Videos vs. gym vs. outdoors - Need some direction



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Try everything.

    I keep trying to like the gym, but it hate it. I hate the smell. I get ridiculously bored staying in one spot, doing repetitive things.

    I need to be outside. So I swim and walk outside. I do tapes in my family room sometimes. I'm always trying new things, too, because I'm a big believer in shaking things up.

    Old exercise DVDs are cheap on eBay. :)

    I think outdoor exercise is better. The fresh air - it's good for me. I think I get a much better workout walking outside than I do on a treadmill in a gym. So, that's my opinion on that. :)

  • infinikitty
    infinikitty Posts: 440 Member
    I mix it up a lot, too. I have done at least 5 of the Beachbody programs, and seen great success with some (mainly T25) and gotten bored with others. I'm training for a half marathon right now (that I never would have dreamed of doing two years ago), so I'm giving the videos a break. You just gotta start somewhere. Catch things when they're on sale if you want to try new programs. I have a lot because I get bored very easily. Why would you have to do videos at the gym? Do you not have a lot of room in your living space? I workout in an area that's just big enough for me to lunge front, back, and side to side. But I agree with what others have said above - use outside! Even walking can help...start slow and work yourself up.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I want to be able to run a 5k and lift heavy weights.

    Work towards an objective. If it's just aimless training you're less likely to stick with the programme.

    C25K is around 9-12 weeks, that's short enough to stick with and long enough to get a decent foundation in place. Personally I'm not keen on the 5K distance, it's not long enough for a decent workout.

    Equally, there are other disciplines; swim, ride etc.

    On a similar note, what's your objective with lifting heavy? If you don't have a focus, then it's pointless. Again, from a personal perspective, resistance training supports my running and riding. I know what it's for, so I'm more likely to put up with the tedium of it.

    And the prospect of prancing around in front of a DVD is anathema to me. But lots of people seem to love it.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    pick the one that makes you take this all a bit more seriously.
  • brenda_men
    brenda_men Posts: 13 Member
    There are a ton of modification if machines are taken. Use resistance band and free weights. Plus free weights challenge other muscle groups as well and you can do compound body movements. I never stick to static gym equipment.