Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Boy did it get hot yesterday! 94 degrees! But we had a very nice day yesterday. Did my usual shopping and also went to Ralph's cuz I had coupons. They didn't have any of the 5oz cans of low sodium V-8 though so I also had to go to Vons. Dan drinks one every day for his high blood pressure since it is high in potassium. Then I came home and we had lunch. We went out to dinner to our Greek restaurant and had a wonderful meal. I had the moussaka which I haven't had in a very long time. It was absolutely delicious! We also had a dessert which we never have. I don't remember what it was called but it was baked philo dough with custard inside and orange sauce on top. It was lovely. Just as we were about to go to bed we flipped the channel to TCM and a Peter Sellers movie from 1979 was on called Being There. Dan said he had heard about it. We watched it for a few minutes and were hooked so we stayed up pretty lated and watched it. I think the iced tea from dinner kept me up anyway so it worked out. I have to remember not to have iced tea in the evening!

    Today is my usual cooking for the week. I will also call Jami to find out how things went. I finished my book so I will have to choose a new one to read. I have plenty of them sitting around. The one I just finished was a true story written in the style of a spy thriller. It was about a woman brittish spy during WWII called Code Name Lise. I think I'll send it to my friend Grace in FL along with her Christmas gifts. She likes non-fiction and she is a veteran so I think she'll like it.

    Debora, Glad to hear that the festival went well even if it drizzled. Sorry to hear about your friend's son-in-law dying suddenly but very nice that you are able to get together with her once a month. Also nice to get together with your sisters. It is a seller's market here too. Probably is everywhere. I can understand her wanting to sell to an investor though. Seems like a lot less hassle. We get flyers in the mail regulary about selling our house to this investor type guy and have thought about it since we wouldn't have to deal with listing the house, fixing it up, showing it, haggling. etc. Who knows if we'll ever sell though. Very happy to hear that your back is better! We've watched several new shows and though we like some more than others, we haven't deleted any of them yet. Our favorites so far are Wonder Years and Big Leap.

    Well, have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good afternoon. We are having FABULOUS weather! Temps in the low 80's to high 70's. Even a couple days of rain. Very nice. Did my usual shopping today and also went to Jimbo's. Spent way too much money but things seem to be more expensive and I also stocked up on several things. We plan to have late lunch/early dinner at a place called Sidney's Deli. They are famous for their sandwiches and NY bagels. I'll probably buy a few bagels to bring home. We did end up deleting one of the new shows called La Brea. It was just a bunch of animated monsters chasing people who had fallen through a sink hole into a prehistoric world. We are thinking about deleting Ordinary Joe. I like it better than Dan does but I'm not attached to it. We'll see.

    I called Jami to see how things were going. She said the service went well but she had some trouble with the friend her mom was renting a condo from. She said Jami's mom told her she could keep everything in the condo and had already taken some things before Jami even got there. It got pretty nasty. Jami is very dispondent. I'm going to send her some info on grief share groups in her area. My brother and one of my friends attended grief share groups and said they were very helpful.

    Take care and have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Not even sure of what all I’ve been doing. Watched Paige play volleyball and it was fun to see how she has improved. I’ve gotten through a couple of the piles of stuff I have for shoeboxes and I’m half way done with the books I’m doing for the Sunrise library. I just learned that do want me in charge of getting babysitters for the Missions Banquet in three weeks so will need to work on that.
    We started up Good News Club last week – we had 15 kids and I need to get things together for it tomorrow. Ralph has an appointment with a surgeon in the morning for possible hernia surgery. I may have to do a lot more with the chickens he he’s told not to life.
    Yesterday we went to fellowship meals. The place we went invited all the guys that had Bible study together last year so that was fun. We ate in the garage cause rain was in the forecast and it did rain during the evening and a lot of the night. They did a mlk can meal. They put potatoes, carrots, onions, and cabbage in pieces of cheesecloth. And then put sausage that’s in casing on top and then it cooks underground. Food is all really good. And then some brought fruit and baked beans and cookies for dessert. It was a fun time.
    We’ve done all our phone switching and have the basics figured out. I really like the phone I have and Ralph is adjusting to his. It’s been a journey with deleting all my contacts but then a friend helping me find them and learning how to keep our phones separate.
    We had 19 out or our 21 in SS Sunday so after a couple of lower numbers, we were kept on our toes again. They are basically a good bunch.

