Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I took yesterday off to use up vacation time. We took Dan's car in for maintenance and went to breakfast at a local place called Mainstream Cafe. It was close to lunch though so Dan had breakfast and I had a cobb salad. The cobb salad was really good. Then we went to Grocery Outlet Store and bought some things like cheese and some frozen meals for me for lunch. By that time Dan's car was ready. Then we came home and relaxed the rest of the day. I sat outside for a while which was nice. Around 67 degrees. Our shows have started up again so we watched a few of those. Today is our free concert at the library. Since we ate out yesterday I will pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight after the concert. We'll probably watch a movie we have recorded in the evening.

    Debora, My friend Paula and I had a nice time visiting when we went to Outback. It was better than when Dan and I went but I still would not go back there unless the food is free (like someone gives me another gift card). Sounds like you're getting a lot done at home. It is always nice to have a bit of time. Hope you get a chance to get more things done this week.

    Have a great week all.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Getting a lot done at home didn't seem to happen this week. I did have a couple days at home so no good excuses. Bible study friend's husband passed away Monday. He had not been doing well but still went faster than expected so had calls and emails on that. Worked at church with friend on Tuesday morning and made ballot bundles for our annual meeting. Had Bible study Wednesday morning and annual church business meeting in the afternoon. Thursday late morning was the graveside service and lunch afterwards. I had 4-H Council meeting in the evening and Ralph decided to go along. We ended up eating at McDonalds so I could take Paige to the meeting with me and Thomas waited with grandpa. Friday we did our usual errands, getting home just as it was pouring rain and hailing small - Ralph said it looked like sonic ice and there was lots of it so he pulled into the garage. It was easy with all we have in there but I got the car unloaded and it stayed dry. Got a little snow overnight. Got a little above freezing today so that helped with the ice. Fixed meatloaf - this time I used 6 lbs of ground beef and got a bit more leftover. Everyone likes it. I had mashed potatoes (instant), gravy, peas & carrots, pineapple and oreo cookies. Tomorrow will be my 4-H Monday.
    Caught two more mice this week. Hope that's the end. Got the upstairs decorations down so want to do the tree this week. Slowly but surely.

    Isabella, yea on the car getting taken care of and a nice lunch for you. You are much warmer right now. Kind of fun to have the shows start up again. Glad Outback was okay. Good that it was better.

    Sheryl, hope all is going okay for you. Continuing to pray.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, got a lot of little things done at home this morning such as choose a birthday card to send to my God child, contact AMC theater to find out if a gift card is still active, order more checks, and order some jigsaw puzzles for Dan. We wanted to go to lunch before our shopping so we went to a new place called Best Pizza & Brew because I had a coupon but it isn't open yet. I didn't read the coupon carefully enough - it said "coming soon". Dan was not happy that we drove there to find it closed but there is a Mexican restaurant in the same parking lot so we just went there instead. The food was decent. Filling. Then we went to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. It was a relatively light shopping day since we bought so much last week. I am going to Jami's house tomorrow so she can dye my hair. It is always nice to spend the time together. She has been having migraines the last week or so because they are trying to change one of her medications. Hope they get it all figured out soon. I can't imagine having migraine headaches all the time.

    Bad news on the Saturday free library concert. The concert last week was AWFUL!! The guy started the concert stating that he sings about animals and death. The songs were basically just a bunch of words strung together. I can do that!! It's a shame too because he had a good voice and can play the guitar - he just needs to sing someone else's songs! Dan was so unhappy with it that he said he will not go to another one. I don't know if they have a reduced budget now that they started again or if they just don't know where to go to get good talent but they have not been as good since they started up again. They said they are going to mix it up too (instead of all acoustic "folky" type performers). Next month they plan on having a 10 person orchestra. I guess I won't be too upset if Dan really will not go to another concert.

    Debora, sounds like you were still busy even if you didn't get as much accomplished as you wanted to. Your meatloaf sounds really good. Did you cook it in the crockpot? My last meatloaf was a bit off. Something was missing. It was still good enough though.

    Sheryl, hope all is well with you. Miss you!

    Well, have a good week all.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, all those little things take time to do and it's great to have them taken care of. Glad there was a Mexican place close. Have fun at Jaime's. Time with friends is always good. I can't imagine what migraines are like. The headaches I get occasionally are bad enough.
    That's horrible on the library concerts. I'm not sure I would even have stayed for this one. I would enjoy the orchestra one. I know you really enjoyed them and it was a nice outing. What size puzzle does Dan like to work?
    Yes the meatloaf was done in the crockpot.

