
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Forgot to mention that I also iced the banana chocolate cake that we're going to have.

    Actually, since Shadow doesn't get along with other cats and is right now missing Lance, it probably would have been better for Melanie if Denise had brought her on the plane. Poor Melanie is going to be so stressed, Jess said when she got Melanie Melanie hissed at Jess. Well, that stands to reason, Jess is a stranger to her. Also, it seems that this dog that Petey got gets all the attention and poor Melanie gets pushed aside, at least that's how I see it. They go down the shore a lot and there are lots and lots of pics of the dog at the shore but none of Melanie. Denise told Vince today that she leaves Melanie alone for days at a time, no one checking in on her or anything.

    The flight's delayed. So now we'll probably leave around 8.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

    I found time to read all the posts from the last few days because Jake just got a phone call from his friend whose marriage is very bumpy. Jake is a really good friend and has sound advice for all his friends and is a good listener. His advice is in the area of prayer, meditation, and self examination----a good recipe for all of life's problems.

    :D Sylvia, I've been getting my hair cut at Great Clips for the price of $11.00 for seniors ($16.00 for non-seniors) and I've had great results every time. I'm sorry you had such bad results at an expensive place.....everyone else is right--hair does grow out relatively quickly.

    smiley-bounce013.gifWe're back to rainy days again....I am grateful for having the right clothes to wear and dogs who don't mind the rain. Jake built a fire in the woodstove this afternoon so the house is very cozy.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    evening folks~
    Im so mad at myself, we went to the pool this afternoon and I took my fit bit off, and put it on the beach bag, and just NOW remembered to put it back on OY...
    we had a dinner party tonight, I am exsausted,did all the cooking, setting up, serving.. and did the dishes DH dried, but I am about to collapse.. supposed to be rainy here tomorrow so will just relax, maybe run out and get a few things at Hobby Lobby.. but will see..
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia :) Love the pics of your furbabies!!! Also love all the jokes!!! I don`t like Stevia either, I think it has a bitter aftertaste….ick! So sorry about the bad haircut, glad they agreed to try to fix it! I`ve had the same hairstylist for 26 years, she`s like family now!

    Alison :) I`m so glad you`re enjoying yourself in FL!!! Great pic of your FIL!!! I hope you`re enjoying your dinner party!

    Beth :) Queen Beth, it suits you!!!! I wonder why it is that men don`t like to read directions? Glad hubby is doing a good job of cleaning!

    Margaret :) Love the pic of the water lily, it`s so gorgeous!!!

    Robin :) Getting rid of clutter is so freeing!!! It`s so good to see you posting more!

    Pipcd :) Love that beautiful face on your furbaby!!! Glad your hubby will be home for Christmas!

    Rosie :) Looking forward to seeing a pic of your furbaby!!! No bite of a holiday cookie…YAY!

    Dianna :) What a wonderful gesture for your son! Please tell him I thank him for his service!!!

    Joyce :) Did you get your shopping done? Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year, longest night of the year.

    Heather :) I hope you`re having a lovely time with your family!!!

    Terri :) I hope you enjoy your holiday just doing exactly what you choose!

    Vicki :) So sorry you fell, hope you`re doing okay now!!! Letting DSD know you`re there for her is wonderful!

    Rori :) I have a friend who makes baklava every Christmas for my daughter; she makes wedding cookies for me! I share the cookies with everyone I know!

    Michele :) You always do so well with eating at the bowling alley! Cornbread spinach bread, how was it? Good for you making “that” appt.!!! I have several years before I have to do it again! How sweet of Jessica to go pick up Melanie!!! Your dinner sounds awesome!!!

    Cynthia :) Love you office!!! I love the drapes open and I love them shut, I don`t think they look too busy. It looks like a nice accent wall!

    Yanniejannie :) Hope you got a nap in this afternoon!!! It`s been icky weather here for the last several days, I`m ready to see the sun shine!!! Hope you have a lovely time tonight!

    Carol :) I`m ready to see some sunshine!!!! Also looking forward to hearing about your new place!

    Sue :) I bet your furbaby looks gorgeous! Mine got groomed today and she even has polished nails and a fluffy white scarf with a sparkly snowflake. Hope hubby`s procedure goes smoothly!

    Barbie :) I love the dancing Santa! Jake`s advice is priceless!!! What a wonderful friend he is!

    Welcome to everyone new!!!!


    Here is a pic of Noel in her winter scarf, laying beside her gingerbread boy toy!

