Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    hi, we decided to go shopping early today to "beat the crowds" who are "panic buying" everything. Boy were we in for a surprise. Everyone else had the same idea and all the stores had lines outside waiting for the doors to open. they were packed and many items especially toilet paper were low or sold out. We managed to get our usual stuff at Trader Joe's but once we got to the other stores they were pretty much wiped out. People have lost their minds! Later I had to run an errand and drove past a store I haven't shopped at for years called Baron's. Surprise - they were completely stocked and their produce was beautiful! So we managed to get the rest of the groceries we needed. Are people going crazy where you are or are you able to buy the staples you need? Our schools have closed for now, our churches are on line only. So far I am still going in to work. We don't have very many people coming in from the public so it is basically just us. I feel pretty safe. We'll see how this all plays out.

    Debora, just a family gathering is a large group for you all! :)

    Take care and stay safe!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Isabella, Your Friday sounds very relaxing. Sure sorry to hear Jamie's migraines are back. Nice to just spend some time with her. Does she need help with any of her housework?

    Last week was a pretty normal week. Monday night was 4-H and it was Parent's night so they served as the officers and did the talks. That's always fun and intreseting. Tuesday was Good News Club and we did the quiet seat and the one boy did stay in a chair most of the time. He was not still but a chair is a big step for him.Wednesday morning was Bible study and I was in the nursery in the evening. The high school my kids went into was playing at State basketball so the other woman and I found it on my phone and listened to the last 6 minutes. Sadly , they had their first loss and were done with state. Then with all going on ., the rest of the games weren't played so they still have the best 1A record but it does include a loss. 

    Thursday my friend and I worked a the church. We got the beads for the necklaces refilled and got back to checking the bracelets. Friday morning we did our usual shopping. Good thing I didn't need toilet paper - strange to see empty shelves and by the end of the day I heard other things were out. The dinner/annual meeting for Friday evening got cancelled. I wondered if Sunrise could go on with the musical - Hello Dolly.  Sedgwick County had said no gatherings of over 250. But behind the curtains was one gathering and the audience was another and they cut people off at 250 and asked them to spread out. 

    Saturday I got busy with baking rolls, made a salad, mixed up BBQ meatballs. Ralph wen to a funeral an then in the evening we went to the musical. The kids did a very good job.  It was fun for me to look at the costumes and wonder which ones Lori had made and then our one granddaughter Paige (age 10) had a small part so it was fun to watch her. Sunday we did have church (not in Sedwick County)- we also had our first time of live streaming for those who didn't feel they should get out.. Several watched it online--- the hardest part was figuring out how to use it. Two of the grandsons are with our Youth Group on work project down in Houston.

    All the kids were here for dinner. One daughter-in-law wasn't sure it was a good idea but she had been with her family during the week. Their church did not meet. They do ave the one with asthma. Today is at home (not because of Covid19). Just plugging away on things. My walking partner is on vacation so got around a bit more slowly and took a nap this afternoon.  I called in e\veral prescriptions. I usually wait until I have a week or less left - but in case things change and it's harder to get out.I feel maybe it's overblown but I haven't experienced anyone being sick with it either. School had kids take their books home in case they have to figure out some online stuff. The college one for sure is now that way. That's another sort of discipline and even a learning curve. 

    At least our friendships this way are still no problem to stay up with. 

    Will it be work as usual for you, Isabella - well this was answered when I came on to copy and paste. Lots more things are being cancelled. Like I said, I think it's overboard but.... Lots more died in the flu epidemic. Ralph and I would both be in the older ones. It's a bit crazy.

    I do have a short grocery list ready for when I can go get my prescriptions. One is by my doctor who retired so I'll have to see if it will be filled. I realized that after I gave the numberl Hopefully the one who was his PA can do it.

    As our pastor said, God is sovereign, God is loving, God is near and the command said most in the Bible is Fear Not.

    Better get back to work since I napped much longer than I planed. .
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! Not much new here. Seems like there are slowly but surely starting to be a bit more supplies at stores so hopefully things will quiet down a bit. Hope all this doesn't hurt our nation too much. We are pretty well supplied now. So far, still going in to work. I told my boss that as long as someone is in the office I would like to continue to go in. We'll see how long it lasts. Hair salons were instructed to close but my hairdresser texted me yesterday that she would be happy to come to my house if I wanted to keep the appointment so she came here and cut my hair on the back patio. Jami will dye my hair tomorrow and I'll be all set. :)

    Debora, you are right - God is good, He is Sovereign, and He loves us!