    Got stuff ready for 4-H and had a nice meeting. People hung around and visited for awhile. President was not there so grandson filled in. Tuesday I had the entire day at home so plugged away on things. Wednesday morning was Bible study. In the evening we started up our classes - just had one in the nursery. And found out she is not potty-trained when she came up and said she needed to go. Thursday morning I worked with friend at church - we fixed more bracelets and filled the containers with beads. In the afternoon 4 of us cleaned the Community House (paid our rent for Good News Club). We were supposed to get ice and snow overnight but got a little ice and rain. Front porch was slick but roads weren't real bad although some schools were cancelled or started late. I met up with some Flylady friends (just 3 made it). One is really struggling and keeps saying she doesn't want to be here. I try to encourage her but it's a bit scary at times. Friday evening was homecoming at the school Ralph and the kids went to and a lot of alumni come. We went and enjoyed watching the games. When we went it was 35. When we came home it was 45 and this morning back down to 28 so it jumps around plenty.
    Oh yeah, I started logging my food on another site to try it out and have logged for a week now. I'm not not eating sweets but I am eating less I think. We'll see if I can stay with it. (I still come on here to check on you guys).
    Today was the usual get ready for Sunday and this afternoon we went to a couples shower. Had a nice time. Tomorrow we're having breakfast for dinner. Both birthday girls like pancakes so we'll have them (bought frozen), sausage, fruit and donuts for the cake.
    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello all, It was a very nice day today. We had a leisurly breakfast of cereal then I got on the computer and ordered some bras and some personal care items like deoderant and toothpaste from vitacost.com. I haven't ordered from them before but they had the items I've been looking for. I need new bras really bad. I haven't ordered bras on line before so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully they'll fit. Then we went to lunch at Jersey Mike's. We accumulated enough points for a free sub so I decided to try something different since we weren't paying for it. ;) I tried their philly cheese steak. It was pretty good. After that we went to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. We'll have a snack of some cheese and a french baguette for dinner then watch a movie we have recorded. Such creatures of habit. But we like it.

    Debora, What site are you using to log your food now? Dan likes to do 1000 piece puzzles mostly. He occasionally does a 1500 piece if someone gives him one, and 2 of the ones we just bought are 500 piece. He said it would be nice to have a couple of quick ones. :) A girl I work with buys puzzles very regularly and passes them on to Dan when she is finished. It makes him very happy. Nice that you got to see the fly ladies even if it was only 3 of them. Sounds like the rest of your week went really well also. We had breakfast for dinner on Thursday - I made scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers, and cheese of course.

    Hi Sheryl, hope you're well. God's blessings to you both.

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, your day sounds like it was fun. You were adventurous to try a new sandwich. Glad it was good. Hope the online ordering works with the bras. Nothing wrong with being creatures of habit. Helps keep things running smoothly in my book.
    Oh my, I don't care for 1000 piece puzzles. Take so long to do. We did one cause of the tractor in it and Ralph did the tractor. He left me everything else. Then he glued it together. 500 is plenty for me and I enjoy 300 ones just cause they don't take so long.

