My 600 Pound Life?



  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Something else I was thinking about, that kind of bothers me, is that a lot of these people are hermits. It makes me wonder how prevalent this super extreme obesity problem is, really. Since these people on the show are the people who had the courage to come forward and expose themselves. It's difficult to imagine how many there are whom lack the courage, and are still suffering silently, with their shades drawn... with no job, no friends, no one knows they even exist except their enablers and perhaps the government who may or may not be cutting them a check every month. :(

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I know at least 10-15 of hand who could fall into the super mordity obese category. Not all of them are homebodies but most of them are. Some for the fact it's hard for them to get up and around and others cause they are too ashamed. It's really hard to see these people. Most of them I have known a long time and are really good people. But then I know a few drug addicts and alcoholics who are really good people too. Addiction is addiction.
    I think as far as the show goes, I'm sure most of them applied online and are getting assistance for the surgery in exchange for filming it, which I think would explain why we keep seeing a lot of low income people. It has nothing to do with only poor people are fat, but that is all we see because that who is applying on the show. Despriate times call for desperate measures I guess.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    I missed the charity episode, but I will say this show is like watching a car accident. Its intriguing in a bizarre and macabe way. I usually have compassion for most of the people on the show.

    However, there was an episode with a woman named Penny that made me want to find her and kick her in the face. You could tell by the end that her husband was just willing her to drop dead every time he looked at her.

    But in reality, he's getting something out of it too. I'm no psychiatrist and God knows any actual shrink would have a field day with my own life, but Penny's family seems to be this whole codependent sort of thing. The husband seemed put-upon...but almost in a martyrish way: "She needs me, it's good that I'm needed, and look at how much I do with never a complaint." Again, I can't accurately judge that as I certainly don't have the credentials, but I very definitely got that feeling, for some reason.

    I was talking to a friend about this show, and he was doing the "fat people just need to put the fork down routine" and I said when you can't get out of bed and you're still gaining weight, there's more going on. No one gets to be 600 pounds in a vacuum. All of these people have some psychological and relationship issues that need to be addressed in order for real changes to occur in their lives.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Uh huh.

    So, Charity's episode was interesting. Apparently her fiance is her daughter's half-brother. Like he's a kid of her ex-husband's, who is her daughter's father. Gross. And he's barely old enough to drink. Blech.

    Holy *kitten*, you guys called it. How did you find out?
    Could you imagine if she and whats-his-face had a child? What would that kid be in relation to Charity's daughter? Like her cousin/sibling? *raises eyebrow* blech.

    The ex-husband would say, my son just had my grand son with my ex-wife. He liked his step mother so much he married her? I wonder how his father feels about his boy staying back and wiping this woman's bum. Hopefully not anymore with the weight loss?????

    What's an acceptable level of makeup for a professional or any woman?

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited March 2015
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Uh huh.

    So, Charity's episode was interesting. Apparently her fiance is her daughter's half-brother. Like he's a kid of her ex-husband's, who is her daughter's father. Gross. And he's barely old enough to drink. Blech.

    Holy *kitten*, you guys called it. How did you find out?
    Could you imagine if she and whats-his-face had a child? What would that kid be in relation to Charity's daughter? Like her cousin/sibling? *raises eyebrow* blech.

    The ex-husband would say, my son just had my grand son with my ex-wife. He liked his step mother so much he married her? I wonder how his father feels about his boy staying back and wiping this woman's bum. Hopefully not anymore with the weight loss?????

    What's an acceptable level of makeup for a professional or any woman?

    I looked it up (she's from my hometown so I was quite curious) and her fiance is her ex-husband's brother. They met when he was 8 and she was 25. Sounds like she at least waited for him to be 18 before they got together. So an uncle-stepdad rather than a father-cousin, I think. Either way, it makes my brain hurt to make all the family connections.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Uh huh.

    So, Charity's episode was interesting. Apparently her fiance is her daughter's half-brother. Like he's a kid of her ex-husband's, who is her daughter's father. Gross. And he's barely old enough to drink. Blech.

    Holy *kitten*, you guys called it. How did you find out?
    Could you imagine if she and whats-his-face had a child? What would that kid be in relation to Charity's daughter? Like her cousin/sibling? *raises eyebrow* blech.

    The ex-husband would say, my son just had my grand son with my ex-wife. He liked his step mother so much he married her? I wonder how his father feels about his boy staying back and wiping this woman's bum. Hopefully not anymore with the weight loss?????

