Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Saturday night and all is well.
    Monday our project committee met. We don’t have to do as much cleaning but enjoyed visiting a big and had refreshments while we planned our projects.
    Tuesday night we went to Derek’s to celebrate Brecken’s birthday. She mad a delicious chicken vegetable soup (and sent the leftovers home with us). Brecken liked her gift. And it was fun to see everyone.
    Wednesday was Bible study and nursery in the evening. We had two kids and one did not enjoy it. Then we had two moms and their babies join us so that was fun to visit with them.
    Thursday morning I worked with friend on the newly laminated Echoes. I’ve also spent time reminding people about stories for the Echoes cause it gets done next week.
    Thursday afternoon I had to take the farm books in so I suggested we do our shopping.too. I’m glad we did cause it only took about 15 minutes to have her go through the books = just not much goes in them now. So the last two days I worked on Willing Workers treasury stuff, more on the basement – down to the hard things to find a place for. Taking it out of the room worked really well so hope I can do that on a smaller scale for the next room.
    Ralph finally made his fruit cake today – recipe makes 5 loaves so that will last him for awhile even if he shares some of it. A friend gave us a few cinnamon rolls and I ate two of them. I just keep plugging away on regular stuff the last tow days. Even got the containers up for the Christmas stuff although I didn’t finish.
    We are going to start Good News Club up next week so I got the invites ready and took them to the schools.
    Most of the days this week the weather stayed in the 20s. Last night it warmed up and was 48 this morning and it rained off and on all day. Some places got like 2 inches which is unusual this time of year. Ralph had gone to get some cinnamon rolls a friend had made and I though I heard him come home but he didn’t come inside. I heard the garage door jiggle so went to look. Well, it was athe fed ex man and he was trying to put my package out of the rain. But out garage door is hard to open so he put it as close to the front door as he could. Since I saw him, I got the box in. Too bad they aren’t allowed to just know and run or ring the doorbell and run. Not a big deal on most days. But now I have the books for Bible study.
    Isabella, I found out I could watch Call Your Mother so taped it. It is pretty good. Thank you for the nice note. Always fun to get something in the mail.
    Hope all is going well for you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! Sorry I was MIA last week. It was so busy I got distracted. Weather has been very nice. Should be in the mid to high 60's this week. Not much else going on. I got fairly well caught up at work on Saturday but still didn't get to the "back burner" projects. Oh well, I'll keep plugging at it. Feels good to have the every day stuff caught up.

    Debora, Sorry to hear about your nephew in law passing but as you said at least he is no longer suffering. Glad you got to see "Call your Mother" and enjoyed it. Congrats on getting the farm books done and submitted and on getting more decluttering done.

    On a sad note, we just found out that an old friend of ours has stage 4 cancer of the prostate but they said it is also in his bones. His name is Keith. I would appreciate it if you would keep him in your prayers.

    Dan just started a new puzzle as well. It is of a 60's Texaco gas station with the old pumps and 2 cool cars - a Camaro and a Mustang. It will be challenging but fun. Our bible study book study this time is on the Sermon on the Mount. I'm behind though because I missed the first one, attended the 2nd one, the 3rd one was via zoom so I missed that one, this week's is cancelled because our teacher's husband is having surgery the next day, then the next one is my birthday so I won't be attending. Oh well, I'll have to try to keep up with the book anyway. I took this coming Friday the 12th off to use some vacation time so that will be nice. Hopefully I won't get too far behind.

    Sheryl, hope you and John doing well. I am still praying for you both.

    Well, I'll close for now and go enjoy some sunshine while I still can. Have a great week and God Bless.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We have moved into a week of very cold weather and got a bit of snow yesterday. High today was 22 and that’s about how the whole week is supposed to be. Hopefully, there won’t be much wind. I have somewhere to go every day this week. I only have to be out to get to the car or from car to where I go but it is cold.

    Last week was pretty normal. Sunday was church and then at home. Monday was the whole day at home. Tuesday we started Good News Club. Had 11 kids. Some were just back from quarantining so did not have the notes so might have more this week. We’ll also more adults this week cause this was class is coming to teach. Wednesday morning was Bible study and then was in the nursery in the evening. Just had the one so we could visit and she had fun.

    Thursday morning, friend and finished cutting the laminated Echoes so I got a notebook and dividers so we can hole punch and put them in when we have time. Hopefully, we have SS material to do this week along with working on the bead containers for necklaces. I like knowing we have projects lined up. I stayed at church for a lunch executive meeting (I took ICE drinks for my part and will use them agan form women’s things – good and some people will drink them where they won’t drink pop). and then it was our Willing Workers meeting. We had a good turnout and a yummy dessert for refreshments. I was glad to be home in the evening.

    Friday morning we went to town with a short list so got home early so Ralph could check on his chickens. He and Alan had cleaned the one chicken house so Ralph had moved the one year old hens to that building so they are adjusting. Now he can get the house they were in ready for the chicks he had me order. He will start 100 of them. He has about 74 hens now. In the afternoon we watched my nephew-in-law’s memorial service. It was very nicely done and I appreciated the salvation message given.

    Saturday I was home all day but Ralph and Clark went to an auction. They did not buy the tractor they were looking at (I’m not too sad). I’m done in the furnace room except for the stuff I want to show Ralph. So I took all the stuff on the table in the freezer room and put it out on two couches and am sorting through. I’ve always tried to do it at the table and think I just sift stuff around. So hoepfully, this works better. I would have liked to have taken more out of the room but this room is very full and if Ralph would decide the kids could come, I don’t want to have too much to put back. :)

    Today was Communion Sunday. We used the disposal items again. Works well and makes for less handing. We were just at home the rest of the day. I did finish a 300 piece puzzle – a bunch of open umbrellas – fairly easy – worked it by colors. Now I’m listening to the Super Bowl – wrong team is winning. :)

    Two funny things – started going through the container I take to Willing Workers. Found a card I had those at Willing Workers sign and then forgot to give to the woman who turned 100 in September. I’ll get it to her now with a note and she can still enjoy it. She with the help of her daughter are doing the valentine cookies for Good News Club as she has for many years.
    In the stuff I cleared off the table is a puzzle still wrapped in plastic. I remember we did that puzzle years ago and there was one piece missing. I wrote or emailed the company and they sent a whole new puzzle. It was a hard one so I’ll not attempt it again. It wil go in the give away pile easily.

