A promise to myself.



  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Well, I was hopeful, so I googled 'magnesium deficiency'.
    Usually when I google any medical condition, there are a whole list of symptoms, some of which apply to me.
    But not one 'magnesium deficiency' symptom applied to me. not one. Perhaps I have too much magnesium from all the chocolate I'm eating !!

    I will probably still get it checked out at some point. But unfortunately I don't think its the cause.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    My calories and weight are still on track.

    I have also found an eating pattern (meal times, quantities, snacks etc) that seems to be working for me. For the first time in quite a while, it feels like something that I can realistically maintain and that isn't a constant battle to do so.

    I really hope it lasts.

    Unfortunately its quite specific to my current work routine and my work routine shifts for reasons outside of my control. So it might only be an option for a couple of months, on the other hand it might be a couple of years. I really don't know. But I am grateful for the present.

    It is also reassuring to know that if I create a suitable environment then I can make it work. So if work does change a bit then I just have to find another way to make it work. I really hope this lasts !!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Congrats! That's some major progress.... :)
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited November 2015
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Congrats! That's some major progress.... :)

    thank you !

    though today was a challenge.
    my schedule changed, and I couldn't work my meal plans into it.

    I found myself hungry and having to do supermarket shopping on my way home.

    I avoided the aisles that had any temptations. Then got to the checkout and there was a big box of my favourite food - heavily discounted. I would love to say that I was strong, but I wasn't.
    I grabbed one. then another and thought 'oh maybe one more'.
    Ate 2 as I left the supermarket, and decided 'oh why not', and went to a takeaway place that I haven't been to the whole time I have been on MFP and bought a meal from there. I have to be honest, I did enjoy it. it was better than I remembered !

    My calories today will be over by about 2000.
    It wasn't a binge because it didn't have the uncontrollable binge feeling to it.
    I just didn't have enough willpower or control, and so I overate. though of course I knew exactly what I was doing as I was doing it.

    That box by the til was an unexpected challenge that I hadn't prepared myself for, so my 'natural' reaction was able to take over. I guess it makes sense that it takes time for those 'natural' reactions to change - they come from the core of who you are deep inside.

    As much as I am working hard to make this healthier lifestyle work, and am working hard to make this lifestyle as easy as possible for myself, deep down it is not my 'natural' way.

    not yet, anyway :smile:

    I wonder how long that takes ???
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I'd say you did well for not having a plan. Because you know it could have been far, far worse. You still gave in, but in a more controlled way than in the past. To me, that's progress... Keep awareness, put plans in place, etc.

    And who knows? It's still not my natural way either, but I've noticed other changes. So it's happens subtly and we barely notice until something else doesn't happen.

    HUGS, C
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    You've been doing awesome! I'm very impressed you've kept up with this!

    For me, the healthy lifestyle is a lot of work. Sometimes my life makes it easier but it is always a conscious effort.

    I'm not doing well with it this year but hopefully I will get back on track.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    edited November 2015
    danifo0811 wrote: »
    You've been doing awesome! I'm very impressed you've kept up with this!

    For me, the healthy lifestyle is a lot of work. Sometimes my life makes it easier but it is always a conscious effort.

    I'm not doing well with it this year but hopefully I will get back on track.

    thank you. I wasn't expecting it to require such a consistent effort, but it does; and I really am determined to keep trying to make this work. I feel fabulous now, and I don't ever want to go back to the way I used to feel.

    I have settled into maintenance a bit, but it is a lot of constant work. Constantly. As much work as losing the weight was in the first place, I would say. Although I have more calories, I still have to control how much I eat and not let binges get the better of me - which were the two major challenge I faced when I was losing.

    In fact, there's a few things that make it more difficult:
    1. psychologically thinking that this is how its going to be forever. I'm getting used to it. But its still hard to think that I will be making this constant effort without an end date in site.
    2. I have to prioritise other things in my life, which affect how I spend my time and money. When I was losing, that was my biggest priority and I didn't mind missing out on other things because I knew it wouldn't be forever. But I do have other priorities in my life that are important to me, and I can't continue to neglect them. So I have to find a way to hit my calorie targets, within a life that I can see myself living forever.
    3. There's not the constant encouragement of the scale going down, or other NSVs to keep me motivated. I try to see every day that the scale is in my maintenance range as a victory but it just doesn't have the same buzz.

    Its sure been a learning experience ! I can see how easy it is to regain the weight, and I certainly don't feel like I'm out of the woods. Actually, I'm not sure that I ever will be. I just hold on to my determination to make it work, and hope that that will see me through the challenges that I will inevitably face.

  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    My weight is at 61pounds lost.

    There's lots of parties this time of year, and I'm trying to keep my daily calories quite low so that I can enjoy the festivities.

    Usually what worries me about going out of my maintenance range is that it could spiral out of control and I would gain all the weight I lost.

    Although my weight has been slowly creeping up, I actually feel in control at the moment, and I know that the gains will end at the end of the month (when the parties stop), so I'm less concerned than I otherwise would be.

    Sure, I would like to stay within my maintenance range - it's a real psychological victory. but i'm having fun ! so I might not. and that's ok, too.
    or I might try to exercise more. That would be the sensible thing to do; but its the 'silly season', right ?

