Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    edited March 2022
    Hello, it seems like I have been gone for a long time. I got over my yuckiness allot faster then the hubby did, i got over it within 6 days, the hubby's lasted 14 days. So we are both better now.

    Well he did it, he gave his employer a 5 month notice, so around July 28th will be his last day (Retirement Day!!!). It's now up to the employer's to get the replacement(s) in so he can get them trained.

    I'm still okay, I'm still looking for work but not as hard now. With the price of gas going up I'll have to find something very close to home.

    Glad to hear that all is going well for you all, got to go make some errands.

    Take care be safe and stay healthy. God Bless
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It's been a tough year but God has still blessed and big changes have happened. John declined so much that he was taking 100% of my time and energy over the last 9 months, even with caregivers coming in twice a week. With no sleep and a lot of stress over John, my last scan was not good and I'm back to chemotherapy. I decided for both of our benefit, I needed to move John to a memory care facility. Since the move 2 weeks ago, I've slept 12 to 16 hours a day, trying to catch up on the sleep I lost all last year. I have chemo today, so I'm going to take a nice hot shower and get refreshed, ready for the infusion.

    I trust I'll get back to a routine of checking in with you regularly. When I feel better, I'll send out an email update with more details

    I'm behind in comments for over a year so I know I've missed a lot, but hope you are all doing well. You've been in my thoughts and prayers even when I couldn't check in.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hi Sheryl, I'm so sorry to hear about John's decline and having to put him in a memory care facility. I know that had to be a hard decision to make, but with your health issues this may be the best thing for the both of you. I hope this chemo doesn't make you to sick.

    I am glad that you have stopped in and let us know how you are doing.

    Take care, be safe, GOD Bless.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, temps/weather has been all over the place. 80 one day, 60 the next, light rain, heavy rain, windy. I guess we can't complain too much considering most other parts of the country though! Today hubby said that March is the one month of the year where the weather is pretty much the same all over the nation - cloudy and cold, with some rain. I think he's right.

    Did my usual shopping today and then some extra! I also went to Jimbo's and Ralph's (I had coupons!). :) Then I got my hair cut at noon. Bought our favorite meatball subs for lunch/dinner. Really enjoyed them. Now we're both relaxing at the computer.

    My district manager asked me if I would work longer if they gave me a raise and to talk to my husband about how much it would take. I asked for $10 more an hour. Of course that was too high. I told him to come back with a counter offer so we'll see. I hope to have an answer on Monday cuz we really need to know how to plan.

    Debora, You've had a full week (or couple weeks) as usual. I wouldn't feel too bad about the broken tail light. Accidents happen and that is a pretty minor issue considering how expensive it could have been if it was a different part of the car. Glad Ralph is doing well with the stents and that the doc will give him cheaper meds going forward. Your retreat sounds wonderful. I haven't been on one in quite some time.

    Tammy, very happy to hear that you and hubby are feeling better. Great news on hubby's retirement date. Light at the end of the tunnel takes the pressure off. All that stress is not good. Also takes some pressure off of you I think. Will you stay where your are and retire there?

    Sheryl, SO very happy you popped in. I have been thinking about you and John a lot! Sorry you had to put him in a memory care facility but it had been a long time coming and will be better for both of you. Sorry about having to go back to chemo. I will continue to keep you both in my prayers. Looking forward to having you stop in more often. You are greatly missed.

    God's blessings to you all. Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, we have enjoyed a week of springtime temps – We’ve been up in the 70s more than one day. It was 72 today although it’s down to 50 cause a front has come through. It’s also windy and sady, the air is smokey cause a couple of fires are burning and hard to control. I enjoyed today cause I got to stay at home. It’s the first Saturday that has happened in some time. I got the house straightened, made a fruit salad, baked brownies and am bakng the rolls now. So the house smells good.
    Last night we went to see Mary Poppins. Two of the granddaughers had small parts and Lori does a lot with the costumes. It was very good but it’s was a long one so we didn’t get home till 11:30. That’s late for us. They had two performances today.
    Friday Ralph got new chicks. We ordered 80 – 3 kinds. Two of died sadly so we’ll get refunded for them. The grandkids will have fun seeing them tomorrow.
    We got the new wheel for the car. Now we’ll see how long it takes to get put on. It’s no rush since the spare is full sized. We also saw the doctor who did the stents. We mentioned the cost of the blood thinner and he said he’d like him on it for 90 days but then we’ll put him on a lower cost one so that is nice.
    We had our all day Women’s meeting this week and it includes a potluck meal. So much good food. I had a bean dish I ate at Lindsey’s. I found out you supposed to use it like a dip for fritos but I like it by itself. It keeps well too. We also had two good speakers who challenged us and got some work done. Then I went to a friends house. I usually eat with her at her workplace but she wanted to show me her remodeled bathroom and have me look through some material. Now I’ll have to sort it and move it on to those who I know will use it.
    Since the chicks came Friday, I went to town by myself. I was going to get a haircut but it was a longer wait than I wanted. Then I dropped some magazine off at a friends and probably visited that amount of time. I will try and learn how to sign up online.