    This coming week has something on everyday. So hope the weather cooperates.

    Isabella, missed you so glad you’re back. Yay on being fairly caught up. Hope Dan enjoys the puzzle. Will you work on it too. Sounds like a good picture for a guy.
    So sorry to hear about Keith. Said a prayer an put him on the list.
    Wow, you do have a lot of conflicts with Bible study. I’m bad about doing it if I miss. I’m glad you do better. Have a good short week and enjoy your weekend.

    Sheryl, praying things are going okay for you and John.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Happy Valentine's Day! Really enjoying my weekend! Friday it was cool and rainy in the morning but cleared up around noon so Dan and I went out to late lunch. California is still only allowed to have outdoor dining but the restaurant we chose had a "portable fireplace" on the patio and it kept us warm and cozy. I had a pulled pork sandwich and Dan had a roast beef melt. The coleslaw was delicious too. It felt really good to get out and feel somewhat human again! Later that evening we watched an old movie called "Small Town Girl" with Jane Powell, Ann Miller, and Farley Granger. Very light and fun. Saturday I went to the farmer's market to get some nice fresh fish for Valentine's day dinner. I bought some steel head trout which is basically an ocean trout and looks and tastes like a mild salmon. We really enjoyed it last time so I bought that again. I will serve it with rice and asparagus. I couldn't believe how long the line was for the fresh fish guy. There were about 15 people waiting in line when I got there and probably another 10 that lined up behind me. It was a bit of a wait but I'm sure it will be well worth it. After the market I did the rest of my usual shopping. I also stopped at famous footwear because they gave me a $5 coupon for my birthday. I bought a pair of sketchers to replace a pair that is wearing out. I also found a pair of sandals and a pair of black leather shoes in the clearance section. The shoes were a bit tight so I had them order a wide for me. They will ship them to my house free and if they don't fit I can return them to the store. I made out well! Then I came home and did chores such as laundry and cleaned the bathrooms. We had chicken fettuccini for dinner then relaxed and watched TV for the night.

    Debora, you are still doing a great job with the decluttering and have a lot going on this week. Even more than usual! :) Dan finished his gas station puzzle. I didn't help with this one. I let him enjoy it all. The puzzle we did before this one had a piece missing. I told Dan we should let them know since it cost us $20 but he didn't want to bother with it especially since it wasn't a critical piece (it was piece of a Christmas tree) so I just gave it to someone with the warning that there was a piece missing. She was OK with it so I guess it's all good. Wow, Ralph has 74 hens and ordered 100 more chicks?! How many of those 100 will typically survive? Are you guys selling the eggs? Do you let them roam or do they stay in the chicken house? I have a friend at work who has a few chickens and has been sharing some of the eggs with me. Nothing like fresh eggs straight from the chicken! Especially when the chickens are fed healthy stuff and allowed to roam. Yum!! Thanks SO much for keeping Keith in your prayers! I really appreciate it. I'm not so sure I'll be able to stay up on the bible study chapters either but I'm going to make some effort and see how it goes. On that note, I'm going to go work on that right now. :)

    Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Baby, it’s cold outside. We have not been above freezing since last Friday – not much over 20. I’m not even sure we got up to 10 today – it’s 2 right now. We got some snow last night but it has stopped as has the wind so we can still get out. But the cold didn’t stop too many thing. We did do 4-H by zoom last Monday cause the roads weren’t real good. Zoom works but in person is so much better.
    Tuesday I got my second vaccine shot. And Good News Club was in the afternoon. Wednesday morning I went to Bible study. My arm was a tad sore and had a bump. During Bible study I felt tired and my neck ached. After I got home, I realized that was probably side effects so I took a nap and was fine after that. So I’m thankful it went so well. We had one child in the nursery in the evening so other woman and I had a good time visiting as we played.
    Thursday I worked with my friend. We divided up the Sunday School papers and then we went and ate lunch in the nearby town for friend’s half-birthday. We both got the mushroom cheeseburger and french fries. It was very good. I was home the rest of the day.
    Friday was our usual trip to town. As long as you don’t have car trouble, it’s not bad going in and out of stores. And I didn’t have a lot of shopping to do. When I came home from walking, Ralph asked me not to be upset with him – very contrite – I’m been encouraging him to go to the dentist and no luck. Well, now his bottom plate broke and he said he might have gum damage. It is what it is. He has not been to the dentist since our one retired. I had changed but he didn’t. I’m going to call the dentist associated with our doctor’s office in the morning and hopefully, he can get it there. The dentist I go to is very busy. Saturday was the usual. Surprisingly, the sun came out in the afternoon (still cold) and roads were good so I quickly got the valentine stuff together for the kids and we went around to each of their houses. Dropped it off at a couple and visited some with a couple. They are all okay with doing Sunday dinners again so just need to get my husband okay with it.
    Today started our Bible conference. Speaker is interesting but I didn’t find out till tonight cause I was n the nursery this morning. My helper was a young girl who did her best but working with another adult is better. We only had 4 kids but I was holding one so when another one got fussy, I had to tell the girl what to do. Came home and had our soup, a nap. Then tonight we started to church and decided not to chance the roads and watched it on TV. We are down in the negative numbers temperature wise now. It’s okay as long as we don’t have car trouble. But all the guys with chores get plenty cold. Our son-in-law and grandson work for a security company part-time and Friday night they watched a parking garage. When they weren’t making round they could be in their car but you never really are warm.
    We are hoping to get to 34 by the end of the week. Not often I would call that warm. It’s Monday morning now. We are supposed to have a high of one today. Snowed a little. We rescheduled Ralph’s appointment for today (the week we moved it to will be extra busy now) but it is so cold and we aren’t sure what the roads will be like. I’m okay to not go ot church to but it’s not as far so we’ll see. Some of the times will be livestreamed so then can watch from home. I doubt the morning ones will be.

