Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! Temps have been in the mid 80's and humid most of this week. Can't really complain compared to what most of the country is having though. I did my usual shopping yesterday. Trader Joe's had several new items so I bought 4 of them to try. I bought a packet of "cowboy beans" which sounds like it is basically mexican style pinto beans in a sauce. Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. Then there is a frozen entree consisting of diced potatoes, cheese and peppers. I'll have that for lunch this week. Next is a jar of peach perserves. Really looking forward to trying it. It looks wonderful. The 4th is a 2 pack of carne asada burritos. As I was checking out the cashier said they are kind of dry and need some sort of sauce so I may have to take them for lunch instead of dinner for Dan and I so I can try them before I give one to Dan.

    One of my co-workers let several of his zucchini get very large so he brought them into work Friday and gave me one. Yesterday I shredded it up and made zucchini bread. It came out delicious! I froze the other shredded half (another 4 cups!) and will make zucchini bread again a few months down the road.

    Today I'm going to prep my food for the week, start a new book and make a pasta salad with chicken and cheddar cheese and veggies in it so Dan and I can have it for dinner several days this week which will be nice for the warm weather.

    This Wednesday our bible study group is going to have a potluck BBQ get together since we are on hiatus. I bought ice cream sandwiches for everyone for dessert. It should be nice.

    Jami sold her home and it will be a 30 day escrow so she will have to be out of the house in 30 days. Things are moving very quickly!

    Debora, glad your stress test went well. You were even busier than usual this week! Hope you get to have some time at home this week.

    Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hello! I had a good week. Got somewhat caught on work, except for the insurance renewal requests but I'm slowly getting them handled. I'm down to 78 emails! Temperatures have been in the mid to high 80's and a bit humid. Doable. I had a nice day today. I did my usual shopping bright and early then my friend Jackie picked me up and we went down to the Little Italy farmer's market and walked around. I bought some peaches, brussle sprouts and corn on the cob. Expensive but worth it. She is now a vegan so we went to a vegan restaurant for lunch afterward. It was actually very good. I had a portabello mushroom sandwich with a beautiful side salad. I got home about 2pm and read the paper and now I'm here.

    Jami and I had a big fight yesterday. Not sure but I think we may have broken up. It makes me very sad. I understand that she is under a lot of stress and pressure so I am going to call her tomorrow and see if we can smooth things out. It would be crazy to let our long time friendship end this way. Please keep her and her mom Barb in your prayers as Barb starts her chemo and radiation the 2nd week of August. Jami is going to fly out there to take care of her during her treatments.

    Take care and Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We’ve survived a hot week. It was in the 90s most days. But I was inside a lot of the time. I tried a new thing this week. On the days I home a morning or an afternoon, I’m also trying to cut up two t-shirts for jump ropes (trying to get all the shirts I have cut cause they take less room) and work 12 minutes n the basement (right now getting my jars ready to give a few people). (I have maybe 25 jars of pickles I made 30 years ago to dump – don’t know why we didn’t eat them back them – certainly won’t now) I only did it 5 times but that much helps. We had our missionary conference so had church each evening. He was a very good story teller and always went over but it didn’t seem like it till he got done.
    Tuesday morning I helped a friend pack up a few more boxes. He husband worked on loading their trailer and van. I cam home to feed Ralph and I and then we went back and loaded up some boxes and then went into the place the friends are moving too and unloaded everything and had a nice tour of the house. We won’t see them as often when they move but that’s life. They’ll still be less than an hour away and we can drop in when we go to that town. After we unloaded, we went to the Rescue Mission to look at the Bibles and ended up with three boxes full (fairly good sized ones). Then we went to Dollar Tree to look for the pop Ralph likes and ate supper at Wendy’s and a Walmart stop and then home and church. Thursday afternoon (even though it was hot) we went to a baseball game and then did some shopping in that town. The team we were rooting for won.
    Friday was our usual errands and then in the evening we did another baseball game. Sadly, they lost but it’s a double elimination. When we were leaving, someone stopped us and said our taillights weren’t working. We were glad there was not much traffic and we got home okay. Today I’ve been at home straightening the house, baked cookies (used some of my sour milk and some very old chocolate). It’s a very soft cookie but tastes fine. Made a lot. Made some cucumber and onions for tomorrow. A cousin came ben with 6 boxes of books that their pastor no longer wanted cause he retired so Ralph well send what he can to Africa. I told him to leave them in the boxes till Monday and then he can spread them out. Alan’s kids are here for the evening. Alan has a 20th class get-together. So we’ll have our pizza for supper. And that’s what’s been happening here.

