at Jean work! Wonderful job indeed and a very sturdy ladder. Excellent. 👍🏻👍🏻 Thanks for all the sharing today. You have a pretty busy and interesting life. I saw this and thought of you although neither photo fits where you live. Still made me giggle.


    Jackie, yes, things being cleared away and now you are deciding on paint colors. I am so happy for you. Wahoo!! I hope your neighbor doesn’t bring any further distress. I will say that we are not allowed to put in a deck or patio (or a fence) without submitting plans to the city and getting approval. We have so many zoning ordinances on setbacks, construction materials and standards which is why most people hire a reputable contractor for any jobs. They take care of all the paperwork with the city.

    Sandy, you are beyond busy. I am happy that you are catching up on everything. Lucky for me I am not very social and ordinarily keep to myself so I don’t have any catching up to do except things like doctor’s appointments and other misc trips. I hope you enjoy each and every event and party.

    Anne, have you placed your grocery order for the week? And is the laptop behaving for you? You have been quite busy catching up on gardening and landscaping. Not to mention shoe sorting!

    Patsy, have I missed you again today? Sorry if I have, the iPad still doesn’t seem to refresh on MFP no matter how many times I try. Hope you and John and Katie are well, safe, and happy.

    I have a Zoom meeting in a little while hosted by REI. I haven’t thought about them in a long time and was surprised to receive invitations to several online events. I scooped up the opportunity. I have a water color Zoom class tomorrow afternoon. And I lined up a reservation to go to our Art Center next week. Wahoo!

    This looks like a lovely place to have a cup of tea.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin’ Mornin’

    Well yesterday can be summed up in two photos LOL. Today – I have some errands to run.


    This morning Jean will be taking her friend to the hairdresser to get her wigs done etc. and this afternoon she has annual doctors visit. She hopes they won’t do the cognitive testing like last year. She did great drawing “the clock” but then they asked about the 3 words asked earlier and she said it took a minute on naming #3. She had no idea they were going to test for that. Wonder what they will do in the future with kids that only know digital time? LOL

    Jackie – re: Jeff Bridges I felt EXACTLY the same about him and the song. We love Lake Ontario and plan to take the boat ride next month when they expand hours. It is beautiful! As for photos…you might know already photography is my passion – from snapping quick pics to shooting weddings. I am always careful, especially with others. I have always asked permission from my daughter, if I ever had a doubt about a pic…and I post very few and usually it is Halloween etc. I never post unflattering pics and will crop or adjust as necessary. Having been overweight, I know how sensitive people can be in situations. When in doubt – I don’t post. (Love your tiptoe thru the buttercups and dandelions pic).

    Of course, I do post our own photos of events etc., just not things “too personal” that I would only want to share with the closest of friends/family. My daughter and husband do not do social media for professional reasons. They along with the kids are VERY tech savvy. Andrew (age 13) is in discussions with mom and dad re: his desire for an Instagram account…

    We have family and friends that live in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina… and we share pics all the time. All depends on who, what and where…but I wouldn't have any idea of their lives without the stories and photos.

    We’ll be joining you in the “steamy” weather department today – although time on the deck this morning with Jean was awesome (8am is one thing 2pm a different story). We are in for a few days of 90’s and low of 70. As for Dave and Joe – I won’t ask “what” they were smoking. Ha ha. Hard to believe it has been about 35 years since I quit cold-turkey… I was probably 14 when I started…and imitating my older brother and cool guys. Neither parent smoked so I can’t blame them.

    Sandy – You are correct about Jean…the stories are endless. But the fact she loves to iron and do laundry says it all. She is in need of help! LOL. As for posting / exchanging photos… we are pretty much on the same page, as I just mentioned to Jackie.

    Glad to hear you have great swim weather…but even happier that you will finally get to see your brother next month. Love your attitude about a busy summer and keeping yourself on the move. I just think that makes such a difference. We need to do what we can, as best we can, for as long as we can.

    Lin – OMG – Your NY meme is RIGHT ON TARGET. We are NOTHING like NYC. In the past we liked to take train rides and do an overnight for shopping, taking in a play or visiting etc. In fact, we had pre-paid hotel etc for NYC just before the COVID hit and had to cancel everything. We had planned to take in the 9-11 Memorial and Statue of Liberty. Jean has an uncle that lives there (he was a broadway dancer). It will be a while before we return… de Blasio has been the worst and the filth, crime etc hasn’t been this bad in NYC for decades.