    Stay safe!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This week has had a different feel to it. Less gong of course. I watched Alan's kids Tuesday afternoon - parents stayed home , just gave them a break. We made elephant tracks which are kind of just cinnamon rolls rolled flat - but they taste good and are quick to make.  Wednesday we went to town. I had called in several prescriptions - some sooner than I usually do (just in case)and we picked up whatever else I could think of. Some things had little there and other were fine. Dillons and plenty of eggs (at that moment). Walmart was almost bare in eggs. We are having no trouble moving our eggs now.   I did not feel unsafe when we were out. The Youth Group came home a day early as there was no longer anything to sightsee. Schools are closed so next week they'll see how they can work it online. Lori's daycare is to stay open. This was spring break week so it was different in that people stayed home much more. Thursday my friend and I still worked at the church. We both felt okay with that.  

    We re not having church this week but it will be livestreamed. . Our secretary emailed the bulletin, songs we'll sing and the link to find the service. There will be a segment for the kids, pianist, a quartet and the message. So a small group will be at the church. A Couple of SS classes are getting together in homes. So small groups and people you are around every week. Hopefully, connecting up okay. 

    The one blessing I see in this is maybe I can get to some of the thins in the house that I never get to. Since there's no school, there's no Good News Club. Our Bible study is not meeting for now cause most are over 65. So at home I've been working on the living room closet for my decluttering. There was more in there than I thought and I'd forgotten about some of it. So some will be donated, some has moved together spots and I hope it can be used for coats and stuff like that more. I've been trying to use up things in the freezer and stuff on the shelf (that aren't favorites) so that may happen now too. No one is coming for dinner tomorrow so I didn't have to do as much to the house and the meal will be very simple. 

    One week of this doesn't seem so bad - bad it might be harder depending on how long it goes. I have plenty of books to read, a puzzle or to and and a whole house to declutter along with other projects. 

    Isabella, glad you can still work. All of our kids are still working. It's good for the money end and filling the time. Nice that your hairdresser came to your house and Jaime can do the next part. Good that you are stocked up and that you and Dan enjoy time together. 

    Sheryl, praying all is well with you. 
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This week stayed low key. Wednesday morning  the white leghorn chicks arrived at the post office so I picked them up after walking. He got them settled and then around 11 we headed for a town about an hour away to a Tractor Supply to get 12 of another kind of chick.  So now he has what he wants - around 100.We splurged and went thru the Burger King drive through and ate in the car. We took a plate along so he could cut his whopper and ate sitting in the parking lot. Ralph does not like to eat in the car but he did this for me - so I could have a meal I didn't fix. We have plenty of food to eat - just fun not to do one. 

    Then we went to another store just so Ralph could look at their chicks and we wanted to see how the town looked since a stay at home order had just gone into place. There was less traffic and emptier parking lots. Friday we had some prescriptions to get so got them and a few other things. We can probably even skip going next week - just won't be able to do our salads but we'll eat okay. 

    So far all of our family are okay and am praying it stays that way. How's it going for you Isabella? 
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, decided to do all our shopping in one store this weeks and decided on a local grocery store called Baron's. It is a tad more expensive for some things but it is well stocked. They allow seniors to go in first from 9am to 10am then open to the general public. I went by myself and got everything we needed. I bought a few prepackaged deli meats to have on hand. There were only about 10 people there and it was really nice. I am still working and no signs of that changing so I'm happy about that. My brother in NJ is going crazy home by himself but is getting out and walking a bit so that is a blessing. He is having problems with bloating and gas pains and doctors can't seem to figure out how to help him other than prescribing heartburn medicine. Hope something gets resolved soon. He is pretty miserable and can't eat anything without pain. We splurged and picked up a pizza for dinner from our new favorite place. It was a nice treat. It was interesting how they are handling customers. Basically you are not allowed in. They have a table set up just inside the door where they take your money and hand you your food. Good to see they are taking all the precautions. These crazy times are so surreal. All my bible readings this week happened to be about hoping in the Lord, trusting the Lord, and how much He cares for us. I love how He leads us to the scriptures we need.

    Debora, I sent Sheryl an email a couple of weeks ago and got a short response a couple of days ago. She is holding up. Starting to feel better - the last round of chemo really kicked her butt. Great news though, the last test showed that she is cancer free!! Praise God! However John is doing worse and keeping her busy. At least she is stronger for the task. She will try to get over here one of these days.

    My laundry is done so I'm going to go outside and enjoy some of this sunshine. It's the first we've had in a while.

