Personal Trainer available for free advice



  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi. thanks so much for the free advice. I have a question for you. I was diagnosed with tendonitis or tennis elbow in my left arm. it's actually in the muscle in front of the elbow joint, so I'm not sure really what the problem is. I'm right handed. I didn't actually DO anything to bring it on. I've had it off/on for a couple years now. I had a cortisone shot about 3 months ago, and it didn't help. I had to stop my strength training (machines at the gym) becuz it was causing too much pain, so now my exercise is walking only. Do you have any suggestions for me, to get this back under control and heal this muscle once and for all? thanks in advance. Gean.
  • Ive lost 130lbs but my mid section is being stubborn. Can you give me 5 ab exercises to do daily that will blast the fat out of my abdominal area quickly!?
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    aptaylorat wrote: »
    Ive lost 130lbs but my mid section is being stubborn. Can you give me 5 ab exercises to do daily that will blast the fat out of my abdominal area quickly!?
    aptaylorat wrote: »
    Ive lost 130lbs but my mid section is being stubborn. Can you give me 5 ab exercises to do daily that will blast the fat out of my abdominal area quickly!?

    ab exercises dont burn belly fat that is a myth, diet in combination with exercise will get you to burn body fat and get a flat stomach. So make sure you are in a caloric deficit of 300-500 per day and exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    toadg53 wrote: »
    Hi. thanks so much for the free advice. I have a question for you. I was diagnosed with tendonitis or tennis elbow in my left arm. it's actually in the muscle in front of the elbow joint, so I'm not sure really what the problem is. I'm right handed. I didn't actually DO anything to bring it on. I've had it off/on for a couple years now. I had a cortisone shot about 3 months ago, and it didn't help. I had to stop my strength training (machines at the gym) becuz it was causing too much pain, so now my exercise is walking only. Do you have any suggestions for me, to get this back under control and heal this muscle once and for all? thanks in advance. Gean.

    i am afraid you need to consult your doctor or physio as I am not qualified for that medical condition. Obviously you are in pain so you cannot exercise maybe it is just a matter of time and letting it heal. I am really sorry I cant help. In the meantime you can do exersices that don involve flexion of the elbow. deadlifts, squats, chest flys, lunges, lateral raises etc

    Hope this helps
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi--seriously, where does one start with weight training?

    You could start by doing circuit classes, or 3 full body workouts per week every other day.
    when doing a full body workout you can do I exercise per body part for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Legs, back , chest, shoulder, biceps and triceps. that is just an example.

    There are many different workout plans out there you just have to find what works for you, according to your goals, preferences and time available for exercise. Google functional resistance training , it is training based on movement and less on bodybuilding, it will get you strong, fast, agile and looking great.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member

    I have just completed T25 program but since signing up to a 5k have been training for that. As I have a lot of weight to lose what do you think will be better for me doing Insanity or carrying on running? I am 25, 5 foot 6 and 198 pounds looking to get down to 154 and then re-evaluate. I was eating at 1400 calories but since starting running I am finding myself so much hungrier and unsure of what my calorie goal to be.



    stick to running for the time being until you do your 5k run, focus on that. Hunger is normal, you could probably eat a bit more and still lose weight. Just try to be consistent with your intake so you know how much you are losing. If you are losing more than 2 pounds each week then eat a bit more, 1600 per day. if you are losing 1-2 per week then stay at that deficit . try and spread your meals through out the day so you dont get as hungry. After you finish your run , try insanity I know a lot of people who got great results.

    Hope this helps
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member

    I am 38yo, weigh 126kg (have lost 41.4kg in the last year) but I want to start some strength training. Problem is I have Fibromyalgia and Vertigo which stops me from being able to do this in a gym situation. Can you please give me some ideas that I could do from home? I am limited in floor exercises like push ups due to a longstanding shoulder issue.

    Thanks heaps


    Well done on your weight loss!!

    The more gentle the exercise, the better it will likely be for you. Frequently recommended exercises for people with your condition include:

    Warm-water exercise
    Tai Chi

    Other low-impact exercises include:

    Step aerobics (once you're in fairly good shape)

    You could try some resistant bands exercises, or even buy a set of adjustable Dumbbells and do weight training at home. If you Google Dumbbell exercise home workouts you will be able to find hundreds of exercises and then chose the ones you can perform at your current level and that do not put you in any danger of injury. This is just a suggestion and I am not qualified to train people with your condition I am afraid.