    Isabella, cool on the new items to try and Trader’s Joe. Nice of the clerk to give you a heads up on the one dish. Your pasta salad sounds delicious. It’s nice not to have to think about meals too much during the week whether you work or not. Ice Cream sandwiches will be a good item for the potluck. 30 days is not long to pack and move. Does Jami have a place to move to? Our next week is supposed to be in the 80s and I hope yours stays at that temp.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    August is already ¼ gone. Time just seems to fly. Last Sunday had a nice surprise in it. I went to SS opening and looking across the way thought I was Thomas. I knew it had to be a look alike since they weren’t getting back until Sunday evening. But when I went in for church, I saw him again so had Ralph look and he confirmed it was Thomas. I didn’t see any of the rest of the family though so after church I headed over to get a hug and sitting in the way back was the rest of the family. Their Friday plans hadn’t panned out so headed home earlier. Would have been nice to have been told but told them to come for dinner anyway. There was meat for everyone since I had 8 hamburgers and 8 hotdogs and there would now be 14 there but not seconds and maybe not what you wanted. I remembered I had chicken nuggets left from when the kids stayed for Bible School so fixed them too. I had plenty of chips and watermelon and dessert so it worked out okay. Even Katie had come so there was lots ot talk about. No one stayed a long time so I got a nap after they left. And then we went to church in the evening to hear from one of our missionaries.
    Monday was mostly a day at home as was Tuesday. Wednesday I went to Bible study. We had a birthday to celebrate so everyone brought treats – Lots of good stuff. Then three of Alans’ kids were over for about 2 hours. Clark finally had his neurologist appointment. Thursday I worked at church for a bit (again alone) and then went and got Taryn – finely taking care of her 8th grade graduation gift – a new bookbag and also got a lunchbox and chose them quickly and then we ate at Noodles and Co.. They all love to eat there and Taryn knew she could get a soft food since she had just gotten invisiliners the day before. Even got her home in time to go do something fun with the other kids and Lindsey’s dad. Then in the evening was Willing Workers. Speaker was very interesting and plenty of work to do. I and another person worked on correcting a box of cookbooks. Only 5 untouched boxes. But the cookbooks slow much slower now.
    Friday we did our errands – asked if they could get any of the money back when my card was not used the week before but couldn’t. When I think back, the Dillons experience was a bit frustrating but I will make sure my card is scanned and not just think I did it. It really does save me money. In the afternoon we went to a 90th birthday party. She really tunes 90 in September but this time worked best for the family. She’s a special person. Still gardens, did a meal for a Bible School teacher. She the oldest of 15 and 11 are still living. Today I’ve been at home. I made make ahead mashed potatoes for tomorrow and am baking my dinner tolls now. The junior made and sold cookies Thursday night and I bought what they had left at the end so using them for dessert for tomorrow. So when the rolls are baked, I’ll do our salads and pizza and relax after that.
    Hope your week went well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    This week has been in the high 80's but it's doable. It is August after all. Busy at work but slowly gettng the insurance caught up. I don't know if you saw my post from last week about Jami and I having a falling out? Well, I went to her house yesterday at 7am to help her sell everything and we reconciled and everything is well. I stayed at her house until noon. She sold most of her stuff but still had the dining table and buffet to sell. What she doesn't sell she will give to Amvets. They are taking very little with them. Just thier mattress because it was VERY expensive and a few other items such as an antique dining table from her mother. She leaves today for IL to take care of her mom during her treatment so at lease 5 weeks.

    After I left Jami's I did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping. We had lunch when I got home. Then I spent a couple hours reading till I had to make dinner.

    Debora, sounds like you had a good couple weeks. Busy but managable. Hope it's cooler for you this week. Jami does not have a place to move to. They just know they want to be in NC somewhat close to water. They plan to rent for a while when they first get there. Her husband is supposed to be looking for places to rent while she is taking care of her mom. We'll see how all that goes.

