Ugh....why didn't i lose??



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Water retention from adding exercise. Not uncommon and will balance out.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Remember that as you're working out you're likely gaining muscle and losing fat. While you may weigh more on the scale, you'll actually be leaner and more toned because you've lost fat and gained muscle. A pound of fat vs. a pound of muscle is a huge difference. Don't get discouraged!

    Actually, it's highly unlikely that would have happened, and since she hasn't reported back in the 7+ weeks since this has been posted, we really don't know what it was
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Hola. If you eat simple carbs they are stored in water. 1 gram of carbs is stored in 3 times as much water. Try to limit simple carbs to immediately after a tough workout only. This is why when you fast you lose a lot of water, the energy is spent and the water it is stored in is let go. Once you realize this they become not worth it--at all. Also and unfortunately you may not notice this until you try to lose weight but females gain up to 8 lbs of water weight TWICE a month. Ovulation and period. Get some Xpel pills on Amazon and slam tons of water. Remember water doesn't move without salt and fat doesn't move without water. Pink Himylayan sea salt is a nice touch to a gallon of water a day. Lots of minerals in there. You could also be estrogen dominate have estrogen stored in your fat cells and need to begin taking some DIM (the lazy form of cruciferous vegetables) to flush those toxins out of your system. If you are pre diabetic your hormone levels will be so high you will gain fat no matter what you do. Try some berberine and see if that works. Also cortisol is highest in the morning when we drink coffee and raise them 30% which last 6 hours. You can't lose fat with high cortisol levels. Try slamming water in the am, then moving coffee to later in the day say 2pm when your levels have fallen. Getting your omega 3's over your Omega 6's can really help. Pure fish oil that is date stamped with a mega antioxidant like alpha lipoic, atralagus or axanthium could also do wonders. You just want to see what is working best for your body because everyone is different. Now makes a nice liver detoxifier, easy to take and has a lot of pricey ingredients in it. Detoxing your liver is a good way to start flushing estrogens and toxins. Your liver holds onto things so you don't get poisoned and if there are toxins in your fat cells, if will refuse you to lose them.

    This made my brain hurt.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Remember that as you're working out you're likely gaining muscle and losing fat. While you may weigh more on the scale, you'll actually be leaner and more toned because you've lost fat and gained muscle. A pound of fat vs. a pound of muscle is a huge difference. Don't get discouraged!

    No. I wish people would stop spreading this. Newbies should know that if they're in a deficit, even with exercise, even with HEAVY WEIGHT or body weight training, you should see the scale drop.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    So much crap, bro science, and bull in this thread, I feel bad for the OP. There are some diamonds in here, but it's hard for someone new to know which is which. @SnuggleSmacks and ninerbuff are on point, to start with.

    It could be water weight from training.

    It could be water weight from sodium.

    It could be water weight from TOM.

    Maybe you're retaining solids. Maybe you overate. Maybe it's a combination of 2, 3, or even 4 of the above. There's no way to know exactly what it is, all you can do is wait and see what the future brings. In the meantime, look at what you are doing and make sure it's on point.

    Here is my generic MFP advice:

    Buy a food scale, weigh and log everything.

    Do cardio if you want, and if you do, only eat back 50% of your calories (if you are losing faster than expected after logging for a few weeks, then up the % you eat back). Lift weights and hit your protein goal to help maintain muscle mass while losing.

    Cheat meals that take you over maintenance will sabotage your efforts. Log the cheat meals too (falls under the 'log everything' rule).

    Eat anything you want in moderation, keeping in mind that your diet will be easier to stick with if you chose foods that make it easier to stay under your calories without feeling hungry.

    Also it would be a good idea to read some of the stickies at the top of the various forums such as:
    Calorie Counting 101
    Logging Accuracy, Consistency, & You're Probably Eating More Than You Think
    A Guide To Get You Started on Your Path To Sexy Pants[/quote]
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I know that the usual thinking is that you should only weigh in once a week, but I actually find it informative to weigh in every day ... at least for a few weeks. My weight ebbs and flows in a pattern throughout a week.

    Maybe try weighing in every day for a little while and see what your pattern is.

    This is my experience too.

    Also, if you just started it's normal for the numbers to go up and down kind of wildly. You might have a starting weight from a low point or have monthly fluctuations going on.

    It also sometimes takes a while to get the right calorie number.

    Edit: also didn't notice it was old. Never mind then!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Hola. If you eat simple carbs they are stored in water. 1 gram of carbs is stored in 3 times as much water. Try to limit simple carbs to immediately after a tough workout only. This is why when you fast you lose a lot of water, the energy is spent and the water it is stored in is let go. Once you realize this they become not worth it--at all. Also and unfortunately you may not notice this until you try to lose weight but females gain up to 8 lbs of water weight TWICE a month. Ovulation and period. Get some Xpel pills on Amazon and slam tons of water. Remember water doesn't move without salt and fat doesn't move without water. Pink Himylayan sea salt is a nice touch to a gallon of water a day. Lots of minerals in there. You could also be estrogen dominate have estrogen stored in your fat cells and need to begin taking some DIM (the lazy form of cruciferous vegetables) to flush those toxins out of your system. If you are pre diabetic your hormone levels will be so high you will gain fat no matter what you do. Try some berberine and see if that works. Also cortisol is highest in the morning when we drink coffee and raise them 30% which last 6 hours. You can't lose fat with high cortisol levels. Try slamming water in the am, then moving coffee to later in the day say 2pm when your levels have fallen. Getting your omega 3's over your Omega 6's can really help. Pure fish oil that is date stamped with a mega antioxidant like alpha lipoic, atralagus or axanthium could also do wonders. You just want to see what is working best for your body because everyone is different. Now makes a nice liver detoxifier, easy to take and has a lot of pricey ingredients in it. Detoxing your liver is a good way to start flushing estrogens and toxins. Your liver holds onto things so you don't get poisoned and if there are toxins in your fat cells, if will refuse you to lose them.

    I didn't realize it was possible to combine that much malarkey into one post. Holy bro science batman!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member

    Haha I missed that it was from April 1! That's not bad though, I've seen ones revived from years ago :D
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    Camo_xxx wrote: »
    What did you do wrong ?

    You ate 10,500 more calories then you burned.
    Watching what you eat is not the same as accurately weighing and logging every bite of food that you eat.
    Exercising is great for your fitness but doesn't make you lose fat if you do not eat at a calorie deficit.

    She said she counted calories and came in under goal every day.

    I took it that he was being facetious.