Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone, we had an interesting week here. A friend and I spent Monday at church sorting Sunday School papers for the summer quarter in the morning. Then we went and enjoyed a sub sandwich and then did our Sunday School material. Tuesday morning I had my check up with my doctor on my prolapse. And as long as it doesn’t get worse, I’m on my own. But I’m to call him anytime if I was to do surgery or a pessary. We also went to the thrift store and ate at Burger King before going home. Friend and I went back to church to do another class of SS material and get the bead containers (to make necklaces) ready for Willing Workers. Three of Alan’s kids were dropped and played while we worked and then I brought them home with me.
    Wednesday we had Bible study. Rain started again just at the end and it was hard so we all got wet but fortunately, it’s just water – ha. After eating, I left to go get a couple of 4-Hers. Water was running across the road so rather than going around what I thought was a pile of mud, I drove over it and it was a piece of wood and I was stopped dead in the water (no pun intended). Ralph came with his H tractor and pulled me to the corner and turned us around and got us home. Yes, I did good damage (about $1000). So Lori took the girls to council meeting instead. Alan came the next mornng and put the car on his trailer and took it to the shop. Ralph cleaned up his work car and we are using it for now.
    Thursday I was at home and actually got some things that have been on the list for a long time done. I caught a ride with a neighbor to Willing Workers. Our speaker told of their adoption journey which was very interesting. Friday morning we went to town – glad we were home by noon as the car as no ac and only the back windows open. Today I was home the entire day. I baked rolls and straightened the house. Will just have 11 of us for dinner. And since Alan only does the message two more times, we’re going to go to their church. We have Bible School at our church this week so I’ll have Lori’s three girls here. Lucy is teaching and the other two are attending. So they’ll get to help clean up the Sunday leftovers and then I have plenty to keep us fed and some activities to do.

    Isabella, you’re in your last month before retirement. Any special plans when you don’t have to get up to go to work?

    Tammy and Sheryl, hope all is going well for you.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all! Did my usual shopping Saturday and also went to the farmer's market for my local honey and Target. I was really surprised but they had a nice bag of organic nectarines at Target for a really good price. Also got a bag of organic apples. I was very happy.

    Came home and made us a late breakfast of over medium eggs and toast. Read my book in the backyard afterward. I nice restful afternoon. Sprouts had a special of hatch chiles chicken sausage on sale so I bought some and that is what we had for dinner. I cooked them with bell pepper & onion. We ate it with mustard and had green beans and mac & cheese on the side. Very light and tasty!

    Today I will prep some food for the week but still had leftover greens so I'm not going to cook a batch this week. I bought some shredded beef for dinner. I'll cook it with peppers & onions (do you sense a theme here?!) ;) and serve it with tortillas.

    Debora, I don't have any real plans for retirement other than reading more books in my backyard. Doing some chores in the house that I've been putting off. Dan and I are going to go thru the house and decide what to keep and what to get rid of in case we are going to move which it seems likely we are. The not so good neighbor that was next door who went to TX for work and rented his house out, is not going to renew the tenant's lease. Supposedly his son (college age) is going to move in for a short time but who knows. We're concerned that he is going to move back here and we really don't want the strain of having them next door again.

    Bummer about your car! When will you get it back? Very nice that you went to Alan give the message at church. How was it?

    Well, I'm going to get going and get on with my day!

    Have a great week all!!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies, just to let you know that I have gone back to work with an old employer making the same amount of money per hour as when I got laid off. GOD is so awesomely GOOD!!!! My hubby had retired out early and the day he came home and told me this, I also had news for him that I was going back to work the following week.

    God's timing always happens at the right time. That is why I have not been around in a while and I will try to stop by when I can. Thanks for sending up prayers.