    Isabella, enjoy your beautiful weather. Ours is nothing to complain about. If Jamie’s mom doesn’t have a will, Jaimie may have “fight” on her hands with the condo stuff. Technically, it would belong to Jaime. Hoe you are able to give her some helpful info. I’ve decided my sister can choose what she wants. I just won’t bring it up with any of my kids or hubby cause they think that’s a silly way to go. As far as I know we are helping her next Monday but she has changed her mind before so not holding my breath. I hear you on our house – moving is a lot of work too.
    Have a good week with whatever you do.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Still waiting to finish my crown. When they have a cancellation, it doesn't suit me and when I'm home, they don't have an opening. One of these days. Monday we started out new 4-H year so had things to get ready for it. And we had a good meeting. We did installation of officers and took care of several motions. Tuesday morning we saw a surgeon about Ralph's hernia so surgery is in the future. No one has called to schedule it yet. We know we'll have a least a week from when they call cause he has to be off his aspirin for 7 days. Wednesday afternoon I went and picked up Lucy and took her to 4-H ambassadors and 4-H Council. We ended up leaving before the Council meeting was done cause I'd set up to meet her mom back at church. I could have driven her back home but really didn't want too. Hopefully, the next ones won't be on Wednesday since that's church night. Thursday I stayed home all day which was really nice for doing some things. In the evening we went to the 50th anniversary of World Impact. Very nice evening. Friday morning we went to our vaccine study and got a booster shot and then did out shopping. I was going to go to a football game in the evening but it got cancelled due to covid on the other team. I'm not really having any reaction to the booster – arm was a little sore last night and took a good nap but Ralph is achy and running a bit of a fever. We have a classcal music concert at church tonight so we'll see how he's doing. My rolls are baked – turned out better than last week. I cleaned one shelf of my fridge this week which is big for me. Looks so much better – makes me want to do the rest. I finished covering the books for Lori and am not counting the necklance made at Willing Workers. Then will work on the jump ropes. Next week has a lot of going so try to do things when I am home. :)

    Isabella, hope you're enjoying your weekend. Our weather is more fall like – cooler – house was down to 67 this morning but it's close to 80 in here now.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! Had a really nice day today so far. I met a friend for breakfast at 8:00am at a local restaurant. They are not new but have just recently started serving breakfast. We both ordered the spinach, mushroom, and gruyer cheese omelet. She had fruit cup as her side and I chose the fried potatoes. They were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Delicious! The omelet was kinda thin but I decided that was a good thing in order not to over eat. The ingredients were very fresh so all in all a good choice. We would both go back there again. Afterward I went to Trader Joe's then rushed off to get my hair cut. Afterward I did my Sprouts shopping. Now I'm doing laundry and getting caught up on the computer. We have been having crazy weather. cold at night then cooler one day then HOT the next day. It has been 90's yesterday and today then will be 76 tomorrow.

    I talked to Jami on Thursday. She has started back to work and that helped alot to get her mind off things so she is feeling much better. She still has some rough days but I told her that is going to hit off and on for some time. Happy that she is sounding better and acclimating to NC. Her mom did leave a will and was very organized and specific. Jami did end up leaving a lot of the stuff in the condo for the friend anyway. Just not everything. She took the couch and TV because she needed them in NC. She also did not leave her mom's diamond ring that the woman claimed her mom promised her. Otherwise she left the rest.

    Not sure what I'm going to do for dinner tonight. I would like to pick something up from somewhere. I'll see what Dan is in the mood for. Tomorrow I'm going to make meatloaf. Looking forward to it. I haven't made it in a while.

    Debora, You're keeping very busy as always. Bummer that you haven't been able to schedule to get your crown finished. Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer. Dan had to have hernia surgery several years ago. Recovery wasn't too bad but he did have to wait a while before he could do any real lifting. Hope everything goes well and you don't have to be on chicken duty for too long.

