Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I’m sorry I went missing again yesterday. So busy and again today with Rachael visiting to hopefully move on her complaints. Hopefully back to the Sneakers tonight. ❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited January 30
    Happy Tuesday! :) Did a load of laundry, got a $30 credit on my cable bill for one month because they can't find a cheaper package to entice me to stay with them. I will check in February before making any decisions to cancel cable. I will be packing today and go to bed early as I have to get up at 5am.
    I hope to check in everyday but can't guarantee I will. I usually have a room to myself when I go with my other friends to the casino, but this time I am sharing a room with Cheryl so my routine might be messed up. So stay healthy and be good while I am gone.

    Jackie, you are one busy beaver, is that what keeps you in such good shape?

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited January 30
    Hello back to the dreary weather today. Sunshine is in the forecast tomorrow. Yes! I was going to make a trip to Whole Foods to try to find purple or red sweet potatoes. However, it is trash and recycling pickup day and that cabling crew that left all that snow in my driveway is back and is in front of my house. They blocked access to part of my driveway so I have been busy moving bins around so the collectors a get to them.

    Finally, working on the final touches on my valentines, one by one. I have finished a few but need to complete a couple of chores and then the rest of the day and evening will be Zoom classes and my regular Tuesday evening YouTube class. So thought I would post a note before I find the day and evening are over and I am nodding off.

    Sandy, safe travels. Enjoy yourself. See you when you get back.

    Jackie, very busy until this meeting is over right? Just a mention, remember Angela of the Kerry and Angela team with Max and the boys? They did get divorced but today he posted that she has just been diagnosed, after lots of exams and tests, with ovarian cancer. I have followed her every post on Instagram as I find her photography delightful. I hope her treatments bring about remission.

    Well, I must run along.

    Anne, hope you are feeling better.

    Hey, the rest of you, I miss ya….

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    So where did my post go? Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    So where did my post go? Anne.

    I don’t know. I didn’t see one today….

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,879 Member
    edited January 31
    Loveburg87 wrote: »
    So where did my post go? Anne.

    Gone to wherever my posts with wings go Anne! 🧚‍♀️

    I didn’t manage to return last night, mostly because I was writing notes to take to the Council meeting this evening. Linda and I, but mostly Linda, managed to get Rachael to concentrate long enough to take in what she needs to do. She’s so sweet she is feeling sorry for overworked police who aren’t rushing to interview Mr Nasty but we said they should be more concerned a dangerous man lives in the community! Linda is drafting a letter of complaint to go to the Council and I should gather enough evidence tonight!

    Have a lovely trip Sandy and stay safe. Hopefully the room sharing will work out.

    How are you feeling today Anne? I certainly wouldn’t have been happy with the response from staff when you told them you were unwell. Too many working in care facilities forget what that word means!

    Lin, that’s so sad for Angela, what with the divorce too. My understanding is it’s not an easy cancer to initially diagnose and time is of the essence. Treatment for most cancers has improved tremendously so let’s hope all will be well. Tell those cable laying men to be more considerate. 😠

    It’s a cold and damp day, Misty too, so our walk wasn’t long this morning. I accidentally shut George in the spare room yesterday and assumed he was snoozing somewhere but after about 3 hours went looking for him. I felt terrible when I discovered him on the spare bad as the poor boy must have thought he was in trouble for some reason. Dogs are so forgiving though and after lots of cuddles and apologies from me, he was fine, although it took me most of the evening to forgive myself!

    My steak and Cornish blue cheese pasty is out of the oven so time for my lunch.

    Stay safe everyone. It’s a ghastly world at the moment, locally and internationally.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hello, I wrote a fairly long post yesterday and it went to never never land along with Jackie’s I guess.

    In a nutshell I haven’t a clue what horrible bug I’ve picked up, but I haven’t felt this bad since I had pneumonia. It’s day13 since I tested negative for Covid, but left with something else. Both my boys will be over today and maybe a trip to the doctor, except he only works two days a week and I don’t know which days, or if he’s not around, maybe emergency at the hospital. I do feel a little better today, but I’ve cancelled the dining room for lunch and dinner. Mary Jo left me with enough food to concoct something.

    More hopefully later,
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Mike arrived with Jilly beans dog food and treats and has now driven back to Toronto and work. He thinks I’ve been so ill because I was isolated for so long in the cottage which makes me now a target for everything going. I agree! After thirty five years living almost alone I now live with such a lot of folks, some very sad cases. Michael say he’s going to have a conference with Mark on a way to get me out of here before another winter. I don’t see how, but feeling as I do, live in hope. Few dogs here so Bean is thriving. She is like a puppy again and just about wore Michael out when he took her for a walk around the park before he left.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,879 Member
    What an evening! Luckily I checked the local council’s website around 4pm and found missing Minutes of meetings going back 5 months had suddenly appeared so our Mr Nasty, who was acting as Clerk, must have panicked after my complaints last week and posted them. No point my attending in that case as that was going to be my complaint but I did watch a live stream in the comfort of my home and when there was a mention of a possible incident and police involvement, he sat silently while the chairman covered for him saying it was nothing to do with them! Linda has finished a strongly worded draft complaint for Rachael to approve and having just watched a dreadful fiasco of a so-called government body not knowing what it is doing, I will also make a formal complaint! Rachel has sent all her evidence to the police now so we sit back and wait but in the morning, after my doggy walk, I’m going round the Parish with Linda to staple notices on posts and trees asking residents if they are happy with their representatives.

