


  • jordanthesword
    jordanthesword Posts: 21 Member
    Are you sure you aren't at your natural weight? 130 lbs seems to be a healthy weight for your height depending on how muscular you are and your body type.

    I'm not muscular at all and I have a smaller/medium build.
  • determined_14
    determined_14 Posts: 258 Member
    Maybe instead of focusing on weight loss, you could maintain and lift weights instead? I don't know about you, but I love picking up heavy things and seeing muscle lines emerge! I still have some extra pounds/body fat I don't love, but I wonder if you would like your results better if you got firmer/stronger instead of smaller.
  • jordanthesword
    jordanthesword Posts: 21 Member
    Maybe instead of focusing on weight loss, you could maintain and lift weights instead? I don't know about you, but I love picking up heavy things and seeing muscle lines emerge! I still have some extra pounds/body fat I don't love, but I wonder if you would like your results better if you got firmer/stronger instead of smaller.

    I've been thinking about weights but I don't have access to any. Maybe I should buy some?
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Good luck w/o weighing and measuring your food you have no idea how much your eating!
    You don't need to weigh and measure food. Yes, it is possible she is eating more than she thinks. However, all she needs to do is eat slightly smaller portions or cut out a snack...or made a few substitutions with lower calorie choices. It is not necessary to know exactly how many grams you are consuming.

    Some people choose to do it that way, and that's great that they found a method that works for them. But it is not the only way to accomplish the same objective.

  • kbsangel1986
    kbsangel1986 Posts: 153 Member
    edited February 2015
    To answer questions: I am 5'2" I work out for 3 hours every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. I only do cardio. I don't have weights to work with. I will not be opening my diary, sorry.

    No weights? Me either and honestly cant afford to buy any right now. Use canned veggies or water jugs as hand weight or try the free app 8fit or one similar to convict conditioning or you are your own home gym. Strictly bodyweight exercises. Right now, I am doing the 30 day push up challenge (modified)

    As for the diary, mine is open only to my (3) friends, in case I need an outside view when I can't figure things out. You can choose 1 knowledgeable person to view your diary with you (password protected, give them the password. You can always change it later). Maybe they can pinpoint and offer more personalized advice?
    Other: I don't eat meat except on occasion. I don't really know how to cook so I used to eat mostly pre-packaged stuff, I've been replacing that with fruit as much as I can. I do not and never will weigh my food on a scale.

    Nothing wrong with not being much of a meat eater. My sister doesnt eat it much and is happy where as I do and love it. Just make sure you have a good source of protein :smile:

    I don't have a food scale myself (but will be soon for mainly for meat). Instead, i use measuring cups. I preportion my produce (and meat) into single servings for the week, with the amount on the container/bag. I was suprised by how far off an eyeballed serving can actually be (that was where my hidden calories were).

    Feel free to pm or friend me. I have a long ways to go, but have learned some things along the way. :smile: