Did you go to the gym today?



  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    Twice a day. We have a gym on my work campus. I do an abs class or weights for about 40 minutes at lunch then go back after work to run for 60 minutes or some kind of cardio class. Love the gym on campus! Never busy and so many different choices of what to do!
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    Yup, 45 minutes of strength training and then I forced myself to jog 20 minutes on the treadmill ugggg :D
  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member
    Awww yeah. Up at 5am, in the gym at 6am. Banged out some heavy chest and tricep work then did 45 minute spin class...then went back for a few more chest sets.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Sounds like everyone was killing it!

    Went swimming
  • Yup I normally go every work day as I use my work's gym. As my off day varies as well as my shift some times I get two rest days together or they are spread out. I started two weeks ago initially at 1 hour or thereabouts but now I'm going for two hours a day and burning about 1100 calories on cardio daily. Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other in making that fat cry(sweat)
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    No excuses. The gym is literally 5 minutes from my house, I pass it on the way home from work.

    Go for an hour, 5:30-6:30.
  • chelsmccann
    chelsmccann Posts: 37 Member
    Yeah! 20 min on the treadmill, and made 11/12 min on a 12 min mile! Woohoo! Then a bit over 30 min weight lifting - full body day. I love the gym :)