Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, haven’t really been that busy – just haven’t taken the time. Have things done that need to be done so can chat now. Ralph is back resting his back. He doesn’t know what he did but it has been hurting all day. He has still managed to go out and gather eggs but he hasn’t been that hungry either. I straightened the house – just the basics. We technically aren’t having the big Sunday dinners again but Lori and her girls are going to eat here since we have to back at the church at 3. Our 4-H is doing a short play of the Christmas story at the Whitewater Christmas Tree lighting so need to go through at least one time and get costumes. I’m glad tomorrow is supposed to be a nice. We don’t do it until 5 but should not have to dress too warmly.

    Since we didn’t have anyone over for Thanksgiving, we took boxes to each of them. I fixed applesauce jello, made 4 pumpkin pies, dinner rolls and ugly deviled eggs. Then we boxed it up and delivered to each house. Now I’m thinking about what to take for Christmas. I also talked Ralph into eating supper at Wendy’s before we went home. I was tired after making all that. Then Thanksgiving morning, I put a ham on. When we got home I made mashed potatoes while Ralph sliced the ham. Then we put out our portions of all the things we made plus cranberry sauce. We had plenty to eat (unlike many we hear about on the news). It was a quiet day but Ralph said he enjoyed it.

    Friday morning we watched Alan’s kids while they went to buy a washer and dryer on a black Friday sale. We went to town in the afternoon. Getting a prescription was the main reason to go but while in town you pick up a few other things too. The weekend was quiet except for going to church. Have started a few little things that seem helpful. Emptying the trash cans before they are stuffed. Doing the dishes in the evening instead of during the day. Seem like good things so far. Monday I was at home, Tuesday was Good News Club. Wednesday was supposed to be a lot of snow. But we were able to have Bible study in the morning and rain started in the afternoon. Found out one of the two nursery kids was going to be gone so decided to check on the other one and she had a runny nose so I ended up staying home which was nice.

    Thursday we had a little snow on the ground. Roads were fine but I didn’t slow down close enough to the turn into church so slid past and went down to the corner. I called one person I work with and suggested she stay home. I didn’t want her sliding or slipping as she is 90. She said she would drive slow and part under the overhang at the one door. She got there safely. We did the 2 year old Sunday School material and then ate the taco soup I had brought and then she helped me set up for Willing Workers. We had a nice turnout. We used more table and put less people at each one. Speaker was a missionary from Japan and always good. Friday it was off to town again. The McRib is making it’s usual appearance. Sadly the McDonalds in town quit having indoor dining due to the rise in covid numbers so we got the sauce on the side and took our sandwiches home. Tasted good but not the fun of eating out.

    Today was at home. Decided to take it easier and just made breadsticks. Derek and two of the girls stopped by by so shared a few with them. They liked that. Ralph did something to his back so has been in bed a lot. He hasn’t eaten as much either. We’ll see if goes to church tomorrow or not.

    I just got a phone call from one of our class SS teachers. She got a call from the school nurse that her two high school girls have been exposed to someone who was exposed. Kind of far down the chain but rather than take any chances, they will stay home tomorrow. I guess it’s enough of a problem that the high school is going all remote this week. One of the girls in our 4-H play also goes to Remington so guess I should check with her as to whether she can still come. She’s a narrator so one of the other readers could easily do her part.

    Sheryl, sorry Norma’s plans got changed. But at least she got a nice visit with you. That would be wonderful if she could come back in January to help you out. Getting those cataracts taken care of will be wonderful for you. Glad you enjoyed your turkey dinner when it suited you the best. Beef stew sounds yummy. Interesting on all you learned about your grandma and the flu epidemic. They talk about how people wore masks back then and they didn’t have the same good hospital care we have now.

    Isabella, your weekend sounds nice. Bummer on the turkey. At least there was some meat. And so nice that Dan went out with you too. I would like to be in your Bible study group and get your gift. :) Your long weekend sounds like it was very nice.

    Lindsey’s grandpa ended up improving and got out of the hospital after 15 days. Two days later they had trouble waking him up so though he was close to the end so set him up on hospice and they were able to go in to see him and now he is improving. Today he was in the dining hall for breakfast. So now they’ll probably quit letting the girls visit but that was probably a help to him. One day at a time.

