My 600 Pound Life?



  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure tlc pays for everything (surgery, Dr. Now), but not sure about that.

    I think so too. Does it make anyone else smile every time the caption comes up "Chay is driving to Houston to visit a doctor who specialises in surgery for patients his size"? I always think "Ooh, surprise me! Is it a different doctor?!" Also, how old do you think Dr Nowzaradan (sp?) is? That dye-job isn't fooling anyone.

    It says on healthgrades that he's 70. I like Dr. Now though. The only thing I wish he'd do is make a point to get ALL of the patients into some kind of counseling. I've noticed on the show that most of the time if they get therapy they tend to do better.
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    edited April 2015
    Not all but some obese people receive government benefits from being obese. Aka disability. I know a lady in our town who receives benefits due to being obese. Lower income families also receive government benefits. That probably explains amount it takes to buy food.

    I'm sure at his grandparents age, they would receive medicare and all. But I'm just guessing of course.

    He did seem very sweet. I liked him alot better than Penny and some of the rest.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure tlc pays for everything (surgery, Dr. Now), but not sure about that.

    I think so too. Does it make anyone else smile every time the caption comes up "Chay is driving to Houston to visit a doctor who specialises in surgery for patients his size"? I always think "Ooh, surprise me! Is it a different doctor?!" Also, how old do you think Dr Nowzaradan (sp?) is? That dye-job isn't fooling anyone.

    It says on healthgrades that he's 70. I like Dr. Now though. The only thing I wish he'd do is make a point to get ALL of the patients into some kind of counseling. I've noticed on the show that most of the time if they get therapy they tend to do better.

    They all have to undergo a psychiatric eval before they're approved for surgery (never shown on TV though). Yes, they could all use some therapy, but they may be resistant. Or maybe TLC doesn't want them to have therapy to increase the drama.

  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    They didn't have insurance ok I can maybe buy that, but most low income people use the ER as their family doctor. And if they didn't have insurance they must be insanely rich to afford all the food it took to feed 3 people (2 morbidly obese) and also to afford out of pocket gastric bypass (an elective surgery). Unless the Dr. is doing these surgeries for free (or TLC is paying for them)...
    Not trying to start anything, but it just is so sad to see these people pass because someone didn't listen to them enough to care.

    I tried to google how much the cast is making being on the show with no luck. However I am sure you have to sign a paid contract to be a cast member on the show and I am going to speculate that the surgery and care is included.

  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure tlc pays for everything (surgery, Dr. Now), but not sure about that.

    I think so too. Does it make anyone else smile every time the caption comes up "Chay is driving to Houston to visit a doctor who specialises in surgery for patients his size"? I always think "Ooh, surprise me! Is it a different doctor?!" Also, how old do you think Dr Nowzaradan (sp?) is? That dye-job isn't fooling anyone.

    It says on healthgrades that he's 70. I like Dr. Now though. The only thing I wish he'd do is make a point to get ALL of the patients into some kind of counseling. I've noticed on the show that most of the time if they get therapy they tend to do better.

    They all have to undergo a psychiatric eval before they're approved for surgery (never shown on TV though). Yes, they could all use some therapy, but they may be resistant. Or maybe TLC doesn't want them to have therapy to increase the drama.

    I really, REALLY want to know how Penny got past the psychiatric evaluation. You may be right about the drama side of it though, which is really sad.
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    I suspect the psychiatric eval is mandatory, perhaps required by Dr Now's malpractice insurance or just the standard of care, which it would be stupid of him to ignore for practical, medical, and liability reasons. My wife is a therapist and she is now doing these evaluations once a month for all patients undergoing WLS. It is required in the hospital where she does this.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2015
    cathipa wrote: »
    They didn't have insurance ok I can maybe buy that, but most low income people use the ER as their family doctor. And if they didn't have insurance they must be insanely rich to afford all the food it took to feed 3 people (2 morbidly obese) and also to afford out of pocket gastric bypass (an elective surgery). Unless the Dr. is doing these surgeries for free (or TLC is paying for them)...
    Not trying to start anything, but it just is so sad to see these people pass because someone didn't listen to them enough to care.