    God bless your week and stay safe!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not much new here. Had a beautiful sunny day yesterday so after shopping I spent all day outside reading my book. It is supposed to rain for the next 4 or 5 days so I wanted to get some sun while I can. I made some potato soup for dinner tonight. It came out good but I thnk I will cook up some italian sausage to add to the rest of it when we have it again. That should change it up and be very tasty. I also made a peppermint chocolate loaf that I got from Trader Joe's at Christmas time that I saved for my birthday but never made. It was a nice treat. I called several relatives today to let them know that I was thinking of them and to make sure they are well. It was nice catching up. I need to do that more often.

    Well, stay well!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Lookin' pretty lonely in here. Won't take the time to post much then. Happy Easter!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, I was sure I had posted in here. Must have written it head and dreamed I sent it. Hope you've had a blessed day. Ours has been quiet. We watched our church service. And then enjoyed our Easter dinner where we sit most of the time - Ralph in front of the TV and me at the table with a book. I fixed a ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas and carrots, rolls, and pumpkin pie. With those leftovers, leftover chili and sandwiches we got at Arby's last night, I will have easy meals this week. I had been working on boxes for the kids (and grands). Friday I made deviled eggs and elephant tracks (kind a smashed cinnamon roll) and the pie. Yesterday I made dinner rolls. Also in their boxes was a fun box of cereal, all the leftover candy divided into three bags (no more Good News Club, no 4-H until July and no one eating much out of the candy dish) so didn't want it to be getting old.  /sane with the goldfish crackers plus I did get each a chocolate rabbit and gave them the eggs to hunt so hope they are enjoying them. I also delivered the 4 April birthday gifts (although the last item for one  was felt at our door an hour after we left).   It was fun to see everyone although we didn't get hugs or touch but did visit a little at each place. Ralph also washed the car and we went through the Burger Kind drive thru and sat in their parking lot and ate . Then we drove through Arby's and home. It was fun to get out and drive around.        
    Otherwise our outings have been Ralph to the farm and me walking and still working with friend at a social distance. I've made a little more progress on the house but it's just a dent in all there is to do. Getting the boxes ready plus packages for our Sunday School kids took more time than I thought it would.  We went to the grocery store and Walmart this past Tuesday during senior hours and am going to try and go two weeks. So far our county has not had many cases and we pray its tays that way. Our grandson with asthma is having some problems but they are trying a round of steroid - doing their best to stay out of the hospital. Ralph continues to enjoy his baby chicks and has fun seeing how many eggs he gets each day from his hens. 

    Isabella, I'm glad you can continue working. It helps with the normalcy of things.  . How close are and virus cases to you? So glad you talked to Sheryl and things are going as well as they can. I agree on the Bible readying.  God's Word is comforting. Enjoying the sun while reading sounds fun. We were at 56 this morning but the cold front has come  through and it is in the 30s 

    Stay well and enjoy your week. 
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello, I went to the farmer's market this morning. They are considered essential as an alternate food source. They are only allowing fruit and veggie booths none of the other types of booths. You are not allowed to touch the food. You stand 6 ft back and tell the guys what you want. Then you pay for it. I bought some honey, strawberries, tomatoes, and japanese cucumbers. Afterward I went to Grocery Outlet to get our favorite cheese then to Baron's for the rest of our shopping. I am getting tired of having to wear a mask. I hope they lift the restrictions soon. I think the numbers of deaths, etc are very inflated and that the media is fear mongering. We haven't had that many cases nor deaths in our area considering how many people are in our county. We need to get back to businesses being open as much as possible.

    Debora, your Easter sounds like it was nice. I too have been watching our church services on line. Glad Ralph is able to enjoy the chicks and hens. I would imagine it is very relaxing. Hope your grandson is able to stay out of the hospital. I'll keep him in my prayers. I was looking for your email address this week but couldn't find it. Would you mind sending it to me again? It must have been in the old computer.

    Well, stay well and have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. You got some good stuff at the Farmer's Market. The one in Wichita opened last week. They let people choose their own but if you touch it you buy it (this is what I was told). Some people thought it's better cause everyone is outside and being careful about distance. Do you have to wear a mask at work too. I've only worn one when we went shopping so far. We don't have many cases here but maybe that's because we are dong all things we do. Our stay-at-home was extended to May 3 and we're supposed to hit our peak in the next two weeks and our county has only had 10 cases that we know about. I think getting back to "normal" will happen slowly. All of our kids with jobs are still working and Jim has gotten even more hours as security which is normally just part-time during the school year. He is at a gated senior area - apartments, assisted and nursing home (in face, it's where my oldest sister was at). They just keep one gate open now.