    Tammy, glad you and your hubby are both better. 5 months is a lot of notice. Will it take a long time to train a new person. Yes, gas does affect job hunting.

    Sheryl, so good to hear from you. I’m sure putting John in a memory care unit was hard but a good decision. Glad you are catching up on your rest and prayers that the chemo will do it’s job quickly.

    Isabella, how nice that you’ve had rain. We could use some of that. Good to use those coupons with prices inching up. Coming home with a meal you enjoy is a win. How much of a raise would it take to keep you? It shows they know you are a good worker.
    Yes, accidents happen. It didn’t look as bad last week when it was taped up. During the meal Madden all at once piped up and said Grandma wrecked our car. Got a good laugh out of everyone.

    Substate basketball is going on this week. We didn’t go to any of the games but the girls game tonight is between Berean (where our kids attended) and Remington (great niece is on the team) so I’ll be happy whichever team wins. It would have been fun to go but it was good to stay home too. I also have a grandson going to Remington now. I don’t know what rule he broke but he was told he had to leave. Think that was a bit tough on everyone since parents work at the school too. Don’t know if I want to know what he did or not. His mom said it was a big life lesson.
    Well, Ralph should be in shortly so will get our sandwiches ready. And the dinner rolls are ready to bag up. Have a great week.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good afternoon, I'm still sleeping most of the time. I thought that once John was settled elsewhere, I'd have the chance to get back to attending church, but I slept through it this morning. Maybe next week.
    I fixed some late lunch and am ready to go back to bed again, or sit in my recliner and doze off. Very indulgent, but Nancy and Norma have both told me not to feel guilty, I need the sleep. Nancy said that once she got full time help for her dad, she slept six months before she felt back to normal.

    This is extremely short, but I can't seem to think of anything else right now. I'll check in to get back into the routine even if I don't have much to say.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It's been a long time since you've been to church. Another week or so won't matter. You haven't had a chance to really let your body relax for a long time. So listen to your body.
    I went and walked with my friend and left my fitbit at home. It's okay but like to get them counted. I plan to be home today. We might go to a meeting this evening but we'll see how the day goes. It turned cold again so inside feels nice. Ralph wanted to start getting rid of his old hens - maybe if it gets warmer.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Big change of plans today, I had planned to visit John this afternoon, but discovered our oldest llama, Beauty, was dead in the stall and I needed to call the rendering guy to come pick her up. He just left. Beauty turned twenty years old last month, that is on the very old end of a llama lifespan. She had a good long life and gave birth to 3 beautiful daughters which we still have here in the pasture. So, down to a total of 6 llamas now. I have an acquaintance who is looking for goats to keep her yard down and clear some blackberries. I'm trying to talk her into llamas instead of goats. The llamas will do what she wants, plus not destroy anything else like goats sometimes do. My aunt had goats for a short time and they tore apart the wiring of her car, she quickly got rid of them and got sheep. I'm hoping to move the 3 youngest llamas and that will help me with my responsibility of feeding and grooming regularly.

    Anyway, I trust that I can visit John tomorrow. I'll let you now.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Howdy everyone, I'm glad to see that all is doing well.

    Isabella, I would really be surprise if my hubby stays the whole 5 months, he is so ready to leave and retire. Yes we will stay put where we are at, this is home for at least another 10 years. Hopefully we will have all the up grades done by then. We want to put in gray water, build a back porch, finish the front porch, put in a water line to the shop, plus finish up the inside of the shop.