    Isabella, your meal out sounds delicious. Glad Dan got his puzzle done. I would go the way Dad did with the missing piece if it happened again. They said they could just replace one piece as every puzzle is unique. Almost envious of the good deals you got at the shoestore. They really worked with you. Enjoy your fresh fish. Hope you can keep up with your Bible study. We had our first lesson last week. We ill not meet this week with the Bible Conference going on.
    Yes, we sell the eggs. Some through a vet clinic through us and some through the private school our kids and Ralph attended. When we had lots, our son-in-law moved some for us but we don’t have as many now (although 5 dozen a day sounds like lots to you.). Hopefully, most of the 100 make it. He make sell some of them when they are old enough to lay eggs. No, ours do not roam the yard but they are fed well and get plenty of light and fresh air. That’s how he has always done them.

    Will send this off and try and get something done in the house. Plenty of soup to eat. Going to mix up meatloaf to put in the crockpot tomorrow. That should be soft along with mashed potatoes. Have stuff for cole slaw too but I’ll just enjoy it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    What a warm day we are having. It’s up to 40 and the sun is shining and the snow is melting. This is a big change from the first part of the week.

    Monday was like 17 below when we got out and we weren’t sure about roads so we changed the appointment Ralph had that day. So again, we were home all day. I called to make a dental appointmetn for Ralph. They had an opening Tuesday or the end of the month so we took Tuesday. It was still really cold but the roads we traveled weren’t too bad. The place we took him too charges on a sliding scale so he pays $75.00 a visit and they did a full set of xrays and checked him out. Decision was made to pull the last three teeth on the bottom cause he has some gum disease and they had a Wednesday appointment. So we went back the next morning and got them pulled. Now he has to let it heal for 6 weeks. Needs more time cause of the gum disease. So now he is eating soup that I blend. It’s going well.

    Thursday it’s still hovering around 0 but friend and I worked. Then we went to my periodonist appointment (was cost a lot more than Ralph’s two). I was supposed to have a zoom meeting in the evening but it got canceled. Friday I got to walk cause road grader finally cleared road. We stayed home till woman game and delivered a bunch of yarn and stuff for Lori and then we went to town and did our shopping. We actually got above 0 – even up to almost 32. And today it sunshiny, and up to 40. Balmy. We did close vents and turn our thermostat down a bit to help use less energy. We just wear more layers.

    Our good car won’t start – we think it needs a started. Our youngest son can fix tha when he has time. At least the other car runs – although I don’t like driving it as well. :) Today has been all at home Have been working in the basement some, cutting tshirts for jumpropes and other odds and ends. It’s time to do a house straightening again. We’ve got lots of stuff sitting out and I probably have more than Ralph does. :)

    Ralph will have soup tonight but I might fix another fried egg sandwich for me. Someone has to use the bread. :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! Had a very nice weekend. Jami and I got together Saturday for my birthday outing. We went to a town up north called Temecula. We went to the farmer's market there then strolled the shops and boutiques in the old town area. Very nice. Jami bought me a little purse for my birthday. I bought a dish towel with lemons on it and a little plaque for my friend Grace for her birthday. Then we had lunch at a taco shop and headed home. I got home about 3pm and did a quick version of my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping. For dinner I heated up the baked ziti I bought but didn't eat on my birthday. It was plenty for both of us and still some left over for me for a lunch. Dan and I watched a Hallmark movie afterward. It was called Love on Iceland and we really enjoyed seeing the scenery of Iceland. Today, we repotted a plant and I baked a "blood orange loaf" from a boxed mix I bought at Trader Joe's. Smells wonderful so I'm sure it will be very tasty. I am going to work next Saturday so I should be able to get somewhat caught up.

    Debora, Thanks very much for the cute birthday card. Really enjoyed it. Sorry to hear that it is so cold there. Also sorry to hear about Ralph's bottom plate. Hopefully they will get him all fixed up soon because I'm sure blended soup is getting old real fast. Can he have mashed potatoes or mac and cheese? Did you get the car fixed?

    Have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, this week was way nicer weatherwise. Up in the 70s one day – today we hit 60 and most of the iime we didn’t go too much below freezing. I had Monday at home. We were going to meet Matthew and Julie for supper for Julie’s birthday but that ended happening on Thursday. We ate at McAllister’s and the food was good. The one surprise we had on Monday was an email saying Ralph’s chickens at shipped. We thought that was happening on Wednesday so Ralph had to work at little harder to get things ready. We think they had some cancelled orders. They were also dealing with shipping In that for one week you couldn’t ship live animals so they had to use their insulated trucks.

    Tuesday was Good News Club and it was the nicest day of the week so no problem with kids not being dressed warm enough. Thomas (grandson) did the verse and I thought he did a very good job. Wednesday I had Bible study, home in the afternoon and in the nursery at church in the evening. Thursday was working with friend. We got the bead containers ready for Willing Workers and finished the SS material for the 2 year olds. We worked a little later but got it done.