    Take care and have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Last Sunday everyone was here but not one tayed too long. Ava wasn’t feeling well so that took them off and Lori’s were unloading some stuff at Thomas’ new place and then had a birthday party to go to. So I got a nap in. Then we went to church in the evening to hear from the youth who did things this summer and Thomas was one of those. He did a good job telling about his time in Michigan.
    Monday was 4-H so I spent the day getting ready for it. Took longer than I thought but got done in time. We got to go to Wheat state Manor (nursing home) and about 10 of the residents came out front and from a distance, the kids got to tell about their fair projects. Then we went to the church for the regular 4-H meeting. Had some good talks. Tuesday was at home. Wednesday morning I watched Alan’s kids. Thursday morning I went to the church and did some odds and ends and then started on the SS papers. I had lunch with a friend. Turned out the local cafe was closed for the week so we got a pizza from the pizza place and shared it. Ate all but two pieces. Then it was back to the church and a friend came and helped finish the papers. I sent the pizza home with her. In the evening we went to a field day. They talk about the crops and look at a plot before that they served us a really good meal. Pork sandwiches with homemade buns, funeral potatoes, strawberries and blueberries, carrots, and pie (5 kinds to choose from). They were big pieces. I helped get the pie ready. Not as many people came as some years (had been up to 100 that day but evening was nice) so we got to bring almost a whole pie home. So I’m enjoying it and then it will be gone.
    Friday was the usual trip to town and then working at home. Today has been at home for me. I have the jello made, Cake is baked – still need t put initials of birthday people on it. And roll dough is rising. Ralph went to an auction. Alan and his boys did too and they bought a farmall tractor. Alan brought the mower over and left the boys so Ralph is mowing and they will go get the tractor when he gets back. Doing things different since they are here – I’m sure Clark saw his birthday present since I wasn’t expecting him to come here and had stuff out to show Ralph. Threw a towel over it and if he saw it, he saw it.
    Today is in the 80s. We been up to 100 this week too. But we also got a couple of inches of rain which is really nice. It was after the field day so that worked well too since not one had to worry about where they parked.

    Isabella, I’m so glad you and Jamie reconciled. That would be a sad way for her to leave. That’s a job to sell everything but it makes moving a lot easier. Renting while they look for a place makes sense. And Jamie can probably see what he finds via the internet. Katie’s mom is starting her radiation in September. She got a bunch of dental work done this week in preparation. Your Saturday morning always sound so nice and relaxing. Glad you are getting caught up on insurance renewals. You get one thing out of the way and then there’s something else to do.
    Enjoy your coming week. I’m sure we’ll both stay busy. I’ll leave you and go turn on the oven so I can bake the rolls. I skipped my nap but getting closer to having things done.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Got an early start this morning. Went to Costco and got gas, then went thru a drive-thru carwash at a Chevron station. Then off to Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Forgot a couple of things so I'll stop at Sprouts again tomorrow after church. Dan and I met a couple of old friends for lunch at our favorite Greek restaurant at 11:30am. I was really glad Dan joined us. We had great fellowship and great food. That will be our big meal for the day. Now I'm doing laundry and visiting with you. I plan to go read my book soon but not sure if I'll sit outside. I'll have to see how humid it is.

    Debora, Nice that folks didn't stay too late and you were able to get a nap in. Sounds like your week was really good. Busy as usual but not too overly tiring. The Field day sounds interesting and yummy! :) You have had some pretty hot days. It's been high 80's to low 90's here but more humid than usual. Once again, not unusual for August though. Nice that Alan was able to get a farmall tractor at the auction. I bet the mower really helped Ralph get the mowing done.