    Debora, walking is always nice especially with a friend, I usually time how long I walk. Getting rid of older hens is sometimes hard to do, hopefully you already have someone that will take them off your hands, otherwise if there not to old you maybe able to harvest them for food.

    Sheryl, relax and get plenty of rest without worrying. Sorry to hear that you lost one of your llamas, maybe your aquatint will take the 3 llamas that you would like to get rid of. Enjoy your time with John.

    Talk latter.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, so sorry to hear about Beauty. It's good that John was not there to see her dead. Good that you could get her taken care of right away. That would be great if you could convince your acquaintance to take the llamas. Keep talking. I hope it works for you to visit John tomorrow. Does he still know you and is okay with staying when you leave?

    Tammy, sounds like your husband will have plenty of home projects to keep him busy once he retires. All the hens are gone. They all went to people we attend church with. Next step will be to clean the building (youngest son will do it). Chicks are doing well even with cold weather. We did get up to 43 today but that's still chilly to me.

    I have dishes to take care of now but have a coon story to tell you when I drop in next time. Think I'll fix a cup of hot tea too.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all. Wow, such a flurry of activity! I love it! Temps have been in the mid to high 70's. Very nice! Had a very nice day today. Did my usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Came home and we had breakfast. Then I sat outside and read my book. Such a gorgeous day! I'm going to make hamburgers for dinner. That will be nice.

    My bosses said they could not really give me a raise so they proposed a bonus at the end of each month I stay. So at the end of April I'd get $750 and if I stay till the end of May I'll get another $750. We agreed to definitely stay until the end of April and probably till the end of May unless something happens to make us act quicker than planned. Definitely no later than that though. So we'll see how it goes. Everyone is happy with that.

    My friend Jami came back to San Diego to visit her sons so I took Wednesday off and we spent the day shopping and had lunch. It was a very nice time.

    Debora, sounds like you had a really nice week. So nice to have a saturday off. The women's meeting sounds like fun. I don't know why but I really like when Ralph gets new chicks. :) Hope they do really well. Glad everything is going well with his stents. Yeah, it's probably better you don't know what your grandson did to get kicked out of school but I think the not knowing would drive me crazy. Did you ever get your hair cut?

    Tammy, wow, lots of projects for hubby to do. Are these projects waiting till he retires to get done? I totally understand that he probably can't wait the 5 months to retire. My hubby's company drove my hubby to quit before his time. Nice that you are OK to stay there. We will almost definitely have to move.

    Sheryl, Sorry to hear about Beauty but as you said she had a very long and happy life. Definitely give yourself the grace to rest as much as your body needs to heal. I agree about the goats. From what I've been told goats can be pretty destructive. Your aquaintance would be much better off with your llamas. :) Were you able to see John? How is he doing? Praying for you both. How are Norma and Nancy?
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, kids were here today for a shorter time but then I took a nap – tired I think from losing the hour of sleep as I didn’t go to bed early. Just had 12 kids in Sunday School today. Took 4 to the bathroom – they all have their own style. :) Enjoyed my popcorn supper and haven’t been pushing things. Getting ready to work on list for tomorrow – have to get ready for 4-H.

    Good News Club went well last Tuesday. Some kids have missed a couple of week but we are praying they’ll be back. We had a little party to end our series and they enjoyed that. Helper didn’t come on Wednesday night. I imagine they went to the State basketball game but I only had one so it worked out just fine. Thursday I had PT (just one more scheduled), we ate at McDonalds and then worked with my friend – hadn’t seen her for 3 weeks. Friday we did out errands and I got most of the house straightened. Saturday we went to a funeral for the husband of one of my Flylady friends. I don’t go to a Catholic service very often. We didn’t go to the cemetery but met with the other Flyladies at Panera till they got back and then went to see friend. In the evening we went to a baked potato bar at a local church. Potatoes and toppings were delicious and some cousins were there so we had fun visiting around the table. Did want to work hard enough to make dinner rolls so mixed up dough for angel biscuits and rolled out and baked when we got home from church. They enjoyed having them warm.

