Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Welcome ladies!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I can't wait to hear how you like all the workouts! Wait until Beast Cardio!!! It's not your momma's treadmill! LOL
  • jonesie220
    jonesie220 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome! I found a group for support with Body Beast 1st round. I started yesterday because a friend took my advice and started on Sunday. I wasn't going to start until after vacation in October. I do a lot of running also, as I have a Half Marathon the end of September, but this will be my 5th Half in three years. I was just on the CLX Push phase so I am used to lifting heavy weights. It was my 3rd round of CLX.

    After reading this thread, I going to use the calories required via the myfitnesspal, but adjust the Carb/Proteins/Fat as the program suggest for the Bulk/Build phase. I lost 45 pound three years back to my goal weight, but slowly 10 found it's way back to me. I have been able to lose 4 pounds, but I still want to lose the last of it and define my body.

    I am looking to implement PiYo into my routine with BB. What are you recommending as routines and when with BB?

    Any other help is greatly appreciated.

  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Just started this week and glad to find some active ladies! I've completed Insanity & T25. Going to throw in some PiYo, but only went through 1 month of the routine (I was getting bored with it alone). Good luck!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies! So, for those of you who are including PiYo into your routine. Here's my suggestion based on experience! LOL NEVER do PiYo Buns on Body Beast Legs day! LOL I could barely make it through Buns! I will say that I think the combo of these programs is amazing! If you think about building muscle and then leaning it out with PiYo is great!

    Today I have Bulk Legs; one of my favorites!
  • retrochick81
    retrochick81 Posts: 6 Member
    Just got my Body Beast in the mail today - and I'm super excited to start.

    The only question I have is - I'm in the middle of T25, week 4 of Alpha.... should I wait to complete the entire T25 program before starting Body Beast? Has anyone ever done a hybrid of these two with success?

    I still have weight to lose, but I really need to build muscle. :)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just got my Body Beast in the mail today - and I'm super excited to start.

    The only question I have is - I'm in the middle of T25, week 4 of Alpha.... should I wait to complete the entire T25 program before starting Body Beast? Has anyone ever done a hybrid of these two with success?

    I still have weight to lose, but I really need to build muscle. :)

    Yeah!!!! I would start BB whenever you want and continue on with T25; seeing as how you want to lose some weight, extra cardio can't hurt! I do extra cardio now with my routine too.
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have a question about the equipment needed to do Body Beast. Would I need multiple dumbells, or would an adjustable be ok? From what I saw on the add, you switch weights in the sets, so would there be enough time to deload/load an adjustable, or would that just not work at all?
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have a question about the equipment needed to do Body Beast. Would I need multiple dumbells, or would an adjustable be ok? From what I saw on the add, you switch weights in the sets, so would there be enough time to deload/load an adjustable, or would that just not work at all?
    Adjustable a will work but it is hard to switch fast for the next set. I prefer my set of dumbells over the adjustable . I use 5, 10,12,15,20 and 25! I don't use my ez curl bar or a bench though!!
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have a question about the equipment needed to do Body Beast. Would I need multiple dumbells, or would an adjustable be ok? From what I saw on the add, you switch weights in the sets, so would there be enough time to deload/load an adjustable, or would that just not work at all?
    Adjustable a will work but it is hard to switch fast for the next set. I prefer my set of dumbells over the adjustable . I use 5, 10,12,15,20 and 25! I don't use my ez curl bar or a bench though!!

    Great, thanks for your quick response. I'll definitely look into getting a few more. I've only got 2kgs and 5kgs.
  • Sarahsteve7kids
    Sarahsteve7kids Posts: 146 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I have a question about the equipment needed to do Body Beast. Would I need multiple dumbells, or would an adjustable be ok? From what I saw on the add, you switch weights in the sets, so would there be enough time to deload/load an adjustable, or would that just not work at all?
    Adjustable a will work but it is hard to switch fast for the next set. I prefer my set of dumbells over the adjustable . I use 5, 10,12,15,20 and 25! I don't use my ez curl bar or a bench though!!

    Great, thanks for your quick response. I'll definitely look into getting a few more. I've only got 2kgs and 5kgs.

    For the legs I don't use ANY weight yet! The exercises alone kill me and I need to work on form! I think you could easily get by with out the 20 and 25pound dumbells too! I do have a pull up bar and have a cheat strap that I love!!! I feel like I am doing a pull up but the adjustable strap is helping me!
  • jonesie220
    jonesie220 Posts: 3 Member
    I have a friend that started BB/PiYo a day ahead of me. Well she found out the same. I thought is she crazy because the PiYo Buns itself if tough. LOL

    I was out of town a day and half, but I'm back at it. Shoulders done this morning. Loving it!
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Hoping to get my first workout in today! Have about 20 lbs to lose. Excited to get started. Thanks for the inspiration ladies!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!!! It was Bulk Chest for me today! One of my favorite workouts!!! I love working chest! And that quiver that you get in your pecs is awesome!!! Good stuff! :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! Push play and do whatever it takes!!!
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    What to do with no pull up bars (subsituted of pull ups)? My home is "elderly" so I do not want to put stress on my door frames\jams.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    What to do with no pull up bars (subsituted of pull ups)? My home is "elderly" so I do not want to put stress on my door frames\jams.

    So, for a substitute for pull ups, you can do one of two things, either use bands, if you have something to attach to your door or a place to attach them to or you can use free weights and basically do a bent over row with palms up; does that make sense?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies! Well, today I did Bulk Arms and my PiYo Buns! I sweat almost as much doing Buns as I do when I do Beast legs! It's crazy but such a good workout!!! I am hoping that by adding it in 3x per week, my tush will be tight and lifted in no time!

    How is everyone doing with the program? Seeing some results? Flexing in the mirror? Come on, we all do it! LOL

    Hope you all have a fantastic day!
  • tag624
    tag624 Posts: 166 Member
    I just started Body Beast Wednesday, I'm trying to lose about 50 more pounds, also plan on adding a couple hours of cardio a week. What size dumbbells do you all currently use?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I just started Body Beast Wednesday, I'm trying to lose about 50 more pounds, also plan on adding a couple hours of cardio a week. What size dumbbells do you all currently use?

    Welcome!! I also add extra cardio too as I've got some pounds to lose! I find that it's working!

    I started with only 5,8 and 10lbs but have increased that on certain moves. I always go heavier on my legs. How are you liking it?
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all!

    I've been thinking about trying Body Beast for a little while now. I still have about 40 pounds left to lose to get to that "ideal" weight. The things I've heard around the internet are that you gain weight with this program due to the lean muscle growth, which is why I've been so on the fence about trying it. However, after reading through all 24 pages of this forum topic... I think you all have inspired me to give it a go! If I add some extra cardio in it sounds like I could still lose the weight.

    So today I shall order the DVDs. Tomorrow I will go to the local store to find some adjustable weights (since it seems like the majority of people here approve of them) or if I can't find those, pick up a few more sizes of dumbbells since I only have 1, 2, 3, and 8 weights. And then I guess, once I get the program in the mail... I'll start! Kind of nervous already but also excited to see some toned muscles! :smile:

    Keep up all the great work everyone!!
  • hmhalleck
    hmhalleck Posts: 10 Member
    I"m starting today Wolffie12! Did you get your program ordered? :)