    Week went okay here. Sunday meal went semi okay. Got the sausage ready fine but still haven't fine-tuned having the pancakes ready but everyone still enoyed. I had Monday and Tuesday all at home. Still no decluttering but the farm books are ready to go in Monday, some little things are taken care of and I figure, progress is progress. Tuesday night we got snow and rain which made for slush so we cancelled Bible study. By evening the highway was okay. Still went quite slow on our country road. The slush or going to fast caused Thomas to spin off the road. Fortunately, both he and the car were okay although it took a tow truck to get it back on the road.
    Friend and I worked on bracelets Thursday morning and feel like we are making some headway. Friday we did our usual errands and then went to a visitation i the evening. Afterwards we ate at Burger King so I didn't have to think about supper. That was nice.
    Today we went to a memorial service for a guy who died in December. Heard a number of interesting stories and saw some people I don't see often. They served a meal afterwards. Then we drove about an hour and went to an open house of a home for the elderly. Friends of ours have fixed up a house that will serve 6 people. It looks very nice. Then we went to my cousin's house and gave him his dad's death certificate and a couple of other things that he can decide to deal with. It was nice to see him getting around without crutches.
    Then it was home and getting a few more things done.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, realized I didn't answer your question on where I'm logging. I'm using cronometer. It was one mentioned when nutrimirror closed but it didn't link with fitbit then and now it does. I don't know if it logs faster or slower but the calories left for the day are easier to see. I haven't tried to do a custom food or recipe yet - just guess with what they have. And I have to remember to leave some calories at the end of the day - it doesn't figure that in like NM did. But not sure why, I like it and I am eating less sweets and if I would have done that just on my own, I'd be okay. Anyway, that's a long answer to your short question. :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It is a beautiful day here. Supposed to get up in the low to mid 80's today! It went down to 48 last night so quite a big change in temperatures. I see sitting outside and reading in my very near future. ;) This is the big superbowl Sunday weekend. Do you all watch it. We probably will watch at least part of it. We're not big fans but it's nice to tune in since everyone will be talking about it. We are rooting for the Chiefs since a very dear friend of ours who passed away was a diehard Chiefs fan no matter how good or BAD they were. We are very happy his team finally made it to the superbowl. They are really good this year and deserve to win. I bought hotdogs for the occasion. Today we'll do our usual shopping and movie watching. I'm going to suggest Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Just got a phone call. I'll close for now and come back later.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, I'm back. My good friend Grace called and we usually chat for about an hour so I knew I'd have to close and come back. We ened up going to a local Mexican place near the Sprouts we shop at for lunch instead of Chic-Fil-A. It was decent. I got a carne asada burrito and it was HUGE! Dan got this unusual taco/tostada looking thing so he helped me eat the giant burrito. It's the first time I've ever said they put "too much meat" in my burrito. If I ever eat there again I'll get a simple taco or two. That is apparently what they are famous for anyway.

    Debora, cronometer sounds good. I remember several people saying they like it. I will have to get back into logging again one of these days. I've gained a couple of pounds recently and will have to be careful this month since it is my birthday month and I'll be eating out a lot. Glad to hear that Thomas was not hurt when he spun off the road. That can be very scary. The home for the elderly that your friends opened sounds interesting. There are a few places like that around here and they are a nice alternative to being in a large nursing home. I agree any progress is good progress. :)

    Have a great week all! GO CHIEFS!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Interesting weather week here. We've had a little snow, a little sleet, a little ice but we still got everywhere we wanted to go and now it has warmed up and got up to 70 today. I didn't wear a coat to church - highly unusual for me. Did you see that today is a palidrone (02-02-2020). Our Bible Conference was good. It was apolgetic messages - a lot to take in. Ralph had his physical - basically okay but he talked about his breathing so did an xray of his lungs so now seeing a pumuolgoist (sp) next week. Went and set up for Good News Club and the school canceled evening activities so they wanted us to not do Club. For some reason my phone wasn't working but I didn't realize that until I was trying to call to see why no one else was there. Turned the phone on and off and then could call so I picked stuff up and went home. We still went to church but I'm glad we live as close as we do.
    Thursday we went and watched a grandson bowl. That didn't last that long so stopped at local school in hopes of seeing great niece play BB. She didn't play much but still fun to watch. Friday we did two and then had the rest of the day and all day yesterday at home. Don't know if I got lots done but made some progress. Today was Communion at church and then to soup dinner at Alan's church. His kids came over to watch an American Nina Warrior I had taped and then home to play outside since it's so nice. Alan also loaded 16 boxes of books that we are taking to Kansas City tomorrow. Now I'm listening to the Superbowl as I type. Glad we're rooting for the same team.

    Isabella, isn't it amazing how the temp can go up and down so quickly. Glad you have friends that enjoy visiting. I do too. I think I used to spend more time doing that. Enjoy the game and your week.

    I'm going to see if I can figure out how to get the grid lines to print on this computer. Lori said she would teach me to use google docs but that hasn't happened yet. I think we'll be cold again in a couple of days but will just deal with what comes.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, hope you guys enjoyed the game as much as we did when it was over. The third quarter made us wonder. Got the books to Kansas City. Now it's off to Historical Society.
    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, slept in a bit today then went shopping early so I'm getting here later than usual. We've had beautiful sunny days with cooler temps so it has been a wonderful week weather wise. Highs in the mid 60's. We ended up going to the library concert after all and I'm really glad we did. It was an orchestra this month and they played mostly Gershwin tunes. They had a full house with standing room only. It was wonderul. We both really enjoyed it. So happy since the last concert was so awful. They are even going to do an extra concert this month with flamenco dancers in 2 weeks. I've never seen flamenco dancers live so that should be enjoyable. I am going to get together with several ladies from an old bible study group tomorrow. We are going to meet at 1pm for lunch. One of the gals lives in Italy now so we don't see her often. It will be really nice to get together and fellowship.

