Infertility -need to lose weight!



  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    It took my parents 10 years to have me. No fertility pills in those days just sheer perseverance. Just keep trying. I am proof it can be done.
  • Soybeaner
    Soybeaner Posts: 126 Member
    edited December 2014
    First off big huge hugs. I get it. I have been there. I can get pregnant. It is hard for me to keep the pregnancy. I have been pregnant 6 times. We only have two children. One loss, my 3 year old, 3 consecutive losses, and my 7 month old.

    I have been to the fertility clinics. Went as far as to start getting prepped for IVF the last time. I could not stand the doctor however. So I walked out. And cried and cried and cried. The doctor was an inexcusable abrasive (insert derogatory term).

    Before each successful pregnancy I had let my weight creep up. I weighed 184 lbs the day of my D & C with pregnancy #5.

    After I left the reproductive endocrinologist's office I made a change. I started to exercise, tracked, what I ate, and lost 25 lbs over 9 months. Got pregnant with our second daughter. My husband and I agreed if this one did not work we were done trying. Mentally I did not think I could handle another loss. But it worked. My healthy little girl is here. Same type of story with the first except it was exercise, watching what I ate, and only losing 15 lbs as I was not as heavy to start with.

    Long story short. I get it. I have been there. Both of my girls are a testament to exercise and achieving a healthy weight. Side note, I had my daughters at age 32 & 35.

    If you are serious about fitness and making changes add me. I do not post much in the forums but I am on every day. My logging streak is at 151 days since being cleared to exercise by my doctor after having my youngest. (Baby weight to get rid of!)
  • krustyoldhag
    krustyoldhag Posts: 65 Member
    jsombutmai wrote: »
    Wow, took me a while to get through this whole thread. I'm sorry that you're in my boat! I wish I had a success story for you, but I'm happy to just be here for you. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was a teen, but back then, it wasn't really known about the link to insulin resistance. Flashforward and now I'm starting to really pay attention. I need to lose weight. I know I need to exercise, particularly strength training (I lose mad weight when I get my lift on), but I use stress as an excuse for bad eating and not showing up to the gym :( Anyway, good luck to you, and baby dust too!

    I have the same issue - I make excuses, I am self sabotaging and I binge. I hate it - I feel like I losing it sometimes! I even work at a fitness center! Do I exercise? No. I use stress and anxiety as a reason to have more food, sleep late, etc. What is wrong with me? Am I depressed??? :s
  • krustyoldhag
    krustyoldhag Posts: 65 Member
    Soybeaner wrote: »
    First off big huge hugs. I get it. I have been there. I can get pregnant. It is hard for me to keep the pregnancy. I have been pregnant 6 times. We only have two children. One loss, my 3 year old, 3 consecutive losses, and my 7 month old.

    I have been to the fertility clinics. Went as far as to start getting prepped for IVF the last time. I could not stand the doctor however. So I walked out. And cried and cried and cried. The doctor was an inexcusable abrasive (insert derogatory term).

    Before each successful pregnancy I had let my weight creep up. I weighed 184 lbs the day of my D & C with pregnancy #5.

    After I left the reproductive endocrinologist's office I made a change. I started to exercise, tracked, what I ate, and lost 25 lbs over 9 months. Got pregnant with our second daughter. My husband and I agreed if this one did not work we were done trying. Mentally I did not think I could handle another loss. But it worked. My healthy little girl is here. Same type of story with the first except it was exercise, watching what I ate, and only losing 15 lbs as I was not as heavy to start with.

    Long story short. I get it. I have been there. Both of my girls are a testament to exercise and achieving a healthy weight. Side note, I had my daughters at age 32 & 35.

    If you are serious about fitness and making changes add me. I do not post much in the forums but I am on every day. My logging streak is at 151 days since being cleared to exercise by my doctor after having my youngest. (Baby weight to get rid of!)