    Have a wonderful evening!
    DeeDee in foggy NC

    060.JPG 746.1K
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    love the poacher noel! here are the stats for the day, tomorrow i work 1/2day, that means i will be riding home the 11 mi...., no sounder running during the afternoon.
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 10.39min 16.6amph 3mi
    ski machine- 40min, 20-45resis, 2.09mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.45min 12.8amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.57min, 8.2amph, 2.7mi, windy
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well worth the $50 to see Brian, Sports Nutritionist.
    I am 158 cms tall, 98Kg and by his Omron scale I am 52.4% BF by my scales I am 44.6%BF. I have to STOP JuicePlus cut out sugar in drinks, drink 2 litres water, more herb teas than coffee and tea, eat less fruit and switch to Uncle Toby's muesli.
    Oh my what a shock!!!!!
    Will see him again in a week. He has my Jeannette Jenkins' book to look at breakfasts in order to comment.
    He will email me with instructions and what vitamin to use (his is 10 times stronger than what I take), so take one tablet of mine with every meal.
    Max 1700 calories of food per day.
    WALK 3 miles in a morning after granary bread and banana, then breakfast.
    Weights heaviest dumbbell I have and ONLY 15 reps. l Can keep up the protein shakes before weights, then lunch.
    I see doctor on 02 January 2015 and will cancel dietitian,
    I AM allowed to enjoy Christmas Day and Boxing Day meals though
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    I leave early in the morning to take a friend to pick up her grandson for Christmas. Since I'll be gone most of the day, I'll tell you all my Christmas wish for you.
    I wish that we all have a great day, enjoy your solitude or your family and friends, enjoy the food you choose to eat but just don't overdo. Most of all, I wish you all good health.

    Thanks for the answers to my question about a Jan group. Ya'll are the best.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :D<3 DeeDee, I love the picture of Noel and her holiday toy. We went to Petco a few days ago with a 20% off coupon and bought cat food and treats for Bernie and were very good about resisting buying all the darling holiday dog toys....they were so cute.

    :D Janet, thank you for the holiday wishes <3 Just keep reading every day and you'll find the link to the January thread that will be posted around 7 PM (PST) on December 31. I am looking forward to getting to know you better.

    :D Lesley, good luck with your new eating plan.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello friends -

    It's been a gloomy, rainy day. Got to the gym for my 70 minutes of water work. My back is better now that I am running in the water again. I had stopped that last week because of the back pain and feeling blah. I think leaving it off my workout was part of the trouble.

    After the Y I had to meet with the banker to roll over some 403B funds. Was really pleased that the banker didn't think I was 59 1/2 when I'm 65! Not getting into details - I set myself up for a messy transition with my retirement funds. I am praying all things fell into place well enough to please the IRA. Now I am praying not to be audited(don't want to have to outline all the steps it took me to get to here) UGH! after an hour and a half I made it home sarving! I ate a healthy lunch (little more than usual) and did not let my emotions control me! YEAH!

    Now we are finalizing plans for dinner at DDIL's aunt's house tomorrow. I don't have to cook anything! (makes me feel a bit guilty)just arranging rides and arrival, etc. I am planning to eat shrimp, relishes, turkey, cranberry sauce, a small dinner roll, and a sugar cookie. The cheesy vegetable casseroles and stuffing have no appeal anymore.

    Tonight my hubby - who is very undemonstrative about his affection for me (although he's always kind and caring) -presented me with a beautiful gold necklace. It has a one inch gold bar on a dainty chain. The bar is engraved with "Charlie Loves Toni". I was shocked and so touched! We usually don't do gifts to each other although he did give me a neck massager one year. I just wanted to share my joy a bit!

    Welcome new folks - Janet love your MFP name!

    Sylvia - love the pictures of the pups! Sorry about the haircut.

    Katla - your travel plans sound good for all of you.

    Cynthia - the curtains are lovely - nice environment to contemplate business

    Diana - what a wonderful gesture for your son. God bless him for his service.

    Love and Hugs
    Toni in Tennessee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Good Evening Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers.


    Sylvia rofl.gif

    Beth hope things are going better. I find comfort in the small victories like figuring things out by reading the directions.

    Deedee Noel what a doll.

    I subbed the last day before break. The teacher wanted to spend time with her sons who were home on leave. Overall a fun day. The Christmas concert at the end of the day helped to fill me with the Christmas spirit. I brought in art supplies from when I was teaching. I am slowly trying to downsize my materials. A hard task for me. I admire those of you who are clearing our and downsizing. Within the next few months I will be helping clear out my moms house to get it ready to sell. Unfortunately I one of my brothers used her house to hoard his stuff. If any of you have had to deal with something similar I am open to ideas on how to deal with him.