    While eating with Matthew and Julie, Ralph grudgingly said we could go back. So now I need to get all the stuff (projects) we’ve left out cleaned up. I had been working on the kitchen so finished it today and the back hall, utility room and I even mopped the floors in those room – I don’t do that as often as I should, but…. Then I vacuumed the front hall. Still have more to do so won’t email the kids till I’m a bit further along. Haven’t really done a bit meal in quite awhile. I’m excited. Numbers keep going down so unless that changes, we’ll try it.

    This afternoon we went and saw the musical White Christmas. Sunrise was doing it. Lori does a lot with the costumes. Maggie and Paige had small parts in it but they did them well and were so cute. Maggie’s hair is usually a mess but it was fixed so nice. Paige had french braids in her hair. I invited a friend to join us and she was quite late so I was a bit worried. She had lost her phone so had to find it and then was looking on the wrong mile. But she did get there.

    Next week looks to be a busy one so check in next week to see what all went on – ha.

    Isabella, sounds like a wonderful time with Jaimie and having an easy supper was smart. How was the bread. You always have interesting shows to watch.

    Yes, Alan put a new started on the car Tuesday afternoon. I’m very much enjoying having it back.
    Yes, Ralph can do mashed potatoes, meatloaf. He could do mac and cheese but has never liked it. I’m not blending his soup now. I did a tuna noodle casserole. It is going okay with not getting the sandwich and pizza for Friday and Saturday – probably less sodium in what we do eat.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I was MIA last week but I worked a full day Saturday and also got my hair cut then the rest of the weekend was getting stuff done here and grocery shopping so doing anything on the computer completely slipped my mind. I didn't even watch the Sunday church service. I'll watch it today then I'll be current for the one tomorrow. Our bible study teacher didn't feel well on Wednesday so study was cancelled. I'll be ready for this Wednesday although it is supposed to rain so I'm praying it will be somewhat clear when I have to drive there because she is about 25 miles away and I have to get on the freeway.

    This week I took Friday off to use up vacation time. Dan and I drove to the surgery center where I will have the growth cut off my face on March 16th. I wanted to make sure I know where I am going that day so that will be one less thing to worry about. I don't know if I told you about the surgery. There is a little growth on my face to the left of my nose that I have had for several years. It started to look a bit different so I had it checked. They said it is cancer so I have to have it cut out. No big deal though - they said it won't be much different than when they cut it off to do the biopsy. It is a local anesthetic and I can drive myself home afterward. I didn't use "the C word" when I told Dan about it because I don't want him to get anxious.

    Anyway, after our drive I sat outside for a while and started a new book. This one is by Dick Francis. I don't know if you're familiar with him. He is known for writing murder mysteries centered around horse racing. His books are always a page turner and I haven't read one for quite a while. I'm really enjoying it. Then I picked up some Mexican food for dinner. We shared a shredded beef quesadilla and some Mexican rice. Watched recorded shows after that. We decided we don't like The Rookie and deleted that series. Dan doesn't really like cop shows anyway. Then programmed Magnum PI to record to see how we like that. Hard to find decent shows to watch these days.

    Today I will do my usual grocery shopping. I pulled a portion of lasagna from the freezer and we will have that for dinner. I also want to sit outside and read more of my book. I am on vacation after all. ;) Hopefully we'll watch a movie tonight. We recorded Lilies of the Field with Sidney Poitier. Always a good one. Tomorrow I am meeting a couple of old friends for breakfast. Really looking forward to seeing them. I'm trying to talk Dan into joining us. We'll see how he feels.

    Debora, the blood orange loaf was wonderful. We both really enjoyed it. Glad you got your car back. Also nice to hear that you got to have dinner with Matthew and Julie. And very happy to hear that Ralph agreed to big dinner again. Hope all goes really well. How are his gums and his bottom plate doing? Did he get a new one yet? Did he get his chicks? You're doing really well in getting the house decluttered and organized. Great job! The play sounds like it was really nice too.

    OK, I've rattled on long enough! Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I was around last weekend but never got in here to chat. No good reason, just didn’t. Seems like we been on the go a lot. Both of us had appointments with our covid study. I had 40H so had stuff tro get ready for it. I had the usual Bible study, working with friend, going to town. Ralph had his physical. All is good. Doctor does not like that he got a lift chair – said it’s not goof for the muscles. Well, it’s not the only chair he sits in and he doesn’t have it push him out. We’ve had a lot of warmer days, some days with lots of wind, and yesterday we got a good inch of rain.
    We had our all day Willing Workers meeting. One of the hostesses was sick so I stepped and helped set up and serve. She made the delicious pumpkin chocolate muffins. We have a pot luck that day. So many delicious choices. One woman made a 12 layer jello – very pretty but way too much work for me. I tried out a new recipe of a grasshopper cake. It had green in it so made me think of St. Patrick's Day. I may make it for the third Sunday. Starting tomorrow we are starting to have the kids here again. Tomorrow will just be Lori’s family which is good since we still have a recliner in the middle of the living room.
    This next week is spring break for a lot of the schools. Our Youth Group is leaving for a camp in Texas in the morning for work project. We won’t have Good News Club and we don’t have any appointments so I’m hoping to have a little more time at home. It feels good to have the house straightened up again so will do better at keeping that way. But I did a bit of stashing away that I’ll need to work on.
    We’ve caught three mice in the last two weeks. Two upstairs and one in the basement. One was caught by his bottom so was still moving. Now Ralph has one trap in his car trying to catch a mouse there. Last night he ate the peanut butter and didn’t get caught. Hope he tried again tonight and does get caught. :) Hmmm, Ralph just came in and the peanut butter was cleaned out again. So he filled it again.
    We did something new today. Every once in awhile, food boxes are given out. We don’t really need to get one but a friend encouraged us to do it as they need to get them gone. Had a nice visit with the ones handing them out. We got one for Alan, one for Lori and one for us. We dropped Alan’s off and will give Lori’s hers tomorrow. All good stuff but I hope those that really need it got it too. I’ve never used liquified eggs before so that will be interesting.