    Does Dan enjoy church with you since it's at home? I learned today that one lady in our church does a Sunday School story for kids each week to so told my boys about it. I started watching it and I was enjoying it.

    My week more of the same - 3 mornings I walked, 1 morning I worked on bracelts. We ate a lot of ham - even made ham pasties to use up some of the pie crusts in the freezer. I baked a batch of cinnamon chip cookies (chips were dated 2014). Got a little more done in the basement - but I've really not made a dent. Not sure what gets accomplished some days - I'm even back to taking a nap most days - guess cause there's time. Oh I did have a 4-H leaders meeting one day via zoom.

    Today we had a drive-by visit from Derek and Lindsey - they brought back my pie pan, boxes and plastic eggs. And gave Ralph some snickerdoodles and we got some small cartons of chocolate milk. Sometimes the kids get it with their lunches and they aren't big chocolate milk people. The kids did good at staying back but it's not fun to get no hugs. I was also able to give Madden the rest of his birthday present.

    We plan to go shopping Tuesday morning in the senior hours. Mostly it will be for fresh stuff since there's still plenty of meat and stuff in the freezer and pantry to keep working on.. I also want to look for more plastic eggs and soap for shoeboxes.

    Oh yes, my email is ralphdebora15@gmail.com.
    Have a good week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, our week went a little differently. We ended up taking Ralph's hearing aid in on Monday and then ate at Burger King. They would have had to send his hearing aid in to fix it so showed how to clean that spot so he can decide whether to fix it or get new ones (two this time). So we decided to wait till Friday to shop and just go first thing.

    Monday afternoon Thomas (oldest grandson) brought us all the plastic eggs his mom bought for me (around 500). It did not take up as much space as I thought it would. He stayed and we visited a bit - social distanced of course. Sunday evening we had taken some eggs to a neighbor and stayed for ice cream on the patio and sat apart.

    Otherwise, it's been the walking and working at church on Thursday. Thursday afternoon we watched a funeral livestreamed from our church. The six siblings and pastor were the only ones i the sanctuary. The message was by a nephew and sent by video, the special music was by a nephew and sent along with a song and picture from Ecquador where she was a missionary for 46 years.

    Friday we took both cars to town. We both went to Walmart and Dillons and each had another stop to do - wearing our masks. The stores were not that crowded and we had not been there for 2 1/2 weeks - still didn't buy a lot - mostly fresh stuff and used some coupons that were going to expire and a Burger King gift card. We had points to use with the gas so filled up both cars for $.86 a gallon and we had not filled up since the end of March. Not "normal". We were home by 10:30 and I put the cold stuff away.

    I continue to work downstairs in the one bedroom. I've not gotten the bed cleared off and pulled a box out of the closet. And now that the bed is cleared off I can use it to sort stuff on. We'll see how it goes.

    I had a friend send me a couple of cloth masks that have red tractors on them. I would have chosen something different for me but that's what she had and I knew Ralph would like it and he also likes that we'll have ones alike. My DDIL just made another 65 since she got ore elastic. She sets them on the porch for whoever needs them. I'm thinking we may be using them and social distancing for awhile. May 3 is when we'll hear the next step.

    Take care and stay well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Went to Trader Joe's yesterday and did the bulk of my shopping there. Senior shopping was from 8:00 to 9:00. I got there at 8:55 and was going to stand in the "regular" line but there was a Trader Joe's employee at the front of the store when I walked up and she asked me if I was over 60. When I said yes she said to go right in. That was nice. I then went to Ralph's (Kroeger) to get a few more items then came home. We had a good breakfast then I spent some time on the computer. We watched an old 1947 movie called Out of the Past with Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas and several other famous actors. It was film noir so not a fun movie but well done.

    I will watch my church service today (Dan does not watch with me) then I may check out a documentary series I signed up for called The Truth About Vaccines. It is done by the same people who did The Truth About Cancer. We have had record breaking heat for 3 days now so I have not been sitting outside to read. It has been between 87 to 91 degrees. Maybe I should go now while it is still cool enough. We went from cold and rainy to extreme heat for this time of year. They cancelled overtime at work for now but I still like getting there about 1/2 hour early to get a decent parking space, etc so I went for a walk Friday morning when I got to work. It was really nice and would have been miserable if I'd gone at lunch like I usually do so I beat the heat. :)

    Debora, I don't have to wear a mask at work (at least not yet) and hope they don't start. Right now I only wear one to go into the grocery stores. They just made masks manditory for our county though so I don't know how that will change things. They are opening up some of the beaches on Monday so long as people continue to social distance and don't congregate so we'll see how that goes. My poor husband is going crazy from not being able to get a hair cut so we are hoping they start to open things up soon and that hair salons are one of the first things allowed to re-open. :) I'm hoping for May 1st. We'll see what God has in mind. Sounds like you're making some good progress cleaning out the downstairs. Getting the bed cleared off so you can use it to sort thru things is a big deal. They say that taking naps is good for you so don't feel bad about it. It is really nice of your DIL to make masks and set them out for whoever may need them. The cloth ones are nice because you can wash them so you don't have to keep breathing in the same stuff. I have one that is cloth that my co-worker made for me. It has pretty lavender flowers on it. I wash it by hand with dish soap and let it air dry.