    Well, I started a new book by Mary Higgins Clark so I'm going to go read. Take care and have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, I took Friday off to use up vacation time. Dan and I went out to breakfast. It was a chilly day and they had the door open so it was cold inside. Then they sat us at a booth that was very tight and constricting so although the food was very good the overall experience, not so much. Oh well. We would have been better off outside at one of the tables with a heater next to it! It turned out to be a beautiful day later though and we sat outside. I read my book and he worked on his brain puzzle book. We decided to make it an eat out day all around and picked up Jersey Mike's subs for dinner. We watched a hallmark movie later. A nice enjoyable day and evening!

    Saturday I did my usual shopping and also went to Target. Then I cleaned a little and did a little bit of mending. Now I'm going to go sit outside and read more. I am planning a simple meal tonight of breaded fish and mac & cheese.

    I talked to Jami yesterday. She is in much better spirits. Starting back to work really helped plus she is getting out and exploring their new surroundings.

    Debora, hope your week is going well. tspindor popped into the 5 letter game but didn't post here for some reason. Oh well. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Well, we went in Monday and helped my sister with a bit more moving. We got to her house just as the movers wre finishing. She went with the movers and Donna and I worked in the garage, breaking and loading a trash bag with a bunch of limbs. Then I swept the patio and Donna worked in the yard. When Verla came back we loaded stuff she had ready and went to the new place. We were able to unload into her front hall and then with shoes off, we got a tour of her new place. It's very nice. Then we went and ate – her treat so had to go to a nice restaurant. Nice but took more time. But then she really wouldn't let us help with the kitchen at all. Loaded my stuff then into Donna's car and she took me to where granddaughters were playing volleyball. Missed most of Paige's game cause had to wait for Ralph to come and he didn't think he needed to be on time. Granded he didn't know I had sutff to put in the car but.... We ate at Wendy's on the way home so no cooking at all.
    I was supposed to babysit Tuesday morning but that got cancelled and it was really nice to be at home until Good News Club. We did not have Bible study cause our leader had taken a friend to the doctor and she ended up having covid so leader needed to lay low for awhile. So I had Wednesday at home until church in the evening and we ended up with no kids in the nursery so just visited with the one helping me. That was nice too.
    Thursday morning I was home but then I caught two 4-H kids on their lunch hurs to get signatures, had lunch with a friend and then went to town to work with my firend who I worked with almost every week until she had her stroke. The project we did worked well so the plan it to go back next week.
    Friday was the usual errands. And I've been home since then. I got the house straightened, taco meat ready and no bake cookies made. And it's time to head for bed so I'm rested for tomorrow.

    Isabella, your weekends always sound so fun. My sister's new place is just a mile from Trader Joe's (her favorite place ) so she has decided she can go more often. Glad Jamie is doing better and her mom had a will. Glad you can stay in touch. I get to finish the crown Monday morning. Ralph got his surgery scheduled for Dec. 6 - too long for him but Alan will be done harvesting by then so can be more help.

    Have a great week.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Good Morning all, this is day 7 of my start over. Sorry for not posting on here when I came back, when I tried to do a search for my NMer's community the only post I found was the 5 letter and then I even messed that up do to being like forever since I have been here. Since I got laid off work back on 3/27/20 just after burying my brother-n-law who passed away due to cancer. I have noticed that my memory is not as sharp as it used to be. Boy due I need to get a job.

    My male cat had brought home 3 female kittens back on 3/9/21 all of them at different times throughout the day.
    I was able to give 1 away, but ended up keeping 2 of them, 1 looks just like him. Of course I have had the girls fixed and they are fun to be around, they are almost 8 mo. old which is old enough to be left along now. I have a room just for them at night because they still like to play while we're sleeping. The mother Cat kept hanging around about 3 days looking for her babies, but then she left for awhile. However, she did show back up around 2 1/2 weeks later with her 4 kitten and left him out by our storage building. I guess she figured that since I had 3 of her babies I may as well have the last one. Luckily I was able to get him a home.

    So now I am on the hunt for a job, even if it is not in my career field. I just need something to bring in extra income, the last of the year is when property taxes, and a couple of other big bills come due.