    Isabella, a full day on Saturday – that was probably a big hop in catching up. Nice that you got your haircut. I’m ready to do that. Just need a nice day when Ralph won’t mind the wait in the car. Did you make it to Bible study this week? No, you had not mentioned the surgery. I’m glad you had it checked and you’re right. It’s one of the “best” cancers to have. Not good for Dan to get anxious.
    I’ve not heard of Dick Francis. I’m not big on murder mysteries. But it’s great he keeps your attention. Mexican is always good. Sorry you don’t like The Rookie. I do. I enjoy Magnum PI too. Nowadays, it seems like they make 2 or 3 new shows and then are back to reruns. Not the 13 or more weeks worth that you used to get. So I like it the Tivo keeps up with that for me.
    Nice to have the lasagna to pull out of the freezer. We just finished up the last of meatloaf I made 2 or three weeks ago. We never got tired of it. We also finished off the rice pudding I made but it never made it to the freezer. Did Dan go along to breakfast.
    I guess Ralph’s gums are doing fine. We don’t go have them checked until March 31 so no plate yet. Yes he got his chicks. They came in good shape. And he bought 6 more at a store when he saw some he had wanted to order but couldn’t. Thanks on the house but there’s still a long way to go. It does help when I stay home more. :) I’ll keep trying.
    Hope you enjoyed your vacation and prayers that things will go well on Tuesday. How early do you have to go in?
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi. Worked a half day yesterday then did my shopping, etc. I worked on a task that I never have time for during my regular work day and got about 2/3 thru it so I'm happy. I may put off regular work on Monday morning and try to finish up the other 1/3. We'll see how many emergencies there are when I open my emails. I made spaghetti for dinner and baked some pumpkin spice cookies that I had a mix for. They came out good. In the evening we got caught up on shows. It was a good day. Today is set your clocks ahead day. Always a bummer to lose that hour. Hopefully we will stop this time change nonsense someday. I'm already feeling like I'm behind in my day.

    Debora, we had a really nice time at our breakfast. Dan did not go with me. He wanted us to be free to have "woman talk". :) We are already planning another get together in April. Hope your big Sunday dinner gathering went well. I've never gotten a food box either but I've heard they usually have good stuff in them. I wouldn't feel bad about taking them especially since you were told that they would go to waste otherwise. You do plenty of stuff for others too. I've never used liquified eggs either but I'd imagine they're good in a recipe or scrambled. Nice that Ralph found some chicks that he wasn't able to get when he ordered them. Bible study was cancelled again this week. People didn't want to travel in the rain. It should be nice weather this Wednesday so I'm pretty sure we'll be good to go. Thanks for the prayers for the surgery on Tuesday. Very much appreciated. My appointment is at 8:30am so I'll leave here around 7:30am so I have plenty of time to park and find my way once inside the building. Also have to deal with the covid screening although that usually consists of taking your temp and answering some questions so that shouldn't take too much time.

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    This past week was interesting. I had Monday and Tuesday completely at home. I didn’t do as many “me” things cause a friend had the idea of grandmas being willing to buy resurrection egg cartons to use with their grandkids. Her original idea was to do them at Willing Workers but it’s too close to Easter so I said I could finish them since all the stuff was at my house. I had to finish 5 eggs, put them in the cartons and add the papers. It was a little more work than I realized but fun too. I did 19 by Wednesday and then another 15 by Sunday. They are paying $5 each (didn’t use 4 of them) so a little bit for the treasury. I also enjoyed have Lori’s here, ability to do laundry and feeling like things were back on track.
    Then came Wednesday. It was an interesting weather day. Morning (Bible study) was cold but then in the afternoon we got a good rain which turned to snow with wind. Going to church wasn’t bad but I drove slowly coming home and then it changed back to rain. I got ready to take my shower and sadly found water already in the tub. So Ralph checked the sump hole and tried to run the sump pump and knew we would have a problem with all the rain. So at 11:30, he called Alan who didn’t answer. So he drove over and woke him up and in the rain they tried different things. They were talking about driving to town for another sump pump when I realized we had one (Since they were working outside, I thought it might be something special) that I made Ralph buy for a back up. So they set it up in the sump hole next to the other one, ran the pipe they hooked to it up the stairs, out the garage door and to the driveway. We were only using the stool to pee (TMI) but not flushing so basically just sending clean water out. Things were set up that way till Saturday.
    They pulled it up and took the sump out to the septic tank to pump rainwater out of it to see if it helped – it didn’t. I knew we couldn’t have everyone over if we had to be careful they didn’t flush, didn’t poop in the stool, etc. Too strange so I checked and church was free so decided we would eat there. Ralph wanted to take the plug off the system in the basement but Alan didn’t have time so…. Bad part rain was forecast for Monday (today).
    So I made a list and loaded up all I good – even put what I could in the car. I had made a grasshopper cake, green cookies and rolls (first time in several months- they turned out fine except I accidentally turned off the oven while I was baking so I some light colored ones). I was doing a roast with potatoes and carrots. So I got up Sunday morning and filled the pans after I peeled the potatoes and then took everything to church. It was nice to have two ovens to use. Things cooked, EVERYONE came, we ate, had fun, all helped cleaned up – took clean dishes home. As we (the last ones) were leaving, Ralph asked about the pop bottles the code red was in. Long story but we dug in the dumpster to find our trash bad (had to get a chair to be able to reach in) and find his bottle. Glad no one saw us. :)
    We got home and Alan called and due to the rain coming, he came over and took off the plug. They made progress – enough that we can run water (still other places to poop – neighbors, etc.) and just use the regular sump pump. They know there’s still a blockage that they can move but not get out so need to set up with rotor rooter and hopefully, that will be it. Why so many problems now but such is life. Ralph has really been tired this week – lots of trips up and down the stairs which is hard on his legs. Thanks for hanging in and listening to all that.
    I’m home today – need to finish a reference letter for a friend for sure. Not doing laundry till we get the next step done or at least till the rain is past. I’m going to encourage Ralph to get an appointment made and not wait till the rain is past. They probably don’t dome the day you call. :) Going wise it’s the regular stuff. We have a wedding to go to Saturday so that will be fun.

