Time is my Enemy



  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I have 4 kids, the youngest ones are 16 months and 6 months. I work, volunteer, and go to school. I get up at 5am every day to workout before they wake. I go to bed when they do even if I want to stay up so that I get enough sleep.... youngest goes to bed at about 10 or 11
  • mrsmartinez99
    mrsmartinez99 Posts: 1,255 Member
    bwogilvie wrote: »
    That sounds like a good idea. Log your time, and identify what you're spending it on. Be honest (e.g. 25 minutes of reading MFP forums!). Then you can decide what makes the most sense.

    I understand perfectionism and the related urge to do things yourself if they aren't done right. But you'll be a lot less stressed if you learn to share the work. In my experience with roommates and a spouse, I've learned a few things:

    1. Sometimes other people's ways of doing things are just as good as mine, even if they're different.

    2. Even if their way of doing something isn't perfect, it might still be good enough. Does it really matter whether the dishrack is arranged as efficiently as possible, as long as the dishes are clean? I write my grocery list to correspond to the physical layout of the store, so I can check things off in order. My wife writes hers in two broad categories: produce and everything else. She needs to review the list more often when she's in the store, since she has to scan the whole list for items in each section. But either way, the shopping gets done.

    3. If someone else does something in a way that isn't good enough, instead of taking over the task, explain why it's problematic and go over how it needs to be done. The diaper bag is a good example. What your husband has learned is that if he doesn't do it right, he won't have to do it at all. Instead, he should learn how to do it right. If he can't remember what's involved (not everyone has a good memory for such details), a checklist would help.

    Love your example, that is exactly how my husband and I are. And yes he does get frustrated with me and just lets me take over.

    LOVE the checklist idea, never thought of that. I can do that at work. It will definitely help manage my time better and give him a way to help out. I know he wants to help, he has tried. I realize now, it is my perfectionism that gets in the way and takes over.

    I do appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions. I'll keep you all posted on how it goes.