Keto for Broke People



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    edited February 2015
    DittoDan wrote: »
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Dagnabbit. Anybody know of a cheap tuna that DOESN'T have soy in it?

    Ditto that. And you can't get it packed in oil anymore (more fat demonization). (I did see some in olive oil, but that's not the same as the original oil they used to put in it 30 years ago.)

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    You can, but all the ones I've seen are packed in soybean or canola oil. :pensive:

    (I'd rather add my own fat source, anyway.)
  • rachel0923
    rachel0923 Posts: 137 Member
    We are on a tight food budget for five people. I find that it is easier to maintain the budget with low-carb rather than other ways of eating (maybe because we don't eat out as much?). I purchase meat and eggs in bulk at Sam's Club, we don't eat organic, I purchase our other ingredients at a discount grocery store (Aldi around here usually has the best prices). We participate in a CSA during the spring-summer, but the produce isn't always low-carb friendly (but really, did squash cause me to gain all that weight?). I try to prepare everything we get from the CSA every week, and if I can't use it that week, try to preserve it for later (canned or frozen). We eat mostly frozen produce during the winter. For the kids, I make their tortillas, bread, and rice dishes from bulk ingredients. I find that it is mostly about shopping the ads if needed, shopping discount, planning, and prepping. If I don't do this, our food expenses could easily be over $1,000 a month. The amount of milk consumed by the kids could easily suck up my entire paycheck!