    Got to go and get ready for bedtime, take care talk as soon as I can. <3
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week of Bible School is in the books. This one was at our church and Lori’s three girls spent Monday through Friday here. So we froze Sunday leftovers and cooked (heated up, etc) all week. Had two times where you could “order” from the leftovers and then Ralph and I did more of them today. We’ll finish up the taco meat and pancakes on Monday or Tuesday and then work on Sunday leftovers – doing hamburgers and hot dogs tomorrow. We had a western theme with Bible School and studies Moses. Our offering was going to pallets of food going to Ukraine and we almost tripled the goal they set. Of course, parents, etc. paid better than usual for work done so that helped. There was also a continuing skit during the week which we enjoyed. I went each morning and helped with line up and then back at noon to get the girls. This year a woman in our church wrote the material, the director’s mother illustrated in. The director wrote the theme song and another person wrote the skit. So fun to watch them using their skills. Then there were all the teachers and helpers and craft leaders – lots of people involved and around 160 kids attended. Lots of fun.
    I didn’t plan to do much except fix meals and do coming and going and keep them happy – which was quite easy to do. I’ll get back into things this week. Hubby and I went and did our shopping this morning. Yesterday I hit a few garage sales and got some items for shoeboxes. So the week was different but very good and now we’ll head into the new week.

    Isabella, going through the house will take some time and reading more books sounds like a wonderful idea. Yes, you do wonder what will happen with the house next door. Would you stay in the area if you move.
    Alan did do a good job. It was Ascension Sunday so that was his topic. It was a small group but that’s what they have (it was 13 with us). Hope it helps when they get a regualar pastor although that pastor will be doing two churches. His kids came to our Bible school and enjoyed it.
    We got the car back on Tuesday and then I picked the kids up and it wouldn’t start. So Ralph has been driving it and I did the brown car. He’s had no trouble so don’t know why I did. We certainly don’t need any more expense.
    Had a shelf in the basement collapse (probably had too much book weight on it. AS I moved things around, I saw several I’ll let go but for know stuffed them back on. I talked to lady on Friday that wants a dish for deviled eggs. I have several I never use (they only hold 12) so I’m going to give them to her. That will be one thing out of the house.

    As far as I know we’ll have 17 here for dinner. Then in the afternoon, Ralph and want to go to the Parade of Homes and see two of the house Derek built for it. The one won pick of the parade in it’s price range and got 7 awards so proud of Derek’s work.
    I teach the SS lesson tomorrow – story is on Peter as a fisherman and Jesus calling him.
    Have a good week and enjoy your last 14 days of work.

    Tammy, that is wonder news. Is it full time? How close to home? Since it's a place your used to work, probably didn't take long to settle in. Yes, God is good.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, It's been a nice weekend so far. Did my usual shopping yesterday. Then came home and Dan and I had breakfast of over medium eggs and sausage and toast. A nice treat. Then I puttered around the house for a while. We had an early dinner of leftover chicken fajitas over rice. We watched a brittish TV show we found on demand called Ten Percent (since our usual shows have all gone on hiatus). It was entertaining enough so we watched 2 episodes. We'll probably watch more of them in the next few weeks. There is also a mini-series starting tonight for about 6 weeks called Dark Winds about native american police detectives. It is a murder mystery by author Tony Hillerman who is famous for writing murder mysteries that take place on Navajo lands. We have programmed it to record and we'll see how it goes. I plan to make a frozen Trader Joe's lasagna for dinner tonight. It should be pretty good.

    It is rewarding to see that the gal that I am training to do my job is finally catching on. Makes me very happy and she is feeling more confident. It is my actual 20 year anniversary this Friday June 17th so my boss and the gal I am training are going out to lunch to celebrate.

    Debora, so nice that Derek's homes are on the parade of homes and that one of them has won several awards. You are right to be very proud of him! 17 for dinner sounds crazy but I know you're used to it. SO nice to have family there to have family dinners with. You all are making memories that the younger ones will treasure for a lifetime! If we move it will be out of California.

    Tammy, SO happy that you got your old job back. God is indeed very good and his timing is always perfect!

    Have a blessed week all!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    edited June 2022
    Debora, so glad to hear that all went well with Bible School. When I was a kid I loved to go to vacation Bible School also I would go to the Bible camp meeting with my grandma every so often. Also congrats on meeting your food collection for the Ukraine people.

    Isabella, do you have an idea what state you may move too? You can always consider Texas, yes it gets hot but we don't have a state income tax and there are some really beautiful area's too but then there are so many beautiful places in other states as well. Just stay away from any of the major metro area's, I live 50 miles west of Ft. Worth which is as close as I want to be. Property taxes aren't to bad but it depends on where you are.

    I work for OHM Pharma which is a homeopathic company and is approximately 4 miles from my house, I'm still learning my new position and most of the personnel are new folks. I am an assistant to the production supervisor and there is allot to do and learn.

