February Chat



  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Haha ....... I may have made a mistake not bringing the tooth home .... No pearls for me! Lol

    Jean :(
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    Hi peeps:

    Just checking in to let you know we survived the flu. I'm telling ya, it's pretty scary when you only go out ONCE and manage to bring home something nasty. >:) (We got our flu shots, too)

    We're both still coughing up gunk (sorry) but tomorrow I am planning to get back into exercising. I just haven't had the energy..

    I may even weigh myself tomorrow tho it's not my day... For some reason, everything tastes "off" and I haven't been hungry. I'm just picking at meals; the other night I left it all and ate yogurt.

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Cris, glad you are on the mend. That flu is no fun...
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Is there a weekly weigh in today on top of Feb Challenge?
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    I'm off tomorrow to spend 11 days with my Mom. This will be a challenge since she has no scale and her daily routine includes cookies and Haagen Daz. In the past I've tended to drift in that direction when I'm there.

    HOWEVER! Now that I've got my weight lifting routine going at the gym (which I love love love), I found a video on YouTube which I'll be able to access through my laptop and "keep up the good work" while I'm there.

    Chris and Jean - Glad to hear you're on the come back trail!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    I can't keep track of it all.

    But. GOOD news.. I'm down 3 pounds this morning.
    The food tracker keeps telling me that I'm not eating enough, but I haven't been hungry.

    Also, this means I've lost 7 lbs since December 29. (That's 7 lbs I should not have gained in the first place but I will draw a veil over that fact and focus on the positive.. ha)

    My blood sugar is high this morning... I don't get that at ALL. :s Oh well. Onward.

  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Chris - Illness can cause a rise in blood sugar. Not to worry!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    I love love love the humor you are showing. It's brightened my morning soooo much. Thank you!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    You're right about that, Joan... I just always expect that these things will level out more quickly.

    Thanks for the reminder, I shall cease Grumpy Mode at once.


    Good luck on the Cookies and Haagen Daz trail.... that's going to be a challenge!!

  • LillianPag
    LillianPag Posts: 25 Member
    Joan I spent yesterday with my mom...it was just one day and it threw me totally off. She literally brings out food every hour and then pouts if you don't eat.

  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    edited February 2015
    Talk about Grumpy, Chris! I had to weigh in for the 12-week weight loss and fitness campaign at my gym last night and was 8 POUNDS higher than the nudie-cutie, post-pee, AM weight I log on MFP. Even though I knew why, I felt mildly depressed last night. Fortunately the scale this morning told a different story - so - ok now.

    Hey - fatwidow - how would you feel about posting your real first name?? Maybe you have already and I missed it, but personally, I find it so much easier to type real names instead of the online ID names. If you don't want to - I understand completely, and really, yours isn't hard to remember. xxx
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Joan: Look for the subject: February Challenge - Weigh-in; Report #1- Baseline
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    Oh NOoo... That's tough.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Joan, when you got home did you step on your scale to see if it agreed with the gym. If so, the weight you are getting at home is correct. I always weigh more at the doctor with my close on, mid day, etc. but I checked it out w/our scale at home and it agreed, so I just do not pay any attention to what the doctor scale shows. Joni
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    Oh, Joan.. don't you HATE that? >:)

    YEARS ago I belonged to Weight Watchers, and at one point they changed from the old Doctors' Office type scale to a digital scale. It showed me being UP 9 lbs from the week before.. which is probably physically impossible,(Unless one spends all day every day eating hot fudge sundaes) and completely "off" from my home scale, which showed me being down 1 pound from last weigh in. I was so mad that (sadly) I quit. Wish I still weighed whatever that higher weight was. HAHAHA

    Here's something curious.
    Since I got the flu (yes I'm still coughing) I have found that my taste buds are completely off. I would have expected this at the worst point but it's lingering. It's like I have become a "super taster" and I can taste all kinds of subtleties in food that I didn't notice before. And not always in a good way. We went out for Mexican food last night and I swear, the tortilla chips were subtly rancid. I didn't say anything; my husband thinks I'm nuts (which is not unusual) Ugh. It is really weird. It's like I'm my picky 5 year old self again; I take a bite or two and then just...push it all away because some weird, "off" taste comes floating to the top.

    I guess it's a good thing, especially if it helps me eat less. But it's VERY strange.

  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    Joni - good point! I'm going to compare after the next weigh in.

    Chris - Maybe you're pregnant. :p
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    There was some interesting news today. MFP has been bought out by Under Armour.

    I wonder what changes we shall see.

    Chris...I hope you get well soon. That is not a fun way to lose weight.

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    JoanLovell wrote: »
    Chris - Maybe you're pregnant. :p

    Joan, you just made me laugh out loud. ty!

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all - love the valentines post you are so inspirational and have such great quotes etc. Thanks Nice group already posting in Feb. Well, I have been trying very hard since my kids left but still the same weight at least no gain but I really want to get serious. We have a lady in the park who does the core program COREin8.com it starts with a detox program and goes to an ignite program then thrive...it is an 8 week program and you eat every 3 hours and all is to stabilize your blood sugar which is what I need for my recent diagnosis of diabetics. I just spent $318.86 on the program which was for protein shakes and boost cleanse. I have the eating plan and will start a week from tomorrow as had to order the stuff. Wish me luck I have been on every diet you can imagine and promised after the Dr. Oz cleanse last year I would never do anything again except eat better etc. I just feel I need restrictions right now and a kick start so hope this is the answer. Thanks for listening and I will keep you posted. Linda