    One granddaughter is with our Youth Group’s work project. Hope they have enough work for them to do. Another grandson is going to Florida with a friend who have a houseboat there. Don’t know what the rest are doing with their spring break. Last Sunday we told Derek about a chicken coop that was being auctioned online. It’s in our area and we knew it was well-built. Well, he ended up buying it – not for chickens but his wife is going to use it for a potting shed. He paid almost $1000, but it’s built, insulated and ready to use so well worth it. I’ll have to see where they put it next time I go there.

    Daycare where Lori works had someone drive into the front wall. She wasn’t the one at the desk when it happened and no one was hurt but it will be a job to get it fixed. It’s all boarded up for now and the desk is in the middle of the lobby.

    Have a good week.

    Isabella, shopping every week is nice cause it doesn’t take so much time. Hamburgers are always good. We’ve had cold days this week, a little snow and then today it’s got to 68 but very windy.
    The bonus sounds like a good compromise. Is your staying mostly to keep training your replacement and keep them from getting too far behind. Didn’t realize you’ll have to move. Any ideas of where you’ll go. How fun that you got to spend a day with Jami.
    Glad you enjoy Ralph getting chicks. He really enjoys them. One of the grandkids went out today and they sat and watched. He bought 5 more yesterday of another kind.
    Another one when to see the dead rats (not a good image) – he got a new kind of poison and it is doing the trick – they need to be gone or at least not have so many.
    I’ll probably ask what happened with grandson sometime but just haven’t yet. I am very curious for sure. He’s such a nice kid. :)

    Oh, I almost forgot my racoon story (not a happy ending for the racoon). One night I heard something in the garage. Ralph went to the door and saw it was a coon but he got it to run out. He asked what food I have out there. Well, there’s noting – newspaper and cardboard. A couple nights later we had parked the car in the garage and shut the door. Heard a noise so Ralph went to look and the coon went under the car. So I went out, opened the door and backed the car out hoping it would leave. Instead, it ran into a corner, Ralph didn’t have any good weapons but he went out, got it by the tail and tried to kill it, let go and it ran off. Then the other day, I wen to the door to put some cardboard in the box. The coon was right by the door so I quicly pushed on it but it wouldn’t shut and the racoon was not sounding happy. Ralph grabbed a cane and went out. I was concerned he might get bitten. Coons are not good t have around. He couldn’t get the tail so he hit him on the head. After it was dead, he went to move it and realized the foot was caught in the door which was probably good so it couldn’t at Ralph. When it carried it out he said it was a she and from how some newspapers were balled up we think it was going to try and nest there – no thank you. I’ve very glad it didn’t get in the house when I opened the door. That would not have been good. Now I need to get the landing all cleaned off. We don’t use the area a lot for walking so I’ll get to it one of these days. It wasn’t a pleasant thing to do but we couldn’t keep have it come into the garage.

    Okay, will really stop now.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies, well sorry I haven't be around, I haven't even logged my food in over 4 days. It seems I'm being very good at that lately and I know that it will be worse when the hubby retires. however I have finally managed to loose 5 lbs since I have back to MFP. I still have about 10 to 15 lbs to loose, that is my goal to get back down to 130-135, which would be loose the weight I put on since I got laid off in 2020.

    I bought a blueberry plant that I will be getting in the ground this week and I am going to go dig up a couple of Blackberry plants this week and put them along the fence line. These plants are growing out along an old area on the back side of the airport, so it's easy to get to without being no where near the runways.

    Sheryl I hope you have been able to go see John and that you are feeling better. Has the doctor given you any idea how long you will have to do chemo this time?

    Debora, that is some story about the coon, I'm glad that Ralph did not get hurt. I totally can understand about going to a catholic funeral, we went to 1 only once and it felt like strange, something I'm not used to. That must have been very scary for Lori to have someone drive through the front, just glad that no one got hurt.

    Isabella, sounds like you made a great compromise with the boss, just hope it all works out. Our temps have been all over the place as well. Up for a couple of days, then back down to winter temps. I just wish we would get some rain, it has been so dry and if this continues it will be a very dry summer.

    Got to go, talk later, be safe & healthy.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Tammy, congratulations on the missing five pounds which you to never see again. Great if you can do it without logging. Are you just eating smaller portions? That would be exciting to meet your goal. Have fun planting your bushes. Glad you can get the blackberry ones safely. Do you live close to the airport or just drive past where the bushes are?