    My hubby is doing okay and he is just now getting around to feeling like doing more around the house.

    Take care friends, GOD Bless and will be back later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    A hot week has gone past – about every day was at least in the 90s. Sunday afternoon we went to the Parade of Homes and saw two Derek had done in different price ranges. Both are nice and have a good use of space. We stopped at Target and got refreshments for 4-H. Monday night was 4-H so I got the calendar ready and fairbooks ready to hand out. We didn’t have a large group but had some good talks. Tuesday I was home and felt like I got some things on the list done. I started hiding ends in the last bunch of hats Lori’s family have finished. Wednesday was Bible study. Thursday we went in for our wellness check and when we left, the car didn’t want to start. It finally did so I called friend and said we were just going home. After we got home, it kept starting so we drove it to a hot dog meal and a baseball game. Friday morning when I went to walk, it did not start so I took the brown car. Ralph got the red car going again so we took it back to the shop to get a started put in. I suppose it’s related to the accident I had. Hopefully, it’s good after that. Thankful for having a second car to use. We got our shopping done and were home by noon. I started on the house and continued today. I baked rolls so made the ac work harder. :) This afternoon we went to a wedding. Such a young couple – 19 and 20 I think. Had a nice meal at it – ham, potatoes, green beans, dinner roll, fruit salad and cheesecake. Now back home. Will just have 12 here tomorrow. Doing pork chops in the crock pot, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, cantaloupe and ice cream sandwiches for dessert. I had a box left from last week and it will be just enough for this week.

    Isabella, congrats on your 20 years. And so nice that the one you are training has gained confidence and learned what to do. A friend of mine is retiring and they are giving her 9 days to show the new person. I don’t think that’s enough but that’s what the board decided. Glad you’re finding some shows to watch. I’ve been watching rewatching some older crime drama shows. Guess this would be a good time to cut down on TV but a lot it’s my background noise. I’m sure your lasagna was good. I’m sure there will be lots to think about it moving. God will direct you.

    Tammy, how nice that you only have to go 4 miles for work. How long as it been since you worked for this company? I’m sure you’ll catch on to everything – give yourself some time. Glad your husband could take some time to relax and enjoy some down time. It’s a big change for him.

    Enjoy your week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all, It is supposed to be in the low 90's this week. I guess summer has arrived! We had a REALLY nice day yesterday! After I did my shopping Dan and I went for a nice long drive then stopped for lunch at our favorite mexican restaurant which we hadn't been to since before covid. I was very pleasantly surprised that Dan was up to taking a long drive. He hasn't been up to it for quite a while.

    Today I plan to make a kinda sorta beef stroganoff. I'm going to use ground beef and cream of mushroom soup along with fresh mushrooms, onions, and sour cream. I'm going to pass on the wine since I don't have any and don't want to buy some just to use 1/2 cup and have to "cook it off". I'm also going to make a pasta salad for during the week since it is going to be hot so I don't want to cook much.

    Had a very nice lunch with the girls for my 20th. We have a guy from our home office in FL coming to town on Tues to what he can do to help Pam transition into my position. It should be an interesting couple of days.

    Debora, sounds like you had a good week. Hope it cools down a tad for you.

    Tammy, the new job sounds good. We are considering AZ & AK but TX could possibly a consideration as well. We'll see what God has in mind.

    Well, gotta get going to church. Have a great week ladies!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, did my usual shopping today plus a couple other stores to get some different items I don't get at Sprouts or Trader Joe's. I also got my car washed.

    Got home and had something to eat and did a load of laundry and now I'm here. :) It is 90 degrees right now so I'll wait till later to sit outside.

    This coming week is my last week at work. Friday July 1st is my last day. The transition is going as smoothly as possible. The visit from the guy at home office wasn't as big a deal as we thought. He mostly explained the process on their end after we submit the contract. I had a list of questions or concerns and we discussed those too. All in all I'd say we spent about 4 hrs which is fine. He took Pam and I to lunch both days so that was nice.