    OK, I will close and get on with the rest of my day. Have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, this week turned out a little differently. Thursday around noon Alan called to see if I could watch their kids the next two days. I wasn't going anywhere so said yes. We spent the days at our house and slept the one night at their house. Alan drive for a local meat processor and he gets cattle from CO and processes and then the meat goes back so Alan was taking the meat back. One day driving there and one drive back so he thought it would be fun to take Katie along. Managed to come up with meals to eat and they really did quite well. Biggest scare was Ava losing her balance and falling over the side of the stairs when going to the basement. She broke the top shelf of a toy shelf but thankfully, she was fine once she got over the surprise of it happening. This the granddaughter with cerebral palsy so walks with an uneven gait. They got to bed very well. In their rooms a little after 7 and they can read as long as they want but I was on my own. Took a book and bracelets to check. They told me to sleep in their bed cause it's the only extra bed. Last time I was there, there was a guest bed. They took it out and made that room into the classroom. Katie is a very organized person and good at decorating so all looks very nice. Anyway, I didn't want to mess up their bed - and they don't have a long couch upstairs, so I decided to tryout laying on the beanbags the kids have and fell asleep. Woke up early feeling rested so got up (and then needed a nap in the morning while the kids watched a lego masters show. Alan and Katie got home around 8:30 so I came home and slept in my bed. :) Today we watched our church service although on two different phones. Very good message and pastor's wife was the pianist. I don't think I'd seen her for 6 weeks so that was nice. Otherwise the day has been quiet and I'm gearing up for what I hope to do at home this week.
    One thing thing did happen last Thursday was a good house straightening. My empty boxes got put in another room and lots of things in the upstairs got taken care of. That was going to be a this week project so guess I'm ahead of things on that.
    Our state stay-at-home ends at midnight tonight. I'm not sure a lot changes but some restaurants will be opening if they can maintain social distancing, etc. There is a 4 phase plan with each being two weeks for sure so we'll see how things go. One lady from our church works covid patients and actually got off work early one day.

    Isabella, you mentioned beaches opening up where you are. How is it going with the beaches and things there? Glad you haven't had to wear a mask at work. Mine doesn't stay up real welll so trying to figure that out and I don't wear it when I do the things I do at church. I do when we go shopping. We have temps close to yours but that heat is worst for a couple hours in the afternoon so we haven't managed without the ac so far. But the fans are nice.
    Lots of people around here want haircuts too. Ralph needs one and I do them but he's usually tired by evening. And now it's long enough I will enjoy it less than usual but it will eventually happen. Ralph is missing seeing people. He sees less than I do.

    I don't know if "normal" will happen again for a while but we're ready to start working toward it. Since Alan's kids were here, I'm thinking about trying to do something with Lori's family next Sunday. Lori said Maggie cries every Sunday when she can't come. I even got hugs this week from the grands - it's just happens (and they are nice).

    Hope you have a good week. Nothing special planned except for working toward a 4-H meeting viz zoom if someone in the club knows how to set it up.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good afternoon! Happy Mother's day! Hope you get to see some family. :)

    I did my grocery shopping at Sprouts this week. All went well. I got a lemon bundt cake for Dan's birthday. Dan's birthday is Tuesday. I took the day off to spend with him. Our restaurants are still only open for takeout so we'll probably order something and pick it up. I heard of a hairdresser who is willing to give him an "underground" haircut but he's not comfortable with it so not sure if we will do it. It cooled down this week so we should have a nice week. I watched my church service this morning. It was the last week of an 8 week series on the sermon on the mount. It was good.

    My bible study has been having zoom meetings but we don't want to download the app so I am not participating. I don't really mind the break but I hope to be able to see them soon.

    I have had several gals send me a nice card so I am going to send some cards today. It is always a pleasure to get cards/letters in the US mail. My poor brother in NJ is going crazy with not much human contact. Doesn't seem like his governor is going to open things up any time soon. Also my sister Ellen passed away. She was 90 and died in her sleep. She had a good life but it is still sad and I can't help but think it was partly due to the fact that she was not able to have any human contact. I will see her again some day so I am at peace.

