Baby Steps



  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    My baby steps for a month now has been just to get a week with no binging. I'm on the verge of a binge tonight, trying my best to not allow it to get me. I just have one more day to win a week of binge free eating.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    You can do it Karen. Look at at as "just for today, I will not binge" instead of "just one more day binge free" ;):D

    What will you reward yourself with ? And how have you been doing otherwise. We miss you !
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    This week's goals
    1. Lower my sodium for four days. 5 days
    2. Walk for an hour and add 15 minutes of other exercise. 2 days
    3. Eat four veg/fruit a day. 4 days
    12 Days 50.5/1560 miles

    I did o.k. with my goals this week. I would like to meet them consistently so I am going to keep these goals for next week. I lost one pound this week and it has been 31 days without a cigarette.

    This week's goals
    1. Lower my sodium for four days.
    2. Walk for an hour and add 15 minutes of other exercise.
    3. Eat four veg/fruit a day.
    4. Keep walking to Mordor.
  • NEKrebel
    NEKrebel Posts: 35 Member
    My goal this week is to not add or use exercise calories. I think that is keeping me from losing and encouraging extra eating. Does everyone here let MFP determine your calorie needs? I've checked on other sites and get a wide range of limits - from 1000 - to 1600 per day. I could triple any of those and still feel hungry. Grrrrr
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    NE that is an awesome goal. I have thought about it, but I am not yet brave enough to tackle it. I use MFP numbers. I am very maths challenged so having MFP figure it out is very helpful. I will be honest I exercise to eat more. I try to eat back 50% of my exercise calories, though usually I eat back 75% or more. MPF base calories for me is 1200 a day. I average somewhere between 1300-1450 calories.

    I am very excited for you going for this goal and I am cheering you on!!! :)
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    This week:
    Back to logging everything.
    Add strength training.
    Back to gardening.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    My goals for this week is actually just 1 goal:-

    Eat to my NET calorie goal of 1200 at least 5 of 7. I have to get past the psychological challenge of seeing the red line and rather look at my net calories.

    Ooooooh! I missed this goal completely last week. I am doing the biggest loser challenge and my goal there was simply to eat 1200 calories a day - not net!!!

    No! No! No! No! What was I thinking? I am not ready to eat to NET goal of 1200. I found it really difficult to make sure I crossed the 1200 line every day.

    Two of my challenges are to also a) eat 25% of my exercise calories back at least 10 times in 6 weeks and b) eat 50% of my calories back 3 times of the same period.... I thought it would be easy.... not!

    My goal for this week is to simply eat at least 1200 calories

    @Nekrebel, do you use a food scale? And are you using MFP to calculate exercise calories. MFP estimations for exercise calories are at least 25% over everywhere else. I found that when I was initially battling, increasing my calories goal to 1400 per day while I was exercising a lot was better for me from an energy point of view because i could eat anything (there wasn't much that I liked eating).

    TDEE helped me get the ball rolling properly and then I couldn't continue with the exercise because I couldn't sustain eating that many calories every day. Play around a little to see what works for you but focus only on one thing for one or two weeks.

    If you are suffering from hunger all of the time, low cal is not sustainable for you. Chat to me via email. I've tested various things to see what works for me. Reducing exercise, reducing calories but getting the right nutrients works for me. Your's might be the opposite - increasing exercise and increasing calories?
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Oooh! I forgot to mention that I did lose 4lbs
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Yay Alice!!!!
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    My Baby Steps through May 2 (when I return from my trip)
    1. Be MINDFUL of everything I eat
    2. PLAN (especially while I'm gone)
    3. Stay active
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Finally broke through the weight loss stall them morning. B)
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    edited April 2015
    Whoop! Whoop! Marcella! Well done! I know how frustrating it is when it just won't get past that milestone! You Rock! B)

    Thanks Liz :D
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    edited April 2015
    This week's goals
    1. Lower my sodium for four days. 5 days
    2. Walk for an hour and add 15 minutes of other exercise. 2 days
    3. Eat four veg/fruit a day. 4 days
    12 Days 50.5/1560 miles

    I did o.k. with my goals this week. I would like to meet them consistently so I am going to keep these goals for next week. I lost one pound this week and it has been 31 days without a cigarette.

    This week's goals
    1. Lower my sodium for four days. 0/7
    2. Walk for an hour and add 15 minutes of other exercise. 0/7 physical labor
    3. Eat four veg/fruit a day. 5/7
    4. Keep walking to Mordor. 18 days 65/1560

    This week I was successful with eating my vegies. I think it really helped that I used Britain's NHS five a day guideline of an 80g serving (dried fruit 30g). It made it easier than having to remember what was a half cup serving or what was a cup serving. Out of the seven days I had five a day four days. Since 30 days makes a habit, I will keep this goal. I need to make exercise a priority no matter what I am doing otherwise. I worked to have daily exercise become a habit, I don't want to lose that habit. The sodium, I think I am going to let go of for right now. I will revisit it later.

    I have been indulging in more treats this last week and pushing my calorie limits. I know this is because the work I am doing is much more physically demanding then what I usually do. I don't like the mind games I am playing with myself about my snack food choices. I need to keep my eye on my goal and want that more than an ice cream from Mickey D's (I know there are so many better places to waste calories). So this weeks goals are:

    1. Eat five veg/fruit a day five days.
    2. Walk for a half hour and a half hour of other exercise (exercise not work).
    3. Make better food choices, if I am going to eat it, make sure it tastes good (quality) comparable to the calories used.
    4. Keep my goals in the front of my mind.
  • NEKrebel
    NEKrebel Posts: 35 Member
    NE that is an awesome goal. I have thought about it, but I am not yet brave enough to tackle it. I use MFP numbers. I am very maths challenged so having MFP figure it out is very helpful. I will be honest I exercise to eat more. I try to eat back 50% of my exercise calories, though usually I eat back 75% or more. MPF base calories for me is 1200 a day. I average somewhere between 1300-1450 calories.

    I am very excited for you going for this goal and I am cheering you on!!! :)

    Thank-you Mystic - it worked! I lost 2 lbs this week. My base calories are 1200 also. I only went over once this week! And nothing to eat after dinner. First time to achieve that. It was very hard. I actually had stomach pains the first couple nights but it's getting easier.
    My goals this week are:
    1) Do not go over the 1200 calories
    2) Log any extra exercise but do not eat those calories
    3) Keep trying to up my water intake

    Have a good week all of my MFP friends!! <3
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Way to go NE!!! I hope it gets easier for you. I would like to try it after I get settled.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited April 2015
    This week: (Week of April 20th)
    Back to logging everything.
    Add strength training.
    Back to gardening.

    Logging - Yes (much improved)
    Gardening - Yes (much improved)
    Strength training - Not so much. :/
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Baby Steps this week: <3
    Plan meals for the week and for upcoming weekend trip.
    Focus on more vegetables and some fruit.
    Do some type of exercise each day.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I'm not sure what goals to set this week.

    I'm finally happy with breakfast and lunch. I'm eating 3 times a day but dinner is the least balanced.

    I'm sticking with 5 days x 30 minutes exercise.

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    edited May 2015
    1. Log all food everyday.
    2. When I get over stressed find something about the situation to laugh at.

    edit didn't quote like I wanted it to.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited May 2015
    Baby Steps this week: <3
    Plan meals/exercise for the week.
    Do some type of exercise each day.

    Did better planning meals for our trip last weekend, but still have a lot of room for improvement.
    Still need to do a better job with exercise.
    Did better with vegetables and fruits last week.