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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Ang- I wish I could send our cool temps your way for awhile. I love these temps (low 50's at night and 60's during the day). It has been very windy so sitting on the deck isn't to comfortable. I really need to get out and weed again. Tomorrow! It should be cool until the end of the week. The state fair starts Thursday. We will go this weekend. We go every other year. Your new boss sounds much kinder than the old one. Sounds like it will calm down soon at work.

    Rory looks great. He didn't get home until almost 11pm. We stayed up to see him. His friend came by and ended up spending the night on our couch. They stayed up late visiting. I gave Rory my Kindle (older version) since I use my Android Tablet to read now. He's going to take it back to school so he can download free and really cheap books to read.

    I went to the dermatologist. He took off one mole to test. Otherwise no concerns. I got my prescription updated and need to fill it. I went to Costco afterwards to buy allergy meds for Rory. I picked up my Melatonin and Vitamin D3 also. Of course it was sample day so I tasted a few things as I made my way around the store. I found some Kashi Bars that are a good source of protein. I also bought blueberries, a throw blanket and a new bath mat.

    Hi Marla and Shirley! It looks like we have loss L and Amy. People have come and gone on this thread for 5 years. Hard to believe we've been chatting since 2010. Even though we've never met in person I always say "my friend..." if I'm relaying something we talked about to Russ or another friend.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    I totally feel the same way Jenny - closer to you ladies than many 'in real life people' - glad your appointment went well - I made stir fry with all the broccoli and cauliflower and peppers that were in our csa bag this week - thing one and two not overly impressed - they ate the chicken though - I thought the veggies turned out good.

    Zach lost his school badge over the weekend and while I was helping him look for it last night (cough) I was sticking my hands in the crevices/cracks of the couch in his room. He looks at me and goes, "that's probably not a good idea..." you think? Gross Zach. Just gross. I was fussing and stomping through his room because he swore it was not in there - and I am going on about, "how can you know? All your clothes and garbage all over the floor", etc, yada, yada, yada - he starts picking up garbage (gross) and I decide to hang up the clothes he was supposed to do over the weekend and voila I find his badge hanging off a hanger in his closet. Who the heck knows how it got in there - he never would have found it. Sigggghhhh - I couldn't stay too grumpy - he had another killer football practice and he was so pleased with himself -"I was the only one willing to take on Dalton (HUUUGGGGE guy) and I got him on the third try. Coach was impressed. He said if I kept it up I might start." I am so proud of how hard he is working. So terrified he'll get hurt - still constantly annoyed by all his scatterbrain moments - but always revolving back to how proud I am of the effort he is putting out there. A quick prayer for continued wellness is ok with me!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Boy's bedrooms! Ugh! My guys lived in pig stys because they didn't want me messing with their stuff. As a result, they did their own laundry, and about 1 time per quarter I made them do a thorough cleaning. Their rooms were smelly, full of dust bunnies, and clean vs. dirty clothes was not distinguishable. I pulled the carpet in Rory's room after he left for college. It doesn't stink anymore. Good luck Marla!

    Beautiful day but I'm lazy. I am going to venture to my front garden to do some weeding. It's a jungle!
    Rory drove back to North Dakota last night after our meal at the Indian restaurant. We had a great dinner! We all tasted what the other person ordered and all was good.

    Go Zach! It sounds like he is going to earn a starting position if he stays determined. Has your school seen a decrease in the number of kids going out for football with the concussion publicity, Marla? I think our high school has a lot fewer kids out for the team this season. Cost, injury potential and possibly coaching are probably the contributing factors.

    Well have a wonderful day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    the concussion thing is definitely there - greater awareness is great - but scary when you hear, "last year at the scrimmage they had 11 concussions - last week his friend Derek E ended up concussed..." gack

    they started with 60 freshmen working out at the beginning of the summer - last week they were at 23 - that was before the injuries...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    oh - and just for the record - I would say 99 percent of those who quit did so not because of injury - just because they work them DANG hard - and most aren't willing to put forth the effort
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi gals,

    I feel the same about our relationship here. If I don't check with my girls I feel that I have slacked off and if anything I want
    to know how your lives are doing. I also call you my friends <3
    Since we are all on facebook you get to see the rest of the family too.