    Congrats on your babies!
    I had the same issue with my fertility doctor!
    He was condescending and didn't take any of my past medical issues into consideration. Told me it was going to be near impossible for me to get pregnant without forking over 1000's of dollars for his "guidance". Total god complex.

    Anyway - we couldn't afford treatments and still can't afford treatments! LOL
    I don't know what it is going to take for me to buckle down and really truly lose the weight I need to. And I am not positive that losing weight is the answer!
    I have been as low as 118 so far as my weight goes and still had screwed up periods, infertility and hormone issues. I am 165 currently - down from 180.
    My goal is to get to 120 at least. It's hard to stay positive mentally and emotionally because I feel so beat down about being a total failure as a woman. We are supposed to make babies... that's what our bodies were designed to do and I can't even do that. Seems like an utter failure at the simplest task - getting pregnant. Having a child. Infertility is a daily insult.
  • krustyoldhag
    krustyoldhag Posts: 65 Member
    Tmm10910 wrote: »
    So sorry to learn that you are struggling with infertility. It is not a fun place to be. We have been trying for about 3 years, have unexplained infertility, and preparing for our 2nd round of IVF in April. I am trying to lose a bit of weight to be in better shape and possibly help increase our odds of it finally working this time. In the last few months I have been getting more into yoga and I find that it has helped clear my mind, de-stress, and relax a bit more.

    I really hope the IVF works out for you!!! :D
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    edited December 2014
    I'm so sorry for your struggles and REALLY sorry you found a jerk of an infertility doc. I Loved mine.
    Has your husband had himself checked? That's not as much $$ and 30% of fertility issues are male oriented. (Sorry, I missed the post that he is ok)

    Would love to help on the weight side if I can. Infertility S*cks... but its not a failure if your body has issues.
    Its Very, very hard though.

    You asked if depression could be part of it. Absolutely, because all of this stuff is very hard mentally!

    YOU may not be able to control everything with you fertility but you CAN control your weight, and that will help control your mind.

    You can do it!!!! One day at a time, one step at a time.
  • krustyoldhag
    krustyoldhag Posts: 65 Member
    nancybuss wrote: »
    I'm so sorry for your struggles and REALLY sorry you found a jerk of an infertility doc. I Loved mine.
    Has your husband had himself checked? That's not as much $$ and 30% of fertility issues are male oriented. (Sorry, I missed the post that he is ok)

    Would love to help on the weight side if I can. Infertility S*cks... but its not a failure if your body has issues.
    Its Very, very hard though.

    You asked if depression could be part of it. Absolutely, because all of this stuff is very hard mentally!

    YOU may not be able to control everything with you fertility but you CAN control your weight, and that will help control your mind.

    You can do it!!!! One day at a time, one step at a time.

    Thanks for your encouragement! I am really upset about this issue today - so sorry if I came off super negative!!!
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    [I am 165 currently - down from 180.
    My goal is to get to 120 at least. It's hard to stay positive mentally and emotionally because I feel so beat down about being a total failure as a woman. We are supposed to make babies... that's what our bodies were designed to do and I can't even do that. Seems like an utter failure at the simplest task - getting pregnant. Having a child. Infertility is a daily insult. [/quote]

    I hear you. And again, I'm so sorry you're going through this. As the support of the other women on this thread have shown, you're not alone. But I can imagine that it doesn't necessarily make it any better on days when the sense of pain and failure is overwhelming.

    I know for me, the only time I got pregnant was when I was exercising hard and consistently (my husband and I were doing Insanity for a month or so). Sadly, it didn't stick, but at least I knew I could get pregnant, which was a silver lining of sorts.

    It sounds like your supplements are pretty comprehensive, and It's tough to hear that acupuncture wasn't effective for you. As I said, sitting down with a naturopathic doctor, or an integrative doctor, with a specialty in women's health may be beneficial in looking at your clinical presentation more holistically.

    Good luck to you on this journey. Feel free to add me if you have any specific questions.