    Well that's about all that's going on here. Have a great weekend!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, have had a good week but busy in that we were out almost every night. Monday night was softball, Tuesday was t-ball and tennis except that lightning stopped the tennis, Wednesday night was some really good volleyball, Thursday was a visitation for Ralph, our Walmart shopping and a softball game, and Friday was getting together with friend, eating at Walmart, a visitation and seeing some relatives we’d not seen for some time due ti covid and then Dillons. By doing our shopping in the evening, we cut out one trip to town which we think about with the price of gas. Although it hasn’t slowed us down too much. During the day I plugged away on things at home. I never run out of things to do. Ha. Tuesday our foods group took cakes and we got to do the birthday part at the local nursing home in person and then we went to the church and a friend did a demonstration on making her rolls. She did such a good job. Wednesday was Bible study so I got nice breaks from the house.
    Today I got the house straightened and food ready. I mised up meatloaf, made potato salad, baked rolls, a fruit salad and the birthday cake (cake mixes sure don’t rise very high). We’ll just have 15 tomorrow as two are at youth retreat. Then in the evening tomorrow, we going to fellowship meals so that will be fun.

    Yum, Isabella, the beef stragonoff sounds good – how did it turn out. And the Mexican restaurant would have been fun. Glad it’s still in business. And you had a fun lunch with the girls – lots of good eating. Hope the transition time goes well. Just four more days for you – does it seem real.
    We’ve been warm here too. Had a couple of days over 100 – but mostly 90s but the next two days are supposed to have a high of 75 and then we’ll creep up again. I’m very thankful that our air conditioner works well. We use our ceiling fans too. I’m glad I enjoy being inside and the evening ball games have all been comfortable with breezes.

    Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy 4th of July. We have no special plans. It will just be a regular day but that’s just fine with me. Last Monday we went to Kansas City with 16 boxes of Bibles to send to Kenya. Ralph had to get a tire fixed first so we didn’t leave till about 9:30 but we did the books, went to two book stores and ate two
    meals and were back home around 7. Just a fun day. So Tuesday felt like Monday and it was nice cause I had no where to go. Wednesday was Bible study. That evening we went to a 7:45 t-ball game. Thursday we went to town so I could work with my friend. When I came out of the Manor, Ralph had the hood up on the car cause it had overheated. I went back in to try and get water and got two large styrofoam cups full. That didn’t fill the radiator much but in the meantime, Ralph found a hose that was working so we filled it up and headed home – prepared to stop If the temp started climbing. PTL, we made it all the way home – didn’t run the ac so that helped. So instead of eating out, I fixed tuna sandwiches and then we went to the softball game. Friday morning was our regular errands. When we got home, I saw a package on the porch. Couldn’t think of anything I ordered. Turned out to be a three month supply of the expensive blood thinner Ralph is on. We had filled out paperwork to get help with the cost but we also got a letter saying we wouldn’t get help. That was at the same time I had just sent another paper asked for and that must of changed their minds. But I had no idea it was coming. That was a nice surprise. This morning I went down to empty the dehumidifier and found a black snake by the sump pump. Alan came over and caught it and carried it outside. I don’t freak out but don’t enjoy finding them. Browned ground beef for tacos today. Finally caught on that I bought 3 pound chubs and not five pound ones last week when they were on sale. So I paid more for 3 pounds then I would have for 5 – just a silly mistake. I mad the meatloaf last week as if it was five pounds and it did taste okay but now it makes sense why it all got eaten. Live and Learn. And I think the three pounds will get us by for tomorrow – just won’t has many leftovers.
    My oldest sister spent a week in the hospital cause the sore on her foot got infected. She said it looks much better and they were able to get more fluid off her legs. Her granddaughter has hired someone to check on her a couple times a day and help her some and it sounds like that is going well.
    Tomorrow will go to SS and church. Will just have two families here. Then a missionary couple who are on furlough from the Ukraine and spend two months in Poland helping with relieft efforts will be talking at church in the evening.

    Isabella, it’s July so you are officially retired. How does it feel? Did you celebrate or just enjoy not have to get up and go to work.

    Tammy, are you settled into the new job?

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, It will be in the low to mid 80's this week so it will be a nice relief. Then Saturday & Sunday it will be back up to the low 90's. Did my usual grocery shopping as well as Ralphs to get hotdog buns, etc.