    You all take care and be safe,

  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Send prayers and good vibes, I found a job here in my town that is within my career field and applied for it yesterday on line and they have already reviewed it. I worked for this company back in 1994 - 1995 then got laid off, so I'm hoping that they will give me the opportunity to interview and I can get the job.

    Hope all is doing well, get your supplies stocked up and ready for the winter. It's suppose to be a cold one.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good day. We had rain and some overcast days earlier in the week but the sun is out doat. Temp when I got up this morning was 33 so may have had a frost. I brought in the one plant I’d like to survive but not sure where I’ll put it of it I’ll let it go. It’s one my sister started for me and I’ve just had it for a month but not sure it will stay alive inside and I have to find a spot for it.
    The week sped by. Monday morning I got my crown finished and then Ralph had a cardiology appointment working toward clearance for surgery. He has to do a stress test this next week – he had one two years ago but the doctor wants an updated one before he will clear him. Tuesday was Good News Club. One teacher was not there and I could tell but the boy how can’t sit till came and sat on my lap toward the end when he ws done creating with the styrofoam cups. Wednesday I went to Bible study and did the nursery in the evening. We had two kids. They have rearranged it again and added some new toys. Two I don’t like for the space we have but I’m not in charge.
    Thursday afternoon, I went and worked with my friend. We did another bag of bracelets. Toward the end, the couple who are her executor brought some of her warmer clothing to see what she wants. They and her step-children are working on getting the house emptied cause there is someone who is interested in buying it. Thursday night we went to Granddaughter Taryns music concert. She wasn’t on the stage long but there were several groups that sang and the jazz band played. Friday morning was errands and in the evening we to the Sunrise musical, “Pilgrim”. I don’t know if I ever read Pilgrim’s Progress but this musical was very well done and very impactful. Maggie sat with us and that was fun too.
    This morning was our County 4-H Achievement Celebration. It had a different flavor cause the husband of the office secretary was killed Monday and the whole office knew him so the new horticulture agent headed it up with the help of the committee. They had snacks and recognized those there and read the names of those not there. To my surprise, I had to go up front to get my pin for 35 years of being a leader. Doesn’t seem like it has been that many. Then it was home to do things to get ready for tomorrow. I’m being lazy and doing canned biscuits so didn’t have to bake. The enjoyed them the last time I did them. In fact, one granddaughter said, I know they are just out of a can, but they were sure good. I’m doing BBQ pork chops so it is a kind of expensive meal. Hope they turn out well in the crockpot. I have Operation Shoebox stuff loaded to take since people can start picking up empty boxes tomorrow and I have some necklaces and jumpropes to put out that people can use.
    We had frost last night - a real freeze will be coming soon. This is actually late for us. I've been wearing more long sleeved stuff. So guess I'm ready.

    Isabella, any update on Keith? Just wonder how he is doing at times.

    Tammy, wonderful news that you to find a job in your career field in your town. Praying you will get to be interviewed and then get the job. The way people are looking around here. you could easily find some job through the holidays but in your field for long term would be super.
    Keep us posted.
    Sounds like you are having with the kitties. Smart to give them their space to play during the night.
    I may have to pop in more often with someone else to chat with. Isabella and I had gotten to just checking on the weekends.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, It was a busy but nice weekend. Temps in the 80's Friday and 70's the rest of the week. Perfect! I worked Saturday to try and get caught up. I got the contracts caught up but not the other duties I handle. So I will dedicate an hour each morning to try to get those tasks caught up. So many of us worked on Saturday that our boss bought us all lunch. That was nice. I went to Trader Joe's and the Farmer's market before work then Sprouts after work. I made a rice and beans skillet dish for dinner and we watched an old Ingrid Bergman movie in the evening. Today I'll do my cooking for the week and make Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.

    Jami really sounds good. She sounds so much more at peace. Not so stressed. Her husband got a job and starts tomorrow. Things are really falling into place there in NC.