    We had a good 4-H meeting last night. It was parent's night so they served as the officers and did the talks so that was interesting. And since it's spring break, no one was in a hurry to get home so they stood around and visited. This morning I went to church and filled the bead containers we use to make necklaces. I also checked a couple of books out of the church library and took care of some little things with the church secretary. I came home a little different route so I could miss the asphalting going on on one road. Rest of today is at home - yay.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Awesome news, I have a job interview Thursday 3/24. It's for a brand new store that is fixing to open up here in town (All-Sup's) and it is about 4 miles from my house. I haven't been in the retail business since 89 to 91 when I managed a convenience store. I plan on letting the person who is going to be doing the interviews that I would like to work part time with morning hours to no later than 4:00 pm, and I would be willing to work every other Saturday. I'll let you all know how it went and if I get the job or not.

    The Blackberry bush's are in the ground, I dug up 3 plants, I still haven't gotten my blueberry bush's planted yet, but hoping to get it done today, I finally figured out a spot where I want them to go.

    To answer your question Debora, I live about 4.5 miles from the airport and a company that I used to work for (9 years) was on the backside of the airport next to the heliport, I would go walk around during break time and during my lunch time. That's how I found the blackberry patch, which is a good size, I also found some wild grapes, and cherry plums growing along side of the heliport. This area is all open to the public even if the city does own it.

    I still need to clean out my 2 raised beds and get something planted in them within the next day or two. I'm thinking of trying carrots, corn (again) and maybe potatoes (again). For some reason every time I try corn or potatoes they don't want to grow, I have them in full sun and in the heat of the day they are in part shade. Just haven't figured out what I am doing wrong with them.

    We still need more rain, we got a small amount yesterday with a system that came through with a lot of wind. They had a Tornado warning out for our area for 30 minutes, a town 15-20 miles south of me got the tornado but it didn't due to much damage. However, some of the other towns that got tornado's did not fare very well. A school about an hour north of us in Jacksboro had some pretty significant damage, but no one was hurt.

    Debora, I totally understand about going a different route home due to asphalting, that stuff is hard to get off the car.

    Hello, Isabella & Sheryl, hope you two are doing well.

    Talk later, be well and safe. GOD Bless you all.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Tammy, how exciting for this job interview - close to home is great. Will pray they will hire you and work with the hours you want to work.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    GOD is Good!!! The interview went great and I got the job, not sure when I start or what my hours will be yet. I requested a part time job, and the manager said okay he could work with that. He even told me that if I ever need more hours to let him know and he will give them to me. We talk about weekend work and I let him know that if he works me on a Saturday that I would get Sunday off, or if I work on Sunday I get Saturday off.

    Hope all is well for you and talk later. Be Blessed and stay safe. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, here it is Saturday and I’m doing things for Sunday. House is basically straightened. We have little chicks in the house again. Last week we had ones we had bought the previous Thursday. Then Ralph figured out they were not the kind they were labeled so after some phone calls and sending a picture, they agreed and said they would give us 10 of the right kind. So the one week old checks were moved in with the three week old chicks. One of the 10 arrived dead so only got nine and then he bought two more of another kind. My husband enjoys his chickens. So they are in the house and the grands will get to enjoy them. One is almost white and most of the others are darker colored and some have stripes. And eventually they will lay blue eggs or olive eggs.
    I spent last Monday doing one time fairly short jobs and got quite a few taken care off. But now more things are there to take their place. Got one box of pill bottles sent off finally – postage hurts but it’s to a ministry. Getting kind of a routine figured out to take care of them. Got more stuff out of the crib. When I start to see space it feels wrong – not usual – so I have to slow down and get used to it before doing more. Need to start bagging up stuff for the thrift store and take it in more often I think. Bought 4 folding chairs from a neighbor that look nice so now I can get rid of the oldest beat up ones I have. We went to our REC annual meeting – enjoyed the meal and visiting and the meeting was a meeting. Last night we went to a fish fry meal at a Catholic church with our youngest. Good eating and very filling. Will finish what we had left tonight Have a simple fruit salad ready for tomorrow. Going to a cream puff dessert when the cream cheese has been out for a bit for easier mixing.
    No doing much in the weight loss area but changed from a glass of milk with a cookie and pudding cup with added chia to a snack of oatmeal, chia, cinnamon and mile (simple overnight oats) . Not sure on calories but probably healthier. I also think the PT is helping with my prolapse which makes me want to do the exercises better. Set up more PT appointments through April. I go back and see the doctor in April too so we’ll see if he thinks there has been any change.
    Life stays busy but good.