    I am now officially retired! Friday July 1st was my last day. It was a very nice day. I set everyone up for success to the best of my ability so it is now up to them going forward. It was also Employee Appreciation day company wide so we had a caterer come in with BBQ. We had the choice of either beef brisket or pulled pork sandwiches. Then choice of homemade wavy chips or baked beens. I chose 1/2 Brisket & 1/2 pulled pork with the coleslaw on the side and the potato chips. Everything was delicious! At my "exit interview" my boss said she had no idea just how much work I took off her plate and took care of for her. :)

    Dan and I went out to dinner last night to Carvers. Neither of us felt like steak so I had a french dip sandwich and he had fettuccini alfredo with tenderloin tips. Then afterward we went to a new icecream shop that just opened up and each had a scoop of premium icecream. It was a lovely evening.

    Today I had to keep remindig myself that I don't have to do all my chores and meal prep today because I don't have to go to work tomorrow so I can do this stuff anytime I want to. :) Dan Says that it will be somewhat more of an adjustment for him because he is so used to being by himself during the day. He asked me to be patient with him. We're going to relax for a week or so then begin the work of reducing our belongs a lot more and deciding where we want to go. I'm praying the Lord with give us unity and a spirit of cooperation.

    I got some sad news today. One of the girls in my bible study group suddenly started having pain in her leg. They took her to the emergency room where she was rushed in to surgery because they determined that she had a brian anneurysm. She came thru the surgery but they said there is no brain activity so she will be a vegetable. Her daughter decided to pull the plug today. We will see her again in heaven but it is so sad. Just shows you never know when it's your time. We bible study girls are going to get together on Wednesday night to honor her.

    We don't have any plans for 4th of July except to walk out the door at 9pm and watch the fireworks. I'm going to make hamburgers.

    Debora, sounds like you had a couple of good weeks. My stroganoff came out pretty good. At first I didn't put in enough sourcream so it was a tad bland so when I heated the leftovers I added a LOT more sourcream and it was very good.

    OK, have a great week! Happy 4th of July!!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Everything is going well with the job, hubby is doing alright with retirement, he's starting to get more things done around the house.

    I hope your all having a great Independence day. If you get to watch fireworks enjoy. We are super dry around here and not to many people are shooting of fireworks.

    Take care and I'll drop back in on another day.

    Be blessed and stay safe.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, temps are in the high 80's today. Also a bit humid. I did my usual shopping and also went to the farmer's market to get some local honey, a nice piece of salmon and some green beans. Came home and made roast beef sandwiches for lunch. They were very good. Not much else planned for today. I'll probably read my book.

    We had a nice 4th. We went outside around 9pm and several of our newer neighbors were already hanging out together so we joined them. We all chatted and enjoyed the fireworks. It turned out to be a very nice evening.

    It was pretty much a relaxing week but yesterday Dan and I really gave the kitchen a good cleaning. We dusted the ceiling fan (it was majorly caked with dust!), washed the floor, wiped down all the counters, etc. Then we went out for late lunch/early dinner to our favorite which is Hamburger Factory. I had a hot pastrami sandwich and he had a cobb salad. Then we watched a Hallmark movie at night.

    Not much else going on. We will work on other stuff in the house this coming week.

    Tammy, very happy to hear that the job is going well! Also nice that hubby is getting things done around the house.

    Debora, looks like you're very busy as usual.

    Have a great week all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another week is in the books. Sunday dinner here and missionary couple speaking on Ukraine in the evening. Sunday was a quiet day at home. Didn’t do anything special. Ralph did meet Thomas at church to load 12 boxes. Sunday we had loaded 11 in Alan’s vehicle. Their daughter had an appointment in KC on Tuesday so Ralph had the idea that we would take the rest of the boxes up. So they left on Monday and we went Tuesday morning and got there just enough ahead of them to unload and get the paperwork done. Now Ralph doesn’t have too much left at church. We enjoyed a stop at a thrift and a relaxing lunch at McDonalds. And we got home in time for Ralph to go to a visitation.
    Wednesday was Bible study. In the evening I went to the fair superintendent meeting and Ralph went to t a meeting at church about a church camp in Paraquay. Thursday morning I went and refilled the bead containers for our women’s meeting. Then went to the meeting in the evening. Our speaker was unable to come but that let us enjoy more visiting. Friday we went and did errands (except for cold stuff) and then on to bigger town for my yearly appointment with the cardiologist. No changes so didn’t take long and I’m good for a year. Ate and then went to a bookstore and found a few books on sale. Then home and straightened the house. Today I went and did check-in for the 4-H fashion revue. Always fun to see the outfits. Then I shopped for the cold stuff and came home to fix out sandwiches. Got stuff ready for tomorrow and thought I’d chat with you before I headed for bed.