    Well off to enjoy my errands in the sunshine. Hope everyone has a great day and stays healthy. Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Ps -- The pic of Jean in front of the Body Piercing store was a joke... she had no idea... I simply asked her to pose in the doorway as we passed by... LOL
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry has been started so all should be done by the time Kelly and Will arrive. We are up in the air about dinner plans and will decide once they are here. They would love to see Ewok so I suggested going there and ordering take out or pizza so we will see. It would be easier to have Ewok home where he has a big yard than here but either way is fine with me. I am really hoping the rain will stop for them tomorrow so they can use their tickets to Great America since there are no refunds or exchanges.
    Kelly is my daughter's daughter and lives in Minnesota, she is a psychologist and her boyfriend is a school teacher.
    This will be the first time meeting Will in person but I did meet him on Facetime. I am excited to see both of them.

    Bob, looks like you had a wonderful day yesterday seeing all those wonderful sites. Yes, we are on the same page as far as family and sharing pictures and stories. I love the way you make your collages with so many pictures. If you lived closer I would hire you to take my grandchildren's yearly pictures.

    Lin, I love that setting with the tea set, it looks so inviting. I think I am actually too busy, but I really want to see my brother and my cousin who is in treatment for brain cancer. Life is so short so I will try to see the people I have missed the most. I do like my alone time but summer will be over before I know it so might as well enjoy.

    Patsy, sorry you are miserable with the heat, thank goodness for A/C. You very creative with your dinners, I hope John enjoyed his sandwich. I am so happy I am fully vaccinated so I don't have to worry about the variant. If only the younger people would get their vaccines we might get rid of it once and for all.

    Jackie, I am so happy that your cottage is finally done and can't wait for the painting to be done. Are you doing it yourself or having it done? I have a visual in my head and hope when and if you do post pictures I am right.
    Ewok is trained to a point, but being still a puppy at two, he does have his off moments. I think with having three kids in the house it is a little more difficult because being alone with him, he was perfect.

    Anne, missed you this morning. Will catch up later.

    Have a great day and hopefully it is dry by you.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    The watercolor class starts soon but wanted to say hello to everyone.

    Bob, wonderful day and thanks for the collage photos. I looked at the tattoo establishment in detail. Funny, it was Closed! Jean is good natured!! It is hot and steamy here today with more rain and/or storms on the way. I hope you have a good day.

    Last night I was tired and just was getting ready to settle in for the night, eyes closing, when an amazing gargantuan clap of thunder had me nearly leaping into the air. It went on for a long time and my television went black. That was such a shock that I was awake for another couple of hours! I didn’t want to get up and go to see if there was damage. I didn’t see or smell smoke and no branches had crashed through the roof so I just stayed where I was.

    Sandy, keep on enjoying. We do not know what is next so best wishes on all the catch up you are doing right now.

    Patsy, I now see you did post yesterday. I finally got to see it this morning. I do not like clammy oppressive weather either. I am not sure if I am grumpy, I don’t think so but who would tell me? 😂

    Jackie, good day to you. I was thinking the painting would be a lot of work but I am not certain you are interested in having more workmen in the house. Happy weekend to you.

    Anne, grocery day? I want some things from Walmart so may try to get an order for pickup tomorrow. If not, another day!

    Well, time to run away. See you later.




  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! As you may have read, we are in for a hellish hot week. On the coast here, there are very few a/c businesses or homes. This is beginning of our salmon fishing season and there is talk of delaying it until things cool off a bit. The charter fishing folks are quite naturally up in arms about that. The homeless problem is scary. Downtown Portland is just plain unsafe! Now there are so many in downtown Astoria, it feels uncomfortable to walk around town. So many are people with mental issues. They look haunted and hostile. But John and have our favorite beach that only locals know about. Katie is scared of big plastic bags that people fill with trash as they walk the beach. They leave them in a pile for pickup. She is convinced they are alien intruders.

    Getting a big bag of clothing together to donate to some needy agency or another. I will ID a place through the church.