    There's a wonderful sense of relief in allowing myself to not care.
    (and doing it with the confidence that I am in control)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I love seeing such positivity here... I'm struggling myself with the return of doing "okay" while eating off plan and stupid foods and quantities of them for no apparent reason other than logicking myself that I "deserve it." I think I'm going to just relax some through the end of the year, not growing out of my jeans being the goal, and just getting back to it when I'm done with the holiday...
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Happy to share the positivity :smile:

    I'm trying not to let the next couple of weeks turn into a complete free for all; but just accepting that some days will go over maintenance. I'm making a point of keeping at least one day a week on track in order to retain a bit of control.

    But yeah, sometimes its good to relax a bit :wink: .
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    So my mini-goal is to maintain my weight until the end of 2015.
    To me, that is so much more achievable. So much less overwhelming.

    I did it !!
    today's weigh in is my last of 2015 and I am at 61lbs lost.

    It feels great to be able to say that I've been successfully maintaining for over 6 months.
    Its been really hard in so many ways and I absolutely believe that this thread has been an enormous help. Thank you everybody for your support, encouragement and advice - it makes a big difference.

    I can't say that I feel confident that I will maintain forever, but I certainly feel *more* confident than before. I also now know that I *can* maintain forever. It takes diligence, but with determination I can do it

    Finding an eating plan that worked for me was a real turning point. The right macros, at the right time in a way that fit my schedule. It was an eye-opening experience to see what a massive difference that made.

    I will still be logging into MFP and checking the forums but I plan to take a break from the scale. My next weigh in will be on (or before) January 10th. My next goal is to maintain until the end of 2016.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Today I promise to stay within my calorie goal
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    So my mini-goal is to maintain my weight until the end of 2015.
    To me, that is so much more achievable. So much less overwhelming.

    I did it !!
    today's weigh in is my last of 2015 and I am at 61lbs lost.

    It feels great to be able to say that I've been successfully maintaining for over 6 months.
    Its been really hard in so many ways and I absolutely believe that this thread has been an enormous help. Thank you everybody for your support, encouragement and advice - it makes a big difference.

    I can't say that I feel confident that I will maintain forever, but I certainly feel *more* confident than before. I also now know that I *can* maintain forever. It takes diligence, but with determination I can do it

    Finding an eating plan that worked for me was a real turning point. The right macros, at the right time in a way that fit my schedule. It was an eye-opening experience to see what a massive difference that made.

    I will still be logging into MFP and checking the forums but I plan to take a break from the scale. My next weigh in will be on (or before) January 10th. My next goal is to maintain until the end of 2016.

    Congrats!!! Those are some huge milestones, accomplishments, realizations, and goals...
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Congrats!!! Those are some huge milestones, accomplishments, realizations, and goals...

    Thankyou :smile:

    I had a wonderful Christmas / new years. I have a friend's birthday celebration to go to this weekend and then its back to the regular weigh ins.

    Pretty sure I'll be out of my maintenance range, but I don't mind. It will be a few pounds at most, and I feel confident that I'll lose it. It was refreshing to not think about calories and portion; and whilst I know that's not a long term solution, it sure was a nice break.
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I decided to take the plunge and get on the scale. I'm at 58 pounds lost; which means 2 pounds over my maintenance range.

    My 'maintenance break' (is there such a thing ?) was worth it. I feel really refreshed and ready to get back into it.
    My plan now is to lose 10 pounds to get to the lower end of my maintenance range. At 1/2 pound per week, that will take me to summer !!

    The familiarity of my eating routine is a comfortable place to be.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Absolutely there is such a thing, and it's a critical part of long term success. Maintaining allows your metabolism to take a break from the hard work of losing weight so it can gear up to do it again....

    I love the comfort and consistency you're finding in a system working FOR you!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Absolutely there is such a thing, and it's a critical part of long term success. Maintaining allows your metabolism to take a break from the hard work of losing weight so it can gear up to do it again....

    I love the comfort and consistency you're finding in a system working FOR you!

    It was a break from maintaining (not a break from losing) :smile: :smile: :wink:

    After 6 months of maintaining, I gave myself permission to enjoy the Christmas period, and eat above my maintenance calories. It was 'controlled' overeating. I could have chosen to stop but I was enjoying myself so I didn't.
    I have spent the last 1 1/2 years trying to maintain an awareness of the calorie content of everything that I've eaten. Whether losing or maintaining, I have been eating within a calorie limit.
    In December I took a break from all that !!!
    It was good. It was fun. The 3 pounds were worth it.

    I'm now 2 pounds above my maintenance range.
    (though how much of that is just daily fluctuations I don't know).

    I feel very refreshed. and I agree, I think taking a break is an important part of long term success. (for me, anyway).

    I just need to get my weight to the bottom of my maintenance range before the next 'break' :smiley:

  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm back in my maintenance range.

    I really enjoyed the break in December. Now that I know that I was able to get back to eating within a calorie limit, I can say that I am really glad that I did it.

    The next step is to get to the bottom of my maintenance range.
    Since its a 10lb range, I've got a long way to go !
  • kaysday
    kaysday Posts: 256 Member
    I've been feeling very down and out for this week. I pulled myself out of the " funk" so that I can get back on my grind. I lost 50 pounds but this week alone gained about 5 back. My promise to myself is to get back on the grind. Just having a tough time staying motivated.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    kaysday wrote: »
    I've been feeling very down and out for this week. I pulled myself out of the " funk" so that I can get back on my grind. I lost 50 pounds but this week alone gained about 5 back. My promise to myself is to get back on the grind. Just having a tough time staying motivated.

    But isn't it so shockingly amazing that we can pull ourselves back now after 5 pound gains, rather than gaining it ALL back PLUS 5 pounds?? That's the part that still rocks my socks off! *high five* to you!!!