    Tammy, I am SOOOOOOOOO excited for you. God gave you all the checkmarks on your list – close by, part time hours and a boss who sounds like he will work with you. Congratulations.

    Hi Isabella.
    Hi Sheryl.
    Hope all is well for the two of you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all! Sorry I missed checking in last week. I was very busy! :) Met a friend for breakfast at 7:45am. Afterward I did my usual shopping of course. And the rest of the day ran from there. I don't think I have mentioned that I've lost 20lbs over the last couple months. Wasn't really thinking about losing weight and I'm not really doing anything special. Just smaller portions for dinner. Hope to lose at least 10 more. Yay!

    This week temps got up into the mid 80's but are going back down tomorrow to the low to mid 70's. We may even get rain on Monday. I went out around 8am and did my usual Trader Joe's and Sprouts. I like to get an early start. The stores are much less crowded. Then I just puttered most of the day and Dan and I sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather. I read my book and he worked on his brain puzzle book. Made some hearty salads for dinner. Hadn't done that for a long time. We really enjoyed them.

    My friend Jami had a really bad veritgo attack last week. She couldn't stop spinning and throwing up. It took them 2 days to get it under control. She has had this happen a couple times before but not nearly this bad. She is home now and is really weak and upset. Took several more days before she could open her eyes and to be able to walk by herself. They are scheduling tests and she has an appointment with a neurologist. Her doctor is concerned that it may be some sort of stroke. Hopefully they'll figure out what's going on and how to treat this.

    Debora, Wow, crazy story with the racoon. I have heard that they can be really mean and dangerous. Very happy Ralph didn't get bitten. Yes, I am staying longer so the gal that is taking my place can get more training. I've only trained her on about 1/2 of what I do so far. Thinks are starting to click for her though. She isn't as detail oriented as I am but she will do fine. I'm also deligating out other things I used to take care of. It is very cool that Ralph's new chicks will lay blue or green eggs. I have a co-worker that used to sell me eggs from her chickens and the eggs were several different colors - blue, green, tan, brown, speckled. I loved it and used to call them a party in a carton! :) Glad to hear that your PT seems to be helping. Look forward to what the doc has to say at your follow up appt.

    Tammy, CONTRATULATIONS!!! God is SO good. Very happy to hear that you got the job and that it is only 4 miles from home. Sounds wonderful and look forward to hearing more about it. Congrats also on losing the 5lbs. Keep up the great job! I have heard that a lot of people have difficulty growing corn and potatoes so don't feel too bad. Did you get your blueberry bush planted? I would love to have a blueberry bush but hubby isn't into the idea.

    Hi Sheryl! Hope to hear more from you soon.

    Well gotta go. Hubby is waiting for me. Have a blessed week all!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Well I got through my first week and wow, I really do wonder if this is the right job for me. My hubby said last night that he wishes I would not be working, but I'm going to stick it out since I'm in training and maybe it will be better once the store I will be assigned to opens up and I see if the manager will stay true to what type of hours I need.

    The store was suppose to open on April 12th but got pushed back to April 17th (Easter Day), which I'm not to thrilled about working on Easter. I ride with the Manager in training (MIT) which means Assistant manager down to Stephenville which is about 40 miles south of Mineral Wells and work for 9 hours. This will be going on until the store opens.

    Debora, congrats on all those chicks...happy eggs coming soon, I really like the term party in a carton. :)

    Blueberry bushes are in the ground, just hope that they will survive and grow, blackberry bushes seem to be doing okay so far.

    Isabella, congrats on the weight loss, I'm still holding with my 5 lbs loss and I go to the doctors in 13 days so I'm hoping that I can at least loose another lb or 2 before then, but if not I'm happy with where I'm at for now.
    Hope everything will be okay with your friend and the doctors can find out what is really going on with her.

    Got to go and get my day started, talk later, be blessed, stay healthy.