Daily check in



  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Ahh @germany03 totally adding strawberries next time, lol. I have to buy more, still working on that gross cookies n cream one, bleh! Lol. And I got a sample pack of quest bars I've been having instead of a shake. omg are they ever good. $$ though!
  • Rubie782
    Rubie782 Posts: 23 Member
    Looking for some input: I have a cookout tomorrow and while I will do my best to watch my portions, I know I will cheat a little. Tomorrow's workout for me is Yoga Fix and I don't foresee burning a ton of calories so I was thinking of maybe doing an extra cardio workout. Thoughts?
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Why not @Rubie782 ? I usually try to double up on yoga days if I can.:) more calories burned is always a plus!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Good thinking ahead @Ruby782. Doubling up can't hurt.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Ab fix (first time) and yoga fix complete...*ack* I can tell that I was not following the workouts like I was supposed to last week. - woke up this morning and decided that I had no excuse to NOT workout today..getting it done! - or at least trying to. Today is going to be a good day!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Back from my trip and scared to see what the scale says tomorrow morning. My jeans were a little loose throughout the trip so I'm not too worried. I can't possibly have eaten the way I did and not have gained some weight and that's okay. I had an amazing time.

    Starting Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution and PiYo so I don't know if I'll be checking in here daily or not. I know we've discussed possibly creating an OT thread. Since I won't be doing either 21DF or 21DFX I don't know. Anyway, I had a fantabulous time and my husband and I are now planning a trip for late September / early October. I have 11 weeks to lose the weight I probably gained on my vacation and a few more pounds on top of that.

    Taking a new round of before pics, stats, and getting ready for another hard push to get it going! So glad to be home, too!
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @SatiaRenee so glad you had a great trip!! What did your family think of your awesome new shape?
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome back @SatiaRenee. I'm sure your trip was amazing. Who's jaw dropped the most when they saw the new you? :)
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    Today I will officially start the 1st round of 21 day fix. I been reading the book and looked up a bunch of things on pintrest and I think I'm ready to give it a shot.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @lisyg3737 welcome, very exciting! Post any questions here, we are happy to help.
  • srschaffer1
    srschaffer1 Posts: 30 Member
    @lisyg3737 Please post any questions if you have them! I've already finished 21 Day Fix and definitely saw a difference in energy and in my eating choices. The shakeology definitely helps too, I love that stuff!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @jpkrueger and @germany03 Yes, they saw it immediately! Rob insisted that I save some of my before/after pics on my phone so I could show them to my mother. She was so impressed, she tried to order the program. I watched her place the order and I even verified it with my coach. So imagine my surprise when my mother received 21 Day Fix Extreme. Not happy. Doubly not happy that beachbody says it will take 1-2 weeks after they receive the return to give my mother's credit card reimbursement. Not cool.

    But she gave me some cash and I'll place her order again and hopefully there won't be any confusion the second time around. To thank my coach for all she's done for me thus far, I'm going to place one more order through her because my step-father was so impressed, he gave me some money to buy myself another program as well. Can you say Brazil Butt Lift? ;)
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @satiarenee that's awesome. Sounds like a great family support system you have there ...to bad your mom's order was jacked up. I'm sure she would have LOVED to start it with you there for show and tell.
    Walked 1.25 miles during lunch today...it's nice to do something for yourself that's good for you.
  • cupcake570
    cupcake570 Posts: 86 Member
    Didn't realize how long it's been since I checked in here. The last few weeks have been hectic with my business but for the next several weeks I'm not as busy. I made it thru my first 2 rounds of 21DF easily but I tried starting round 3 three times and each time I got sick in the first week. Turns out I had a nasty sinus infection that would get worse when my allergies would flare up. I lost my voice twice since end of may and didn't get it back 100% until a few days ago. Lost my sense of smell twice. Doctor put me on antibiotic and claritin. Haven't had much appetite and had trouble exercising since I couldn't breathe for several weeks. I'm feeling about 90% better. We leave for vacation for a week on Saturday and we have a RV so I plan on bringing my containers and packing healthy food. I haven't gained any weight since ending round 2...actually lost 2 more pounds from lack of appetite...so I'll start fresh with the DVD's when I get back. I'm sure we will be doing lots of walking on vacation so that will help. I'll try to check in periodically :smile:
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    I officially started on Monday. I did the Total Body Cardio Fix and wow it was tough! I did the Upper Fix yesterday morning and started today off with Pilates. I wanted to do Lower Fix today instead of Pilates, but OMG my legs are still killing me from Monday's workout! I can barely walk down the steps, let alone do squats lol!

    I loved the Total Body Cardio Fix workout and it really challenged me. The portions are actually much bigger than the containers look...I felt so full after last night's dinner.

    I already feel like I have a lot more energy and I have been waking up early to do my workouts in the mornings. I'm not doing the Shakeology part, but I have worked some protein shakes into my breakfast rotation. I just make it with yogurt, protein powder, (a dab of) peanut butter, and fruit so it really isn't even a shake, but I drink it through a straw :-P
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @jcraig10 sounds like an awesome start!!!!
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    Thanks @jpkrueger - I think so too!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Welcome back @cupcake570 Glad you are starting to feel better. Proud of you for being able to keep the weight loss going even though you were not able to stick with the program.

    @jcraig10 I know reading it it will make no sence because it is totally counter intuitive but I actually felt better at the end of lower fix than at the beginning...and trust me I could hardly wobble up and down our stairs the day after my first workout.lol...I say wobble because you definitly can not call it walking the way I went up the stairs lol

    Need some ambition to press play today - we'll see what happens...going on Vacay *whoop whoop* in less than two weeks and hope I'm not going to undo all I have worked for. - going to good old Deutschland @jpkrueger :) you know how that goes with all the food ...haha.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @germany03 oh boy you'd better starve now so you can pig out there, haha! Auflauf!!! Brötchen all day long!!!! Bier!!! lol I'll stop now
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So I decided to do a little experiment. First round I ate full sized salads and my bathroom habits were regular. Second round, I dropped down to half size salads, and...not so much. I'm 3 days into round 3, have eaten 3 full size salads...and regular again.

    Hopefully that will translate into bigger losses on the scale/measuring tape. I probably won't see a loss til early next week because of water retention from my workouts. DOMS suck, and I have bonus soreness from slipping and falling in the mud yesterday while I was taking the trash out.