    Well again, happy mother's day and God's blessings to you!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! I tried to come here yesterday and fitness pal was not available and would not open. It was a good day. I did my shopping at Trader Joe's then Sprouts. Stocked up because I am taking vacation days Thurs the 21st and Friday then Monday is a holiday so I will be home for a total of 5 days when you count the weekend. Afterward I got caught up on facebook and puttered around the house. Did minimal cleaning and read a magazine. We watched an old romantic comedy from 2002 that my co-worker lent to me called 2 weeks notice starring Susan Bullock and Hugh Grant. They are good together and we enjoyed the movie. Also, to back track a little, Tuesday was Dan's birthday so I took the day off. I made him pancakes for breakfast which is his favorite. We went for a drive, did a little shopping, and ordered a pizza for dinner. It was a nice day considering the circumstances we are all in.

    My church started a new series today called "More with Less". It is basically facing our fears in this current situation and focuses on David and Goliath and ultimately leads us back to trusting in the Lord who is our ultimate "substitute". It was a very good service. I am going to get together with Jami at 11:00 today and we are going to go for a walk. We haven't seen eachother since March so we are way past due. I will do my best to keep it light and not discuss this virus with her because she is still somewhat in fear and I don't want to have a difficult discussion when we haven't seen eachother in so long. I just want to enjoy eachother's company.

    I never did get around to sending out some note cards so I will do that when I have my 5 day weekend the end of this week.

    Well have a blessed week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Oh, and please keep my brother Joe in your prayers. He has had pain in his abdomen that gets worse whenever he eats. He has had this for several months now and the doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong. They have him on 3 different heartburn medicines now and nothing seems to be helping much. Please pray that he will get some resolution soon and/or that the Lord will heal him. Thank you!!!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh my, I’m glad I decided to pop back in today. I came in and chatted yesterday for awhile – evidently I must have not hit post (sure thought I did) cause it’s not there now so I’ll start over again. Ug.

    I will do this one in a document so I won’t lose it till it’s sent. I know I asked what you did for Dan’s birthday and you gave me that answer. You could at least trip his hair around the neck and his ears. Our beauty salons open up tomorrow but I’ll wait a bit and let those who have been going crazy go first. :)

    Sorry to hear about your sister passing away. Thankful you know you’ll see her again but I’m sure not seeing people is not good. We are not made that way in my book. And I put Joe down to pray for. That’s a situation that has gone on too long. Enjoy you time with Jamie – yes, talk about everything but the virus as much as you can. I have done zoom things without downloading the ap. I just click on the link in the email but it sounds like you are enjoying your break. Hope you get the note cards sent – people will enjoy them. And enjoy your days off. You and Dan do a good job of relaxing together.

    Mother’s Day was very nice. We watched church and then headed to town and got the At Home Taco Bar at Taco Bell and then went to Lori’s house. It was too cold to eat outside so we squeezed around their table. Didn’t do hugs but we didn’t social distance as much. The meal is supposed to feed up to 6 but we stretched it to feed the nine of us and they consumed a package of oreos too. I went for a walk with one of the kids, played a game with one. Ralph worked a 100 piece puzzle mostly by himself (and he doesn’t like to do that but Maggie asked him too). Lori showed me the work they had done in the area where she keeps all her Operation Shoebox stuff. We stayed till around 4. Then we went to Derek’s to drop off something Lindsey. Deacon had been in the hospital for two days (asthma) but they were home and we enjoyed visiting on the deck. Then we headed to Matthew and Julie’s. She not a mom but she’s a very good aunt so I always get something for her too. We took ice cream there. I told Ralph we could stop at Kwik Shop and I pay whatever the price was. I lied. $6.50 was more than I could do so we went to another store not too far away and got some for $3.27. Much better. We visited there for awhile and then went past Alan’s. The kids were already ready for bed but I had called ahead and they came outside for a few minutes. I gave them whatever ice cream was left. We went home to find a gift from them – 24 banana muffins on a cute tray. I froze most of the muffins so we are still enjoying them and they re very good.

    Our zoom 4-H meeting went quite well. They could see me but could hear me. It’s a little more challenging to do the talks and there’s a bit of a learning curve so we should do it better next month.

    This week I had a dental appointment. They told me to wear a mask in and they would take my temperature. They had the door to the hall open and most of the hairs in the waiting room had been removed. So now I have clean teeth. The next day we had a prescription to pick up so we went in for it (different town) and went to Spangles (hamburger place) and were able to go inside to eat. We didn’t like the way they were doing everything but felt safe enough and thoroughly enjoyed sitting in a booth and eating our meal.

