20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will attempt my new Eating plan. All vegies Whole grains, fruits no animals product. Which will not bother me no yogurt and now that will This diet is purpose to reverse my diabetic and gain my energy back Todays meals was 1 fried egg with pam 1/2 sl. of Gluten free English muffin free for breakfast. For lunch gluten free bean soup , Banana Dinner stir fry veggies, with 1/2 c of chili beans, orange First day was a suucess except breakfast I was not surpose to have that egg
    I am working toward thanksgiving now. July 4th is shot
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    Barbie, I live in Chicago and it gets brutally cold in the winter, we have had days of -50 degrees with wind chill. not good for my dogs paw pads, he wouldn't think of going out. he is a mini golden doodle but he is more medium, about 35lbs. he has the greatest disposition and is such a love!!

    I enjoy him:) he likes to walk and doesn't talk!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :) Stephanie, I absolutely agree that it would be too cold in Chicago in the winter to take your dog for a walk. Where I live, the lowest temperatures are around 20 degrees and usually closer to freezing in the winter so my poodles are fine walking even in the occasional snow. My dogs are small standard poodles--38 and 48 pounds.

    o:) Marie, your new eating plan sounds very challenging....good luck

    <3 Barbie
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Nancy, good luck on your screened porch! I hope it finishes fast for you.

    Marie, I hope you like your new diet plan. It's difficult sometimes to meet all the proteins goals with no meat, but beans help a lot. And sometimes different foods surprise me with their high protein. I think broccoli and kale are good sources of protein too.

    Shirley, I'm not sure what MFP is up to. They haven't replied to me today. It works fine on my phone, but not on my computer. It won't let me "like" or comment on my newsfeed either. Atleast I can log with my phone though, otherwise I'd be going crazy!

    Stephanie, the extra calories are going well! It makes me feel less rigid so it's nice. I barely made it to 1,300 today though. I could've pushed it to 1,400 but I didn't feel like eating anything else before bed. I'm up too late anyway. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll fit that extra 100 in though. :)

    Esther, awesome pound down! You're doing so great, I love it!! :D

    My excitement for the day came from my 18 minute jog, and the fact that there were two houses I really wanted to look at(they look very appealing in their online photos) that I thought had been sold, but it turns out they're still available! We're going to look at them on Saturday. I'm super excited to see them! They're older houses that have been updated, and I love the character they have in them. Last night the one I'm most interested in came up as under contract, but the buyer couldn't obtain financing, so I have my chance now. :) It was a nice surprise for sure.

    I get to weigh in in the morning, I'm very curious to see if there's a gain or a loss. A loss would make for a great day!

    Good luck to the fellow morning weighers! :)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Friday!

    Nancy...be careful. Don't the the stress of the porch get to you.
    Marie...hope you like the diet. 1:1:1 can still be your guide and standby.
    Barbie..I know your doggies are glad you are back. My Cooper will not "do his do" in the backyard either unless there is no other choice. :)

    This is gym day...personal training/pool.

    Will reevaluate food plan and change something. Have already dropped cals from 1350 to 1200 starting today. There has to be something I am doing wrong that is keeping me from dropping the pounds. Anyway...I have to keep plugging away at it. It's just soooo difficult sometimes. :/

    Make it a great day, everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I agree Connie it is a struggle sometimes to get these pounds off. I walked/jogged yesterday for 50 min I haven't jogged in years and it wasn't has hard as I thought. I just don't want to trip so I have to be careful. I did lose 1.2 pounds this week.
    I changed things up by substituting a meal for a smoothie this week and it worked so far. I had my smoothie this morning
    so I will have a normal lunch and dinner today. I am going to keep up this pace and see what happens. I am still following
    South Beach for other meals. Since I started the challenge it has been the same pounds up and down for weeks.