    Debora, you're right - it was a great superbowl. Very nice that we were rooting for the same team. I think it was the best superbowl we ever watched (or mostly listened to since we were doing other things during much of the game). They were very evenly matched and the Chiefs really pulled off a great comeback in the end. They were relentless! Wow, you guys really shipped a lot of books this time. Must have been a lot of boxes to carry. Are you using an excel spreadsheet that you want to print the grid lines? It is pretty easy once you know where to find it. I can help you with that. You go to page layout and look for the area where it says gridlines which is almost in the middle of the page. Make sure the box is checked off that says print grid lines and you should be all set. Hope that helps.

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, had another week with a lot of going. Got the books up there - probably our last trip since our missionary friends are coming home in July. Ralph hopes another thing will work out but I'm not as hopeful. He said we've shipped around 300 boxes since we've started. We still went to the bookstores but were more selective with what we got. Historical Society was interesting - it was about a country school that was in existance in the 50s and 60s.
    Tuesday we had Good News Club. We had 25 kids which is great since they didn't have school Monday. We went to a basketball game in the evening and watched my great=nephew play. Wednesday morning was Bible study and we celebrated the January birthdays late. I spent the afternoon getting my annual treasurer report finished. Then was in the nursery in the evening. Thursday morning zoomed by getting ready for the afternoon when we had Willing Workers - very interesting speaker. Then we went to the Soil Conservation annual meeting and
    dinner. The food was delicious. I left then and went to 4-H Council meeting and then went back and got Ralph. He wasn't quite the last person there. :) Friday Ralph went to a funeral so I got to shop all by myself. I came home and put the cold stuff away - got hamburgers for this week and beef roasts were on sale (still not cheap) and bought for next Sunday. Today I found out I missed the hot dogs. Bummer. (Julie got me some today but I usually get bun length but not this time).
    When Ralph got home, we turned around and left to go watch Jeremiah bowl. He had a good day. Got quite a few strikes and in his first got 5 in a row. They we went to the hospital to visit Deacon - asthma again. Was in PICU. Today he was doing better so was moving to a regular room. If his oxygen levels stay up, maybe he'll go home tomorrow. Today I straightened the house, did a little food stuff and then we went to a pancake and sausage feed this evening. Pancakes were okay, sausage was deliciou, pie was good too.

    Isabella, wow, an orchestra - cool. Glad it was a good one. And an extra concert to boot. How fun to get together with you Bible study group. Thanks for all the info on the grid lines. I did figure it out but it took awhile for me to understand where the spot was to look.
    Maybe I'll have to ask you about the messages that come up with my internet and loosing my wifi connection. It can be good for several days and then it will drop several times in a day. I'm very good at hitting the button to troubleshoot.

    We had 70 degrees last Sunday and started out at 14 the other day and up to 30. Today was up to 50 so ours has been jumping around - not as steady as yours.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all! We're having beautiful weather! Hi 60's to low 70's with a cool breeze. I took Friday off to use up vacation time and had a fabulous day. Slept in, got caught up on the computer, and sat outside and read my book. Then Dan and I went to Trader Joe's and picked up some Mexican food from our favorite taco shop and brought it home for dinner. We watched a recorded Hallmark Valentines Day movie in the evening. Such a simple relaxing enjoyable day. We thought it was one of our best Valentines Days ever! Today I will be going to a wedding reception for my work friend Paula. It is casual and should be nice. My co-worker Briana is going to pick me up. We'll see what the rest of the day will hold afterward. Not going to plan any further than that. It is my B-day Monday so I was originally planning to go to dinner tonight but changed my mind. Dinner on Monday will be fine. Again I plan to keep it simple. We haven't been to Souplantation for quite a while so I want to go there for dinner. Jami and her husband should be back in town in time so they will join us unless they get delayed. Lunch with the former bible study gals was wonderful! We talked until 5:30pm when I realized I should get home and get dinner going for Dan. :)

    Debora, you had a busy week as usual. Glad you figured out the gridlines on your spreadsheet. What were the hotdogs for - another Sunday meal?

    OK, I'm going to go get ready for the wedding reception.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, what a nice weekend you've had. Isn't that wonderful when a special day is relaxing and fun. Happy Birthday a day early. Souplantation sounds like a good eating choice. Enjoy your day.