    Well, take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. Last Sunday was nice. Katie stayed home with two who weren’t feeling well but everyone else was here and had a good time. The birthday ones enjoyed their gifts. Derek got to take the “new” tractor out for a spin. Then after everyone left we called a friend who had a birthday on Sunday and took her out to eat. She knows a lot of the people Ralph does in the area so they enjoyed talking about them. On our way home, it started raining really hard and even thought it was still daylight we knew we were hard to see since the taillights still don’t work so we got off the interstate and drove a road with less traffic and used the haazrds on. It quit raining before we got home so we didn’t get the rain but some were blessed.
    Monday afternoon I spent at church working on our 2 year old Sunday School material with a friend. We got most of it done. And I’ll finish up here at home. Tuesday I got to work at home. I think I’m making progress on this one room. I’m moving stuff around anyway. :) Wednesday I got to go to Bible study. Then Thomas came in the afternoon to bake banana bread since his banans were very ripe. I supplied the other ingredients but he also left us a loaf. Thursday morning I went to church and got the bead containers ready for the next meeting. The afternoon was the dentist, a few errands, dropped by to see a friend and then we ate a chicken sandwich at McDonald’s. Friday was our usual shopping/ This morning we went to a teacher training at church and enjoyed a delicious lunch. Then I came home and did stuff here. I’m doing hamburgers and hot dogs so didn’t have to bake rolls.
    Weatherwise we had some not so hot days but the heat is coming back next week.

    Isabella, nice that you got your shopping done early and you and Dan enjoyed a meal and good visiting with friends. A lighter supper is easy for you to fix too. Hope you enjoyed your book – inside or out.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! Had a nice day yesterday. Very cool. even a little drizzly. It is going to warm up to the low 90's later in the week. Went to the Farmer's Market and got more honey. Also bought a nice piece of fish and some pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Then I went to Trader Joes, Target, Jimbo's, and Sprouts. Whew! I was very disappointed though that the main reason I went to Target was to get the 5oz cans of low sodium V-8. It is supposed to be good for high blood presssure because of the high potassium content. They have the best price on it. Well they didn't have any at all. Looks like they are going to stop carrying it. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to pay more for it at the regular grocery store. I spent the rest of the day reading and relaxing. We had our piece of fish for dinner with rice and broccoli. Very good. We watched some recorded shows after that then went to bed.

    Don't know if you watched the new remake of Fantasy Island. We started recording it. It is a bit odd but we think we will like it. We shall see. We are going to record a few of the new shows starting next month and see if we can find anything we like. We figure if we can find even 1 or 2 shows we can stand to watch we will be happy.

    Debora, glad to hear you're making progress on that room. Even moving things around is good because that means things are more organized. :) Good to have an easy dinner with hamburgers and hot dogs. People always enjoy that. Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! It has been a warm week. High 80's to low 90's. But it is August so we can't complain. Did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts shopping and also went to Ralph's because I had some good coupons. Cost of groceries has gone up a bit but what can you do? I got my hair cut at 1pm. She cut it pretty short but that will give it time to grow in till the next cut. :) We also dropped off our ballots for the governor recall election. Now all I have to do is laundry and dusting. I can read my book while the laundry is going so I'm content. We will have pizza from our favorite pizza place for dinner so we won't be heating up the house. We are going to get a small pizza this time to help prevent us from over eating. Other than that not much new going on which I guess is a good thing.

    Debora, hope you're having a good week. Stay well.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi. Another hot day here. Took candy to the parade the 4-H Club had a float in today and even the tootsie rolls got sticky in less than an hour. Kids decorated the pickup we rode in well. It was a small number but that’s who was available. Went to a record book training with another 4-H mother on Monday and enjoyed eating together at Freddie’s first. Tuesday Ralph and I had our vaccine study appointment. It didn’t last long and then we went to the thrift store – left a trunk load of stuff and bought a full box full – mostly books. I got some nice gift sacks for less than I pay new. And then it was late enough to eat at McDonalds. Friday morning we watched 3 of Alan’s kids while Clark had an EEG and we headed to town when they left. We thought we were going to eat at Burger King but the inside was closed that day so did McDonald’s again. Not as fun to shop when it’s hot but list wasn’t too long since I’m not having anyone here for diner tomorrow. We’re taking some folding chairs to an open house friends are having so won’t be home long. Today was the Potwin Watermelon Festival Parade. I rode with the 4-Hers and then we looked over the car show and hung around the park until noon when they served watermelon. They always have some good ones. When I’m home I’m still working on decluttering. I feel like I’m making progress. Just 4 more jars of pickles to dump and then I’ll start boxing up jars again. I uncovered the chair in the one room. I did cover the table again but hopefully, it won’t take long to empty when I do it.

