Grrrrr...visit to my doctor



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    steve098 wrote: »
    There are questions on basic physiology that, if you're really concerned, you should ask your doctor. He probably will not be able to answer them, but if he's a good doctor he will say that he will do some checking and get back to you.

    If he is not a very good doctor, he will refer you to a dietician or a nutrition nutrition test and then you're really in trouble.

    If he is a bad doctor he will simply make up answers-answers that he thinks will shut you up.

    I will post a list of the questions that every doctor should know the answer to who deals in primary care.

    I'm confused by this post. You say she should ask her doc about basic physiology but then say that the doc probably won't know the answer. How is that helpful?

    I still think this doc was being lazy by just telling the OP to avoid foods that most people eat too much of. It doesn't sound like he took the time to really talk to her about her diet.

    I used to be an emotional eater that buried my problems under tons of food. After lots of therapy and hard work, I told my doc what I had figured out and she suggested I try Lean Cuisine. I got a new doctor.
  • Did you happen to ask the doctor the reason for this recommendation? That would have been my first question. Although I tend not to do well with people just telling me what to do for no reason :smile:
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited October 2014
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    "A lot" of people? I have never in my life met one person whose entire diet is fast food, soda, coco pops, donuts, and lollies. Not one.

    "Not one" - You need to check out druggies, the homeless, lots of teenagers and people on welfare and the next time you go shopping, have a look in people's trolleys and look around you and check out the size of half the population. They didn't get obese by eating meat and veggies. I know people who live on Mrs Mac's pies and nothing but junk and don't even know anything about nutrition and feed their kids coke from a baby bottle. Check the child's smile and see the rotting teeth. I know people whose breakfast is a sniff from a plastic bag full of glue.

    Of course there are people who live on that type of food. You just don't live in their world so please don't tell me "Not one" as you have no idea of the poverty and poor nutrition due to lack of knowledge and money. You choose to ignore it but it exists and worst than you can possibly imagine. Do you think a druggie has a balance meal??
    I believe that is called an unscientific observational study….

    if someone is a "druggie" they have more pressing concerns then what they are eating…and that is a pretty extreme example...

    Not to mention, any weight loss issues or health issues they're having ...

    Probably not solely (or at all) ascribable to the 'sugar devil'.

    ETA: Attempting to kinda fix quotes
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    steve098 wrote: »
    There are questions on basic physiology that, if you're really concerned, you should ask your doctor. He probably will not be able to answer them, but if he's a good doctor he will say that he will do some checking and get back to you.

    If he is not a very good doctor, he will refer you to a dietician or a nutrition nutrition test and then you're really in trouble.

    If he is a bad doctor he will simply make up answers-answers that he thinks will shut you up.

    I will post a list of the questions that every doctor should know the answer to who deals in primary care.

    I'm confused by this post. You say she should ask her doc about basic physiology but then say that the doc probably won't know the answer. How is that helpful?

    I still think this doc was being lazy by just telling the OP to avoid foods that most people eat too much of. It doesn't sound like he took the time to really talk to her about her diet.

    I used to be an emotional eater that buried my problems under tons of food. After lots of therapy and hard work, I told my doc what I had figured out and she suggested I try Lean Cuisine. I got a new doctor.

    I believe the questions are meant to be a test to determine if your doctor has something on the ball, or no. Lets you know if you should be searching for a second opinion before you even leave the office :)
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    "A lot" of people? I have never in my life met one person whose entire diet is fast food, soda, coco pops, donuts, and lollies. Not one.

    "Not one" - You need to check out druggies, the homeless, lots of teenagers and people on welfare and the next time you go shopping, have a look in people's trolleys and look around you and check out the size of half the population. They didn't get obese by eating meat and veggies. I know people who live on Mrs Mac's pies and nothing but junk and don't even know anything about nutrition and feed their kids coke from a baby bottle. Check the child's smile and see the rotting teeth. I know people whose breakfast is a sniff from a plastic bag full of glue.

    Of course there are people who live on that type of food. You just don't live in their world so please don't tell me "Not one" as you have no idea of the poverty and poor nutrition due to lack of knowledge and money. You choose to ignore it but it exists and worst than you can possibly imagine. Do you think a druggie has a balance meal?? made me laugh this morning when I read this. You really need to open your eyes and stop making assumptions where you have no idea what's going on.

    Your statement that about not getting obese by eating meats and vegetables made me laugh. I got fat on eating meats and vegetables, and if I can do it anyone can.

    So you know people whose diet is filled with sugar and fast food and who sniff glue (zero calories ;) Really, mentioning glue in this equation has no place), but do your think that's really all they ever eat? Are you observing their dietary habits every single minute of the day? Are you writing down what they eat? I ask because your statements are generalized.

    Actually, type of food has zero to do with weight loss or gain, it's calories in and out.

    So....I'll betcha those people who are eating sugar and fast food all day and who are fat are eating more calories than they burn. If they ate less of it to where they were in a calorie deficit, they would lose weight.

    Calories in/calories out.

    I think I might agree with whomever said the doctor's suggestion to cut certain foods might be because those foods are generally higher in calories.