    Weeks just stay buys here. Yes, the hot dogs were for a Sunday meal. Today was roast with potatoes and carrots - lots left but I could sent some home with the birthday girl and will enjoy them for our meals. Last Monday was 4-H - several very good talks. Tuesday was Ralph's appointment with the lung doctor. After the breathing test, when we saw the doctor, he asked why we were there. We weren't sure since the xray was clear. He said Ralph's oxygen was 97 and he got a 92 on the breathing test so he was done with us. Then went to Good News Club. When I was almost there I realized I forgot the new verse cards. Called Ralph but he couldn't find them in the places I suggested he look. So I came home after I served the cookies. I had to hunt a bit too. :) (too many good places to put them - actually too much clutter).

    Wednesday morning I opened the door to go walked and found out it was snowing. Did get around okay and by night the highways were clear cause it got up to 40. It was a really pretty snow though = no wind and straight down. The night went down to 4 so with the possiblity of ice and extreme cold, there were schools that closed. Yet my 90 year old friend met at the church and worked and we went tot he dentist for my cleaning and watched Jeremiah bowl (not as good this time). Friday we did our shopping and then were home the rest of the day so I got the house straightened.

    Saturday I started my rolls right away. After they were baked we went and watched Lucy play volleyball - some good playing but they lost every game. Then we went to Half Price Books store and finally at 3 ate at Chick Fil A for our half anniversary. Came home and finished up stuff for Sunday. Today I taught our SS class, worked in the nursery during church and the whole family was here. Lori's boys stayed the longest since they had a Youth Group party to go to. Second grandson is now driving (oh my). Enjoying a quiet evening and gearing up for another full week. Today is up in the 50s so our temps jump up and down. :)

    Enjoy your week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes Debora! Sounds like you had a busy but good week. Souplantation was wonderful. Another couple Mona & Kevin were also able to join us. We all had a nice time. My co-worker's wedding reception was enjoyable too. We stayed a couple of hours and it was nice. Food was simple and tasty.

    Today we had some heavy rain but not constant. It came and went. Jami is still having migraines pretty much constantly so she is not up to dying my hair. I went to a professional. He charged me $50 but did a great job. He used a product that is peroxide free so that is good. I liked him. Then Dan and I went to Chick-Fil-A then Trader Joe's and Sprouts.

    Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, glad you had a good birthday celebration. So sorry to hear Jamie is having so much trouble with migraines. Glad you were still able to get your hair dyed and like the job. I'm sure you missed the visiting with Jaime.

    This week seemed full again. Monday we went to a customer appreciation day with a good dinner. We left right after eating and watched Jeremiah bowl one last time. Then we came home and had Alan's kids. I fixed pizza for us and then took them home and to bed. Ava was really tired. They are back in their house so I had room to walk and enjoyed reading.

    Tuesday was Good News Club. Wednesday was Bible Study in the morning and nursery in the evening. We only had one child who was cuddly - on my lap quite a bit. Had a good time visiting with the one who was with me. Overnight we got a little snow so roads were snow packed so I wondered if friend who is 90 should get out and drive. Our church secretary said she took it slow and was fine so we went. We both made it. We did the SS papers and filled the bead containers. Then we went to the local pizza joint for her half birthday and had pizza. Had enough to send a little home with her and some for Ralph.

    Friday was our project committee meeting and guess what I had told them I would bring - yep - you guessed it - pizza and there was enough for Ralph and I to finish up for supper. We did our shopping in the afternoon. Then we went a basketball game in the evening. Saturday Ralph went to a meeting. The neighbors and I picked him up at 12:30 and traveled on down the road to a wedding at 2. I hadn't been to a wedding in a Catholic church for a long time. Then we went to the reception and enjoyed snacks (popcorn and pretzels) till we ate at 6 (wonderful meal - 5 kinds of meat, 2 potatoes, 2 veggies, some salads, bread and cake) and got home around 8:30. It was all good and fun - just gone longer than I thought. Today was church and then we had a potluck meal - lots of good food at it too. And so fun to sit around and visit. Came home and took a nap and then have done a little bit of work. I go to stay at Derek's for three days tomorrow evening so this will be a full week in different ways.

    Enjoy yours.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, WOW what a week you had! Sounds like it was even busier than usual. How nice that you have customer appreciation day. More businesses should do that.The wedding sounds wonderful. And lots of pizza events this week. Can one ever get tired of pizza though? ;) Hope your 3 day stay at Derek's goes well.