    Saturday I did a better job of straightening then I have for several weeks – I ran the vacuum and moved a little bit of dust cause we had asked Derek and family to come out for dinner. So I had them pick up the Taco Bell this time. We would have gone t their place but their church service online had been moved up to nine and our church was having an actual service for those that felt comfortable coming. We went and did wear our masks but I think we were the only ones who did. We sat every other pew and distanced each family. Doors were opened so we didn’t need to touch them, ushers seated us and dismissed us and they had an area outside roped off for talking after church. Everything but the nursery was locked and the toys had been removed from it. It was more if you needed to change a diaper. It was wonderful to be there for the singing and seeing people even if we didn’t visit with many since we needed to get home. And the people were not social distancing as well as I think they should have but I only have to take care of me. Your pastor’s sermon sounded like it was good. Our pastor is back to going through Philippians and had a good message also.

    Derek also brought along his lawn mower (Alan’s has been broken) so our lawn got mowed for the first time this season and the second time and the thir4d time – all on the same day. :)

    This week our Bible study is planning to meet – with masks and sitting in a circle 6 feet apart. I’m looking forward to that. I’ll walk and work with friend and we’ll do a bitter shopping tirp.

    Still working on the freezer – hoping to defrost it this week. We ate the two frozen dinners last week – I keep a couple on hand for when I’m gone and that hasn’t happened for several weeks so used them. Tomorrow, even though it’s supposed to be a warmer week, I’m making soup with a few more things I found. After I defrost, I’ll get together with a friend who has pork to sell and stock up a bit now for Sunday dinners. I want to get a few more dishpans to put things in so I can hunt a little easier. The progress on the house has slowed down but it’s still there waiting. Guess I’ve worked on a few other things instead. I’m glad I walk certain days – helps me keep track of the days. And now with a bit more on the schedule, there are some days I have to watch the clock a little closer.

    Have a great week – enjoy your free time (I know you will).
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! Days off have been good so far. A couple of rough spots but no big deal. We had a very nice anniversary. I made a large pot of spaghetti sauce. Put a lot of ground beef in it as well as hot italian chicken sausage, mushrooms and onions. Simmered for 3 hours. Came out wonderful. Served it over penne pasta. I had a bottle of Pinot Noir that one of my sales guys gave me for Christmas so we had that with the meal. It was good. I was curious about how much it might have cost so I googled it the next day and it was a $44 bottle of wine!!!! Silly how that made me think that it was an even more special gift. Can't help how our minds work. We watched a romantic comedy afterward. Friday I went to Target and got a few things and also stopped at Trader Joe's for a couple items. Had a nice relaxing day for the rest of the day.

    Today I went to Jimbo's for my grocery shopping. When I came back I wrote the note cards I wanted to get done then Dan and I went for a nice ride just to get out of the house. We enjoyed it. I made us a late lunch when we got back so not sure if/when we'll have dinner. I did some dusting and now I'm doing laundry while I type this.

    Jami and I had a very nice walk last weekend. She brought up the virus and I told her I didn't want to go there because I wanted to keep things light. She said she is OK with hearing other people's opinions and wanted to talk about it so I told her about some of my research and we had a pretty good open conversation.

    I'm going to get together with my friend Paula and her husband Derek tomorrow moring at 8:30am for coffee and/or breakfast. Not sure where we are going but we will meet at a local coffee shop and take it from there. They are back in town for the weekend so it will be nice to see them.

    Debora, Sounds like you had a very nice mother's day. Glad to hear it. You deserve it. :) I'm SO jealous that you got to have a dentist appt, AND go to church!? (and bible study next week.) ;) My dentist appt got cancelled a couple weeks ago. They are going to start taking patients again this week so I hope I get rescheduled soon. Dan and I would really like to get a hair cut!! I am looking quite shaggy! I don't remember if I told you but I made the decision to let my hair go gray and stop dying it. The contrast between the gray/almost white roots and the dark brown hair is pretty bad. I'd like to get as much of the dark cut off as possible.

    Well that's about all that is going on here. Some restaurants re-opened but Dan doesn't really want to deal with all the restrictions.