    I’ll got tomorrow morning and do the 4-H thing in the afternoon but not sure about church in the evening. Will see how Ralph feels and may decide it’s one thing we can let go. Need to finish doing my Christmas shopping (actually a lot left to do sort of). I also need to finish the 4-H program book. And I could get back to decluttering since the kids won’t be here on Sunday. Not sure how we’ll handle Christmas yet.
    Oh yeah, we had another snake in the sump pump. When Alan finally came and got it out, it wasn’t as big as I thought but I’m still glad to have it gone. This is getting plenty long so best let you all go.
    Have a great week.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello. It's been a busy weekend for me. Got up early Saturday because I was concerned that it would be busy since our crazy governor is going to lock us all down again after Sunday. Restaurants are going to be take out only, hair salons and gyms closed. I don't think our small businesses can survive much more of this. I went to Trader Joe's then farmer's market where I bought a fabulous piece of ocean trout and some honey. Then I went to the new Aldi then Sprouts. We had the fish for dinner and really enjoyed it. It was SO fresh. Sunday I met a couple of friends for lunch and we chatted for 2 hours. It was really good to see them and have the fellowship. We promised not to wait so long to do it again.

    Now I am cooking dinner which I really need to get back to.
    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, I kind of had a busy week. We had three teachers and 14 kids in Sunday School and it went okay. The 4-Hers did a nice job with the play. Had a smaller trailer so had to adapt a bit but it worked. And you could make smores and ornaments. The afternoon was nice but it sure started cooling down at 5. Masks do help keep your face warm.

    Tuesday was Good News Club. We had our last story and next week was to be the party. Wednesday we learned that K-4 was going online this coming week so not party. But the school worked with us and we took our gifts to the school Friday. They had the Good News kids come to the office and we could hand them out. The middle school is the only one still in school. Wednesday morning was Bible study. We only had one in the nursery but we had a good time visiting. Thursday morning I worked with friend. We filled the bead containers and went through all the small bracelets. People are paying attention and it doesn’t take us long to go through them now. Thursday evening we watched Maggie’s program on the computer. Not as nice as being there but it’s better than not seeing it at all. Didn’t think about asking where Maggie would be standing. Hard to recognize them in costumes.

    Friday was town and errands. I’ve also done a lot of online shopping this week so getting packages almost every day. Always another deadline. Got the 4-H program book done. Now I’m working on other stuff for 4-h and getting the treasurer books for Willing Workers ready for the auditor (my procrastination again). Then I hope to do some baking – peppernuts for sure – and get the gifts wrapped. Then we’ll figure out how to get together with each of the families. Hoping for some nice afternoons. We had some this week but not the last two days. Only in the 30s today.

    Tomorrow night is our children’s Christmas program. Our class is going to practice during Sunday School. We sing one verse of Away in the Manger. It will probably take us more time to line up than to do the song. But they’ll look cute. We’ve asked the Wednesday teachers of this age to sit with us too so will just have to be in charge of 3 kids each. We sit on the front rows so we have a good view. If any of you would be interested in seeing the livestream, let me know and I’ll tell you how to see it. The little I saw at practice looked good.

    Isabella, sorry things are shutting back down. If it helps, it’s a good thing. The one McDonalds we could go eat inside quit that. So far other things haven’t changed much. Did you do some stocking up on food? I didn’t think I was but have more than I realized. Need to make a list. Had some milk I thought might go bad so made rice pudding tonight. More filling than I realized it would be. But good.

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all. Getting here late today. Temps have been much cooler but still pretty nice days. I did my usual shopping this week and also went to Target. I really like their coated paper plates and they have the best price on low sodium V-8 which Dan drinks to help with his high blood pressure because it is high in potassium. So when I run out of it I make a Target run. :) One of the knobs broke on my most used cook top burner yesterday so I made several calls and finally found an appliance repair that seemed pretty good and will be able to come out in the next couple of days. I am going to ask them to fix my back burner as well while they are at it. Thank God the burner was still off when the knob broke instead of waiting until it was on then not being able to turn it off. That would have been a nightmare. So for now, I only have the 2 small burners working. But I shall persevere! ;) It is an electric cooktop with the coils. It came with the house when it was built in 1988.