    We got back yesterday from the cottage. I have just finished laundry and had a chiropractic apt. and must say my back
    is doing well after 5 hours in the car. I did some groceries to get some food in our fridge and I am making South Beach
    meatloaf tonight. Trying to get back to some normal eating and tracking again. I really loved the contact while I was
    away and didn't feel so disconnected and could keep up with everyone.

    Kathy, Fraser and Isaac came on Friday night and stayed until Sunday. We had really hot weather at the beginning of the
    week but we had some rain and a double rainbow to boot! Then it really cooled down nice and all humidity was gone!
    I have some pictures to show you guys.

    Ang - Sorry your week is so hot and humid it just makes things so much harder to deal with.
    You will enjoy the break in temps soon. It can't stay hot for too much longer.
    Jenny - Glad to hear your visit when well with the family and you are caught up on cleaning.
    I too have to weed the back yard but its not too bad.
    Marla - Go football, I hope Zach makes the team after all his efforts. How is he taking the
    hot weather?



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    awesome pic Gramma!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Yikes! I never checked in yesterday and I'm on my way to coffee with friends that just retired. Yes, I'm up and ready to go at 7:30am on my week off just to visit with them. Not sure why they planned 7:30...

    Love the pics Shirley.
    Marla- same here with kids not wanting to do the hard work so they don't go out. I think the concussion thing is causing parents to rethink football though.

    I must run but will write more tonight. I test drove a 2015 CR-V yesterday while my car was getting recall work. We are test driving more cars tonight. We want to replace our main car and get it paid off before I retire so our first years of retirement are without a payment. Then we may go down to one car eventually depending on where we live.

    Anyway, must run! More tonight. Have a wonderful day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    still in the almost ready to buy mode - really need to go drive that Buick Encore I have been eyeing -

    yikes!! last night they tried Zach at receiver - and then told him to go ahead and learn those plays too. Oh my. Again , I am super proud of him and that they are now seeing the extent to which Zach has abilities - but honestly I'd rather not go the receiver way - at least with linebacker positions its more likely he will be hitting and being prepared for the hit - receivers GET hit and often don't see it - hence all the injuries (and why they are looking to deepen that position) - aaaaahhhhhh -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2015

    I still have my Buick 2002 Century. I will be keeping that until something better comes along. We definitely need two cars
    right now so Jenny, I would rethink the one car plan when you retire. Dave and I are always going in different directions.

    Today I have a walk planned after I get off the computer and then a hair dresser apt. at 12:30. We are going to a play
    tonight with friends and dinner.

    Enjoy your day!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Busy evening! We test drove a Ford Escape, Subaru Forrester and Outback tonight. We've ruled out the Escape and Forrester. We will test drive a Toyota Rav4 and Russ needs to drive the CR-V. I think it will be either the Outback or CR-V. I need to check with my professional association because they have a partnership with Subaru. We could get up to 3300.00 off manufacture recommended price. I'll call tomorrow. We just got home from a late dinner after driving cars and talking to sales reps. Hate that part.

    Shirley- I don't foresee Russ and I having only one car for a long time if ever. We'll have to see where life takes us in retirement.

    I made it to coffee on time. We had a nice visit. I went shopping at an antique barn (same one I bought my cabinet at) and found a few things I was looking for (wall decor/diningroom, small table top cabinet for my essential oils storage, and cute wall hooks for guestroom. I was able to get home to relax on the deck before we went test driving.

    WTG Zach! I would rather see my son be on the line too Marla. If the line isn't strong, the receiver gets pummeled.