    It does take awhile to get used to portion control. :)

    ETA: Shoot, HotMamaInWorks2 deactivated.

    Um...I'm not I'm still here...

    Glad to hear it. This morning your profile said founder deactivated, which is a forum glitch with the update if I recall correctly.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    LeenaGee wrote: »
    "A lot" of people? I have never in my life met one person whose entire diet is fast food, soda, coco pops, donuts, and lollies. Not one.

    "Not one" - You need to check out druggies, the homeless, lots of teenagers and people on welfare and the next time you go shopping, have a look in people's trolleys and look around you and check out the size of half the population. They didn't get obese by eating meat and veggies. I know people who live on Mrs Mac's pies and nothing but junk and don't even know anything about nutrition and feed their kids coke from a baby bottle. Check the child's smile and see the rotting teeth. I know people whose breakfast is a sniff from a plastic bag full of glue.

    Of course there are people who live on that type of food. You just don't live in their world so please don't tell me "Not one" as you have no idea of the poverty and poor nutrition due to lack of knowledge and money. You choose to ignore it but it exists and worst than you can possibly imagine. Do you think a druggie has a balance meal?? made me laugh this morning when I read this. You really need to open your eyes and stop making assumptions where you have no idea what's going on.

    Your statement that about not getting obese by eating meats and vegetables made me laugh. I got fat on eating meats and vegetables, and if I can do it anyone can.

    So you know people whose diet is filled with sugar and fast food and who sniff glue (zero calories ;) Really, mentioning glue in this equation has no place), but do your think that's really all they ever eat? Are you observing their dietary habits every single minute of the day? Are you writing down what they eat? I ask because your statements are generalized.

    Actually, type of food has zero to do with weight loss or gain, it's calories in and out.

    So....I'll betcha those people who are eating sugar and fast food all day and who are fat are eating more calories than they burn. If they ate less of it to where they were in a calorie deficit, they would lose weight.

    Calories in/calories out.

    I think I might agree with whomever said the doctor's suggestion to cut certain foods might be because those foods are generally higher in calories.

    It does take awhile to get used to portion control. :)

    ETA: Shoot, HotMamaInWorks2 deactivated.

    Um...I'm not I'm still here...

    Glad to hear it. This morning your profile said founder deactivated, which is a forum glitch with the update if I recall correctly.

    I had an account with the same name minus the 2...that account IS deactivated...can you click on this one and tell me if it is, too?
    Yes, this one says "user deactivated".

  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Yes, by all means, it seems very logical to simply ignore your doctor's advice and follow the advice of a bunch of strangers online with no medical degree. If you want a second opinion, get it from another doctor, not online.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Something to know about thyroid numbers ... I'd always ask what the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) number was instead of just accepting the "you're normal" answer. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommends any number above 3 be treated as hypothyroid. Some places use 4 (my insurance does) and the old thresh hold used to be 5. There are also other numbers that matter such as free T3 and free T4. Sometimes, as a patient and as a woman, you have to be your own best advocate.

    I was lucky, my first endo generally started medicating at 2.2 due to quality of life issues if the patient presented with symptoms.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am very confused. You are as healthy as a horse and have no hormonal issues, yet your endo suggested to cut out a bunch of foods. Did they give a reason why? It makes absolutely no sense.

    Has anything changed in your activity levels, stress or sleep habits?
  • mjon11
    mjon11 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm the OP....I just got a chance to read everyone's comments and a lot of people asked why the doctor suggested I cut all those foods when nothing was "wrong" with me....his explanation was strictly based on me losing the 15 pounds and he went on to say that those foods are not inherently bad themselves, but it's usually what goes along with them that people tend to overdo. For example, with the bread, he said we tend to use too much mayo or cheese on a sandwich....for a potato, we put butter, cheese, and bacon bits on it, for the wine and chocolate it's pretty self takes good so we eat/drink too much, etc.....he also said that all those foods contain a lot of sugar so I should start focusing on cutting down on that. Thank you all for your comments...I'm trying not to be so strict but I've found that I actually feel better when most of this stuff is cut out. But, I've also been "dieting" my whole life and am pretty sick and tired of deprivation so I will NEVER cut anything out entirely....
  • mjon11
    mjon11 Posts: 4 Member
    Also, I specifically asked him how many calories I should be eating and if I should be tracking them...his response was that the weight loss usually takes care of itself once all those foods are cut out, so there is no need to track calories. If I stick to mostly lean protein, fruits and veggies, and healthy fats along with moderate exercise, he expects me to lose 1 pound a week without any calorie counting.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    edited October 2014
    My GP once gave me a sheet with foods to avoid on it, as I recall, it included gravy, beer, chips, pasties and cheese.

    Can I get her backside struck off for giving me bad advice?

    And I don't think there was any need to guilt trip the original poster. I take medications for my thyroid and 'womens issues' and it's not a problem. You are legitimately allowed to complain or ask about something without someone jumping down your throat to remind you about how much worse it could be. You could have to take 2 different pills and eat less fried chicken - it's no bother for me, so I won't take issue with your post and try to beat you round the head with it.