    I joined MeWe today. Hope to see you both there. :)

    Debora sounds like you were very busy but you always are. :) I would like the info on how to stream the Christmas program. Don't know if I'll be able to but I'd certainly like to try. I didn't really stock up intentionally either but it seems that I have plenty of food. So much so that I'm not sure how I'm going to fit the lasagna leftovers in the freezer if/when I make it for Christmas or New Years.

    Ok, gotta go. Have a blessed week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi ladies, I took yesterday off to use up a vacation day. We took Dan's car in for maintenance. They also found that the rear shocks were leaking to we had to have those replaced. It was an expensive visit but needed to be done. We had Jersey Mike's subs for lunch then I made Trader Joe's frozen mac & cheese for dinner.

    Today I did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping. I now have all the ingredients I need to make lasagna for Christmas. Then just hung out and read and enjoyed the sunshine. I will make leftovers for dinner and we will watch one of the movies we have recorded. our next door neighbors brought us a little Christmas gift bag today. It has raspberry jam, truffles, and cookies. Very sweet. The girls were really cute! We will have to pick them up a gift card to Target or something to thank them.

    Well, take care and in case I don't get a chance to check in, Merry Christmas!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Evening, I'm popping in late because my computer is working right now and I can't trust it to wait til morning. Plus, mornings are not the same anymore, I simply don't have that nice routine that I had for years.

    I was a zombie for weeks, no sleep hardly at all. Then, I hit on a solution for part of the problem. John was constantly waking me up complaining that he's cold and we would find the blankets on the floor. I had some really nice, high thread-count sheets and I think they were too slick. After John complained that it was "raining in bed" and "everything is wet", but it turned out that he was just feeling COLD sheets, I bought some flannel sheets. Yay, John is warm and the blankets stay put on the bed. I finally got some sleep 2 nights in a row.

    I think it's time to buy a new computer. I do not look forward to the learning curve it will take to get used to a new system. Ugh!

    John's calling so I gotta go.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Our house looks a bit more like Christmas this week. I brought up our little tree yesterday, strung lights on the front half and put on our small ornaments and the nativity set went up beside it on the table. This is the tree we got years ago kept even after we got a big tree. The push was carolers coming tonight so they could see lights in the window but we are enjoying it too. I’ve also been wrapping presents and have ¾ of them done. I waiting for a bit to come in the mail and left Derek’s till last since they are gong to Colorado this week. If I push with the baking the next two day, we’ll try and see each of the kids in the days after that – one family at a time. Tonight Ralph said it didn’t have to be outside – just not a big group together and the families with kids have bigger houses than we do so if they’ll let us come there (otherwise I’d really have to do some cleaning) So it sounding better to me.

    I had made Ralph an appointment to get a spot on his forehead looked at. It was not cancer – just an irritated age spot (I suppose his cap rubs it). The doctor said he could freeze it off so we said okay. Ralph had no idea it would hurt that much so I got to drive for awhile. We went to the bigger town for a little shopping – a couple gift cards that I can’t get at Dillons – and we saw where Derek’s new office is and ate at Wendy’s. Oh yes, Ralph went to one bookstore.

    I had Bible study on Wednesday and worked with friend on Thursday. Our project this week was to do the ballots for our church’s annual meeting. It took us the whole two hours but it’s one thing our secretary won’t have to do. Friday was town and then home till today. We had 4 of our regulars gone in SS but had two visitors so still had 13 kids and one mom so her boy would stay.

    I fixed hamburgers for dinner today. Then took a nap, wrapped a few presents, visited with Matthew and Julie when they came to get eggs. Shortly after they left, the carolers came. Ralph sat on the porch to listen to them and visit from a distance.

    Tomorrow I want to make peppernuts, maybe some pumpkin bread to help use up my pumpkin, and tiger butter – should say in the next 2-3 days will do that. We’ll see what really happens.

    Isabella, sounds like you had a nice weekend. Glad you got the car fixed up – doesn’t take much to add up in cost. I’m about ready to try making my own lasagna. Stouffer one doesn’t seem to come out as nice and they changed they baking “rules” which I don’t do since I do it during church. We’ll see.
    That’s wonderful you can find what you need for a stove of that age. It’s easier to get by when you know a fix in coming soon.
    So you actually went to MeWe. I heard some talking about it but for now I’m planning to just stay on facebook. Do you like it better? I found out the Christmas program was not livestreamed but the Sunday before we had a CE Christmas program that you would enjoy. But you get to it through facebook. So if you can still get on it, go to Emmaus Mennonite Church Facebook page. Click on videos and look for the CE Christmas Program.

