Eating too few calories?



  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    It will do nothing to your metabolism. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight.

    Pretty sure if you eat under 1200 calories everyday for an extended period of time it can and will affect your metabolism. Mind you we are talking many many months

    It hasn't affected mine. I think everyone's different and we all have to do what works for us.

    Being in a calorie deficit does have its drawbacks. It's just the nature of the beast. Have you gone into maintenance yet? If you're still in weight loss, it's hard to say what your maintenance calories will be or whether extended periods of VLCD has effected metabolism.

    Again, this is over many, many months not just a few weeks and those with a great deal to lose can cut more aggressively without the negative impacts those with less to lose would have.
    I'm not in maintenance. I've been losing for many months. Lost 100 and have 100 to go.

    All the talk by many on these boards of your body going into starvation mode and storing fat is completely wrong. It is also completely wrong when people say you can't build muscle when you're in a deficit.

    I wish that these folks who spout all these "facts" would include their medical degrees they hold since they clearly seem to know everything and state their theories that simply do not hold true.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited October 2014
    I am trying to look at what I eat more so than the calories in it. Carbs leads to forming fat on me so I lay into the fats and proteins somewhat when trying to lose body fat.

    jennifurballs thank you for your post above. I agree with all of your points.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    maddy1900 wrote: »
    It depends on how much you weigh to begin with. I eat around 1100 calories a day and I don not feel hungry. The weight is coming off at a steady pace. I think the main thing is not to allow your body to be hungry. This is what makes your body go into the storage mode. The stomach sends a message to the brain and the body starts to store fat and slow down your metabolism....

    Listening when I felt hungry was how I got overweight. Hunger signals are terrible wu
    adowe wrote: »
    It will do nothing to your metabolism. Eat less than you burn and you will lose weight.

    Pretty sure if you eat under 1200 calories everyday for an extended period of time it can and will affect your metabolism. Mind you we are talking many many months

    It hasn't affected mine. I think everyone's different and we all have to do what works for us.

    Being in a calorie deficit does have its drawbacks. It's just the nature of the beast. Have you gone into maintenance yet? If you're still in weight loss, it's hard to say what your maintenance calories will be or whether extended periods of VLCD has effected metabolism.

    Again, this is over many, many months not just a few weeks and those with a great deal to lose can cut more aggressively without the negative impacts those with less to lose would have.
    I'm not in maintenance. I've been losing for many months. Lost 100 and have 100 to go.

    All the talk by many on these boards of your body going into starvation mode and storing fat is completely wrong. It is also completely wrong when people say you can't build muscle when you're in a deficit.

    I wish that these folks who spout all these "facts" would include their medical degrees they hold since they clearly seem to know everything and state their theories that simply do not hold true.

    Well that's certainly not what I'm talking about. There's a thing called metabolic adaptation, though. That's different. Of course weight loss is thermodynamics, you will always lose weight in a deficit....
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    If you're eating at a deficit, and to lose weight you have to, you're going to have some metabolic adaptation while in deficit. There is no 'on' switch at 1199 or one's BMR estimate and it's not 'long term damage'.
    "Energy restriction produces a transient hypothyroid-hypometabolic state that normalizes on return to energy-balanced conditions. Failure to establish energy balance after weight loss gives the misleading impression that weight-reduced persons are energy conservative and predisposed to weight regain. Our findings do not provide evidence in support of adaptive metabolic changes as an explanation for the tendency of weight-reduced persons to regain weight."