    I am amazed at the number of tourists flooding the area. We have a serious increase of Covid cases and gasoline is edging toward $4.00 a gallon. There is a disconnect going on. The container ships are stacked up along our harbor waiting for a bar pilot to cross the bar. Only certified bar pilots are allowed to steer these ships across the bar to Seattle or Tacoma. Where are the bar pilots? These are interesting times. I am confused…..

    Lin: watercolor class will be fun for you. Watercolor as a painting technique requires a frame of mind that I do not possess. I tend to want to overwork a painting and my watercolors always got muddy and I never knew when to stop painting!

    Sandy: enjoy your family. I wish we had more family. We are a small group and the later generations didn’t have many children. We are in danger of dying out.

    Bob: i remember going through many special museums and restored historic houses etc. in Canada. They really know how to make wonderful museums. The Provençal museums in BC are breathtaking. Damon considered specializing in museum exhibits when he was in college. There is quite an art to that.

    And so begins the weekend.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. An interesting day! My first morning knowing Dave and Joe wouldn’t be at my door after a ciggy in their van so I planned a lie in except Brady had other ideas. He brought a mouse into the cottage before 7 am, no doubt as a thank you for his new home! George joined in the chase and by the time I got downstairs the poor thing had been terrorised to death! So that was it, time to get up! As it was dry and mild I decided to take George and Betty on the moors for a long, relaxed walk and we ended up at the stone with strange carvings I’d posted here last year. I’ve done some research and discovered this fascinating piece of history

    What a life in such a bleak place but but 400 years ago people survived as best they could, even living in caves!

    Back home I’ve been cleaning and dusting a bit at a time and doing my best to keep the pooches calm as next door work in noisy fashion to create their patio!

    This evening I went to the allotment with Debs and Louise with a plan to plant turnip seeds and repair our compost area but we were interrupted by an allotment holder who has problems with our new secretary who seems to have a conflict of interest, all too complex to bore you with. The upshot was we sat until the sun went behind the trees and we began to get too cold so I gave said lady my contact details and we managed to create a protective shield around a line of Brussels sprouts before heading home!

    Bob, your P.S spoilt my first question that was going to be what body piercing did Jean indulge in? Loved the jazz band too!
    As for Dave and Joe’s smoking habits, there were times I did think they were a little too relaxed! We have a similar smoking history because I was “puffing” on cigarettes by the age of 14, mostly encouraged by older brothers who found it amusing, but by the age of 35 questioned why I was bothering because I wasn’t particularly enjoying the habit and didn’t find it at all difficult to stop.

    Sandy, have a wonderful time with your visitors. At the moment I’m planning to do the painting myself because both rooms are quite small. The walls that have a sand and cement render could be left but grey isn’t my favourite colour!

    Patsy, We are learning here in England the Indian variant is infecting some of us with 2 vaccinations as well as youngsters so please stay vigilant because the bloomin’ thing has a nasty way of adapting! You have similar issues to us in Cornwall…. Too many visitors from outside the area although ours was definitely the G7 meetings that could just as easily have been carried out online… so senseless!
    Yes, I do like to think the past 3 months has at least left my legacy in this old property and I just hope I’m around long enough to enjoy some of it myself.

    Lin, that’s a funny puss-cat tea set! I hope you get a more peaceful night without claps of thunder tonight. I imagine you might be feeling bleary eyed today.

    Wow, where’s the evening gone?

    Jackie 🥰

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Late afternoon and a soggy afternoon at that. The groceries came, Michael came and the rain came. And a bottle of Baileys Bristol Creme came to bid the Lad next door farewell on the 6th. Mike was astonished to see him still loading his truck with yet another load! He drove off in the rain with it to WHERE!

    Mike gets his second shot of vaccine on Sunday but the pair of us are quite convinced this thing is here to stay for ever just like the flu and a cold. We are out of lockdown on the 3rd July but as we come out, Helens Sidney, Australia is in it again. Unfortunately its impossible to control an entire planet. It would help if all flights were shut down except for the movement of essentials like food. But, people have to have their vacations it seems. So, on it goes, as one place shuts another opens back and forth.

    We had a pleasant visit and Bean got three long walks which caused her to fall asleep the minute Mike left and she's barely stirred since.