    Cute pic of Isaac!!!!!! He's a good looking boy!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    just curious why you ruled out the escape Jenny - I have been thinking about that one too?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Marla- The Ford Escape is a very nice vehicle so I think it is a good buy if it has what you are looking for. Good ratings, options and all that. At this time, since Russ and I are older and planning longer road trips by car now that we are empty nesters, we are interested in comfortable seats and nice cargo space for long trips, the best safety rating in our price range, larger windows for visibility, heated seats and satellite radio. 10 years ago the Escape and CR-V were my favorites but I wanted a sport utility small SUV. I chose the Honda over Ford at the time because it was a quieter ride. They seem to be similar now except for interior options and window visibility. The Escape's windshield is too angled for me with a really long dash. The side windows in front and back seat are smaller than CR-V and Subaru. It's a personal preference of how I feel when sitting in the car. Nothing to do with engine, dashboard options, etc.

    I called my national association to get the low down on the Subaru partnership. Waiting for a call back. They were busy and the person I need to talk to was not at her desk. I did errands this morning and plan to get out on the deck soon for some Vitamin D and sunshine. Temps are still beautiful but hot and humid is coming back.

    Have a nice day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hot and humid is coming back to our area too. My sister is in the market for buying a car right now and looked at the
    Toyota Rav4. I told her to go on and do some research about that one. She is still looking so that was just one car
    she liked. Her boyfriend is helping her out with looking.

    Today was Yoga class and cleaning upstairs. Tomorrow leaving around 10am to go to Rochester, NY to the wedding at the
    Winery. Should be fun.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    I got my front garden weeded yesterday, finally! There were some native grass growing among the plants (weeds?) that look pretty so I left them. Today I need to add more topsoil and mulch on top of that to keep the weeds down through the fall. We've had steady doses of rain this summer so the weeds have had a lot to drink.

    Last night we ended up eating out again, needs to stop. Our friends called and asked if we wanted to meet them. We haven't gone out with them in a long time so we said yes. I had run into Shanna at Michael's yesterday so they must have thought of us when they decided to eat out.

    Today we are driving the CR-V and RAV4. Then we will be done test driving. Subaru sent me my VIP discount form but have the wrong dealer location on it. The lady didn't listen to what I told her. The dealer they listed is in the western suburbs. I do not plan to go out there to buy a car when we can deal with the guy much closer to home that spent a couple of hours with us on Thursday eve. So hopefully they will send me another form if we decide on the Outback.

    We are going to the state fair tomorrow eve before the 90 degree heat comes back this week.

    Up early with the cat so need another cup of coffee, ugh!

    More later,

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    What was suppose to be two short test drives ended up to almost a whole day excursion. We test drove the RAV-4, spent time crunching numbers with the sales person to see ball park estimates on cost and then went to lunch. After lunch we went to Honda and drove the CR-V, got a trade in appraisal, and crunched more numbers. I really hate the experience of buying a car. Why can't they just say this is our bottom price and everyone gets that deal? Instead, here's what we will give you on the trade-in and here's the price we are offering. How do those numbers look to you? Are they in the ball park of what you were thinking you would pay? Can we move any of these numbers down for you? I lost it with the salesperson. This is why I could never supervise or manage a group of people. I told her I was not pleased with the trade-in amount and I was not interested in playing games with numbers. Give us your best offer and we will think about it! She walked away to run numbers with someone and Russ was laughing at me. He said I did great but his approach is to just walk away, not say anything. A guy from Subaru on the other side of the metro called yesterday to discuss the VIP program I qualify for and see if he could help us. I told him we wanted to work with the dealer closer to home and the person messed up sending my info to his dealership. I have to call her tomorrow morning and see if she will put in another request for the right dealership. It is neck and neck with Subaru Outback and Honda CR-V. We will go back to Subaru tomorrow eve and test drive one more time and ask for some number estimates based on my VIP discount. Comes down to numbers at this point. The saga continues!