    Debora, thanks for asking about Keith. He is doing well. The chemo is working for now so he is not in pain and the tumor has shrunk. They tell him that there will come a time when the pills will stop working then he won't have long afterward but for now he is happy to have the extra time and is leaving the rest up to the Lord. I don't think I told you that my brother has a skin infection in his legs that isn't going away. Please pray that the Lord will remove the infection. The Dr just gave him another stronger antibiotic to take and another ointment to put on the lesions.

    Tammy, SO good to hear from you! I am very excited for this job that came up in your field and in your town! I would think that having worked there before would have to count for something. I will definitely keep it in my prayers that you get the job and can't wait to hear how it goes.

    OK ladies, I'm going to go and take care of some stuff. Have a great week!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Isabella I'm glad to hear that the chemo pills are giving Keith more time and that the tumor has shrunk that in itself is a blessing. My brother-n-law was put on the pill but he did not respond well with them at all and passed away within 3 months of starting them.
    Have you ever thought of looking into homeopathic tropic creams for pain, swelling and any bruising. I use Arnica Montana Gel for my knee pain and on my hands for minor arthritis. It can NOT be used on damaged skin or wounds.

    Debora, good news on getting the crown finished and I hope that the doctor clears Ralph for surgery soon. You sure do have lots going on.

    As for me I take it 1 day at a time, I checked my Indeed account regarding the job I applied for and it said that I was not selected. I am going to try and speak with the HR department to find out why they are not going to give the chance to speak with them. I'm wondering if it's my age or if I am over qualified and they think I would want more pay then what they offer. I will not give up GOD has something out there for me. Of course if my age has something to due with it they will not tell me this but when you get to a certain age, some companies prefer someone younger, mainly because they will be there longer. I have 5 years till I'm 65 and I could officially retire but I don't plan on doing that till I'm 67. So if God want's me someplace else, I'll just keep looking till he brings me to it.

    Well ladies, I got to go get ready to mow the yard, hopefully for the last time for the year.

    Be Blessed & Stay Safe
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Tammy, sorry t hear you didn't get the job. Good for you for checking into it and you're right, God will put you where He wants you.

    Isabella, that's for the good news on Keith. How was the spaghetti? Spaghetti sauce was on sale recently so I'm ready if the mood strikes.

    Ended having 4 not be here for dinner, so I did have leftovers for us. I fixed pork chops which even on sale added up but they did turn out very tender. I had all of Monday at home (except for walking) and that was wonderful. Yesterday was my physical. It was no biggie except that I'm being referred to a gynocologist to check something out. Our doctor is retiring and we learned who is being recommended to go to so need to set up a get-acquaited visit before we need prescriptions. We planned to go get a McRib but the McDonalds went back to not letting people inside so ended up at Burger King. We had not eaten there for a long time so enjoyed that too. I got the kids food for the Mission Banquet. Had to go to two stores to get enough lunchables. We did vote yesterday and Good News Club went well. Got a bit of rain and it's in the 40s so my coat is in use.

    Have a great day.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hi all, well I tried to get a hold of the companies HR Department several times but with no per fail. It kind of felt like they were affording me, but it doesn't really matter. GOD is in control and I will just keep looking.

    Cold front moved through, got lots of rain and now we are not going to get out of the high 40's to barely making it in the 50's which is typical winter temps for here in Texas. I have been hearing that this winter is going to be a cold one. Back on Feb. 14th 2021 temps were -3 degrees for 2 days and it took about 5 days before we got above 32 degrees. My water pipes froze up for those days, the totes froze up too but not solid, my hubby was able to break the ice so we had potable water for the bathroom, and I had plenty of drinking water on had. Some folks lost power but that did not happen but I was ready for that one too. Now that was cold, luckily with the new shop it is big enough to fit, the tractor and both vehicles in it and the temps never got below 32 inside.

    Growing up in Michigan you learn to be prepare for this kind of winters and my hubby believes in being ready for such emergencies as well.

    Be Blessed, be safe and ready for anything.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies! Had a nice day today. Left a bit later than usual to do my shopping but it was pretty overcast so people were still not out much yet. I got my car washed and was the only car there so that was nice. Then Trader Joe's and Sprouts. I bought the stuff to make machaca for dinner tonight. I haven't made it in a long time so I am really looking forward to it. I did laundry and cleaned the bathrooms when I got home so now all my chores are done and I have the rest of my day to myself. The clouds lifted and it is sunny and 71 degrees outside. I'm going to go sit and read. I am meeting a couple of friends for lunch tomorrow so that will be nice.

