When will the number on the scale drop?



  • AmberSculpts
    AmberSculpts Posts: 8 Member
    Funny that you mention it... I just got a body composition test today. It was very insightful. I'll be going every 8-12 weeks to check progress. I added you as a friend on mfp!
    I don't know if someone already said this because I didn't read absolutely everyone's answers, but I recommend you find a gym or a GNC-esque store where a certified personal trainer works or something like that and get your body fat measured. :) I know my university did it for free, but there was also a guy who worked at a store similar to GNC who used more calipers so it was more accurate and it was only $10 each time. That way you can really see where you are losing fat and gaining muscle which can be more encouraging than the scale.

  • AmberSculpts
    AmberSculpts Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback/ constructive criticism. I appreciate it.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    edited October 2014
    in my experience, ive lost only 25lbs in 6 months however ive lost a MASSIVE amount of inches~~ like close to about 60 inches ... i get your frustration...it gets very frustrating to see the scale not go down like you think it should BUT it WILL get there!! keep doing what you are doing ... your pics are proof that your are losing!! And think about how you feel in your jeans!! if they feel looser or fit better then you must be doing SOMEthing right :)
    my best friend who has been a owner of a gym for several years keeps telling me when i vent whine and moan to him "your gonna lose your inches and then almost come to a hault...and when you come to that hault THATS when the scale is gonna start moving" everyone is different but its been true in my case
  • AmberSculpts
    AmberSculpts Posts: 8 Member
    Just an update for anyone who might be curious or interested in how my progress is going- I'm down from 166ish to 151. The scale is moving VERY slowly, & I haven't lost a single pound in over a month. Fortunately, I've lost several inches even within the last month where I haven't lost a lb. The first bikini pic was taken a month ago on Dec 8th, the 2nd taken yesterday. No difference on the scale. cb2qyhp58lg1.jpg