    Take care and have a great Memorial Day!!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Well, according to the news tonight all KS restrictions lift at midnight and it’s up to each county. Not sure how each county will tell us what to do. Right now it sounds like anything goes and I’m not ready for that. I ended up with Derek’s 5 kids all day Saturday (11 hours). It went okay. The oldest wrapped soap in washcloths for me for Shoeboxes. The one used three boxes and built quite the house. One had her notebook out and wrote a note for her mom of everything everyone was doing – even down to ones who fussed. The boys spent some time out at the chickens with Ralph. Meals weren’t fancy – mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch and angel hair pasta and sausages for supper. We had yummy chocolate chip cookies that their mom had made too. I had gone ahead and baked rolls on Friday so they got them at one meal too. We worked a couple of puzzles and they played in the basement and legos were played with a lot. I had them help me pick up in the basement but I did the upstairs stuff after they left since Lori and her kids were coming on Sunday. Actually fixed a Sunday meal – meatloaf, instant mashed potatoes, BBQ green beans, applesauce, rolls and cookies. They stayed till we needed to leave for a drive through for an 8th grade promotion. We had to drive about 30 minutes each way but got to see one of my 4-Hers and got served a delicious brownie.
    Our Bible study died meet. 8 or the 10 were there. Maybe we’ll all be there tomorrow. It was good to see each other. We sat in a very big circle well spaced out and wore masks although I don’t think we would have to as far apart as we are. Then I have to go in for my mammogram and will need a mask there. Then we may take Ralph’s ipad in. I’m not able to answer his questions. I have a prescription to get Friday so we’ll be in town two days this week.
    Being in church as been really good.. I think we are the only two with masks on but Ralph said we should in case we are asymptomatic. So I do it to honor him. We haven’t hung around real long after church. The social distance is pretty good in the church but they don’t spread out as well after church. Last Sunday the computer crashed so there was no livestream but they are planning to keep on doing that. Some people aren’t ready to come back and some shouldn’t and some are watching who live very far away. Our church is gearing up to have Bible School at the end of the month. I usually line up meals for those married teachers but haven’t been given any names yet.
    I defrosted my freezer yesterday. I thought I had it pretty empty but it still took three coolers to hold everything. I let it melt more on it’s own until it got close to evening and then took a pan of hot water down to speed things up a bit so I could be done. This was so much more “relaxing”. And now I know what’s where and there a lot of empty space. Not quite ready to buy a bunch of meat to fill it up. Still want to try and use up a bit more. I know where I can get some good port prices when I’m ready.
    My next big project is the treasurer stuff that I want to get up-to-date and organize it. Some stuff frm years back could be let go in my mind. I did this once years ago – bagged up a bunch of it and dated the sack and when it was not requested for 5 years, I let it go. There a lot of little jobs I just never get to but try to keep plugging away. The thrift store where I like to take my donations opened back up for afternoons this week – but so far they are only taking clothes and I don’t have many of them. Also, how they will collect things is changing to limit one on one contact. All part of the new “normal”.

    Well, the above was written a week ago and then I guess I got busy with other things. My computer is slow to respond so doing anything on it takes time. I think I need to delete cookies but haven’t taken the time to try that yet. This week our Bible study met again, I had my mammogram done and Ralph and I ate at a different Spangles. This time we didn’t even wear our masks in since we would remove them as soon as we sat down and there was a couple there that we knew that we visited with – 6 feet apart. After last Saturday was so busy, this one was not. I even went through my card file and gave myself less to try to get done so got more of it done. I didn’t straighten the house or do any food because we are going to meet Matthew and Julie after church and go somewhere to eat and then to the Parade of Homes. Our son, Derek has three homes in it. One we’ve seen but we’ll see the other two and then some of the other homes. Matthew and Julie are getting ready to build next year so I’m sure they have some they want to check out.

    I don’t have anything special going on next week so will keep plugging along here. :) I for sure want to refill my chia container – I’m been enjoying chia pudding with my eggs for breakfast – needed a new way to use it since I don't eat oatmeal as much.

    Isabella, I’m so glad you enjoyed your days off. Lots of relaxing, most good times with Dan, a good walk with Jaime, a little housework, reading. You had a great staycation. I hope you get in to see the dentists soon and the hairdresser . You had not told me you were going to your own color but a trim would really help with that. A haircut is one thing I haven’t gotten yet. I would ust be a drop-in at Walmart and you can’t do it that way now. I might call the person I’ve used some but wanted to let her regulars have first chance.

    With more places open and things, I wonder if the virus will show up more places or what but don’t want to live in fear either. So will be careful in what we do. I do plan to have the whole family over the third Sunday in June. I will go to church and encourage Bible school. If Derek’s keep a baseball player, I’ll probably go to a game or two. Will eat out but probably not in a crowded place and who knows what. Will end for now and get this sent off.

    Have a great week.