    Tammy, My husband Dan and I are very much into natural healing. Unfortunately arnica would not work for my brother because he has open lesions on his legs. They seem to be getting a bit better so that is good news. I advised him to take colloidal silver. Hopefully that is helping. He was also put on a stronger antibiotic. Very sorry to hear tht the job didn't pan out. They are foolish not to have hired you since you worked there before but you're right, God has a plan.

    Debora, glad that your porkchops came out tender. It is always nice to have leftovers too. Maybe you can make sandwiches or tacos with the leftovers. My speghetti turned out really well. I took the rest to work and got 2 lunches from it. Yum!

    Well ladies, don't forget to set your clocks back tomorrow. Have a blessed week!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello all, do either of you can? We normally can tomatoes, pears, potatoes and sometime peaches. If you do can, do you do meats and if so, is it hard? I have been wanting to do meatloaf, spaghetti sauce and just the beef roast, but with prices going through the roof I would hate to waste the money.

    I've got a load of cloths going right now and am trying to get a head start on my to do list.

    My weekend was pretty quite, we didn't do much this weekend, hubby wanted to just kick back and relax, so that's what we did. He worked the Saturday before last so this was his weekend off.

    Isabella, it's good to hear that your brother is doing a bit better and that you prefer natural healing, I try but not very good with it, but GOD has kept me and hubby pretty healthy. I have some friends that make their own tinctures and other type of healing creams, and they will sometimes share what they make. One friend gave us a cream for when you have minor burns/scratches that she made and it works pretty good, it has a very strong smell that my hubby doesn't like.

    I also have a friend that makes his own Thieves Oil which I love but there again due to the smell hubby doesn't care for it, but it is good to help keep from catching colds or the flu, he even has a mixture to help keep mosquitoes away instead of having to use the Off spray.

    Debora, hope your weekend went well.

    That's all I got for now if anything exciting happens, I'll let you all know otherwise see you next Monday.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, I worked a lot this week. Went in early every day. Still not anywhere near caught up but that's OK. I've had more peace with it lately instead of stressing. Did my usual shopping today. Tried not to spend too much. I only bought a couple treats. :)

    I had a nice surprise this week. I had a friend come into town for the holidays. We had lunch Thursday and will again on Wednesday. Her husband will join her next week and we and our husbands will all go to lunch/dinner the Saturday after Thanksgiving. We are really looking forward to it.

    Tammy nice to have a friend who makes natural tinctures and shares them! We have a great stand at our farmer's market and I buy stuff from her.

    Debora, hope your week is going well and that you're allowing yourself to relax a bit! ;)

    Have a great week Ladies!!!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello, well I have been back now for 20 plus days and still trying to get back into the calories in vs calories out and getting frustrated with it. It seems that all I have been doing is maintaining my weight and not losing even a pound. I have at least 20 pounds I need to loose, because most of my cloths don't fit right and I cannot go buy new ones.

    I have been still applying to jobs but nothing yet, even though a couple of them are right in my field. Waiting for that right job is no fun either, the weather has warmed back up for a couple of days but is going to get cold again. This transition from fall to winter sucks. The wasps are flying all around the house and I hate wasps, they know that we are due for another cold snap and are trying to find a warm place to nestle in for the winter.

    Septic tank issues, so have to get those pumped out this week, so hubby can get under house to see what needs to be fixed. Like he really don't have time, his job has been keeping him super busy and I like him to get his rest on the weekends, but its unfortunate that will not happen this coming weekend. I will help with as much as I can, I normally do the running into town to buy supplies, but I don't know a whole lot about plumbing, so I may not be of much use there.

    have a great week ladies and see you next week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi ladies! It's been a nice mellow day. I got an early start and did my usual shopping plus Target and Jimbo's. Tried not to get too many extras. Had a $10 off if you spend $75 at Sprouts. That is pretty easy to do, especially these days so I was able to use that coupon. I did laundry when I got home and also got to talk to my friend in FL so it is a good day. Tomorrow will be cooking my greens for the week and not much else so I may start a new book. It's too cool to sit outside though. Although it is supposed to warm up for a couple of days tomorrow so I may read outside after all. We started watching a new show called "Ghosts". It is somewhat entertaining and is only 1/2 hr so we'll go with it.

