Starting Over

rickhuyck Posts: 9 Member
Hi all. Well here is my report on progress(or lack of progress) since I reported last. I was taking my running group for the last run of the clinic before the Bluenose race. It had been raining and as I was taking a corner off a side street and looking up the hill we had to climb, I planted my foot on a manhole cover and went down. When I tried to get up I couldn't. Someone in the group had a cell phone and called the Running Room and the sent a car to take me back. I ended up in Emergency and luckily did not break anything but had a serious injury to my quadricep. I left on crutches which I needed for the first few days. I started Physiotherapy a few days later and they said I could get rid of the crutches. This was on a Tuesday. I told them I still wanted to run the Half Marathon that coming Sunday. I was told not to run and they would make a call on Friday. I did everything I was supposed to do and on Friday went for a 3K run. On Sunday May 19th, I ran with my wife and we completed the half marathon. I have not been allowed to run since. I was on vacation last week and between really wet weather, a sore leg and feeling sorry for myself I indulged in everything that got me to be Obese.
So, today I am back at work and Starting Over (yet again).
I am hoping that with my Physio appointment tonight I can start getting back to my excercise routine.
Anyway, I always tell my running group that the only way to fail is to quit trying. But in truth I seem to find a lot of ways to fail. :>)
But here we go again. Wish me luck as I work this and try to reach that one goal that has alluded me for so many years. To be proud of myself and not to be Obese anymore.


  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    Hang in there. We all get discouraged, but if you get injured it does take the body a little time to recoup.