    How is everyone so sure the grandmother didn't go to the hospital? All we know is that they showed the clip of the grandmother saying her chest was tight and then the text was displayed that she died. Not everyone survives a heart attack, even with medical attention - even, in fact, with immediate medical attention.

    Perhaps the film crew wasn't around when it happened - I mean the film crew doesn't live at the person's house for days or weeks, correct?

    A heart attack can be quite sudden and may initially be mistaken for something else (my grandfather thought he was having indigestion). I think it's jumping the gun a bit to assume that either the grandmother had no medical resources or that they just didn't care enough to take her to the hospital. If the family did think to alert the camera crew in the middle of all this (which would have been weird) we don't know that the hospital, unlike Dr. Now's hospital, didn't say, "Sorry, we do not allow camera crews in our ER Bay sticking their cameras into the ER crew's faces while they are attempting to save old women and no, you may not drag your equipment into our ICU."
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Chat called 911 so it would seem the hesrt attack happened at home. I may be getting my shows confused but for some reason I think it is this show that only has one camera following them. I do not think it is a crew following them 24/7.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    The first episode I watched was the one for Chay - it made me cry because I just felt so bad for him when his grandmother passed away (my mother passed away when I was about the same age and I know how hard that is to deal with - I went the opposite way for a while and just didn't eat much and lost a lot of weight - I didn't start gaining until I was a bit older) and then when he started to finally follow though, and get the counseling, and lost weight, I admit it totally made me happy. I know when he was in the giving up part after his grandmother passed away I kept thinking that he needs to keep doing it and now he has one more reason - to get healthy and honor his grandmothers memory. She wasn't in it much but I got the impression she really wanted him to lose the weight. When he went to that gym and was exercising I have to admit I thought it was awesome and was really cheering him on - and I normally hate reality shows but this one (well this episode at least) just really got to me.

    And he did say that she was at the hospital when she passed away. But I don't remember them saying it was a heart attack so I missed that part but I agree that the tightness in her chest comment just gave me a bad feeling.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature
  • fellowtraveler87
    fellowtraveler87 Posts: 41 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Something else I was thinking about, that kind of bothers me, is that a lot of these people are hermits. It makes me wonder how prevalent this super extreme obesity problem is, really. Since these people on the show are the people who had the courage to come forward and expose themselves. It's difficult to imagine how many there are whom lack the courage, and are still suffering silently, with their shades drawn... with no job, no friends, no one knows they even exist except their enablers and perhaps the government who may or may not be cutting them a check every month. :(

    They are definitely out there. I used to deliver home medical equipment, we specialized in wound care. Most patients were paralyzed or amputees or otherwise bed ridden for some reason beyond their control. But there was maybe 5% or so that were in this super obese category. Very sad. Medical equipment companies make an entire line of homecare products for the super-obese (this line is 'politely' referred to as "bariatric"). There is a whole population of homebound people living in the shadows with the blinds drawn. I hated that job but it was a big eye opener to what was out there.

    Aside from the people themselves, you'd also be shocked the type of home environments people live in. Just ask anyone who's job involves regularly visiting peoples houses (ie, cable guy, HVAC, plumber, etc). I've seen it all from wealthy million dollar perfect homes to complete squalor - animal feces on the floor worst stench you can imagine homes in the worst neighborhood of town.

  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    Chays grandmother was actually complaining of chest pains and felt "tight" earlier in the episode. He said in the voice over right after she'd complained that he was worried about her. Poor lady...
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    avalters wrote: »
    I find it can be motivating to watch, until I watched the one last night where the girl was only 23. That pissed me off. To be 650lbs at 23 means her parents allowed her to essentially do and eat what she wanted. That puts the blame on them.

