I feel so huge like everyone is constantly staring!



  • LizLSB
    LizLSB Posts: 8 Member
    Let them stare, but they are probably not. You are making choices to help you become healthier and more fit, and unfortunately, for a lot of us, embarking on this journey brings out a lot of insecurity and fear. Yep, fear. What if I can't do it? What if I can't keep it off? What if I fail? Just keep trying to make healthy food choices, exercise, and making steady progress. Focus on your goals and don't worry about what you think others are thinking. Keep up the good work!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I am the same height as you and I started off at 220 and I was incredibly self-conscious. I had a newborn baby and a 2 year old so I went out every day so my toddler could run about and have fun, but I always felt like the fat, ugly mum. Looking back at photos now I realise I didn't look as bad as I imagined, and I definitely wasn't ugly, but I feel in a way I missed out on all the joys of my newborn as I was so focused on how I looked. I'm sure anyone I thought was staring at me was probably either looking at my gorgeous kids, or thinking how mad I was having 2 kids close in age :)

    Just keep up the good work and soon when people stare at you you know it will be because you look super fit!
  • Thanks so much everyone for all of the encouraging words! I just need to realize that I don't need to care what these random people think of me!! Now.. Here's an even harder thing.. tomorrow I'm getting my hair done by someone from HS, she hasnt seen me since 140!! I am SO nervous.. Also, does anyone else like carry your kid around hoping people will notice that you had a kid so thats why you are heavy? HAHA it's so weird how my mind works! Thanks everyone!!!
  • healthytanya1
    healthytanya1 Posts: 198 Member
    People that have always been skinny and always will be are probably the people making judgements in their own head
    ( my sister is this way even though most of the people in my family struggle with weight) but I have been up and down a few times and have to shop in plus size for jeans so I feel the pain that every overweight person does. Most people don't want to be fat it just kinda creeps up on ya. Everyone just has to hit that point for themself to want to lose the weight. My sister is one of those people that describe her friends on how fat they are but says how cool they are. The worst part is when I meet them and I'm the same size. She's clueless about people's feelings.
  • greenmm1980
    greenmm1980 Posts: 86 Member
    You are not fat, you have fat. There is a big difference! I have to remind myself of this every day. Wake up every morning and tell yourself you are fabulous. When someone ask you how you are, respond with a smile and say fabulous. Eventually, you will not only say you are fabulous but you will also feel fabulous. Baby steps add up so keep going!