A lesson learned for me...



  • Jusjerzy
    Jusjerzy Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't had a cheat day since I began eating healthier (6 1/2 months). Now that I'm near goal I decided to go for a sugar-free cupcake (even though I avoid the white stuff) as a treat. I had taken my daughter and her friends to the grand opening of a new cupcake place.

    About half an hour later I had the worst stomach ache and didn't feel right the next day either. Personally I don't think I will try that again for a while.

    I think everyone just needs to find what works for them-cheat day, no cheat day, cheat meal---that's really my philosophy on eating, exercise, etc. Try different strategies until you get it "right" for you.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Having a splurge or cheat day is not about forcing yourself to eat something you don't want. It is about relaxing a little to enjoy a treat now and again. A treat by definition is something you enjoy but don't have often.

    Hope you feel better :flowerforyou:
    Exactly this. Your body wasn't used to that kind of food for the past couple of weeks and then you ended up dowsing your stomach with fatty and fried foods, so it rebelled. A little here or there, but not in such a big way. That's all.

  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    That's the "beauty" of learning to eat better/healthier. When you have those "cheat" days, your body helps you make better decisions by rejecting foods it is not happy with. Next time you will probably choose healthier splurge foods and be happy!!
  • naivivf
    naivivf Posts: 4
    I have the best diet plan, that works for me. "The fast diet" I fast two days, eating only 500 calories and eat normally the other 5 days. Have lost 2 lbs per week for the past 4 weeks.