What are good low impact exercises for beginners?



  • CassandraLT90
    CassandraLT90 Posts: 16 Member
    csk0018 wrote: »
    I started with 15 minute walks -- then 30 minutes on a stationary bike -- then spin class -- then running. Little steps lead to big changes. Good luck! You can do it! :smiley:

    Thank you. I may just invest into a treadmill or stationary bike for the winter months.

  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    you can go to a website: fitnessblender and search for workout videos; you can search for routines that very in length and difficulty. They have some great videos for low impact cardio that are easy to do in the home. (When looking for routines just check the box "low impact") The site is free and well setup with some incredible routines that are perfect to help get you motivated. Who can't take 8 minutes to do a low impact routine? As you gain strength and energy you can push yourself through more difficult routines - including 1200 calorie burns doing body weight challenges.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Don't forget about yoga! It's low impact and a wonderful way to build balance, flexibility and strength while working with your own body weight. There's lots of programs out there that offer modifications for beginners and those with limited mobility.
  • CassandraLT90
    CassandraLT90 Posts: 16 Member
    you can go to a website: fitnessblender and search for workout videos; you can search for routines that very in length and difficulty. They have some great videos for low impact cardio that are easy to do in the home. (When looking for routines just check the box "low impact") The site is free and well setup with some incredible routines that are perfect to help get you motivated. Who can't take 8 minutes to do a low impact routine? As you gain strength and energy you can push yourself through more difficult routines - including 1200 calorie burns doing body weight challenges.

    Thank you, I will check it out tonight since I have not found a routine I wanted to try yet tonight when I get home.

  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    walking, swimming...and this...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1IpApW3c7w
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Josalinn wrote: »
    I think this is the lady I heard about before the forums got all changed around: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1t73eh_exercise-tv-start-walking-at-home-3-miles-with-leslie-sansone-1_lifestyle

    Walk at home with Leslie Sansone. Good Luck!

    (BTW if you live in anywhere in the mid Atlantic, I suggest this. IT IS TOO COLD OUTSIDE!!!!! :s

    I live in Michigan and it is -12 today. And I know it will get worse with wind chill later in the season here. Last year it reached to -45.
    Thank you for the link too.

    Are you in the U.P.? The lower generally doesn't get that cold.

  • CassandraLT90
    CassandraLT90 Posts: 16 Member
    Josalinn wrote: »
    I think this is the lady I heard about before the forums got all changed around: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1t73eh_exercise-tv-start-walking-at-home-3-miles-with-leslie-sansone-1_lifestyle

    Walk at home with Leslie Sansone. Good Luck!

    (BTW if you live in anywhere in the mid Atlantic, I suggest this. IT IS TOO COLD OUTSIDE!!!!! :s

    I live in Michigan and it is -12 today. And I know it will get worse with wind chill later in the season here. Last year it reached to -45.
    Thank you for the link too.

    Are you in the U.P.? The lower generally doesn't get that cold.

    No I am not in the U.P., just with this past winter last year and that wind chill it has been pretty cold. Today is 5 but real feel is -12.