    Heading for Yoga class have a good day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello misfit.well I really change my eating plans up. Now I am a vegan after reading dr. Barnard reversing diabectic I decided to give it a try, I always wanted to try it out so I said why not.every thing went well yesterday except my breakfast I had an egg and that was not on my list.breakfast this morning went well tho.i had 1/2 sl. Of gluten free bread wih retried black beans .i don,t have to count calories or carb.
    Grocer shopping this morning to stock up on fresh fruit. And veggies.see you all later have a great day
    Ps can,t get my computer on this morning

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! <3 It's been a busy week getting reoriented to the hospital for teaching clinicals starting next week.

    Not sure what I was thinking when I signed up to teach an 0645-1445 clinical! I live an hour south of the hospital and I have to be there two hours before the students to make patient assignments and do my own assessment of each of the 6 patients. That means I need to be at the hospital every W/TH at 0445. So... I have to leave my house at 0345, so... I have to wake up at 0245! That's the middle of the night. Oh boy.

    The first clinical rotation is 5 weeks. I get two weeks off of clinical then get a new group for another 6 weeks. Then it's the start of the fall semester. Yikes! At least my other work days each week are on campus and then I get Friday's off. I just pray I don't sleep in!

    Nancy, Hand in there with your porch project. I can relate to projects never going as planned. We are still in the middle of building our pond and the garage has been put on hold to do so.

    Esther, great job on the losses!

    Barbie, welcome home! Our dogs really struggle when we leave them. One of them that is my shadow whenever I'm home eats very little until I return home. :-(

    Connie, keep us posted on how you end up changing things up (if you do). 1200 calories seems like too few for you with all your exercising. I can't figure out why you're not losing. Does your personal trainer have any tips? If so, please share them as you and I are both rather stuck in the loss category.

    Shirley, great work losing 1.2 lbs! I know you'd also been stuck for a little while. I have a friend who loves the SBD.

    Rachel, glad you're enjoying your extra 200 calories!

    Marie, so happy you have your computer back. :-) Did your doctor advise you to stop eating all animal products? I'm sure he will monitor your hemoglobin, protein and prealbumin levels periodically to ensure they don't drop with the decreased protein intake.

    I did better this past week than the week before with sticking to my eating plan. Had green smoothies for a few meals and increased my water intake. However, I feel like I've gained in my abdomen. Pants were a bit less loose.?

    I go back and forth all the time about which plan to follow... LCHF, calories in vs out, lots of smoothies, etc. Ugh.

    Have a wonderful weekend and I'll check in with my weigh in on Sunday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Help help we have tow birthdays today an I do not know how to copy and paste on this I pad the Stephanie kplisted is not our steph hers is not till
    September the other one is Cory happy birthday to you both

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    @tenpets Connie, keep us posted on how you end up changing things up (if you do). 1200 calories seems like too few for you with all your exercising. I can't figure out why you're not losing. Does your personal trainer have any tips? If so, please share them as you and I are both rather stuck in the loss category.

    I had also planned to drop my carbs a tad...from 30% to 25% AND drop cals to 1200. Her suggestion was to keep cals the same @1350 and drop the carbs to 25%. Basically, change one thing rather than two. Also, she reminded me that I had just started the body pump class (4 sessions) so that needs to be considered. I'm ready to pull my hair out and throw a temper tantrum! >:)

    I plan to measure/weigh food more carefully, too. This morning rather than measure my shredded cheese in the 1/4 cup, I weighed it to see if was truly 28 grams! I hate to get nit-picky, but there has to be something I'm not doing or doing wrong...so I just have to figure out what it is. B)


  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I had also planned to drop my carbs a tad...from 30% to 25% AND drop cals to 1200. Her suggestion was to keep cals the same @1350 and drop the carbs to 25%. Basically, change one thing rather than two. Also, she reminded me that I had just started the body pump class (4 sessions) so that needs to be considered. I'm ready to pull my hair out and throw a temper tantrum! >:)

    I plan to measure/weigh food more carefully, too. This morning rather than measure my shredded cheese in the 1/4 cup, I weighed it to see if was truly 28 grams! I hate to get nit-picky, but there has to be something I'm not doing or doing wrong...so I just have to figure out what it is. B)


    I like her suggestions. I know how frustrated you are right now. I am too. Perhaps with the new class and dropping the carbs a bit you'll see good results. Hang in there!