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    2014 word:contentment



  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited December 2014
    HMMM, seems as if my post frm this morning is gone again. I would like to know who this cyber fairy is and report him/her to Santa Claus. I can't remember what in the world I said this morning. I do remember commenting on Cynthias room. It was before she put the picture up with the drapes closed. Very pretty, love the rose carpet and drapes. What do you put in the display case?

    Note to self, do not go to Walmart without your husband. We usually go about twice a week just to get my fresh fruits and veggies and more yogurt. Since we don't cook at home we don't have a lot of groceries. We get food for breakfast and lunches and that's it. Well I went tonight to get some items for dinner at my sister's house on the 25th. We jsut decided today, this evening what we were going to do. since we don't celebrate Christmas until January we kind of put off planning what to do on the 25th. Her son used to fix breakfast on the 25th and invite his parents but he is such an awful cook they finally convinced them to go to thier home instead and they would do the cooking. So they do that at 10 AM and my nephew isn't in the mood to drive all the way back to town (5 miles come on Alan) and so us two sisters and spouses and my daughter have a meal. the men don't like it that we usually have sandwiches but i never see them taking over the kitchen offering to cook. Both my sister and I are disabled and we do a BIG dinner for when all the family comes in next week so we do light for the 25th. So charlie went out for his karaoke tonight and i left for Wal-Mart. I enjoy people watching so I didn't mind. I kind of just wandered the store, wanted to get the stocking gifts done. Grand daughters love things for their hair so it's easy to do. Anyway, the oldest grand daughter put on her wish list a chandelier for her locker or her room. Some of the things on it were just the dreams of a teenager. But I found a beautiful chandelier in the Christmas ornament section for $1.98! Instead of lights it has 'jewels' and it's about the size of the locker chandeliers which are battery operated. Charlie liked it. But instead of spending our usual $30 I spent $143.00!!!
    We have the most money in our family and we are retired, have our house and one car paid off so I usually get more than my share of the candy for the stockings. We got a big bag the other day at Sam's and I am sure that Charlie thinks that is what I usually buy so tonight I got two more big bags.
    Several weeks ago I went over to my sister's house and we worked on these ornaments that I am making for both my girls. Well I used a paint pen and painted Michelle's blue and I fashioned the Indianapolis Colt's insignia on it. When I so proudly showed Charlie, he told me that it was upside down. An upside down horse shoe means that they are losing. So I used my finger nail polish remover and removed that part. So today I went over there and used it again to fill it in and then brought it home to finish. I was going to do this DIY project for all the ladies in the family for thier stockings but I couldn't figure out how to do this one knot. So I gave in and had my sister help me with it. So we made all 12 of those and they look very nice. It's a cookie cutter with a jingle bell suspended with a pretty red ribbon. So I got one thing done. Still have to wrap everything!!! And I mean everything!

    Sylvia, my sister has gone to Penny's and doesn't like it either. I go to a dear friend and it's a lot of fun. She has it in her own home and no one else is there, she has wonderful music on

    Allison, what do the other people in your family do while you are doing all of this? I would think some one would get up and help.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well, it looks like I won't be exercising tomorrow. Last we heard, Jess was going to be leaving VA around 2 which would get her here around 9. I know she wants to go to the vet to take Lance's body to be creamated. Not sure if Denise is going to go or not. We just got home (1:00) from picking her up.

    barbie - go Santa, go Santa, go Santa! Shake your botty

    DeeDee - that cornbread spinach bread was not bad. I think it really was just cornbread with some spinach added. But it really didn't hurt the flavor of the cornbread any. Of course, Vince wouldn't eat it since it had "green stuff" in it which means it was somewhat healthy....lol Did it get warmer tonight? while we were at the airport, I got so warm. Noel looks so lovely. Does she have a special coat for Thurs?

    barbie - where do you get the coupons for Petco? Do you get them in the paper or are they emailed to you?

    Toni - how sweet of your hubby!

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well my post is still there! Hopefully when I wake up it will still be here. I cut, copy and pasted before I hit post
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've been traveling. Yesterday we drove to DSIL's place, about 400 miles from home, and today I'm in CO with DD and family. DH stayed with his sister. DD picked me up at the airport, we went to a great place with Christmas lights and Santa, and then got lost trying to go to her home. We eventually stopped in a gas station and got directions. We were miles farther south than the airport, and her home is miles North and West of the airport. Long day and I'm tired but happy. Happy Christmas Eve Day.

    Katla temporarily in Colorado
  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Hello to everyone and happy christmas eve. I am in the kitchen and my gorgeous daughter is making peppermint bark and florentines both of which are full of calories and fat so luckily she is making them for a party she is going to otherwise i may succumb.

