Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited February 2016
    J4T Monday
    & a whole new month!

    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday :smile:

    2. Try to sneak away from work to go grocery shopping :smile:

    3. Only go over 1200 calories in the evening if I have exercise calories AND if I am actually hungry! :smile:
    4. Remember to ask God for help when start to struggle :smile:

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday
    2. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    3. Pre log food and stick to the plan
    4. Gym - elliptical, weights and core
    5. Only go over 1200 calories if I have exercise calories AND if I am actually hungry
    6. Remember to ask God for help when I start to struggle
  • daniellethesheep
    daniellethesheep Posts: 117 Member
    Stick to calorie/macro goal
    Gym/core work
    No late night snacking after work
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Mum came home from hospital last night, arrived this morning and she is really ill. Mum has a really loose cough, lots of fluid on her chest. My sister could not get her out of bed and had to get help from a neighbour. Waiting for the doctor to arrive.

    Elaine - praying that your mum will be OK.

    Thank you Joan. Doctor said she has a high temperature, chest is clear but the doctor thinks it is the heart medication that is causing the fluid. Mums legs are very swollen but not infected, we are wirried because she is sleeping all the time and slurring a little. The doctor is giving her antibiotics and is chasing up the notes from the hospital. Mum was really cheerful in hospital so we don't understand what is happening. Hopefully she will be a little better tomorrow.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    dealing with an 88 year old self centered Mom who says oh no one is more important than me! Her mom use to call her privileged character. After a phone call with her I usually overeat, not today, I say she is who she is and I don't have to get agitated and overeat. Big for me!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited February 2016

    Mum came home from hospital last night, arrived this morning and she is really ill. Mum has a really loose cough, lots of fluid on her chest. My sister could not get her out of bed and had to get help from a neighbour. Waiting for the doctor to arrive.

    Keep calm and not worry about mum.
    Log Food.
    Drink water.
    Try to be active while at mum's.
    Do my best.

    Sorry to hear about your mum. I will keep you all in my thoughts. Sending positive thoughts your way. :heart: Hang in there, Elaine! :heart:

    @joan6630 I just noticed the beautiful quilt in your profile picture. Did you do it! The colours are wonderful. :smiley:

    ...Commit to yourself, Just For Today.
    Have the courage to follow through.
    Your dreams can come true.
    I know it for a fact!

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey^_^georgia^_^3^_^5^_^Welcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow.
    I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow,
    they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."

    JFT Tues 2 Feb
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise 255 minutes today. It was a dry bright day so went for a long walk.); 9000+ steps (9580); 8 cups liquid. :)
    2. De-clutter 15+ minutes. Holiday mail.
    3. Get up to date with paperwork. Ongoing.
    4. Go to Patchwork this morning. :)
    5. Do more laundry. :)

    JFT Wed 3 Feb
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 9000+ steps; 8 cups liquid.
    2. De-clutter 15+ minutes.
    3. Go to Garden Group meeting.
    4. Do grocery shopping.
    5. Start sorting clothes for Rome next Wed.
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member


    Lots of people have been talking about de-cluttering and I thought this would also act as exercise for body and mind. I googled declutter and I am about to print out the monthly calendars for 2016.
    Log food.
    Move more.
    Stay calm.
    Support those who need me.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Just for today...

    I will put myself first and make some time for some exercise.
  • coramandata
    coramandata Posts: 4 Member
    Just for today I am going to resist all things sweet.
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    edited February 2016
    JFT Wednesday - 3rd snow day in a row for kids. So beautiful!
    1. Mindfully eat.
    2. Play the piano.
    3. Yoga or Y (if they are open today). Walk through snow if the gyms aren't open.
    4. Prepare for meeting tomorrow.
    5. Declutter piano music drawers
  • jet0505
    jet0505 Posts: 69 Member
    Lots of people have been talking about de-cluttering and I thought this would also act as exercise for body and mind. I googled declutter and I am about to print out the monthly calendars for 2016.