    Anne, your virus does sound similar to my jolly Christmas bug and I came to the same conclusion as Mike in that our natural immune system was compromised by not mixing with people for so long. It took me about 10 days of feeling really rough then a couple of weeks with no energy so take things steady. You will get better but for sure, if you can be out of the facility during Winter months, that will be a wonderful option. You might find a cruise cheaper than where you are or a posh hotel. Seriously!

    I spent a small fortune at the supermarket this morning but needed both day and night pots of face cream, a gammon to cook Friday to treat myself and a bottle of red wine to go with it. I was tempted to open it tonight after sitting through that video live stream but will make a mug of hot chocolate instead!

    Lin, no special plans on Friday although Sheila and I were going to meet for our postponed Christmas lunch but I think her cleaning lady is now visiting. We can always move it to Saturday because what’s one day late when you get to my age!

    When I let George and Betty out into the garden just now I noticed the fog has lifted and I can see lights in the village so hopefully I can take them on to the moors first thing.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello. It’s been a busy day, flitting from class to class, a trip to the grocery store, etc. I was happy to find the red Japanese sweet potatoes I have been hunting for! It was foggy this morning but it cleared up, the sun popped out and this afternoon we hit 51 degrees F. I put on my light weight jacket to make my trot down the street to the mailbox. I am still missing several banking documents needed for my taxes. Today was the deadline for the banks to send them. I guess I will be hunting them down…..

    Jackie, what a complex mess with the local council. I don’t think I would trust them! I hope Rachael receives some justice for the reprehensible actions of that man. Do you think posting notices will be helpful in changing representatives. Hello to George, poor darling locked away for hours…..😢 Betty wasn’t with him apparently. If you have to move your luncheon to Saturday, I suggest you celebrate for several days! A coffee out somewhere with a treat perhaps on Friday? Every trip to the market costs a fortune these days I do believe. 👀

    Anne, I am sorry you are still unwell. So no trip to the doctor? A friend called me this afternoon and she hasn’t been feeling well for weeks. She is off tomorrow for some sort of test. Her doctor said they need to start eliminating the possibilities as older people are subject to so many ailments. Well, I thought, so are younger people. At least they are trying I guess.

    Sandy, having a happy time?

    Barbie, how are you and Jake and the dogs? Are you having more seasonable weather now?

    Hello Joy, Jeri, Diane, and other absent Sneakers.

    Be safe.



  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Jackie it’s 12:30 on February 1st as I sit in my pyjamas reading your post about the nasty council man. So I may be somewhat befuddled but I wonder is it possible that your present council want to clear the allotments of gardeners with a view to selling the land to make way for a housing estate? Are the allotments close to you?

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :) It's a usual day today. I had my walk in the morning enjoying the bit more of daylight. Jake and Annie are napping on the couch and Bessie is napping in her dog bed. I am riding my exercise bike. We has great lunch followed by watching an episode of "Shetland ", our current favorite show. Weather is in the 40-50 range with only a tiny bit of rain

    <3 Barbie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi everyone. Beautiful day here. Got in a nice walk outside.

    Barbie, we really liked Shetland too. Have you watched Doc Martin. We enjoyed it a lot.

    Anne so sorry you feel so crappy. Darn it.

    Still struggling with my sore glutes. Had a good appointment with a specialist today. He wants me to have an ultrasound, a mri and to get my physiotherapist to give me some new exercises. Also feels the cortisone shots would be beneficial. Come back in 6 weeks. Sounds like progress.

    Making Shipwreck Casserole for supper. Something new for a change

    Keep well everyone. Always nice to watch up.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello. Another busy day. Got quite a few Valentines finished and in their envelopes. 👏🏻👏🏻 Excellent progress. Also continuing online classes while watching an extra one each day to get acquainted with the content and instructors. I am making a list of those whose style looks like it would work for me.

    Barbie, good to hear you have everything on track. It’s so nice to hear that. Hello to Annie, Bessie, and Jake. 🫶🏻

    Anne, feeling better today? Are you going out to eat in the dining room on your own schedule?

    Jackie, I hope you’ve had a good day. Happy Early Birthday! Enjoy everything possible!


    Back tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Friday! :p Having a wonderful time! Coming home tomorrow. Stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Very appropriate as I still play my old albums. Thank you Lin. I’m enjoying my day and now have feet up after a roast dinner, sipping a glass of wine! 🍷
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    jacAth3 wrote: »
    Very appropriate as I still play my old albums. Thank you Lin. I’m enjoying my day and now have feet up after a roast dinner, sipping a glass of wine! 🍷
    Jackie 🥰

    What a lovely day! ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Oh, and a teapot!

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    🌼HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE!🌼 And you had a lovely day. A roast dinner and a glass of wine, with feet up to finish it off!

    Here we are back into the depths of winter. Still not sleeping so I know it was minus 4 overnight and felt it!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member

    Sorry I am late,