    Hi Sheryl, what a smart solution for staying warm in bed and getting some sleep. You’re a good problem solver. Hope you getting to sleep. Bummer on computer problems but computers don’t last forever. When we switched last December, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was gong to be. The harder part was deciding what to get. Will look forward to hearing from you again.

    Have a great week both of you. Merry Christmas in case I don’t pop in that day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Merry Christmas eve ladies! It is 56 degrees and cloudy right now. A bit of CA winter weather. :) My cooktop is all better now and it is REALLY nice to have all 4 burners working again! The new knob works so much smoother than the others we had replaced those years ago. I think they must have used really poor quality parts that last time. We will definitely keep this appliance repair company's number for future reference. Had a busy week at work trying to catch up on the ONE day I was off. Crazy! You would think it would be slow with so many people off for the holidays but no. I guess maybe they were trying to get things sewn up before the holiday. I didn't get totally caught up but only about 1/2 day behind by the time I left yesterday. I'm off until Monday now. :) I have plans to see Jami and go for a walk on Saturday morning so that will break things up a bit. I'm looking forward to it. We haven't seen each other in a couple of months. Tonight we plan to order Chicago style pizza from this new restaurant that opened up in Sept. It got really good reviews. Then we will probably watch a Christmas movie. Tomorrow I am going to make lasagna and we'll probably watch another Christmas movie. Hopefully one of the classics like A Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life.

    I don't remember if I told you that I went to the dermatologist to have a growth on my left cheek checked out (they did a whole body check while they were at it). I've had the growth for several years but it was now getting red next to it. Well, the biopsy came back and it is cancerous so I will have to have it removed. They well have the ENT (whatever that means) call me in a couple of weeks to schedule something. I'm not worried but I don't want to tell Dan for now because he will definitely freak out. I'll wait until I talk to the "ENT".

    Sheryl, so glad you got a chance to pop in. Brilliant idea to get the flannel sheets. People seem to love them. SO very glad you've been able to get some sleep. Hopefully that will continue. Also praying that the new computer system won't be too difficult for you. When we had to get updated we found that it was pretty similar but that they had moved a bunch of stuff (good old microsoft!) so it was just a matter of finding where everything was. Not too bad. Hopefully it will be the same for you. But you are SO smart I don't think you'll have too much of a problem either way. Keep us posted.

    Debora, sounds like you got a lot done. What are peppernuts? It will be really nice to go to the different homes and visit. Really glad that Ralph's growth was benign and they froze it off! The carolers sound wonderful also! I don't know if you heard about what Kirk Cameron is doing? He is having a peaceful protest with Christmas Caroling gatherings. He is a Christian actor in case you didn't know. He has had many people gather to sing Christmas Carols. He said the intention is to bring Hope back. God is SO good! I will go to FB and see if I can find the program you recommended. I don't think MeWe is better. I haven't really figured it out yet. But I'll keep trying. I don't want to support FB or those other big tech companies. I totally get why most people are still there though. It is easy and all our friends are there! :)

    OK, I've rattled on long enough!
    Merry Christmas ladies! God's blessings to you!
    Love you!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Merry Christmas! Thought I'd share this beautiful rendition of O Holy Night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJgJVF7pSBQ
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just popped in to say Merry Christmas. Have a blessed day!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This morning I made another batch of cream puffs (have to do more baking when we do individual stops), got the presents and things loaded and we left the house around 11. We all enjoyed the pizza and breadsticks. Then we gathered in their living room – which is larger than ours. Ralph read the Christmas story and then we opened presents – basically one each so it didn’t take too long.
    We stayed until 3 and then went to my uncle’s ex to give her some peppernuts (from a conversation we had at his funeral). She gave me a container with homemade fudge. I didn’t make any so it will be a treat.
    Got my weekly call to my sister made.

    Matthew and Julie brought the pizza last night (we paid). I ordered 2 large and they came in with 1 large and 2 medium. Place ran our of large pans so we had even more pizza. Plenty left so sent some home with them. They changed the flourescent bulbs for us. Room is nice and bright now. We had a good time visiting. They gave us both puzzles (Ralph’s box has 4 puzzles and mine has 10) They’ll last us for a long time. Ralph started one of his today – has a red tractor on it. I enjoy them but can spend a lot of time on them.

