Looking for some Martial Arts friends (:



  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Tae kwon do black belt...currently training BJJ (blue belt) and muay thai, though on a bit of an involuntary hiatus for reasons beyond my control. :/
  • Doing something you enjoy like Martial arts is a fantastic way of keeping fit and losing weight. I haven't trained for a few years, was a black belt in TKD, and did some kick boxing. Been very frustrated where I currently live as it has no WTF TKD clubs, and no Krav Maga clubs, which is what I would like to do. In particular I want to try Urban Krav Maga.
  • ProphBrady
    ProphBrady Posts: 3 Member
    If I could only find some Jui Jitsu friends in Hamilton Ontario. It's like they're all on the dl haha.
  • obidankenobi
    obidankenobi Posts: 3 Member
    Im looking for martial arts friends too :) Im an ITF Blackbelt, but currently training BJJ/Kickboxing/MMA as its too far to travel to my dojang.
  • kpodaru
    kpodaru Posts: 133 Member
    MUAY THAI lover over here. been training since oct last year and I.CAN'T.GET.ENOUGH. it's also shaped my body in ways i never imagined it could.
  • redrobot5050
    redrobot5050 Posts: 43 Member
    Krav Maga, BJJ, and MMA. Those are my primary arts, but there's a little JKD and Hap Ki Do mixed in there and its part of my background. I've dabbled in FMA/Kali, but not enough to call me a practitioner of those arts. Currently really focus on BJJ and earning my Blue Belt.

    Feel free to HMU.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    BJJ blue belt; try to train 4 times/week.