    Isabella, sorry on the V8. It may just be gone for awhile. That is still happening. Yes, prices are creeping up. But like you said, what can you do. Yes, I’ve been watching the new Fantasy Island. It’s pretty interesting. I always try out a bunch of the new shows too. And then there are the ones I like with the new season so I’m sure I’ll find plenty to watch. Glad you’ve been able to have some good reading time. Fish and rice are a good combination. And it is a good idea to get a smaller pizza. Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Well, September is here! Yay! Always one of my favorite months. It is starting out with some wonderful weather. I am going to do my usual shopping today then I might go to the goodwill store. I am looking for a couple of 3lb hand weights to exercise with. The sporting goods store wanted $10 each for them. My gym closed so I have to figure out how to exercise and stay healthy on my own until if/when she re-opens in the new year. Her lease was up and she decided it wasn't cost effective to try to stay open any longer at that location. I don't want to go to another gym because their locations aren't very convenient but mainly because they make you wear a mask while you exercise. I absolutely refuse to do that. So... I have a couple of exercise DVDs that I haven't looked at in years. I will have to look thru them and see if there is anything I want to use. Otherwise I may check out what they have on TV on demand or maybe I'll check to see what's on youtube.

    Not much else going on. We have Monday off for Labor Day. I'm very happy to have a 3 day weekend. I bought some giant burgers at Ralph's that are made with ground beef, beef brisket, and beef shortribs. Hopefully they will be good. That's what we will have on Monday for our holiday meal.

    Debora, Glad things are going well with you. the parades with the 4-Hers sound like fun. And the Potwin Watermelon Festival sounds absolutely wonderful! I want to go to a watermelon festival! :) Good job continuing the decluttering. Good that you didn't have to cook on Sunday. Will you have the family gathering this Sunday or Monday? Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week has gone past. Hard in that I know of three people in hospital due to covid. One is a close friend and one is her husband. Otherwise a usual week. We went to friend’s open house last Sunday and stayed the whole time. Enjoyed visiting with others who came. Lots of good food – could have skipped dinner. Monday we went to Paige’s volleyball game. They never had her serve but she got to play. Lots of learning to do. We ate at McDonald’s afterwards so that was fun.
    Tuesday the 4 teachers in our class went and set up for our new class of 20. Story time they will sit on the floor and we fixed up table space for coloring. First story is on Noah. I’m telling it. We’ll see how it goes with them coming. Then two of us met up with another friend for lunch – such a good time visiting. Wednesday morning I had Alan’s kids from 8:30 to 2. I fixed spaghetti and had no leftovers. I had to miss Bible study and since I’ll have them for several weeks, they are going to meet in the afternoon for the next 4 weeks so I can not miss so many.
    Thursday I worked at church in our classroom and on bracelets at church. The evening was Willing Workers. Speaker was challenging and we had a good turnout which is nice. Friday was town. I stayed home in the afternoon but Ralph went to take eggs to the school, a sale at the book store, to Dillons for something I forgot and then to a visitation. When he got to it, no one was there. After reading the paper twice, he realized the visitation is next week.
    Last night and this morning we got about 4 inches of rain. Sump pump got a workout and Ralph had to pump the septic tank out twice. But it has slowed down since the rain stopped. I got the house straightened up and food stuff ready. I mixed up the meatloaf, baked rolls and cut up the watermelon. Found out my cell phone is old enough to not be compatible with tracfone now so I get to get a new one. So will spend time looking tomorrow – maybe get in on a labor day sale. Will look for one for Ralph. His is an android 7.1 and needs an Android 8 to be able to adjust his hearing aids on it. We buy phones that don’t cost too much so….
    Derek’s family flew to Florida today. A friend is letting them use his condo. Tomorrow would be Deacon’s birthday so they wanted to do something different. They will be gone a week. Everyone else will be here for dinner. Matthew and Julie are coming more often since they pick up eggs that he sells at work. Seems silly not to eat here if they are coming here anyway. I have a letter to give Lori. I found it lying on the floor with some other papers. It’s a letter my brother James wrote her when she was in high school. Nothing really special about the letter but she will enjoy using the twenty dollar bill that’s in it. I have my canning all boxed and sacked up now and more stuff for the thrift store. It’s seems to be getting easier to let things go.
    Hope all is going well with you, Isabella, and you enjoy your long weekend.
    Sheryl, I keep praying for you when you come to mind.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! It has been in the low 90's this week. Today is supposed to be the hottest then by Monday it should go down to the mid 80's for the week. Yay! Did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts this morning and added Jimbo's since they have the best apples there and the salsa that we like. I got started at 8:30am to avoid the heat. I also got gas and got my car washed. The Costco gas station was the most packed I've ever seen it. Looks like everyone had the same idea to get an early start today. My 3 day weekend was nice and relaxing but it made for a long week at work trying to play catch up. The burgers we had for Labor Day were just OK so I gave the other 2 that were still frozen to my co-worker. We are looking forward to recording the new shows that will be starting in a week or two. Hopefully we'll find a couple worth watching.