    Went to SS and church this morning. I taught. Came home and ate and then slept longer than I planned. But it is Sunday.

    And so goes another week. Busy but fun.

    Isabella, how nice to have you cooktop fixed. Enjoy. Enjoy. Glad business is good but it keeps you on your toes. Hope you can get all caught up this week. I’ve been eating lots of pizza. Do you have nice comfy chairs you sit in when watching all your movies?
    Nice to go for a walk with Jamie. Doing something outside is good.
    Glad you realized the mole was changing and got it checked out. I understand about having all the information before telling Dan.
    Peppernuts are a small crunchy cookie - from the Mennonite background. They take time to make and are made this time of year. But we all like them. There are many different recipes for them.
    Love O Holy Night = thanks for sharing

    Have three medium sized projects to work on this week so will send this off and start on my list for tomorrow. Should be home a good part of the week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy 2021 ladies!! Glad 2020 is officially over even tho nothing has really changed. Praying for truths to be revealed and people to stand strong this year. God's protection on us all and on our loved ones.

    Didn't do much last night. Watched an old movie as is our custom. Watched The Thin Man with William Powell and Myrna Loy. Very enjoyable. I am going to make penne alfredo with shrimp and broccoli for our special dinner today.

    Debora, your celebration sounds very nice. Thanks for the explanation of the peppernuts. I'll have to look at some recipes. I watched the program you suggested on FB. It was nice.

    OK, take care all and have a blessed 2021.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    2021 is here. We went to bed at our usual time and let it come in by itself. It was a year with a lot of hard things but yet there were many of God’s blessings in it too.

    Sunday we started on one of Ralph’s puzzles and finished it Monday evening. We started a second one. It was harder but we finished it Thursday. They both had red tractors in them. Ralph got all the pieces and work especially on the tractors. He decided he was puzzled out so I got one of mine out. I did not pull out the one I thought I did – this one has a fish swimming in water so a lot of blue but I have it started. Ralph will not do anything on it.

    Wednesday morning we went to town and got some lab work done for Ralph and went to Etc. shop – Ralph found some books and I found some other things – some I can use for gifts. We went to Walmart and bought a windshield wiper and I looked over the Christmas clearance and then home. I baked cream puffs (did the breadsticks on Tuesday) and ordered the pizza and we went to Derek’s in the evening. All in all, we had a very nice time. One special gift was a charm of Deacon’s thumbprint. I don’t wear much jewelry besides my wing and watch so will probably keep it in the box for now. I got a new welcome mat too – put it out today.

    Thursday morning we went to town to do our errands (bank would be closed Friday). List was not long and I got the process started to move our prescriptions from Walmart to Dillons. It will save us a little bit and the pharmacy will always be open when we get there. Sometimes I have to do some extra looking at Walmart. I hope they all got transferred. Worked at church with my friend in the afternoon – we’d skipped a week so it was nice to visit.

    Friday morning we woke up to snow. Not enough to keep me from going walking but we ended up with 3-4 inches. It was so pretty coming down and kids were not in school so they got to enjoy playing in it. Since it was January 1, I started my decluttering again. I started under the kitchen sink. I have needed to change the liner for a long time. It was horrible looking and there was stuff I’d forgotten about and stuff to trash. It looks much better now. Next I think I’ll do a box out of the basement. I decided it doesn’t matter what I do as long as I do something. And hopefully, I’ll stay with it. I’m also working on year end report for Willing Workers and the year end stuff for our farm books and trying to take care of some jobs that have been in the file for a long time. I even got the sheets changed and we won’t discuss how long it had been.

    School starts for the grands again this week and other stuff will start back up after the Christmas break so will lose some of the time at home but that’s life. We also hope to get together with Alan’s family this week since their quarantine if over. No one got sick. We will have a funeral to go to soon too. A girl I’ve known since she was a baby died from covid. She was one of those that had to go to a town 3 hours away to find an ICU bed about 3 weeks ago. Was sedated and on a ventilator. Se got better enough that they removed the sedation and the family got to zoom with her but her kidneys started failing and her lungs just were too week. Very sad. But I’m sure it won’t make anything think they need to take it more seriously.