    I had a very nice week. I had my review on Wednesday. It was a good one. My supervisor had a lot of good things to say. I will get a small raise - probably 3%. I'm happy with that though. In June I will have been at my company for 18 yrs. Time flies. I still like my job and am 6 miles from home (so happy that I don't have to get on the freeway) so I am blessed. I worked till noon on Saturday and was able to get somewhat caught up which is a good thing because I have this coming Friday off again and another Friday off on the 20th.

    We went to dinner last night with our friends Jackie and Ken. We went to an Italian restaurant called Rosina's which I'd heard good things about. Food was excellent but pricey so can't do that again (our half of the bill was $80!). But we had good food and great company so who could ask for more.

    Jami finally got some relief from the constant migraines. God is good! She was given a shot of some new medication from the neurologist. She will be giving herself a shot once a month. Hope it lasts. I guess this means she will not have to get the botox shots in her head.

    Well, have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, Sheryl, I hope things are going okay for you.  I just finished up a full week. Monday I straightened the house and packed and fed us and then headed for Derek's. Lindsey's mom showed me what she had done and then they took off. Got kids to bed and settled myself in - I put all my stuff in D & L's closet. Everyone slept fine. Taryn got off to school. When I got the others up, two were not feeling good. One had a fever so definitely no school. One had an upset stomach so they both stayed home. The one went back to school when I took the youngest to school. (continuing from last Friday). The first day was rainy so staying inside was easy. The next two days everyone went to school and neighbor kids were in and out. Thursday night I headed home about 9 after Derek called and said their flight was on time. The oldest babysits for others so they figured she could be in charge for a couple of hours after everyone was in bed. So I was home by 10.

    Next morning Ralph and I did our usual errands. Then in the afternoon I went to our church's women's retreat. We had a wonderful speaker, two good testimonies, yummy food (especially a tapioca/snickers dish), lots of visiting, a walk and then home Saturday afternoon and got ready for Sunday. I had bought lasagna and bread to heat up so not a lot of work. And my lasagnas were closer to done then ever before. I realized that putting them in a 13x9 pan meant they needed more time. Sunday evening we got a call from one of Ralph's cousins so went to visit them. he can't get out but enjoys people. His wife (94) is still able to take care of him with the help of the kids. 

    Monday I had the entire day at home. I didn't get lots done but it was just nice not to go anywhere. Tuesday morning was a dentist appointment - 3 fillings done (lower left and upper right) but ouch on the cost. We took care of some other errands including a load to the thrift store and a stop at Burger King. I had to eat carefully but I got it done. Good News Club was in the afternoon. Boy who basically refuses to sit in a chair kept me busy. I going to try a price for a quiet seat this week and see if it will help. Some others are more wiggly too so.... Wednesday was Bible study and church. I baked rolls in the afternoon cause I was one of the hostesses for the all day Willing Workers meeting. That was my Thursday. Keeping people busy with projects and setting out all the food people brought.. I got home with a headache so took a little nap. That helped. 

    Today was or usual errands which didnt' take that long. Ended up with another and then have been plugging away. Tomorrow looks like another day at home so I'll have time to get ready for Sunday. I also want to work on 4-H stuff cause we have a funeral to go to Monday morning. A young man (37) who was in the same class as our youngest son died suddenly. He grew up in our neighborhood. Leaves behind a wife and three children and another on the way. Very sad. 

    Isabella, congrats on the raise. I'm not surprised on the good review. You do your job well. And just six miles from work - that is fantastic. The evening with friends wounds like it was a lot of fun. Yes, that was pricey but once in awhile. I'm so glad Jaimie has gotten some relief from the migraines and does not have to have shots in the head. Enjoy your weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, my day off Friday was very nice. Dan and I went to Trader Joe's. We stopped home to put the groceries away then had lunch at Pacific Pizza. I got a meatball sub and he got a turkey sub. They were wonderful. Went to Sprouts after that then sat outside for a while. Got a call from Jami this morning. The migraines are back and she is very depressed. I went up to her house and sat with her for a while. Wish there was more I could do to help. I can't imagine what it must be like. Came home and made us a quick lunch then sat outside and read for a while again untill it got cloudy and cold. Now I'm here. :)

    Debora, your week was very busy as usual. Glad things went well at Derek's. Sorry to hear about the young man in your neighborhood passing. That is very sad.

    Sheryl, miss you! Hope all is well.

    Take care and have a great week!