    Debora, sounds like you had a good week. Except for all the rain that is. My brother just had to get a new track phone too. He got another flip phone on sale for $29. Now he has to figure out how to use it because it is very different from his last one. Very nice of your bible study to meet in the afternoon so you can attend. I agree, once you start letting go of things it gets easier and even feels good. Good job! Enjoy your meatloaf and watermelon. Sounds so good! :)

    Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi, I have brownies in the oven and rolls will soon be ready to bake. I still need to put the drink in the fridge and will start the meat at bedtime. Matthew are Julie are eating with us most Sundays now cause they come to get eggs. I set the table for 17 now. No one stayed too long last Sunday cause of other activities but that gave us some quiet time. Labor Day was just dong things at home. The kids were here on Wednesday and this time brought their crhomebooks. Took a bit to get them hooked up to wifi and then then worked on school stuff. We did get to watch some Legomaasters. They ate dinner here cause I had it planned. They ate okay but no one wanted seconds this week. The rest of the time they should be picked up before lunch. But I’ll have a meal I can do in case.
    Tuesday we took 4-H thing to the Extension Office that were going to the State Fair. Then we looked at phones – found the one we sort of decided on for $10 more. Ate at McDonalds. Decided to buy one phone on Friday and check it out.
    Thursday was a memorial service at church. Woman had dementia – sweet lady and she was a Christan. They had a meal after the service so no cooking.
    Friday was our errands. We got a phone so I activated it in the afternoon. Because I sdidn’t realize one step, it was evening before everything transferred and now I’m slowly learning things on it. Google contacts are all in there but couldn’t use my old sim card so will have to add phone numbers one by one. Ug. Haven’t figure out how to hear when I get a text. Have done what I thought would do it so will ask a grandchild tomorrow.
    Friend’s (went to college with Lori) husband had a stoke this week – big surprise. He is able to walk. Speech is still hard but he was moving out of ICU so that’s a big steip.
    Derek and Lindsey are going to take on a long term foster child. He’s in a home were he was put when he was removed from the home. 2 year old boy – bruises, badly broken leg, but Lindsey said he still has a beautifu
    l smile. Madden is excited to have a roommate again. He’ll get love for sure.