    Isabella, doing something relaxing is a nice way to spend the evening. I’ve never heard of that movie. I taped a lot of shows of Promised Land so am enjoying them along with Monk. Glad you were able to find the program. Hey, could you send me your address?

    Sheryl, thinking of you.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    How are you doing? I’ve been trying to think of what we did this week and there was certainly nothing exciting. We were going to get together with Alan’s family Tuesday night and Owen had a cough and then got a fever so still haven’t done that. Wednesday night was our church annual business meeting. We got everything done in two hours which is amazing. It does help when people get nominated ahead of time.

    Thursday morning we had Willing Workers, in the afternoon was the funeral for our friend and then in the evening I had a zoom 4-H Council meeting. So it was the busiest going day of the week. Friday morning we did our shopping and have been home ever since.

    I so far have stayed up with 10 minutes of decluttering. It’s slow going. I have gone through two drawers and one cupboard in the kitchen and have let go of something in each one. I’ve also worked some in the basement and let go of a bit there. I found all the kids school pictures so now put a job on my list to sort them by kids. I bought frames years ago to fill with their school pictures and actually still have them – so should I still do that. :) Something to think about. I figure I can work in any room that I feel like. As long as I’m working is what counts. And I’m trying really hard to let go. Not always easy.

    Monday is 4-H so will need to get ready for it. I’ve mentioned we’ve been in a vaccine study. We got a letter this week saying we could go in and find out if we got the placebo or not and they would give us the vaccine if we got the placebo. And we will still be in the study – just will know we have the vaccination. But we can still be watched.

    I used to sort sox for Lori’s family every once in awhile. I enjoy it and they always had plenty of sox. Well, they hadn’t brought any in awhile and I thought they were under the crib in the guest room. Today I found out they are in one of those 30 gallon trash bags but date of when last sorted. Lori said I could just toss them but I’m gong to give it to her so she can be amazed at home many there are – that’s a lot of sox.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    HI it was a beautiful day today. I did my usual shopping and a little bit more. Read my book outside for an hour or so. Did 2 loads of laundry. Now I'm here then I'll start dinner. We're having hot dogs. Very simple. Not much else going on. I'm very busy at work. Still had 60 emails untouched When I left work on Friday. Oh well, they'll have to wait. I'm hoping I'll be able to work a Saturday soon and try to get caught up.

    Debora, did you go and find out whether you got the vaccine or a placebo? Hope all are doing well. Good job with starting up the decluttering again. I bet it feels good. Are you asking for my home address? It is 12663 Calle Charmona, San Diego, CA 92128. Why do you ask?

    Well, not much else going on so I'll close and go make dinner. Have a great week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi Isabella and Debora. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Even when you don't know all the details, I know you are supporting me and the Lord continues to Bless. I've been in the hospital for a week (Mon-Fri) and recovering at home now. Norma sent a few email updates while she was here and since I'm not feeling up to typing much yet, I'll copy/paste her emails to catch you up.

    Hello Family and Friends,

    Forgive the mass email, but I am trying to get information out about Sheryl.
    To update some of you that have not been contacted as yet, Sheryl was admitted to the hospital on Monday after an Eco cardiogram was taken as prescribed by her oncologist after a PET scan she had on Tuesday, Dec 29. They found fluid surrounding the heart and she was in FULL A-Fib on Monday. I flew up Monday evening so I could take care of John and the animals.

    She is doing very well, they drained over a liter of fluid. The pathology of the fluid was found to be cancerous and so tomorrow (Thursday) she will be having a surgery at 8:30 a.m. called Pericardial Window. They will cut the sack around the heart so that the fluid will drain and not collect around the heart. As I learn more I will pass the information on to you.

    Good morning!

    We received a phone call from Sheryl yesterday stating that she was being discharged from the hospital. John and I drove to Portland a little after 3:00 and arrived at the hospital around 4:00. As typical of hospitals, it took another hour and a half before we drove up to the main entrance and got Sheryl into the car.

    On our way home, we had to stop by Fred Meyers to pick up a new prescription for Sheryl and arrived home at 7:00 p.m. We all slept very well last night and are ready to start making some adjustments to lighten the load for Sheryl.

    Again thank you for all of your love and prayers for Sheryl's healing and recovery.