    Isabella, sorry your Bible study is having a hard time getting together. Hope the weather is good this week. How did the surgery go? Did you take it easy that day? Nice that you got to work and get more caught up. Spaghetti sounds good. Maybe that’s what I’ll do for tonight. We have leftovers for dinner (not lots). I have browned ground beef in the freezer so would be easy. Sweet of Dan to let you have your girl talk. Enjoy your week.

    Sheryl, thinking of you. Hope it’s going okay.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    My, the week has sped by. I did get the reference letter done and sent. Also got lots more strings for making necklaces at Willing workers done too. Good News Club went well. The helping for four weeks brought most of her younger kids along so I panicked on cookies but worked things out. One family wasn’t there and I didn’t offer to her older ones (it s a big family). Bible study was good – most of us have had our vaccinations so discussing how long we have to do masks. :) My regular wasn’t going to be there Wednesday evening so I almost stayed home. Glad I went. I had anotehr one for the whole time. Another one was brought it but she started crying as her dad opened the door so since I was along, he took her back out.
    Thursday I worked with friend and then at home. I always am glad to be home to keep plugging away on things. Friday was town and then home. Today I baked rolls and cookies. I made a fruit salad and mixed up the meat loaf. Then late afternoon we went to a wedding. Very good meal afterwards.
    Septic wise – we are good to go. Tuesday Ralph had to go buy a new sump pump. The old one quit. Ralph found a tag on it that said the warranty went off I 1997 so we got good use of it. Then Wednesday morning, he had me get a load of laundry ready to wash and he did it plus a load of jeans and it seems to have moved whatever was in the way out of the way. So the bucket was moved out, The extra sump pump and black pipe was moved out and I can flush and do as I want. So far so good. Ralph does wonder if there might be a crack in the septic tank and so rain fills it up so he’ll have to work on that. Wonderful to have all things working again.
    And that brings things up to date. Hope your week went well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Sorry I was MIA last week. We've had Computer issues so I spent all last weekend and yesterday working with Dan on resolving that. We are now good to go. Dan was very grateful for having me help him although he is the computer savvy one in the family. I guess I was the calming influence. :) Hope you received my email with our new email address because the other email addresses will no longer work.

    Yesterday was my usual shopping, then working on the computer which is finally resolved, then I sat outside and read my book and finished it. It was a real page turner from beginning to end. I will probably start a new one today. I will have to get laundry done as well and the floors cleaned and lunches for the week prepared so I'll be busy. Got an email that my church is finally going to open for in person services on April 11th. Finally! Looks like we have enough signatures to get the recall of our governor on the ballet. Praying for a good governor to get elected! I won't be able to work any more Saturday's this month because my boss had a growth removed from her leg and will be working at home. I am at least 2 days behind and will have this coming Friday off but I can only do what I can do so I'm trying not to stress.

    Debora, did you get my email with the new email address? Sounds like you had quite a week! Nice to have the time at home although you were busy still. But what a crazy time with the septic tank and the sump pump. Very happy to hear that things are pretty much back to normal in with that. Great idea to be able to have dinner at the church. Sounds like it made things much easier in a lot of ways.

    My face surgery went REALLY well. Traffic was good. I got checked in quickly. Waited for about 10 minutes then got taken to the doctor's room. He got me numbed up and took a shallow portion first and sent it to the pathologist before taking more. Well, it was very surface and he got everything with the preliminary cut so didn't need to go any deeper. Didn't need any stitches or anything. It is already closed and healing very well. Just fresh pink skin there. Yay! God is so good!!! Only down side is that my husband is insisting I now wear a hat whenever I go outside. ;)

    Well, take care, have a blessed week and I'll talk to you soon.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy Easter!

    I took Friday off to use up a vacation day even though I'm really busy at work. Dan and I had a really nice day. We puttered around the house a bit then went out to late lunch early dinner. We went to one of our favorite restaurants the Hamburger Factory. I was SO nice to be able to eat indoors! What a great experience. The food was perfect, the service was perfect, our waiter even had an amazing upbeat positive attitude and personality. He was joking around and made our time there even more enjoyable. We tipped him very well and he was really grateful. Then when we left an older gent pulled up in front of the restaurant in an older van that was restored to look like a scubby doo van. It was turquoise and and green with large "hippy" daisies on it. Even the hubcaps were daisies. People immediately wanted to have their picture taken in front of the van and he pulled a stuffed dog out of the van for a child to hold while he took their picture. What a fun, happy positive energy! Later that evening we watched Lilies of the Field which we had recorded weeks ago. A perfect movie for good Friday and perfect ending to a perfect day!

    Saturday I did my grocery shopping early and then took Jami out for her birthday which is Monday the 5th. We went and got pedicures then went shopping. And had coffee and a dessert. Another very nice day.

    Today Dan and I are just relaxing. I will read my book then cook my greens for the week, etc. I decided not to make a big Easter meal. I am making meatball subs for dinner. And that's about it.

    Debora, I'm guessing you're having a big Easter celebration with everyone there. Hope it is as wonderful as it sounds. :)

    Sheryl, hope you and John are doing well. I think of you and pray for you often.