    For the second time last night Russ tried to build a fire in our fire table and it just smoked. He must have bought green wood. We don't seem to be having luck with fires. We were going to cook hot dogs and roast marshmallows. Oh well! I cooked my hotdog on the stove and ate by myself. He was not happy and decided not to eat at all. I'm sure he ate later after I went upstairs. So stubborn!

    If it doesn't rain we will go to the state fair tonight for a few hours. Hopefully we can hear some good music if a good band is playing at one of the stages.

    I go back to work tomorrow after my last summer break. So sad! I guess I need to work for a living. Next break is October when we go to Door County, WI and Grand Forks to see Rory. David texted me and he arrives home this Tuesday eve. Not sure how long he is visiting for this time. It will be good to see him. It's been since last February or March when we met him for a quick lunch in between flights from east to west coast. Hopefully he's staying for more than a few days this time.

    Well I should accomplish something around here on my last day home. Have a wonderful day doing whatever you like or have planned.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - Your grandson is so cute!!

    Jenny - Hope the vehicle hunt is going well. Can't say I've experienced that since I don't drive!

    Temperatures cooled down. Somewhat! At least it's not so humid, that definitely helps. I've spent the last couple days trying to get myself back into a normal routine. I've gotten out of it with this new job. I've been stressing as it's so busy and when I get home, I don't want to do anything, so I don't. I need to get back into the habit. First of all my race is next week. (YIKES!), plus the fall ministries I work in at my church at starting back up. Time to stop being so lazy and get busy!!!

    Yesterday was the church Sunday School picnic. We had beautiful weather for it and everyone had a good time. The candy toss is always the highlight every year. I got a few pieces. Some landed right at my feet (honest!) and some of the kids gave me a piece. I"m savoring it. So far I've only eaten the Starbursts.

    Joseph is coming down next weekend. I wanted to go up there, but with it the last weekend before my race, I need to be running as much as I can. Funny guy. When I was talking to him tonight, he asked me if it would take me 2-3 hours to do my run! Hardly! My best time right now for 10k is 1hr 12 min! Silly man.

    Part of my training for my race weekend is plenty of rest. I need to head of to bed shortly. I just need to clean up my supper dishes, lay out my clothes for tomorrow and pack my lunch.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We had a great time at the wedding and got back on Sunday. We unpacked and put everything away and went down to the
    boat and had dinner there and BBQ'd.

    Today I am doing laundry as we leave on Wednesday for our last cruise of the sailing season. We will stay from Wednesday
    until Monday. I found out today at Yoga class no classes for a week after the holiday. Joyce wants to spruce up the
    studio for September. I will have to get out my DVD and do it at home.

    Finishing up laundry and will be packing again tomorrow.

    Here is picture at the winery where the wedding was held.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,791 Member
    so overwhelmed! - hope to have time to vent soon

    loves to you all -

    Jenny - I HATE car shopping - the 'dealing' so stupid.

    be great ladies
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,336 Member
    Lookin' good Shirley and Dave! Will you sail in September even if your club doesn't have activities?

    All teaching staff reported back today. Just another day for my program since we go through the 12 month calendar with occasional breaks. Kids in k-12 start next Tuesday. We see kids this week. I do have Friday off for a long weekend. Not bad, eh?

    Marla- How are you holding up? You've been going 100 mph all summer and now you will get bleacher butt sitting and watching football games! LOL! Hope the kids like school this year.

    Ang- enjoy your time with Joseph and good luck on your run.

    I finally got most of my 3rd party billing done today. One more student and I'm calling it caught up.

    We test drove the Outback one more time on the highway. We really like everything about it. My VIP discount puts us 2% under dealer invoice so we could get it cheaper than Subaru employees do. Hopefully the number work when we sit down to crunch numbers with sales guy. I'll be glad when this process is done.

    Hot here again! David arrives tomorrow eve from AK. Not sure how long he is staying this visit.

    Have a nice evening and Tuesday!