    Love and hugs, Norma

    Good morning,

    Just wanted to give you an update on Sheryl. She came home from the hospital on Friday evening with a chest tube, to help with the fluid draining. On Sunday, Sheryl's legs started to swell. As a precaution, we took Sheryl to the ER at Legacy Medical Center (Salmon Creek) to check out the problem. They found that her right leg has a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). They gave her a shot to thin her blood and help with the circulation.

    On Monday morning, we had an appointment with the surgeon to have the drainage tube removed. The incision was healing well and they removed the tube. On our way back from Portland, we stopped at Compass Oncology to have Sheryl's INR checked to determine if the Warfarin she is taking was sufficient. The number was too low and they are having Sheryl take shots along with the tablets.

    On Tuesday, we had a visiting nurse come out to the house as well as a physical therapist. After being examined; run through a series of questions and exercises, it was determined that she is doing very well and would not need any additional nursing or therapy sessions. We were thrilled to get that news.

    Sheryl is feeling so much better. Her breathing is easier and she is able to do more activities. She still needs to be checked for her INR to get the warfarin medication balanced and stable. She is on her way back to health. I was glad to be up here to help her, but will be flying back home tomorrow afternoon.

    Again thank you for all your prayers and messages of encouragement.

    Love and Hugs, Norma

    I'm really taking it easy these days. My cataract surgery got postponed, so my vision is still very bad and my eyes hurt, but I'll do my best to keep you updated. So much more to say, but, I'll close for now and try again later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We had more cold weather and Thursday and Friday were very windy – gusts up to 60 mph. My friend fought the wind walking out to cars on Thursday. And when we went to town on Friday Ralph was careful where he parked or would let me out so the wind would blow the doors out of our hands. Today was much nicer but I only went outside to get the mail. :)
    Last Monday was 4-H so got ready for it during the day. I’m past the really busy part so that’s nice. We only had two of our talks but they were good. Recreation was an indoor snowball fight (I want to look for some of those snowballs for next year). The kids played and played – especially some of the boys.
    Tuesday afternoon we had our appointment with the vaccine study. We are still in the study but the forman is different because they unblinded the study. Ralph was right. He got the vaccine but I didn’t so I got my first dose. Arm was a bit sore the next day but they say the second will be worse. We are still supposed to social distance and wear our masks even vaccinated cause there is still a slim chance of still getting a light case and there is just so much of it out there still. I’ll get my next dose in February. I was at the appointment for 2 hours. First they had to do a covid test and bloodwork. Then I waited a half hour to get the vaccine and had to stay 30 minutes after getting it. So Ralph went to the thrift store and ended up buying some books. :) Then we did a little shopping. By now it’s 5:30 so I convinced Ralph to go through Arby’s and get their roast beef special. We also stopped by my friends who had lost her daughter to buy some hooded towels. I have bought a lot over the years so I got all the duplicates. It was good to talk with them but didn’t stay too long. The couple lived with her mom so at this point they are still togeher. He is just like a son to her. It was nice to be able to eat as soon as we got home.
    Wednesday was Bible study and then the nursery in the evening where we technically had no kids. I saw a dad walk by with their baby and suggested he leave her. He did but mom came to check and she was not happy. So mom stayed in the nursery and we had a nice visit. I think we are just down to one child most evenings but won’t drop the second person till I’m sure.
    Thursday I worked with my friend. We filled up the bead containers and went through the big bracelets made at our last meeting. I had the rest of the day at home which was nice since ti was so windy. In the evening Alan’s family finally was able to come for Christmas. I fixed hamburgers and hot dogs. Had some snacks for while we opened presents and enjoyed time together. We did a puzzle race. I had two of the same puzzle and two teams. My team lost but it was still fun. Then I got out a dessert I had made and we did Molly’s birthday. She was 12 January 1.
    Friday morning we did our shopping. I was able to buy a bunch of pencils on a real good deal Ten cents for 24 pencils. But we had to sort boxes at the checkout lane cause I got all the 24 packs and only one upc code was that the low price. Checked the clearance at Walgreens but just not much this year. Got home about 11:30 and have been home since then. But that means I’m making progress on the yearly treasurer report, more stuff out of the furnace room and plugging along on stuff I think I need to do.

    Isabella, thank you for your address. I put a package into the mail yesterday – it has a DVD of our Christmas program and a few peppernuts for you to sample.

