Getting started and people who need motivation



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Maybe you need to listen to your body and pace yourself in future. make sure you get back at it though.
  • earlkim1
    earlkim1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I am new to the scene and yes I need motivation. I need and want to lose weight for health reasons and to feel good about how I look again.
  • johnjunior13
    johnjunior13 Posts: 13 Member
    As of tomorrow I'm back on track people feeling a lot better now
  • ntp213
    ntp213 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi johnjunior! Sorry, was in Barbados on vacation last week, that didn't help the routine much ;) but I did swim as much as possible! I've been going daily for almost 2 months and "regularly" for over a year. I began replacing breakfast with a green smoothie in mid Jan, but thanks to myfitnesspal and a good friend who is pretty nutrition savvy I just recently stopped adding a banana to the smoothie - it ate up too many calories and sugars in my day. I'm hoping that will make a big difference. For lunch I am more relaxed - stewed meat and quinoa or on its own, or big salads (Chop't Mexicali Vegan - half kale/half spinach). Dinner I have been going light, chicken and broccoli or quinoa and broccoli something of that sort.
  • yvette_ny18
    yvette_ny18 Posts: 23 Member
    Could use some motivation. Feel free to add me :)
  • johnjunior13
    johnjunior13 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey guys been away from here recently been on and of with bug but back at it now done one gym session today and another at 7 why not how we all getting on??
  • johnjunior13
    johnjunior13 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey people how we doing sorry been deployed away for past 7 months now I'm back in the UK can start to get back into a routine