    I'm with you on water colouring PATSY, very difficult I found and acrylics are so easy! Grey is my least favourite decorating colour as well JACKIE and I can't stand black at all because it makes me look sallow and yellow. I have my Moms colouring and she hated black so much that when she died and the notice in the paper was placed I asked any mourners not to wear black. I wore a brown trouser suit and everyone turned up in whatever they fancied except for one neighbour of Moms who turned up dressed from head to toe in black widow weeds even with a black cartwheel of a hat with veil! It was assumed she was the chief mourner of course which took a lot of pressure off me suffering from jet lag, but alas she didn't foot the bill for the bun fight afterwards. Memories are made of this!

    And that's about it! Hi SANDY. LIN, BOB. and anyone else I've missed,
    happy soggy evening to everyone, Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good Morning everyone… hope you have an awesome weekend and wonderful Saturday. It’s almost 6am and 73 degrees. Should be a T-storm this morning and only going to 88 degrees. Tomorrow should be great at 95 degrees!

    Gym opens at 7am – but might start BOSCH – The Final Season; Episodes were released on Amazon Prime yesterday and we have watched since Day #1. Jean passed her cognitive test and annual physical. She had all her results via patient portal before the end of the day. While she was gone, I BBQ’d her lunch and made cauliflower pizza for myself.


    Got hooked on Ferris Buehler last night, so it was after midnight before I hit the sack…but I have only seen in a dozen times and own the DVD. LOL

    Sandy – It was in fact a wonderful picnic day with Jean. Normally, I like to stop at a small diner or hotdog stand etc., but Jean suggested a picnic. Last night she asked when we were going on our next picnic – so I guess she enjoyed herself, as well. If I lived closer, I’d have loved to take your grandchildren photos.

    Hope the weather goes your way today re: Great America. Your dinner plans sounds like us. Many times our plans are on the fly. We occasionally write choices on paper and I pick which hand Jean is holding and we do whatever is picked – it’s a Jean thing – she still has that inner child. Sounds like you have an active weekend planned and glad you can finally meet Will in person.

    Lin – Looks like our Saturday weather will be similar to what you had yesterday. The pic of Jean was indeed funny, knowing she had no idea. We pull those things on each other all the time. Good for a laugh. Hope you post some of your watercolor works some time. Jean and I plan to do one of those painting night events this year. Cute teapots – but not sure I want cat’s looking at me like that. Hahaha

    Patsy – Sounds a bit uncomfortable where you are…even if I do like the heat over cold. Especially, if unable to get quick a/c relief at home or at a business. I have followed the situations in Portland fairly close and can’t believe the footage of “downtown” and last summer. Hopefully, things will improve at some point for you.
    Sorry about the increased cases of COVID. As for gas prices they have certainly moved up along with groceries etc compared to last year.

    I agree about the “museums and restored historic houses etc. in Canada.” Had a wonderful time exploring Halifax etc a few years ago. We do enjoy doing those types of things when we can…as long as the entrance fee isn’t crazy. I also like when they have a short video of even 3-5 minutes for background information. Even as we age – it’s nice to learn new things.

    Jackie – Enjoyed the pics you posted of bleakness and 4-legged majesty! I tried the link but got a message – “NOT FOUND - You just hit a route that doesn't exist... the sadness.” Could be a fluke and I will try again later.

    Jean got a lot of comments on her “piercing” pose with similar questions. You are the only one that picked up on the “closed” sign.

    I think you are as happy as I am about not smoking. I was more than the casual cigarette but they were a LOT cheaper 40 yrs ago (under $1. a pack). I joked with a brother-in-law once that I liked his new car. He said he didn’t get one. He always had 2 cartons of cigarettes in his truck and smoked 2-3 packs a day. With a pack costing over $10.00 at only 2 packs a day that was $600.00 @ month! I told him I would choose a car instead. The delivery was all in fun but too hard to explain. We both laughed. Not sure if I would have quit, if I only had an occasional puff – but that wasn’t me so quitting “cold turkey” was best.

    Anne – A soggy afternoon isn’t my first choice, but glad you got some groceries and more importantly a bottle of Baileys Bristol Creme “to bid the Lad next door farewell on the 6th.” I haven’t had Bailey’s in years.

