


  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    for a half. i was fine with just the water & cytomax sport drink that was provided at the race.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member

    Edit: distance/timing of consuming gels will vary depending on how fast you run. A good rule of thumb is a gel after ~45 minutes, and every 30-45 after that. In my last few I've bent that rule, only because I'm marathon training primarily now and don't take any gels with me until I'm running 2+ hours.[/quote]

    This is how I do it as well. I hate gu. I just don't like the consistency of it. I will use the shot blocks and the sport jelly beans. I won't take anything with me unless I am doing 10+ miles. Yesterday I ran 10.7 miles (I am still annoyed I didn't go 11 but insole issues...a whole another story) and didn't take anything with me. I am running a 1/2 on Saturday and will likely take a pack of jelly beans just in case. Like others have said it is all about finding out what works for you.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would also recommend trying a few different flavors. Some people really prefer the fruit flavors, and some people find them sickening (the fruit flavors make me feel like I will retch). I prefer the less-sweet flavors (like peanut butter, for example)

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I'd also recommend something with a little caffeine. I find that gives me a more noticeable boost than something caffeine free. But if you don't regularly consume caffeine, this may not be a great recommendation because you're less accustomed to it.
  • PowerfulHunt
    PowerfulHunt Posts: 281 Member