
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    My 1st NSV since starting Keto!!! I bought a pair of pants 10 years ago when I started this journey, my motivation pants. I tried them on today just to see if they fit and THEY'RE TOO BIG!!!!!!

  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Yay you! I know how good that feels!

    Mind you - I had a pair of jeans in my closet, size 10 (uk) and finally, I got into them comfortably.
    I had another pair in the closet, supposedly size 12 - but they were j.u.s.t an eensy-weensy too tight... Go figure!

    personally, I've quit taking sizes as a reliable degree of measurement. There IS no standard, I'm sure. I just look at the clothes that once were too small, which now fit, and I'm happy..

    As an O/T aside, I think the Diet and fashion industries should be held responsible, if not culpable, for a high number of teens with body/weight issues.... I went into a fashion store some time ago, and a t-shirt (then) my size (14 UK) was labelled 'XXXL'.

    obscene. Outrageous. I declined to buy anything.
    I see teenagers counting calories and buying low fat stuff and I inwardly weep.....

    Back to topic!!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I just love that my mind-set has done a complete 180, and what was previously something I craved, I now can't even bear to think about.
    Seriously, I could easily, just a few weeks ago, sat down and happily polished off 300g of spaghetti.
    Now, I'm so happy to have found a really good home for all the unopened packs I have in the store-cupboard! And I grimaced as I removed them, too!

    That, for me, is a ground-breaking piece of progress!

    Embracing a new way of thinking about food is half the battle. :) Or most of the battle.... ;)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member

    My second NSV is probably the best one I have ever had in all of my dieting (and there has been a lot over the years). My husband has NEVER had any interest in any diet or WOE that I've chosen, but now...he sees it. He sees that I am losing weight, that I have more energy, that I'm HAPPY! Not only has he asked me to "put him on my diet", but last night he told me how proud he is of me. This may not seem like a big thing, but for me...for us...it's huge. He's recognizing that I'm truly changing my entire way of life and that it's making a difference. <3

    That is just awesome. You will have an easier time going forward with him on board as well.
    I hope you both reach your goals living the same lifestyle.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    cstehansen wrote: »
    My 11 (almost 12) year old daughter has asked me to help her come up with healthier options to take for her lunch. She has been taking Nutella (have you seen the sugar content of this!!!!!) and jelly sandwiches with Pringles, apple sauce and a Fiber One brownie.

    For now, she is keeping the last two, but we have replaced the sandwich with turkey and cheddar (no bread) and the Pringles with sliced bell pepper. She is more like her mother and not big on changing everything at once but rather going one step at a time. Since she is healthy with no metabolic or weight issues, I am not going to push too hard. I think by next school year, we can have her tastes broadened enough to have her whole lunch be healthy.

    This came after she decided I was right about changing her standard breakfast from English muffin with butter and jelly to a small cheese omelet. Her only complaint about it is that because her school lunch time is so early (10:50), she isn't as hungry at lunch. :)

    That's great that she's making the choices. I agree that some change is a good thing. It's learning how to eat that will serve her well long term. IF she ever starts to gain unwanted weight or starts to feel hungry all the time, she will have the knowledge already to take control. I wish I had known about all this much earlier!
    New rep PR on deadlifts today: 310x11 at 168 bodyweight. Probably could have pulled a couple more, but my hips were starting to get wobbly on the descent for the last one.

    That's seriously impressive!
    I bailed on my lifting when I had to drop my gym membership because money was tight but I think I can start it back up again this month! Very excited to get back to it!