    Well, have a great week! God's blessings to you!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. I know I missed last week and no real good reasons. Easter was good. All the kids brought a part of the meal and we had more food than needed but we all enjoyed it, I kept a bit of all everyone brought so had food for the week too. Guess I kept all the ham. I sent deviled eggs and rolls with some of them.
    I hid the eggs – each child got 6 and one of the 6 this year was a football with a little extra money and I called it a Deacon egg. They liked that. We ended up finding all but 1 egg. Then I hid the adult eggs – just one each. I didn’t think I hid them that much harder but it took them some time and hints. Usually I just done if for the guys but did them all this year. Also put Thomas I the adult category (he is 20). I think it was a bit disappointed but went with it.
    Monday I actually got the house straightened up – mostly cause we were thinking about being gone 2 days. I even worked hard and got the dishes all caught up too by doing two loads a day. So Wednesday morning we headed off to my oldest sister’s town as did another sister and her husband. It was Barb’s 84th birthday and we hadn’t seen her since we took her back home after she broke her neck and had surgery and rehab. She’s content. Moves slow with her walker but is on her own. She has help with her bath once a week and has someone in to clean once a month. She gets the senior meals on wheels at noon and her granddaughter keeps her supplied with things she can just heat up. I got a crustless pumpkin pie made for her that she had been wanting for a long time. We went out for pizza and helped her sort a little bit and helped with some computer things. The local motel had switched over to ac and the weather was cool but the room wasn’t too bad except for the bathroom floor. Very comfy bed. We headed back after lunch on Thursday so got home just before dark so that was nice for traveling. Saw lots of tumbleweeds blowing around. Barb is getting older but aren’t we all – doing way more than when we last saw her.
    Friday we did our usual shopping, watched 3 of Alan’s kids in the afternoon (1st time in a long time) and went to a banquet in the evening – good meal and speakers. Saturday I did the usual of getting ready for Sunday. Since we were going two days, I planned the easy lasagna and french bread meal. Even got an angel food cake on sale so didn’t have to bake anything. Sunday got the stuff on and realized I got a lasagna with a meat sauce (very little meat) – did not go over well plus it baked too long. Since Alan was not feeling well, their family didn’t come so we have a full one let over. We’ll see how edible it is today. :)
    Tonight is 4-H so I need to get busy on that stuff. But chatting with you guys was top priority.

    Isabella, great on getting the computer in shape again. Never fun. Glad you have the in-church option. We finally stopped wearing our masks since no one else was. We wear them when it's posted.
    Good to hear that the surgery went so well. Hope you have a cute hat. He cares about you.
    Glad you had time to read a good book and stay with it.
    Yep, not good to stress about something you can do anything about. Just think of the good overtime you'll get when you can do Saturdays again.
    Your Friday off sounds really nice and relaxing. And hey, Easter isn't about a big meal - doing what works for you is the way to go.

    Sunshine today and it looks like it will warm up. But the weather jumps around a lot. Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Wow, didn't realize I'd missed posting last week until I went to post today! Oops! I don't even really remember what I did except my usual shopping. I also went to Target so that took some extra time. But I enjoyed myself. I am finding pleasure in the simple things. Today I also did my usual shopping. I went to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Dan and I stayed up late binge watching Manifest since we had accumulated 3 of them and weren't sure if we even wanted to start watching it again since it is kinda odd. Well, it is still very odd but we got roped back in so for now we will continue to record it. We may accumulate a few and binge watch them again - the show seems to have more continuity that way. We also started recording a new show called Rebel with Katie Segal. It is based on Erin Brockovich. It also has a lot of known stars. We enjoyed it.

    It was very nice to be back in church Sunday. I'd say we were about 2/3 full. Everyone had to wear a mask thru the entire service but I noticed that several people pulled it down below their nose after a while so I did the same. Made it much more bearable. Can't wait until we don't have to wear them at all.

    I have an appointment to get my hair cut this evening at 5pm. I don't like to go at that time but I had to re-schedule so I had to take what I could get. Dan may come with me then we'll go out to eat afterward. That would be nice. I cancelled my usual 12:00pm appointment because I was supposed to get together with some friends. Then one of the girls cancelled and I could have gone to my hair appointment after all. Lesson learned. I either will schedule our friend time for another date or I will at least wait until the day gets much closer before cancelling! Oh well. Everything happens for a reason right?

    I have a weird thing going on with my left hand ring finger. It started about a week ago. When I wake up in the morning it is stiff and doesn't want to straighten. When it does straighten it kinda straightens with a snap. I knew what it was before I even looked it up and I was right - it is a "trigger finger". I want to do my best to cure it before it gets worse because I do not plan to have surgery to correct it. I know it happened because of the way I sleep with my hand in a fist under my chin and also noticed I curl it while I am at my computer at work when I'm reading the screen. I bought a finger splint and have started exercising it. I think it is working.

    Debora, your visit with your sister sounds like it went very well. Very happy to hear she is doing much better. Your Easter sounds like it was really nice. I didn't realize Thomas was old enough to be counted with the adults now! Time sure flies! Loved your Deacon egg as a tribute to Deacon. I have a couple of different hats. I typically wear the one that you would use out hiking or out in the garden. It has a WIDE brim and a flap in the back to protect your neck. Not the "cutest" but the most efficient and around the house it doesn't matter how you look. It is also the most comfortable.

    Take care and have a blessed week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    It is a beautiful day today. Mostly sunny. High in the mid 60's and a nice breeze. Will definitely have to go out and enjoy my yard. Did my usual grocery shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Sprouts is having their 30% off vitamins sale so I stocked up on a LOT of vitamins. I also bought some chicken breasts and some ground beef so I can make "Dirty Rice" tonight with the ground beef and Chicken Curry tomorrow with the chicken breast. Both are one pan meals and we'll have leftovers to eat during the week which will be nice and I won't have to think much about what to cook for dinner during the week that will be quick and easy and still be healthy.