    Isabell, your weather sounds about like ours is to be this week. Corn harvest is going storng now. Smart to get out and do your shopping early. Nice that you could share the hamburgers that weren’t tops for you. Surprises me at how many like flip phones but they probably use them more like a phone. I test more than call on mine. I paid $40 for mine and a lot of it came down to size cause I want it to fit in my pocket and most were too big for that. What I’m doing works fine. And I’ll have room to put the aps on of places we eat so we might get deals. :) I'm looking forward to the new season too. There are several shows to check out and some old ones returning. The meatloaf and watermelon were good and you never know on a watermelon till you cut it.
    Hope this week won’t be quite as busy for you since you have all 5 days to work.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning Debora, Just dropped in real quick to wish you a happy birthday on Wednesday! Have a wonderful birthday filled with many of His blessings!
    Love, Isabella
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, here’s my recap of the week. SS is still going well. We had 19 of the 20 there. One did cry but mom came by and took her. Hope she’ll come back this week. Kids enjoyed the meal again. Sunday evening we heard from another missionary – always enjoy them.
    Monday evening was 4-H so I spent the day getting ready for it. We had a good meeting. We started with Pioneer Seed Company presenting us with a check for $2000. I’m still not sure the process but we’ll enjoy having a cushion. We did our elections which is not exciting but needs to be done.
    Tuesday morning I had a dentist appointment to start a crown. Ralph went over the the thrift store and I walked over when done and couldn’t fine him. Realized I didn’t have his number in my new phone so had to call my girls. Found out he was in there sitting on a couch. We headed home so he could get a project done in the afternoon. Then the evening was the annual Farm Bureau meeting. The meal was okay – lots of food – a brat, a hamburger, baked beans, scalloped potatoes and apple or cherry crisp. Later there was birthday cake since the Butler County group is 100 years old. :)Mic system isn’t great so had a hard time hearing but that happens.
    Wednesday I had Alan’s kids here. Did pigs in a blanket for dinner. Then I went to Bible study and everyone else brought treats since it was my birthday. Ralph picked me up and we ate supper with Dereks and got to meet Jordan. He even let me hold him for a bit. Lindsey didn’t even have to cook cause meal are being brought in this week since it is the one year from when Deacon passed away.
    Thursday morning I went and worked at church. I filled the bead containers. Then I took a bank deposit to the nearby town. Later we went to Taryn’s tennis meet. Got to watch her play three doubles. Nice that they were all on the same court cause we could pretty much sit in the shade. When she got done we stopped at McDonalds and then home. Sometime Thursday my back started hurting a bit – kind of like having a crick in my back is what I call it. The sad part is it’s not going away easily.
    Friday I got up and walked thinking that might help. Then we did our shopping and I was sore when we got home. I worked on straightening the house and resting. Then in the evening I went to an women’s event at church – challenging speaker.
    Today we went to Taryn’s tennis meet – doubles but a different partner – got to watch play one whole match and part of another before we left for Jeremiah’s football game. It was nice to watch in daylight but it was hot. Sunrise made all the points and have the little cheerleaders did a halftime show, the second half started and the game ended due the point spread. So again, we went to McDonalds and then home. Since I didn’t know how long we were going to be gone, I bought some Italian to slice and heat for tomorrow and a package of cookies. I have some things to do in the morning which hopefully won’t aggravate my back too much.

    Isabella, hope you had a good week and I enjoyed your birthday wishes..
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    I took Friday off to use up some vacation time. Dan and I had a light breakfast, puttered around a bit then we went to this new deli called Local Bites. It was very good quality food and we really enjoyed it. We split a California Club on a sub roll. The bread is baked fresh every day and they even make their own pickles. The owner of the place has real personality and we enjoyed talking to him for a while. Then we just relaxed the rest of the day and sat outside. We were still full so we didn't have dinner. We split a pistachio muffin. Saturday I did my usual shopping. At noon we headed up to Jami's mother in law's house to say good by to her and her husband. We didn't plan to stay very long. Wanted to see her before the rest of the crowd arrived. The dirt road to get to her house was really rutted and Dan was very unhappy to have to drive down it. Then Jami took a phone call from her cousin about 15 minutes after we arrived and never did get off the phone. I know it was about her mom but it would have been nice if she had called them back in a few minutes so we could finish our good-byes. We finally went in and motioned that we were leaving. She hugged us and off we went. Dan felt slighted. Anyway, we went out to dinner afterward to our favorite Greek Restaurant and felt better. Unfortunately they told us they are tired and are retiring. They sold the restaurant and October will be their last month open. The new owners plan to open an Asian restaurant. Sunday I cooked my greens for the week, etc. Also made a spaghetti squash and with spaghetti sauce for my lunches this week. We are planning a potluck for our co-worker who is getting married next weekend. I was asked to make my deviled eggs as usual.

    Debora sounds like you had a good week except for your back. Hope it's feeling better. Are you using a heating pad? Are you taking ibuprofen? Very nice that you aren't having too much trouble with your new track phone. Nice that Derek and Lindsey are taking on a long term foster child. Poor little guy - sounds like he's had it tough! He is a very lucky little boy to be in a very loving home now. Hope your birthday was a good one. It was nice of everyone to bring treats.