    You do have a point, but when I was 11 and about 125, my mom schlepped me to the GP who put me on a 1000 calorie diet (with cottage cheese on the menu, yuck) and then she made me ride the exercise bicycle for 3 miles every day. Great intentions, no doubt. Don't know what effect it had on my body at the time, but it set me up for a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, unhealthy habits and a lot of self-loathing. My own kids went through "chubby" stages at puberty, and while lean and healthy now, they blame me for that time because I didn't do anything about it. Bottom line: being a parent is a no-win situation because we never seem to get it right no matter what we do!!

    ditto! I think we had the same childhood...I had to eat cottage cheese and something called melba toast :( yuk!!

    I like cottage cheese and melba toasts lol

    mmm melba taost dipped in cottage cheese.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature

    I would never read a thread on a show if I was not caught up on the latest episode, after all, what is the point of the thread if not to discuss the show!

    Likewise I stay away from the internet all together if I have not watched the latest episode of certain shows that are most likely to be posted about. It is only not a spoiler once the show has aired.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature

    I would never read a thread on a show if I was not caught up on the latest episode, after all, what is the point of the thread if not to discuss the show!

    Likewise I stay away from the internet all together if I have not watched the latest episode of certain shows that are most likely to be posted about. It is only not a spoiler once the show has aired.

    Ten minutes in you're giving the mother of all spoilers?? Guess that's why spoiler tags were invented on some forums :)
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature

    I would never read a thread on a show if I was not caught up on the latest episode, after all, what is the point of the thread if not to discuss the show!


  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature

    I would never read a thread on a show if I was not caught up on the latest episode, after all, what is the point of the thread if not to discuss the show!

    Likewise I stay away from the internet all together if I have not watched the latest episode of certain shows that are most likely to be posted about. It is only not a spoiler once the show has aired.

    Ten minutes in you're giving the mother of all spoilers?? Guess that's why spoiler tags were invented on some forums :)

    I was ten minutes in, the show was close to over.......
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    OMG ten more minutes in and his grandmother dies?? Poor kid :'(

    :laugh: Classic. Good thing I avoided this thread until just now when I got done watching. Gotta say, I'm loving the MFP bookmark feature

    I would never read a thread on a show if I was not caught up on the latest episode, after all, what is the point of the thread if not to discuss the show!

    Likewise I stay away from the internet all together if I have not watched the latest episode of certain shows that are most likely to be posted about. It is only not a spoiler once the show has aired.

    Ten minutes in you're giving the mother of all spoilers?? Guess that's why spoiler tags were invented on some forums :)

    I was ten minutes in, the show was close to over.......

    Eh. I'm over it. Was mostly just poking fun, anyway. On forums that mostly exist for TV shows I think the spoiler tags help people in a different time zone, or if you inadvertently showed up to discuss an older episode. But that's not our primary purpose here so this is quite sufficient :)
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Did anyone ever happen to catch a glimpse of Chay's grandpa after his wife passed? Just devastated :(

    Man, the scene where they went out to eat was just brutal to me. On the one hand you should be able to vocally enjoy an epic meal even though you're eating with someone who's "dieting". On the other hand... dunno :|
  • haysavam
    haysavam Posts: 74 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure tlc pays for everything (surgery, Dr. Now), but not sure about that.

    I think so too. Does it make anyone else smile every time the caption comes up "Chay is driving to Houston to visit a doctor who specialises in surgery for patients his size"? I always think "Ooh, surprise me! Is it a different doctor?!" Also, how old do you think Dr Nowzaradan (sp?) is? That dye-job isn't fooling anyone.

    It says on healthgrades that he's 70. I like Dr. Now though. The only thing I wish he'd do is make a point to get ALL of the patients into some kind of counseling. I've noticed on the show that most of the time if they get therapy they tend to do better.

    They all have to undergo a psychiatric eval before they're approved for surgery (never shown on TV though). Yes, they could all use some therapy, but they may be resistant. Or maybe TLC doesn't want them to have therapy to increase the drama.

    Therapy is a pretty private thing. I think the therapy they show on the show is staged, and real services are provided privately. Just my opinion though.