Indian food is different



  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Damnit now I want Indian food!
    The place near me makes a mean tandoori salmon, and their Dal Makhani (insert Homer Simpson drool here) OMB it's ALL ghee and I don't care!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    exchanging notes with East Indians about eating right to reduce weight and getting better fitness...

    Indian food can be very delicious and full of good lean proteins and vegetables and wonderful spices. I love it personally. Unfortunately, there's nothing inherently healthier or less healthy about the food itself, and I've had several Indian friends who got obese eating traditional diets, mostly because they were eating big portions and worked in an office so they got little exercise.

    Like a lot of traditional cultural cuisines, the recipes were created to make the most of scarce ingredients for people who worked physically much harder than we do today. In the end, it's not the type of food that gets you to lose weight, it's how much of it you eat compared to how much you exert.