    Best wishes to Mike on his 2nd shot. I agree, it is going to be something to deal with like the flu etc. Lot’s of new information coming out daily. I can’t believe some of the lockdowns in Canada and Australia. VERY surprised at Canada and I know several Canadians (related to a couple) unhappy with what they see as Trudeau “overreach” – but that’s a different discussion. I am selfishly, enjoying our return to somewhat normal!

    That’s about it for now. Best to everyone! Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2021

    I’m testing a different link in the same theme of Daniel Gumb whose roof Betty sat on halfway round our walk yesterday.

    I’m continuing to sweep, wash floors and surfaces as well as vacuum. This could take weeks!!

    Have a good weekend everybody I shall no doubt return once I have cleaned a few more areas and had a cup of tea!

    P.S. it seems in order to follow a link we have to get past a page advising we are about to leave the site but in fact it’s easy to look at what the link shows and then return to our sneakers community.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited June 2021
    Happy Saturday! :) Our Friday night was fun with pizza and playing Settlers of Catan, Will won. He is a very nice man and my granddaughter seems very happy. Bryanna brought Ewok who wanted all the attention but Kelly and Bryanna did a lot of catching up despite him. It was great seeing them connect again, they have always been close.
    Although it is more than raining they took the ride to Great America this morning ponchos in hand. Hopefully, the rain will let up a little for them to enjoy some of the rides but we will see. We have been in a draught according to the weather people but I have had enough rain and more is too follow for the next few days. I am loosing my tan. B)
    It will be a quiet day for me which is fine as I had a bad night sleeping so a nap might be in order.

    Jackie, I had no problem getting the link and MFP advised me I was leaving their site but it was easy to just hit the back arrow and get back to your post. Interesting article and I wonder why they moved it from it's original spot.
    Could you imagine living in a cave?? I could not, too spoiled I guess. I am still in awe of the moors and how beautiful it is there for walking the dogs. Nothing like our flat land in Illinois.

    Bob, Jean has a great sense of humor, you are a lucky man. I started smoking at 13 and quit at 50 after I watched my father in law die from lung cancer. I used the nicotine patches they had at the time and although it was hard I did manage to quit. Every once in a while which I haven't done in years I would take a puff of someone cigarette and almost choke to death which was good so I never went back. Now I am the worlds worst ex smoker who hates to be around the smell of cigarettes or people who stink from smoke.

    Anne, how nice of you to send off Harry with a bottle of Baileys or is that for you to celebrate? Our weather is more than soggy and depressing, I really can't wait for the sun to return. I happen to love black and white clothes which I have a lot of in my wardrobe. I do have many summer colors as well except for green, not a fan. I just turned around to look outside and it is just pouring, I have a feeling the kids will be going to a museum or something indoors instead. Too bad they can't get a refund or exchange since the tickets were close to a hundred dollars.

    Patsy, I agree, Portland has had a really bad year. They are known for their homeless as San Francisco is, I have been to both. Chicago also has homeless as I imagine most states do, very sad. I hope you enjoy your time at the beach that is special to you and John.

    Lin, is the rain needed for your farm that you rent out? We have had so much I hope it helps the farmers but enough is enough already. I am kind of looking forward to next week when I have nothing but my meeting unless Bryanna needs my help with Ewok. She missed school today so Ewok is happy about that. Cute tea set but I will stick with my coffee mug. lol

    Have a good day and stay dry if it wet near you.
    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    At the age of 16 I was egged on to try a cigarette. Yeuk. What a waste of money! Well, I only earned one pound and fifty pence as the office runaround. My mother took half of that princely sum for my keep and thus I was saved from the perils of smoking. Reminds me of that old song "Cigareets and whisky and wild wild women, they drive you crazy, they drive you insane".

    Oh SANDY I will never be sweet natured like you! The bottle of Baileys is for ME to toast and wave farewell to the "peril from the east" next door. After 32 years of watching the rubbish pile up against my now toppling fence I think I deserve a strong drink with a fervent fare thee well added. Still dealing with all the ants and mice Herr Harrys rubbish hid until removed, not to mention mosquitoes. I haven't seen a mosquito since the pails of stagnant water and rotten logs were removed.