    What's an acceptable level of makeup for a professional or any woman?

    I looked it up (she's from my hometown so I was quite curious) and her fiance is her ex-husband's brother. They met when he was 8 and she was 25. Sounds like she at least waited for him to be 18 before they got together. So an uncle-stepdad rather than a father-cousin, I think. Either way, it makes my brain hurt to make all the family connections.

    The daughter and baby would be both sisters and cousins!

  • Larissa_NY
    Larissa_NY Posts: 495 Member
    Jesus. It's like Jerry Springer and Jenny Craig had a meth-fueled threesome with the front page of People of Walmart.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member

    Lourdesong wrote: »

    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Uh huh.

    So, Charity's episode was interesting. Apparently her fiance is her daughter's half-brother. Like he's a kid of her ex-husband's, who is her daughter's father. Gross. And he's barely old enough to drink. Blech.

    I haven't seen this episode, but that's just creepy. But I suspect that the relationship between them is actually more mother/ son than boyfriend/ girlfriend in reality. He may be in it because she brings in a government check and he can mooch without getting a job. She may be in it because she found someone she can basically order around to do things she can't in order to enable her lifestyle. Again, haven't seen the episode, so I don't know for sure. It makes me wonder what will become of them if she succeeds in getting her life on track and doesn't need a caretaker anymore.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Thank you for your fascinating and valuable contribution to the thread.

  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    So he's her ex bother-in-law......hmmmm He looked more like her son than her boyfriend.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Thank you for your fascinating and valuable contribution to the thread.
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I actually just watched a couple of episodes last night. And while I do agree that the people who are bringing them their food are enabling, has anyone noticed that most of them are also overweight? They are contributing to their own future show. Sad.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Lourdesong wrote: »

    deevah62 wrote: »
    Thank goodness I don't get this television station.

    Uh huh.

    So, Charity's episode was interesting. Apparently her fiance is her daughter's half-brother. Like he's a kid of her ex-husband's, who is her daughter's father. Gross. And he's barely old enough to drink. Blech.

    Holy *kitten*, you guys called it. How did you find out?
    Could you imagine if she and whats-his-face had a child? What would that kid be in relation to Charity's daughter? Like her cousin/sibling? *raises eyebrow* blech.

    The ex-husband would say, my son just had my grand son with my ex-wife. He liked his step mother so much he married her? I wonder how his father feels about his boy staying back and wiping this woman's bum. Hopefully not anymore with the weight loss?????

    What's an acceptable level of makeup for a professional or any woman?

    I looked it up (she's from my hometown so I was quite curious) and her fiance is her ex-husband's brother. They met when he was 8 and she was 25. Sounds like she at least waited for him to be 18 before they got together. So an uncle-stepdad rather than a father-cousin, I think. Either way, it makes my brain hurt to make all the family connections.
    Ah, that's not as bad, I guess, as far as familial relations go...right?
    Not sure how I got mixed up on the details, but apologies that I did.

    Robertus wrote: »
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »

    What's an acceptable level of makeup for a professional or any woman?

    It wasn't just her makeup, it was her whole get up from head-to-toe. She looked like she spent half a day in hair, makeup, and wardrobe and her look was more that of a dancer in a pop music video than a mental health professional.
    But to answer your question, when your look is so distracting and disjointing you're not taken seriously. I certainly didn't take that person seriously.

  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    edited April 2015
    I like season one best, because everything was over the span of several years. Melissa's story (season one episode one + two) is by FAR my favorite.

    Now the stuff that happens in their life seems more forced/staged (divorces, marriages etc.) because it's cut down to only the span of one year.
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    haysavam wrote: »
    I like season one best, because everything was over the span of several years. Melissa's story (season one episode one + two) is by FAR my favorite.

    Now the stuff that happens in their life seems more forced/staged (divorces, marriages etc.) because it's cut down to only the span of one year.
    Just saw Melissa's story the other day. My favorite too.

  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    Chays story is on now... He's 23, 600 pounds but still very mobile. Probably due to his age
  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    Ameengyrl wrote: »
    Chays story is on now... He's 23, 600 pounds but still very mobile. Probably due to his age

    I know- I'm watching it right now, LOL!!! It's what made me think of this thread. I really hope he's lost the 40 pounds!!!! GO CHAY!!!!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I just got passed the first commercial break of Chays story and I feel really bad for him :(
    Moreso than most of the others for some reason.....