    Sheryl, sorry to hear you were in the hospital but sounds like you were well taken care of. So wonderful that Norma could fly up and take care of things on the home front. And if you keep improving, the cataract surgery can be rescheduled. Sharing Norma’s emails was a great way to let us know what all went on. You are smart to take it as easy as you can. Hopefully, john cooperates so you can. Will keep praying.

    Okay, will send this on its way and head for bed. Night.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It's been hot this week. In the mid 80's for several days. It will go back down to the mid 60's starting Monday. Did my usual shopping this week and added a trip to Jimbo's as well. We ordered pizza for dinner last night. It was a nice treat. We didn't watch any movies last night. We watched several hour shows we had recorded instead so we can keep up with them. We are actually getting some stuff to watch now. It is a nice change. I sat outside yesterday and finished my book. It was a John Grisham novel about a lawyer. Very well written but then all his books are. I hadn't read one of his books in quite a while. Today I will listen to my church service on line then have breakfast and cook my greens for the week. We have a pork loin for dinner.

    Debora, that is very thoughtful of you to send me a package. I will look forward to getting it. Sounds like you had a good week. I am so jealous of you being able to have Arby's! :) I really like them but we don't have one near us. Let me know if you get any side effects from the vaccine. Do you know if it was the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine?

    Sheryl, so sorry to hear that you were in the hospital! Thank you for posting Norma's email updates so we would know what's been going on with you. Glad you're doing better and will keep you and John in my prayers. Please keep us updated when you can.

    Take care all and have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, we're having rain here. Finally. We really needed it. Did my shopping very early this morning and now I'm just puttering on the computer. I ordered a wallet case for our smart phone we never use so I'll be more comfortable carrying it around in my purse. We watched a new sitcom called "Call your mother". It was actually laugh out loud funny and we're enjoying watching it. I'm very behind at work. We are going to work next Saturday so that should help. Our bible study is going to start back up this coming Wednesday. I'm not excited to go out at night but look forward to seeing everyone and starting a new study. Nothing else new going on.

    Debora, I received your package. Thanks very much for sending the peppernuts for us to taste. That was very thoughtful of you. Thanks for the disc of the Children's program. I haven't watched it yet. Probably tomorrow. Hope all is going well.

    Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, here we are – ¾ through another month. I got the funrace room emptied, swept the floor, wiped off the shelves, put up the new shelf and am not working on putting things back in and letting things go. Takes a little more thought that taking it out did.
    I did the usual things this week – Bible study, working with friend, nursery Wednesday evening, and errands Friday morning. The sad thing that happened was my nephew-in-law passed away on Monday but not too sad because his suffering is done. Michelle doesn’t want people to come to the memorial to keep covid at bay so will watch it virtual. We will see her tomorrow as she wanted to give Ralph the lift chair and since, they can, she and her daughter are doing a day trip (5 hours one way) to bring the chair. She will stay her distance and drop it off and head home. Then she can work on selling the wheel chair van. She has lots of things to dispose of and if she can give to places they will be used, she likes that. It’s been a long time since they could take off and do something so this will be fun for them.
    The fun thing we did was Thursday afternoon. We went and watched Jeremiah bowl, ate at Wendy’s (and got our key fobs for the next year), and watched Lucy scrimmage in volleyball. And we were home by 7.
    I’m slowly make progress on my puzzle, I baked a cookie mix today, and almost have the farm books ready to go in. There’s never a lack of things to do.

    Oh my Isabell, you’re hot and we’re cold. Getting up to 50 happens some but we get down into the 20 most nights. Funny, came on to did the game first and while I was doing it, you posted. I’ve enjoyed some new shows too but its seems like there are 2 or 3 weeks worth – Nothing like when they used to run 13 weeks or more. But it is what it is.
    We are in the Moderna study so that’s the one I got. My arm was a little sore for a day but they say the second one is the one to watch out for.
    How fun to find a show that is that funny. I haven’t seen with that name.
    Nice to have your Bible study start up. What will you study? We are finishing up our book within the next two weeks so I orders our new ones today and hope they come in time. We’ll do Philippians this time.
    Thanks for letting me know you got the package. It’s always fun to share them. Hope next Saturday gets you close to caught up.

    Enjoy your week.