Anyone else scared to weigh themselves?



  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I hate my scale. I'm 5'7" and I'm at 150lbs. That's my 'happy' weight. It's not the number I want to be, I would prefer 125-130lbs, but is have to starve and deprive myself to get there. I'm currently doing bo staff training, running, weighted hula hoop, and insanity. If I cut back on calories, I will get too tired and weak. I go by tape measures, and a before and after photo. I actually gained weight according to my scale, but I now have defined lean muscles according to side by side photos.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    The worst part is getting on the scale when your sure you've lost and you've gained.

    Weigh yourself in the evening before bed. You know it'll be high, then in a few days weigh in the morning. Which should be less. Maybe you can mentally trick yourself. But the number on the scale isn't every thing. I use how my pants fit as an indication.

  • AbsoluteTara79
    AbsoluteTara79 Posts: 266 Member
    Step on the scale. It's a measure. A number. A tool to help you reach your goals. It is not a valuation of you as a person.
  • LuFindy
    LuFindy Posts: 28
    Thanks everyone! Really appreciate the help and motivation! xox
  • lisac195
    lisac195 Posts: 54 Member
    edited January 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    lisac195 wrote: »
    Unfortunately for some of us who are not very tall (I'm 5'1") 1200 calories only lets us lose a half pound a week. So you can't really say that it isn't enough. If I eat more than 1400 net calories a day I gain. That is just how it is for me.

    Back to the OP, you have to be aware of where you are so you can keep track of how much you lose. That really is a good motivator once you get going. You can do it.

    Well I was talking about total calories, not NET, as I'm assuming the OP isn't eating back her exercise calories (when she really should).

    Heck a 55yo woman who is 5 feet, 100 pounds and sedentary would lose weight on 1200 calories (total).

    Sorry I misunderstood. I guess my point was that sometimes when you are very short even 1200 net calories will only give you a half pound a week loss so if you go over that AT ALL you won't lose. Sucks to be short and older. Ask me how I know this.
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm terrified even when I'm tracking calories and eating right. I hate being discouraged, but I've started seeking wins from other sources. Like NSVs
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    I think knowing your weight is important in developing and fine-tuning your weight loss plan. You can try and guestimate the calculation for your TDEE now, but that calculation would be much improved if you know your weight, log your food/exercise accurately, and track how those inputs/outputs are affecting your weight.

    Without those data, you might be flying blind more than you need to be, making your weight loss efforts less effective/efficient than they could be.

    Good luck, OP!