    I would advice you to seek the advice of a professional who is qualified in your condition and can design a workout plan for you. These exercises need to be planned as part of a personalized exercise program; if they aren't, muscle stiffness and soreness could be made worse.

    Remember, the key is to start slowly, watch your symptoms carefully, and find the level of exertion that's right for you right now.

    Keep the following in mind:

    Push yourself to get moving, but don't push yourself to do more until you know you're ready.
    Expect some setbacks: you'll need to experiment to find your current level of tolerance.

    Take breaks when you need them, but don't give up! The payoff could be less pain, more energy and a better quality of life.

    Thanks heaps. I am a pusher hahaha. 10,000 steps a day/6 days a week with fibro makes me proud of myself Thanks for the fab the advice. Pushing myself has definitely given me a better quality of life already but it has forced me to be in tune with my body and pull back when I need to Thanks heaps!!!!
  • jennygarofalo
    jennygarofalo Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you!! I am 43 148 5'10. Want to get to 140/145. I have MS, low blood pressure and a somewhat bum left knee:). I am not overweight nor skinny but my body is "skinny fat". I mean no muscle tone. I have been doing on average 4,000 less cals per week. I try to do stairclimber at home (little non electric one that is you having to push down using your weight) for 1-2 hours per day, squats, sit ups etc. I am gaining. My avg has been about 40% carb and 30% for fat and protein. And my knee hurts all the time so I have been icing it today. Any suggestions?
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    James1935 wrote: »
    Hi..thanks in advance. I am a 53 yr old female, weight 157 height 5'2.5". I work out on elliptical and Jillian Michaels for 1 to 1 1/2 hrs every day and have my MFP allocate me 1200 calories a day....I eat back half my exercise calories...300 to 400 for net of 1500 to 1600 per day. I have been doing this since Jan 1st and only down 6 lbs in total....last month I have not lost any weight or inches....any suggestions?

    You could try reducing your calories down to 1300-1400 and see if you lose weight.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you!! I am 43 148 5'10. Want to get to 140/145. I have MS, low blood pressure and a somewhat bum left knee:). I am not overweight nor skinny but my body is "skinny fat". I mean no muscle tone. I have been doing on average 4,000 less cals per week. I try to do stairclimber at home (little non electric one that is you having to push down using your weight) for 1-2 hours per day, squats, sit ups etc. I am gaining. My avg has been about 40% carb and 30% for fat and protein. And my knee hurts all the time so I have been icing it today. Any suggestions?

    There is nothing wrong with what you are doing, obviously the stairclimber and squats will put pressure on your knee so you have to be careful, try lunges the put less strain on the knees. Why don't you try swimming as well. it is great full body workout and cardio. Your caloric intake and diet is good as well. but if you are gaining weight maybe you need to recalculate your intake.

    Hope this helps
  • bb4886
    bb4886 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi im 166lbs 5'5 and 28years.

    I have Arnold chiari malformation which stops me doing any strenuous excersise like running/sports etc.

    I have bought a skipping rope at the weekend though as its low impact and seems to be ok to do with out my head hurting.

    Will i loose weight and tone up using a skipping you reccomend a certain way for a newbie to skipping....i did 1 min yesterday (first day) and was shattered......that was just quick jumps both feet at the same time....
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    toadg53 wrote: »
    Hi. thanks so much for the free advice. I have a question for you. I was diagnosed with tendonitis or tennis elbow in my left arm. it's actually in the muscle in front of the elbow joint, so I'm not sure really what the problem is. I'm right handed. I didn't actually DO anything to bring it on. I've had it off/on for a couple years now. I had a cortisone shot about 3 months ago, and it didn't help. I had to stop my strength training (machines at the gym) becuz it was causing too much pain, so now my exercise is walking only. Do you have any suggestions for me, to get this back under control and heal this muscle once and for all? thanks in advance. Gean.