    Well have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good afternoon! My deviled eggs were a big hit Friday. Everyone said I really outdid myself. :) I ate too much at the potluck of course but that is to be expected.

    Had a nice day so far. It is in the low 80's do very nice. Went to the farmer's market for honey and also got some figs, peaches, green beans, pickling cucumbers, and some wonderful grapes. Then did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Came home and had breakfast/lunch. Then I did laundry and went on line to order a new set of sheets from tempurpedic, some b-day cards from dayspring, and some vitamins from another company. Now I'm going to go relax.

    Jami's mom passed away on Thursday while Jami was driving to NC so they unloaded the trailer and will leave for IL tomorrow to take care of things there. It is never easy.

    Debora, hope your back is feeling better. Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I know I haven’t been here in a bit. I guess I thought I was busy. I been gone several afternoons/evenings to tennis and volleyball and football on a Saturday afternoon. Today was the Fall Festival and our 4-H club had a float. Ralph used the farmall M to pull a trailer we borrowed from a friend. It was drizzling the whole time so we all got to dry out afterwards but am thankful it didnt’ decide to pour. Then we walked around a car show and went to the tractor museum.. Ralph enjoyed it but it was garden tractor not the big kind. All the kids were here last week and we did the two September birthdays. I also had old school papers and verse boxes I had done for the kids years agao and they had fun looking through them and of course, the kids had fun playing together. I’ve continued to have Alan’s kids on Wednesday mornings but my understanding is Shannon finished her radiation Friday so that part is done – now to gain her strenth back and hopefully be able to get away from the stomach tube. Worked out well cause our Bible study has to move back to the mornings. We are doing a study of Esther now. And I have the answers mostly filled in for 4 lessons – first used book that had writing so I won’t do that again. This week we start up Good News Club and I’ll start doing nursery on Wednesday night. I’m still figuring out what to do with my Thursdays since my friend is not gong to be able to move back home. And you can only visit outside so taking something there to do is not real practical. I do call her on Thursdays. My next two extra projects are to cover a bunch of books with clear contact paper for Lori (actually the library at Sunrise). I used to do that for our church library so thought it sounded fun. And I need to go through all the stuff I have for shoeboxes – jump ropes, necklaces and shirt and stuff I’ve bought or was made at Willing Workers and get them ready to go. So for now, the house is not getting worked on but I’m doing stuff.
    Got an email yesterday saying one of my sister-ion-laws passed away. Haven’t seen her in years but she always replied to emails and sent a birthday card. Her daughter said she lost her battle with cancer but she wanted to keep the battle private. Then I don’t know if you remember (or if I told you) about a friend who’s daughter died of covid last December. I been having lunch with the mom every month or so since then. A week ago Friday the son-in-law passed away suddenly. He was on the couch and breathed funny and was gone. Kathy called for help but they couldn’t revive him. They think it was heart related but now Kathy has a completely empty house.
    My sister Donna and I helped my sister Verla one day. It was our birthday celebration. We don’t think we did much – loaded about 10 sacks of books and took them to a place to donate, took her somewhere to have her phone looked at which, thankfully, only needed a battery. We ate at the Spaghetti Factory and then helped her carry some containers up out of the basement. She has movers scheduled for around the middle of October. She is talking about selling the house to an investor. We tried to convince her to use a realtor cause it’s a seller’s market around here but I guess it’s her decision. She talked about us coming another time but didn’t use any of the two dates I gave her so…. I’m willing but have some days I can’t do it.

    Isabella, so glad your vacation day was fun. Sorry to hear about the Greek restaurant. That is sad when it’s a place you’ve enjoyed. I’m surprised Jamie didn’t give you more attention when you went over there. You have a lot of memories with her. Sorry to hear about her mother. A lot for Jamie with moving and now this. I’m sure Dan didn’t like the rutted road. If you don’t drive many dirt roads, you like it even less.
    Thanks for asking about my back. We went to help my sister on the 20th and it was better that day and has been okay every since. I was careful not to lift anything too heavy when we helped. But very thankful it has stayed good. I back to do whatever again.
    Yum on the deviled eggs. Yes, we all eat too much at those pot lucks but you have way more days where you eat sensibly. You get a lot done on your weekend and still find time to relax and enjoy life. Hope the week goes well for you.