    Not much else going on. My great niece is getting married today in NJ. They had to postpone the wedding 3 times because of covid and are finally able to tie the knot today. I'm very happy for them. I chose not to attend the wedding but my brother Joe will be able to go since he still lives in NJ and I'll get the info from him on how everything went.

    I didn't get the opportunity to work today after all because my boss had a family emergency but I'm doing pretty well staying up to date on my work because I'm going in about an hour early in the mornings so it is all good.

    Well that's about all that's going on with me.

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening, I couldn’t remember when I last wrote but thought I had missed a week. There’s not really a good reason except I always think I need a lot of time. 4-H went well and we had two very interesting talks. Tuesday was Good News Club. Wednesday I got back to Bible study. Thursday I worked with friend and then went to nearby town to help another friend. She used to live here but is now about 3 hours away. She buys things and then sells and often donates what she makes. This time she had a very full van load and asked if I’d help unload. By the time I got there it was all unloaded but she and another woman and I went and ate lunch and then I helped her put prices on things. She gave the prices. I got to buy things while I was there too so didn’t have to go back during the actual sale. There was a lot of stuff but prices weren’t high so I was shocked to hear she made $4500 which will go a church camp. She didn’t have too much to take home.
    That same day Ralph went in and got started on his dentures. He went with the middle priced ones and did both top and bottom which I was glad of He went at 9 and back at 12 and back at 4 and they weren’t quite done so went back Friday afternoon. Other times, he’s gotten his plates and just wore them and had no problem. These are bothering him but he couldn’t get an appointment till this week. Hope he doesn’t have to go back a lot.
    Friday we had eye appointments. I was sure I was going to need new glasses but it turned out neither of our eyes changed much. My cataracts (which I forgot I had) have gotten a little bit worse but not enough to do anything yet. Since we were in town longer we ate at McDonads – they had inside dining again. That was fun.
    Sunday afternoon our pastor’s wife did her graduate piano recital for anyone who wanted to come. I enjoyed it. When we got home we found out a cousin’s on Ralph’s mother’s side had passed away.
    Monday I baked sugar cookies from a mix for Good News Club. They tasted fine but were a bit too crunchy. Tuesday was Good News Club. We have one more week of club and then our party and will be done for this year.
    Wednesday afternoon I went to town to do the shopping since we were going to Lincoln for the memorial service. I was for sure going to finally get my haircut. The place I wanted to go to had an almost two hour wait so I thought I’d just do it at the Walmart place. Went over there and they had closed at noon and wouldn’t open till the next day. I was disappointed (Sept. was a long time ago.) So did my shopping, went home, put things away. Thursday morning I worked with friend, packed and then we headed to Lincoln – just 4 hours. We got there just before visitation ended and were invited to one of the girls’ house for supper. So we checked into our hotel and went out to the house and had a good meal (food people had brought in) and good visiting. Funerals seem to be about the only time we see this group so it was good to catch up. Friday morning was nice cause we could sleep in and slowly get around. We filled up with gas, checked out a couple of book stores. We saw Chick-Fil-A and found out they had just stared inside dining so had lunch there. Plus while we were driving around we sar a haircutting place so we stopped and they had time to cut my hair right then so I got it done. So much easier to take care of. Service was good. Then we went to the cemetery and back to the church for a very early supper but we didn’t have to stop any on the way home. Got home about 9:30.
    So today I’ve unpacked, made jellos, cupcakes and things to get ready for tomorrow. Got the gifts for the 4 birthdays ready. Alan came over and mowed part of the lawn so the three kids were in the house some too. We ate after they left and now I’m chatting with you.

    Isabella, glad you got your hair taken care of. In person church is really nice. We finally stopped wearing them in church. I like Rebel too. Have plenty to catch up on since we were gone. Glad you keeping up pretty good at work. Going in an hour earlier makes for a long work day but keeps your Saturday free for you. Glad you’ll be able to hear about the wedding. Sorry you couldn’t go. Your quick meals will be nice. We’re doing hamburgers and hot dogs tomorrow and thos leftovers don’t last many days.

    Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It’s been a good week here. Everyone was here Sunday. Thomas showed up at 8 to sleep. He’s had to work way to many hours the last two weekend. I’m glad he’s turning in his notice soon enough to get caught up on his sleep. So we ate, cleared the tables and then had the 4 April birthday people open their presents. Matthew and Julie had pictures for everyone of the two kids they are getting acquainted with and we are all praying these might be the two for them to adopt. Parents rights are not terminated yet but we know that is happening. Last ones left around 4 and then we had a program at church in the evening on some men who had been persecuted for their faith. We have the second part this week.

    Then we went to a Sunrise bank concert on Monday evening and got a donut at Krispy Kreme, Tuesday was our last Good News Club meeting (party next week), hot dog meal at church before our last Wednesday night class, baseball game and ate at Wendy’s on Thursday and choir concert on Friday evening and everything was in person – your choice on masks. Also Thursday noon I had lunch with a friend which was fun too. Now I didn’t get much done at home but have tos happened and the rest will wait.

    Ralph is over helping our fiend start packing up books. Ralph is good at it plus friend is recuperating from surgery and ended up with an infection. It wears Ralph out but he enjoys it too. I have my roll dough raising and will probably make jello with the fruit cocktail cause then we don’t need bowls. Still deciding.

    I had a hard time going to sleep the other night (last hour I saw was 1 am but I had time to think and pray. I realized if I would spent some time in the one room where a mattress is leaning up against the wall, I could get it cleaned up to use during Bible School to help with places to sleep depending on how many end up staying here.

    Thomas told me on Tuesday it’s just 37 days before he heads off for the summer. I’m glad he’s excited and he’ll do good as a counselor but I will miss him. When he comes back, he plans to move into his own place too. He’s been talking about it and his family has plans to help him do it. He will be 21 this summer. Hope it’s the right thing to do.

    Sure hope your week has gone well and you’re staying up with things at work.