    Talking of "Herrs" I'm just re-reading Kate Quins "The Huntress". The weather is like everyone else's up here, book reading rain. Mind you the still untidy garden is ablaze with flowers.

    And that's about it for today, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hello. What an odd weather day here. Humid and stifling at just 75 degrees! We have had light drizzle on and off with a break of sunshine accompanied by substantial rainfall. Whaaat? Birds and bunnies are circling my pots of veggies today. I haven’t seen them for a week or so. Don’t see what has changed to bring them back.

    Bob, lovely meal you prepared for Jean yesterday and your pizza looks luscious. Really? 95 degrees tomorrow? Toasty! I love the decision making process, pick a hand. 🤣😂

    Anne, I thought you were giving the bottle to the departing neighbors. Haaaaa. Well, I guess you will enjoy it more by keeping it.

    Sandy, happy weekend. I am sorry the weather has not cooperated for their trip to the amusement park. Doggone-it. Always a possibility with outdoor venues. How did Ewok like the visit? Oh, and I have no idea whatsoever what is going on with my farm this year. I have run out of people to contact for information, and the people renting it do not keep in touch at all except to negotiate rent once a year and then after my annual request, they send me yield information after harvest. The entire state has been in some form of drought for weeks so I am hoping they are getting rain.

    Jackie, thanks for the link(s), interesting person/legend. Right there in your own backyard, so to speak. Oh my yes, I would imagine the clean up will go on for quite a while to get things to the way you want them. Have I asked this repeatedly? Have you decided on colors for all the rooms?

    Patsy, I would be anxious to live with some of those conditions. I hope you and John (and Katie) remain safe. A friend of mine with a Portland address seemingly has no worries about the events of the last year. She said, oh, we don’t go downtown to the areas with problems. She walks their dog alone and goes to the gardens where folks rent a space, the U.S. version of allotments, always alone. It is nice to feel secure.

    Well, let’s see. The watercolor class was not compelling. She has a number of classes, each to try to show some particular technique although that bit of information is not in the class description. It is supposedly an additive process so you should watch them in a series, building up technique. Yesterday, the main ‘new’ thing was the use of masking fluid. I was surprised that many attendees didn’t know what it was and asked if they could use white acrylic paint or white crayon. She paints at 100mph so watching later on video would be a help.

    And you probably thought me quite the fraidy cat with the thunder but I suppose I should have added, as a child, I was watching TV in my room during a storm when lightning hit our house, tracked down the antenna, blew out my television and set the attic on fire. I still remember the sound of the crackling fire up over my head. We called the fire department, drove the cars out of the garage and waited for the firemen to arrive. So, one of my childhood frights that has stayed with me.

    And I am not doing watercolor for anything other than card making or journaling. So no artist in the making here.

    Speaking of making things.

    I made a card yesterday….🤣😂🤣


    Here are some bits of coloring for card making I have been doing.



    Back to work. I have workmen coming to my house on both Monday and Wednesday. Must clear the way for them.

    Teapot again.


    Be safe everyone. Miss you Barbie, Jeri, Connie and our birthday lady Diane!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2021
    Storm on its way so I must remember to take down the garden parasol! We walked round the block before the rain became heavy and a quick towel rub down has both pooches dry. George’s groomer will be here around 1pm so I must brush him beforehand ( as you do!😁)

    Interesting yesterday as the offending patio area was filled with hardcore by different builders who both gave me a quick nod as I walked down my garden to check the hens were fine. Their expressions told me they knew about that neighbour’s tantrum and sympathised. Then on the way home from our walk the digger driver came along the track on his dump truck and when he muttered “morning” I gave him a disapproving look and he drove on looking very uncomfortable!

    That picture of the artist in his messy room reminds me of the state of my spare room Lin, in fact every room looked like it when the builders brought every imaginable in to my cottage.
    Colours of rooms! At the moment I’m planning red and yellow dining room and pale lilac and plum snug.

    The cards you’ve created are beautiful and I’m sure the recipients will be delighted. A jazzy teapot too!

    While I wait for Debbie Woof Woof I shall blitz my shower room and kitchen and finally wipe every speck of dust away. 😁
    Mellow Magic music 🎼 🎶 on the radio…. Enrique Inglesias “Hero”

    Happy Sunday everyone. Must get on!