I just couldn't stay friends



  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I think you did the right thing. I had an MFP friend who was drinking vodka every day, commenting on getting drunk often, etc etc. I don't judge other people's choices and in that case I felt it inappropriate to comment to someone I didn't know. I also grew up with an alcoholic relative so it was a trigger for me. I didn't say anything, just deleted. It still bothers me that I didn't at least attempt to help, but in the end I had to be selfish.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    The problem is when you try to say something to help people they're usually in a bad place where they won't listen to even the best advice and once you make an effort, you're sort of sucked into their problem. I don't like to do that just because it feels like there's a lot of pressure for you to say the right thing and come up with a fail safe solution to every problem. Usually these things go along the lines of friend bringing up an issue, you respond with reasonable advice, they respond back insisting that won't work so what else do you suggest and that's it, you're trapped.
  • _tierachanel
    _tierachanel Posts: 124 Member
    I had the same situation happen to me last week. I had a "friend" that would log things like "Fake meal so I can reach MFP Goals - 1200 Calories" and log a few real foods only adding up to sometimes 300 real calories a day. Her posts were always negative and sometimes scary. I felt sorry for the girl but I had to unfriend her. I'm trying to work on bettering myself and my body and I really didn't want to see stuff like that everyday. You got to do what you got to do sometimes.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I had the same situation happen to me last week. I had a "friend" that would log things like "Fake meal so I can reach MFP Goals - 1200 Calories" and log a few real foods only adding up to sometimes 300 real calories a day. Her posts were always negative and sometimes scary. I felt sorry for the girl but I had to unfriend her. I'm trying to work on bettering myself and my body and I really didn't want to see stuff like that everyday. You got to do what you got to do sometimes.

    That blatantly sounds like an attention seeking thing. Calling a meal that definitely seems designed to get people to notice the problem, because you could just simply put in quick added calories. And that's the problem, people are using MFP as a place to get help and advice from unqualified people for serious problems when they should be seeing professionals.