Thanksgiving at a new family's. Help me come up with excuses?



  • Take a diet pill n just eat or ask if they have a dog n say you're scared of dogs n cant go
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    Just to make sure you have other not-so-good advice I'll offer a few other possible responses . . .

    1. I wonder what kind of life that turkey lived before it was slaughtered merely for our pleasure.
    2. Is that a hair in that bowl?
    3. Have you ever seen what cranberry sauce does to teeth over time?
    4. Was that stuffing up the turkey's as5?
    5. I love corn. I like to count the kernels in the toilet the next morning.
    6. If I ate all that food my belly would look like yours.
    7. What, no ham? I was told there was going to be ham. Now I'm going to have to stop off somewhere on the way home to get some real food. In the meantime I'd rather not stuff myself with this crap.
    8. No thanks. I've had food poisoning before.

    I'm super late, but this brilliance is timeless. Seriously funny stuff!