    Tammy, having wasps flying around is never pleasant. I don't see them much here but we had them alot where I grew up. Also bummer about the septic issues. Hope hubby can fix it without too much trouble and expense. Still praying for you to get the right job and soon.

    Debora, you are MIA which is unusual. Hope all is well.

    Happy Turkey day ladies. Talk to you soon.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It’s been awhile since I dropped in. No good excuses, just say I’ll do it tomorrow. So today I said, I’ll do it tonight. I’ll get started now and finish after I cut Ralph’s hair. That will give me something to look forward too. Haven’t had anyone here on Sunday for 3 weeks (counting tomorrow). Nov. 7 was Youth Group Sunday and they did the Sunday servcie and then fed everyone a delicious meal. Lucy had stayed here Friday night so she could help cook on Saturday. Last Sunday was our family shoebox packing party so we ate at the church and I ordered pizza. Lori got everything together for us and we packed 120 boxes. Tomorrow we are going to help take all the shoeboxes families bring to church tomorrow to the loading spot and then eat with the couple that are in charge. But I’ll make up for it on Thanksgiving as my side is coming over and around 40 plan to be here. So I’ve been doing a better house straightening. Everyone helps by bringing things so all I have to do is the ham, rolls Stove top stuffing and deviled eggs. I might make a pumpkin but we’ll see.
    We had our Missins Banquet on the 4th and I had the job of lining up babysitters and food for those 1-4. After things got going, I was able to go enjoy the banquet food and speakers. Tomorrow we are having a one day fall conference and have a speaker doing 4 sessions on CRT.
    I see the website has made some changes. Took me a minute to find you guys. Sure glad I did.
    In getting ready for his hernia surgery, his cardiologist did a stress test which he didn’t pass so we met the doctor who will do a heart cath and the date they set to do it is the day he was supposed to have his hernia taken care of. So that surgery is now on hold until we find out how the heart cath goes. It’s quite a process. But as we know, God knew how this would go so He’ll stay with us through it all.
    I started logging my food again this week. Feels like I’m eating less but still staying the same. I wrote down all week but was just able to get most of it logged today and I’m still eating over what I should. It’s a process. I had Alan’s kids Monday and Tuesday. They did their school work on their computers and the boys helped Ralph some. The kids carried off some branches, took out trash for me. We had the legos out and word searches and enjoyed some TV shows I taped for them. We went to their house (3 miles) to sleep so they could take care of their dogs. They probably sleep better in their own beds too.
    We’ve been to a junior high play (Annie Jr.), a band concert (6-11), a music concert (K-12), and a kindergarten program with different ones of our grandkids. I’m back to working with my friend on most Thursdays – we’ve figured out things she’s able to do now and I just go to the nursing home to work with her.

    Tami, you are probably better prepared for unusal Texas weather than most. Last year was bad for down there. We didn’t have a hard freeze until way late which is very late for Kansas. Then this week it was back up to 70 so it has it’s up and downs.
    I did some canning years ago but not near all you do. Meats I have never done. I got so I froze my applesauce and that was about the last I did So no help here.
    Maybe we can encourage each other on the eating. I know I like my sweets too much.
    Yes, waiting on a job doesn’t sound like fun. It tests your patience.
    Oh my, we went through septic tank stuff a few months ago and it took awhile to get it all figured out. Hope you have a quick fix. You mentioned having a tractor. Are you out in the country?

    Isabella, what is machaca? I’m sure it turned out well. How fun to have friends in town and get to do some things with them. Getting out early to do your errands gives you a good part of day for fun things after you get home. Definitely, not too hard to spend more money now. Glad you are able to go in early for work so you don’t get further behind. Plenty to do is good for job security.

    Will check in with you all later.