    Isabella, nice that your boss recognized how much you did. They’ll manage but will miss you. Both you and Dan will have some adjustments – be like the weekend all the time. And yes, the Lord will guide you. How sad about your Bible study friend. We never know.
    Your evening of the 4th sounds like a lot of fun. And you and Dan are working together well. Good to do but spreading it out is nice too. My ceiling fans are probably quite dusty too.

    Tammy, glad you are enjoying the job and hubby his retirement. Sorry to hear it’s so dry. Of course, it doesn’t take long after we get a rain to want more. We had a lot of hot days but plenty of fireworks were shot off.

    Heading for bed now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello again, I'm back :) just wanted to drop in and check on you all. My hubby drove over 150 miles yesterday to go see a friend of his and picked up about 50 pounds of tomato's for canning. We have done any canning of tomato's in a couple of years and the stock is going down, so it is time to stock up again. Some of the tomato's look good and some are still needing to ripen up. Luckily my hubby has build a second work bench in the shop so he set them out on top of that to finish ripping. So hopefully we can get be able to can them all within the week, or freeze them, but we will need to do something by a week from today.

    Debora, planting the word of God with Bibles is awesome. God say's that if we plant a seed of the word he will water it and it shall grow. How true that is, I have seen it happen, maybe not as fast as I wanted it to, but it was at God's pace.

    Isabella enjoy the retirement, you deserve it.

    Talk later, God Bless and be safe.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, Did my usual shopping at Trader Joe's and Sprouts. Went nice and early to beat the heat and the crowds. I know I can go during the week now but still like going on Saturday mornings. Maybe that will change later but for now I'll stick to my routine for the most part.

    Didn't do much this week other than read my book. I'll probably do laundry in the next day or so. Made plans to go to lunch with a friend and get our toes done on Wednesday. Looking forward to it. Also made an appointment for a well care physical. The earliest they had was Aug 10th but I haven't had one since pre-pandemic so I figured I'd get things checked out. I think Dan is getting anxious about the decisions we are going to have to make soon. I'm trying to give him space to get ready to discuss things and work on getting ready.

    Debora, I'm surprised you had a quiet day on Sunday. Are you having the usual group over for dinner tomorrow?

    Tammy, Wow, lots of tomatoes to can. My mom always canned tomatoes so she could make fresh spaghetti sauce every week. It was a lot of work. Thanks for the kind words about my retirement. :)

    OK, I'm going to go do some reading about my medicare coverage. Wondering if it includes going to a gym thru silver sneakers. I found a gym program that sounds really good but it is expensive. Before I ask if they take silver sneakers I want to make sure I have that coverage. I also have to choose a new book since I finished one yesterday.

    Have a great week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Ladies, Did my usual shopping yesterday. Then had a hair cut appointment in the afternoon and picked up Jersey Mike's subs afterward. It was a nice quiet simple day. Started a new book I got at the Dollar Tree. Can't beat a hard cover book for $1.25. Jumped right into it and am enjoying it.

    Got a lot of paperwork done for rolling over my 401K, etc. and notified my auto insurance that I'm now driving less since I retired so I'll get a bit of a discount there.

    Enjoyed lunch and pedicure with my friend last Wednesday. I chose a coral color for my toes and paid the extra $5 to have a flower painted on my big toes. We ate at a Mexican restaurant afterward. I had a nice time.

    Tomorrow I'm going to have a trial run with the expensive exercise program/personal trainer to see if it is a good fit. If so, I'll sign up for 18 sessions. That's about all I can afford. We'll see how it goes.