    i am afraid you need to consult your doctor or physio as I am not qualified for that medical condition. Obviously you are in pain so you cannot exercise maybe it is just a matter of time and letting it heal. I am really sorry I cant help. In the meantime you can do exersices that don involve flexion of the elbow. deadlifts, squats, chest flys, lunges, lateral raises etc

    Hope this helps

    Straight up...I was kinda 'meh' about you giving advice(still lurking and reading though). THEN you did THIS! Super impressed with that. Admitting you aren't qualified for or don't have knowledge of something is HUGE and not something that is seen very often.
    Good looking, wicked smart, humble and kind enough to share information and knowledge with us. I am in serious like with you dude. :D
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    bb4886 wrote: »
    Hi im 166lbs 5'5 and 28years.

    I have Arnold chiari malformation which stops me doing any strenuous excersise like running/sports etc.

    I have bought a skipping rope at the weekend though as its low impact and seems to be ok to do with out my head hurting.

    Will i loose weight and tone up using a skipping you reccomend a certain way for a newbie to skipping....i did 1 min yesterday (first day) and was shattered......that was just quick jumps both feet at the same time....

    Hello , you are skipping the right way :) Just be careful and consult your physician to make sure that you wont have any problems using the rope. keep doing it and always try to do it for a bit more. Maybe take a little break between sets. Do 30second stop for 90sec then do another 30 and repeat this process a few times.

    The idea is to progressively be able to do longer sets. You will lose weight if your diet is in check, now as far as toning up you will need a bit more resistance. Ask your doctor if you could use resistance bands, you can to all sorts of exercises sitting down using those.

    I hope this helps

  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    toadg53 wrote: »
    Hi. thanks so much for the free advice. I have a question for you. I was diagnosed with tendonitis or tennis elbow in my left arm. it's actually in the muscle in front of the elbow joint, so I'm not sure really what the problem is. I'm right handed. I didn't actually DO anything to bring it on. I've had it off/on for a couple years now. I had a cortisone shot about 3 months ago, and it didn't help. I had to stop my strength training (machines at the gym) becuz it was causing too much pain, so now my exercise is walking only. Do you have any suggestions for me, to get this back under control and heal this muscle once and for all? thanks in advance. Gean.

    i am afraid you need to consult your doctor or physio as I am not qualified for that medical condition. Obviously you are in pain so you cannot exercise maybe it is just a matter of time and letting it heal. I am really sorry I cant help. In the meantime you can do exersices that don involve flexion of the elbow. deadlifts, squats, chest flys, lunges, lateral raises etc

    Hope this helps

    Straight up...I was kinda 'meh' about you giving advice(still lurking and reading though). THEN you did THIS! Super impressed with that. Admitting you aren't qualified for or don't have knowledge of something is HUGE and not something that is seen very often.
    Good looking, wicked smart, humble and kind enough to share information and knowledge with us. I am in serious like with you dude. :D

    Thanks :)
  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you! :) We had a guy at the gym who used to be a personal trainer help me one day so ive been doing the exercises he showed me in addition to my routine. The day he helped me i almost keeled over and died lol. For some reason its just hard for me to muster that much drive when someone isnt standing there telling me what to do. Ill try to push harder when im on my own. Thanks for your help!
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    Bump - lurking and picking up some great tips :wink:
  • leoboyten
    leoboyten Posts: 9 Member
    Weight 143
    BF% not sure

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge, you really look awesome and your hard work has definitely paid off. So I would say that I have a slow metabolism in the regards that if I eat more than 1000 cal I gain weight, if I go under I lose weight. I'm not restricting calories on purpose, I just don't get hungry, i've been using MFP to try and be more consistent and eat more. Also I've been using MFP for 56 days to track calories and I've lost over 28 pounds.

    Never worked out before, have done cardio in the past. I still have fat to lose, and I'd probably be down to like 122 pounds by the time I lose all the fat I wanted too. I want to start the ice cream fitness 5 X 5. If I started that workout what would do you think would be realistic calorie intake that would still allow me to keep losing fat? Or should I start to put on weight (muscle) what would be the best calories to start at? What would be the best way to check my body fat %? I have a scale, but I read they're not very accurate.