  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I plan to measure/weigh food more carefully, too. This morning rather than measure my shredded cheese in the 1/4 cup, I weighed it to see if was truly 28 grams! I hate to get nit-picky, but there has to be something I'm not doing or doing wrong...so I just have to figure out what it is. B)

    Weighing food is so great. I weighed my shredded cheese as well last night for dinner rather than just filling the 1/4 cup, it really makes a difference with most foods. Like right now I'm eating some Annie's Bunny Crackers, and the serving size says 51 crackers, but I weighed it instead of just counting, and surprisingly I actually got 52 crackers for the grams serving size. So I guess it can go both ways. I still measure things like butter and oil with the measuring spoons, but anything else goes on the scale.
    Have you talked to your doctor about getting your thyroid checked? It seems like you're doing everything right with diet and exercise, maybe there's something else keeping the scale stagnant?

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @rayw89 Thanks, Ray. Have had it checked, and it is fine. I'm not pre-diabetic or insulin resistant. I take one blood pressure med that does not interfere with anything. Other than the fact that I have been a yo-yo dieter most of my life and am 62, there is nothing wrong other than a worn out metabolism, I guess. What really puzzles me, though, is that I am 226 pounds. I have a lot to lose. So I really think it should be a tad faster than this. So far the average is about 3 pounds a month...just really crawling along and making me crazy in the process. B)
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    . What really puzzles me, though, is that I am 226 pounds. I have a lot to lose. So I really think it should be a tad faster than this. So far the average is about 3 pounds a month...just really crawling along and making me crazy in the process. B)

    Connie, it surprises me too. At 226 and with exercising, you should easily be able to eat 1550 a day and lose weight each week. You've probably done this but I would calculate your TDEE including your exercise and simply eat 500 calories under that number. My sedentary calculation for me at 179 and 5'4" is 1750. Yours has to be higher. Hmmmmm...Perhaps you're not eating enough.

    A few summers ago I lost 25 lb and was exercising 30 min a few days a week and eating 1550 calories each day.
    So, why don't I just do that again? GREAT QUESTION! LOL


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @tenpets LOL.. I have done the calculations MANY times. One site said 2500 cals with moderate exercise 3-5x a week! So deduction of 500 would put me at 2,000. Yikes!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    @tenpets LOL.. I have done the calculations MANY times. One site said 2500 cals with moderate exercise 3-5x a week! So deduction of 500 would put me at 2,000. Yikes!
    Sorry! I figured as much. Wouldn't it be great if we could just have a magic wand and POOF! ;-)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Connie, are you 100% sure the blood pressure medication isn't the culprit? It seems like the only suspicious character in the mix. Your determination is so great, by the way. I would've gotten frustrated and given up long ago. I hope you can determine the problem soon, because you deserve to be losing!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Saturday!

    Ray..I have been taking it for a long time. When my life drastically changed about 5 years ago, and I ate my way through it, I packed on the pounds. :) I think about giving up every day, but losing 3 pounds a month is better than gaining 3 pounds a month.

    Rest day for me today. I have grocery shopping, errands, and house cleaning so I hope to get some steps in.

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong! (That's my plan today.)

    Connie B)

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,

    I had a crazy day yesterday so a lot to catch up on.

    Rachel, good job on upping the calories, proud of you!! I'm sure you will see results.

    Connie, hmmm... I agree that it looks like you are doing everything right and that is so frustrating. my biggest problem is not weighing my food or taking a little extra here or there. my loss has been slow in part due to this. some days are good and some days.....I think it is great to take a closer look at portion sizes. I also agree that you should be able to eat around 1500+ calories a day and still lose weight. no big carbs after lunch and make sure you are getting enough protein, I would shoot for 150+ grams a day for you and your exercise level. I also notice in your diary that you don't always eat dinner, I think you should make it a meal of protein. fat and veggie. think you should regroup a little. PM me if you want some more suggestions. you have so many great healthy habits:)
    and such a good attitude!!
