Dealing with people who try to derail you.



  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I never discuss other people's appearance or weight, either friends, colleagues or family, so I'm always confused when others express their opinions about mine.

    I have also had a lot of comments about my weight loss, which has been very noticeable (I've lost 70 lbs, gone from size 16/18 to size 2, and I'm short with a reasonably lean frame, as I have discovered). For the positive ones, I just say "thank you" and change the subject, for the not-positive ones I just look blank or smile confusedly and ignore them. I don't see the need to justify a part of my life which has nothing to do with them. So, I just ignore things like overhearing "she's losing more and more weight!" as though it's the worst thing in the world and I'm deaf (actually, I haven't, I'm stable now and my hearing is just fine) or "I hope you're eating more than just carrots" (actually, I am, but if I chose not to, then really it's none of their business). It's tough when it's your boss or when it was a business conference in which I had 60+ people come up to me to share their thoughts on my appearance in the span of 36 hours. I honestly felt a bit like crying after that one.

    I keep in my mind that eventually they'll shut up, and in the meantime it makes me more appreciative of meeting new people who never knew me in my old body. To them, I am just me as I am now and we just talk about work.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    That lady has got to learn a few things about boundaries. Your fellow colleague has the right idea. Smile, nod, and dismiss.

    Never respond in a destructive way; that gives the dysfunctional power. I'd be tempted to bring up another controversial issue to her like BO, bad breath, hemlines, cleavage, or scents in the office (also boundary-busting topics IMO). Give her something new to obsess about.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    You might like an article on WebMD entitled: “Are They Jealous of Your New Body? “