    I am now ready for christmas having been food shopping at 7am this morning and then into our local town for a couple of bits. I have shopped sensibly in order that I will not put weight on over christmas - fingers crossed.

    I always find christmas to be emotional, my mum passed away a few years ago and I miss her loads, since then my sister moved to malta and my brother to Florida and all my family live so far away, I am lucky to have a great hubby and two kids but feel that sometimes I wish I had a big family to fill the house with.

    Then I think well if the house was full I would probably be stressed so I cant win.

    I hope you guys are all ready for a great christmas and new year.

    I love the posts on here so will check in even tomorrow for a read.

    thinking of you all over the next few days.

    Heather in Northampton. xxxx :smiley:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Mery Christmas Eve! My family is going to be here at 10:00 so DH and I walked at 7:30 in the pouring rain. It actually wasn't bad. I wore long underwear pants under lightweight knit exercise pants. The outer pants were soaked but I felt none of it next to my skin. I will take pics of the Orange cake later and post for y'all to see. It is one of those cakes that isn't necessarily pretty but oh so delicious.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    well.... today I work 1/2 day, we have breakfast potluck this morning, did a spin class this morning, of course all Christmas music. there wont' be a train running at noon so I will be riding home (roughly around 11 mi and they AIN'T flat!). oh well, I got my music and an opp to burn more calories. I am getting these spurts of depression/sadness thinking about my sister and husband (late husband). I will make it thru, I always do. have a great Christmas Eve or whatever else you celebrate everyone, I will post my stats after the ride this afternoon.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Merry Christmas to Everyone Here!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good news is.......my cold is on the way out. Had a solid night's sleep after Messiah and didn't get up until 7am! We had a man with a beautiful deep voice singing behind us and that alone made the effort to get there worth it.......I just shut up and listened and enjoyed. We were running a bit later than usual for this event (DD lifguarded 7a to 3p then worked the show barn until 6:30p) and we ended up in the third balcony which is usually bad seating. She doesn't work till 3p today so I'm having broccoli and mushroom alfredo before she goes off to the show barn.
    Very BAD news......Christmas just got flushed down the toliet here. Tomorrow she offered (!!!!) to work at my friend's barn both am and pm since both the other women (strangers, really) she shares the job with have kids........which, granted, is a very nice thing to do for those women........BUT, we have missed enough family Christmas's when DH was military......until she was 6 and he retired, I either had to change the day because of his 24hr. duty rotation (when she was too little to tell the difference) or he was entirely gone.........and had been for months. Bah Humbug!!! And all those earlier holidays I worked as an RN when it wasn't my holiday rotation (again, because he was GONE) ..........sorry, I have more than "paid my dues" in missing out on family Christmas ............rant ended on here, but certainly not over in real life. We don't have that big family thing.......there's only the three of us. I am stomping my foot furious. We NEVER have a family Thanksgiving on that holiday because of volnteering and now this. Mentally, I'm ready to drag that stupid tree out to the curb and rip down every decoration...........now. I'm just getting more and more angry so I'll stop now.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good afternoon on Christmas Eve everyone!

    I have read all your posts and LOVE you all and send you my very best wishes, but I am too tired to reply to you all. I sm thinking of each and every one of you. :love:

    The grandchildren etc left this morning and we are regrouping! I loved it, but a sleepless night with my horrible streaming cold has wiped me out. The meal went wonderfully and the star was the Kale and Chard Tart by Ottolenghi that we had as a starter. The presents went down well, especially DGS'S recorder and song book which he carried all round the village in the dark when we went outside to look at the lights. <3
    DGD is such a little personality now and can really hold her own. A very determined little soul, but utterly charming. <3
    Just made some ginger shortbread biscuits for our New Year entertaining.
    Quiet couple of days now, but it won't last for long!
    I've just been listening on the radio to a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols from Kings College Chapel, Cambridge. An annual appointment for me. Love the readings from the King James Bible and the traditional carols. I am not religious, but it signifies the real beginning of Christmas for me. I always like to have everything prepared for Christmas before it starts. It is a live broadcast and every year they choose, at the last minute, a new boy chorister to sing the solo opening verse of "Once in Royal David's City" at the chapel door. Every year it brings tears to my eyes!! One year, between the start and finish of the service, my brother and his wife had reconciled with my mother after a long estrangement. It was a true Christmas miracle. :love:

    Very best wishes, whether you are celebrating or not, whether you are joyful or sad. I just wish you everything you wish for yourself.
    Heather in darkening Hampshire UK