    Not much else going on. Hope you ladies have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I have been MIA. We had the County Fair which went through a weekend and the next one zoomed past and we’re coming up on another weekend. The fair was good. It was hot but most of the jobs I do are inside jobs so in the cool. I went for a good part of most of the days. Help with crochet/knitting judging and educational notebooks, watch the swine show, visiting with people I don’ t see often and enjoyed eating food I didn’t have to cook. On Saturday we went a 65th wedding anniversary of one of our son-in-laws grandparents. Fair clean up was Tuesday (fair started Thursday before) The next Friday we went to an anniversary celebration for three siblings. Oldest celebrating 60 years, middle 55 years and youngest 50 years. Delicious food and felt special to be included cause it wasn’t a large group. Had a couple of days at home so got a little more delcutering done. Got the bed cleared off but started a new area and covered it again. Working on a box of paper now and there are several in the room so will be there for awhile.
    This coming Sunday through Wednesday another sister and I are going out to visit our oldest sister. It’s partly to give her granddaughter a break during their county fair and partly to see if we think she’s doing as well as she was in April. She sleep in her recliner so said we can have the bed so won’t have motel costs this time. :) So tomorrow will do a load of laundry and pack. Bought enough frozen dinner to get hubby by while I’m gone. Too much sodium but he knows how to do them. And Marie Callendar make pretty decent ones.
    Woke yesterday morning and had electricity everywhere but for kitchen and living lights and wall between. Fridge and stove and microwave work so that’s good. Hubby and youngest son checked out what they could but have to call an electrician. So we are using the light above the sink and light on the fange hood to get by. Hope it’s fixed by the time I get back next week (along with the other three things we need fixed). Hubby has also caught another coon and possum but still has something bothering stuff outside.

    Tammy, I suppose all your tomatoes are canned by now. Enjoy. Tomatoes are late coming for people around here. I suppose the heat hasn’t helped although the last couple of days have been cooles with a bit of rain.

    Isabel, nothing wrong with keeping your Saturday routine. It works well for you. You seem to be enjoying the slower pace. The Sunday during the fair we had everyone meet at Freddys. It was a pretty costly meal but fun to see them all. Last Sunday we just had 11 of us. Bought bone-in chops and cut out the centers and put in the crockpot. Then after I took them out, I dumped in the bones and meat left on and cooked up some broth and took the meat off. It’s been good over rice. And no one for the next two weeks – leaving after church Sunday and the next week we’re invited to a birthday dinner.
    What did you find out on the medicare coverage – some do have gym coverage. I checked out several books today – reading through their Tracie Peterson books. Will take one along on the trip. How often will sessions be with the trainer? Hope you enjoy them.

    Well, better get a few more things done and dig out the suitcase. 4 days is a long time for me to be gone. :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Our internet went down last weekend so this is the first time I have a chance to check in since we got it up and running again. Our DSL internet is with AT&T. They don't want customers using DSL any longer - they want everyone to switch to U-Verse but they haven't sent anything telling us to switch. They are just not maintaining the DSL equipment anymore. They only have 2 techs that know how to work on the DSL equipment. The others don't even know what to do to fix it. I prayed before I even got out of bed on Wednesday and we did get one of the DSL techs who had it up and running within the hour. God is good! We will have to bite the bullet soon and make the switch so we don't have to deal with the DSL issues.

    Did my usual shopping today. Then called an old friend because it is her birthday today. We had a really long conversation. It was great getting caught up. She is going to call another mutual friend of ours and we will go to lunch when they are available.

    I haven't seen my doc yet (appt is this coming Wednesday) but I got the results of the blood work back and my A1C is very high at 15 which is way in diabetes range. I know she is going to want to put me on metformin but I can control this with lifestyle changes. I had been eating a lot of white rice for weeks before the tests plus my gym has been closed for a year so I haven't been exercising enough. Also was eating a lot of candy at work right before retirement. I'll make several changes in my eating (low carb) and let her know that I've started an exercise program and suggest that we check again in a few months.

    Debora, Hope your trip is going well and that your sister is doing fine. I haven't read anything by Tracie Peterson. I just looked her up. The books sound good. I'll add her to my list of authors. I signed up for the strength training. The sessions are going good. I like the trainer. I'm hoping that I can take what I learn and use it in our clubhouse gym when my sessions are all used up. I checked with medicare and they do offer gym memberships thru silver and fit but not the gym that I am going to. I will probably sign up with one of them when my sessions are over.

    Tammy, hope work is going well and that hubby is happy to be retired.

    Sheryl, in case you check in - happy birthday and hope you are doing well.

    Have a blessed week all!