    Good luck Elaine! I'm surprised by how "freeing" decluttering can be. Even just one drawer that is no longer filled with junk can bring a smile to your face every time you open it :smile:
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    JFT Wednesday 2/3/16
    Think positive
    Gym at lunch for cardio & weights
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Tuesday
    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday :smile:
    2. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    3. Pre log food and stick to the plan :smile:
    4. Gym - elliptical, weights and core :smiley:
    5. Only go over 1200 calories if I have exercise calories AND if I am actually hungry - the being actually hungry part keeps tripping me up. I want a little snack, just because I have the calories for it, but I'm not really hungry.
    6. Remember to ask God for help when I start to struggle - could have done better at this

    J4T Wednesday
    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday
    2. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    3. Pre log food and stick to the plan
    4. Gym treadmill or zumba
    5. No evening snack tonight, only eat what is pre logged
    6. Ask God for help when I start to struggle
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    No sweets.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 10,000 steps :(
    2. swim a mile :(
    3. around 75G carbs :(
    4. 8 freggies :(

    Ended up with a bad migraine and basically did not eat or leave the house yesterday. Feeling OK today, so:

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. lift heavy things
    3. ~75 G carbs
  • kaykakaraka
    kaykakaraka Posts: 1 Member
    Just for Today 3/02

    So tempted to eat more food I don't need before going to sleep but determined to beat that!
    Just for today I'm going to sleep without emotional eating, knowing I can eat in the morning if I want to!

    New to this thread so thank you all for your inspiring positivity and sharing :)
  • brant710
    brant710 Posts: 134 Member
    Just for today I'm going to walk away from the breakroom with all the Girl Scout cookies.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »

    J4T Wednesday
    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday :smile:
    2. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work :smile:
    3. Pre log food and stick to the plan :smiley:
    4. Gym treadmill or zumba - did not make it to the gym
    5. No evening snack tonight, only eat what is pre logged :smile:
    6. Ask God for help when I start to struggle :smile:

    J4T Thursday
    1. Only weigh myself on Saturday
    2. Plan dinner
    3. Take breakfast lunch and snack with me to work
    4. Pre log food and stick to the plan
    5. Gym - treadmill & core
    6. No evening snack
    7. Ask God for help when I start to struggle
  • JFT.... I am going to "keep calm and carry on" even though I hate this saying with a passion. It sums up what I have to do lol
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited February 2016
    ...Commit to yourself, Just For Today.
    Have the courage to follow through.
    Your dreams can come true.
    I know it for a fact!

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey^_^georgia^_^3^_^5^_^Welcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    "The accountability of posting here keeps me on the straight and narrow.
    I can always find excuses in my head, but somehow,
    they just don't cut it when I see them in black and white on the page."

    JFT Wed 3 Feb
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 9000+ steps; 8 cups liquid. :)
    2. De-clutter 15+ minutes. :)
    3. Go to Garden Group meeting. :)
    4. Do grocery shopping. :)
    5. Start sorting clothes for Rome next Wed. :)

    JFT Thurs 4 Feb
    1. Pre-log/follow through; 90+ minutes exercise; 9000+ steps; 8 cups liquid.
    2. De-clutter 15+ minutes. Cleared out and washed fridge.
    3. Go to dance class this morning.
    4. Prep for Rome next week.
    5. Finish GoTs/Hogwarts task for this week.
    Just for Today 3/02

    So tempted to eat more food I don't need before going to sleep but determined to beat that!
    Just for today I'm going to sleep without emotional eating, knowing I can eat in the morning if I want to!

    New to this thread so thank you all for your inspiring positivity and sharing :)

    Try the No Late Night Snacking Group February 2016 for support and motivation to beat this.
    Go to More... => Community => Challenges, and click on the link. You just post to join.
  • NatalieThomas90
    NatalieThomas90 Posts: 61 Member
    Just for today 4/2

    - I will stay on plan.

    May seem like a simple thing, but I'm having the hardest most unmotivated week :(